May 2019 Moms

Group 2 check in 11/26

This thread is for those due May 8-14

Due date/W+D: 

Baby is the size of a(n): 

Any appointments? Questions?:


How are you feeling?: 

GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? 

Re: Group 2 check in 11/26

  • Due date/W+D: May 13

    Baby is the size of a(n): you know, I always forget to check. It was a light bulb a couple days ago. 

    Any appointments? Questions?: Nope, not much going on for a few weeks on the appointment front. No questions. 

    Rants/Raves?: baby is so off and on with movement. One day he'll move all day long and then next I won't feel him at all. It's a good way to give momma anxiety. 

    How are you feeling?: pretty good. Nausea is still a little off and on but nothing unbearable. Heart burn has started, yay... 

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? I'm so excited to buy a woven wrap. I always wanted one with DS, but could never afford it. I'm not excited about the price tag lol but so excited to have one. I'm totally not looking forward to buying really anything else that costs a lot of money 😂 I'm cheap. 
  • Due date/W+D:  5/12/19  16w1d

    Baby is the size of a(n): Avacado

    Any appointments? Questions?: Tomorrow- no questions

    Rants/Raves?:  Nothing particular.

    How are you feeling?: Overall, I am feeling okay. I'm anxious to hear the heartbeat tomorrow

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? - Not planning on buying much for #2 that would excite me. Dreading- anything and everything that I still need because I'm cheap also. lol
    DD1- Feb 2015
    DD2- EDD 5/12/2019
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  • Due date/W+D:  5/12/19  16w1d

    Baby is the size of a(n): Batman haha

    Any appointments? Questions?: I had an ultrasound this morning to check cervical length and fluid both looked good.

    Rants/Raves?:  I have 4 drs appts this week it just feels like its going to be a super long week. 

    How are you feeling?: pretty good 

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? - I haven't bought anything yet, and I cant wait to buy it all haha.  I don't think i'm really dreading anything maybe diapers... then again nb diapers are so little and cute lol
  • Due date/W+D: 16w3d due May 10

    Baby is the size of a(n): Avacado; the palm is the size of a chocolate chip ❤️

    Any appointments? Questions?: None for a while. 😭 I just love seeing and hearing this LO so much. We did hear the heartbeat on Friday again, which was magical. 

    Rants/Raves?: Rant: One of the 5th grade teachers at my school just announced that she is also pregnant (she already has 4 but wanted one with her new husband). She is 5 weeks pregnant. Honestly, it’s just annoying because she’s an attention whore and I didn’t want to be pregnant at the same time as her. Rave: I bought a diaper bag on Amazon this morning as part of their Cyber Monday deals! Super excited about it!

    How are you feeling?: Honestly, amazing! Minus some headaches and random bursts of pain, I’m enjoying second trimester very much!

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? 
    Excited for: all the baby clothes! I want to go nuts already but can’t because we have no idea what the sex is and all the gender-neutral clothes suck, in my opinion.
    Dreading: the big stuff (cribs, dressers, car seat, rocking chair). It’s expensive and I’m just not looking forward to waiting and seeing if we get them as baby shower gifts or not.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • Due date/W+D: 5/8/19  16w5d

    Baby is the size of a(n): Avocado 

    Any appointments? Questions?: next one is in a couple of weeks followed by the 20w ultrasound soon thereafter.  Not a question, but I am eager to see the results of the comprehensive ultrasound.

    Rants/Raves?: Rave: We told my partner’s family on Thanksgiving and his mother was so happy she teared up! 

    How are you feeling?:  Nausea and fatigue have eased up dramatically, but now the vertigo has set in...I’m prone to it anyway so of course I’d get that symptom!

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why?: It’s our first baby so I’m excited to by all the baby stuff. :)  What I’m dreading is the cost!
  • Due date/W+D: 5/12, 16+1

    Baby is the size of a(n): avocado

    Any appointments? Questions?:  nothing imminent  

    Rants/Raves?: At our elective scan this weekend we saw our new little girl!! She was super wiggly and was nuzzling the placenta. I have an anterior placenta this time, so I have no idea how long it will take to feel baby moving. I’m not stoked on it, but you get what you get and you don’t get upset, right? I definitely haven’t felt anything yet. 

    How are you feeling?: Still pretty nauseous in the afternoon/evening. I noticed I’ve just started having groin pain, which I didn’t get until 37 weeks with DD. That’s 21 weeks sooner y’all. I thought this pregnancy was going to be easier, but it’s been harder at every step. I started doing the “squeeze the pillow between my knees” exercises my chiropractor gave me for the groin and hip pain last time. Hopefully I can stick with it every day and get in front of this pain. 

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why?  Hmm. I think I’m most excited to get a minivan, but baby-specific = her take home from the hospital outfit. She won’t be getting many new things, so this is a pretty special one. Dreading the giant double stroller. Oh, I’m also excited to get moving on rearranging our house and setting up DD’s big girl toddler room. 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

  • Due date/W+D: May 8th/16w6d

    Baby is the size of a(n): Today, specifically, a taco. Yum.

    Any appointments? Questions?: Next OB appt is 12/11, and then our anatomy scan is on 12/17. I feel like the time between my last appointment and these next ones has really drug on. I just wish I could hear the heartbeat every week.

    Rants/Raves?: Rave: We got the best news on Thanksgiving! I lost my older brother when I was 8, and have since been an only child. My cousin though is just 5 weeks younger than me, and we grew up side-by-side doing everything together our whole lives. She really is like my sister. She got married in May, and announced to us at Thanksgiving dinner that she is due with her first baby in June...5 weeks after I'm due! I just can't believe it, and I am so happy that our babies are going to grow up together, side-by-side, just like us.

    How are you feeling?: RLPs reared their ugly head this weekend. I didn't experience them with DD, but Sunday was brutal. I think I probably overdid it between Thanksgiving and decorating for Christmas. I haven't slept well since I got pregnant, but my pregnancy pillow came yesterday, and I just had the best night's sleep I've had in months. Shut my eyes at 10, and they didn't open again until my alarm went off at 5. So excited.

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? I'm with @poshspice, I'm really hoping we go for the minivan before baby comes! We have been looking for a couple of months, but just haven't committed. I can't wait until I finally decide to by a Tula carrier. I think that's going to be great! I'll be excited to start looking at paint colors and buying decor for his nursery too.

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  • @poshspice I can't believe how much earlier all of the discomfort is with this baby as opposed to my first. At this rate, I will be miserable at the end...which didn't much happen with DD. I think the very last week I was very swollen, but pain was minimal. I'll have to ask my doc about exercises like you mentioned. The groin and hip pain is rough. Hope it helps you early on!

    @lmallen80 I'm so sorry for your vertigo. Is there any treatment that helps it?

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    PitaPata Dog tickers

  • This thread is for those due May 8-14

    Due date/W+D: May 9, 16w5d

    Baby is the size of a(n): Avocado 🥑 

    Any appointments? Questions?: Anatomy scan today at MFM, I am praying for good news and praying that they can get all the measurements they need/see everything. 

    Rants/Raves?: It is snowing here again...ugh. Winter came too fast this year. But we did have a clear day on Friday and we went and cut down our Christmas Tree.

    How are you feeling?: Nausea comes and goes, frequent mild headaches, lots of hip pain. I am super anxious for the U/S today.

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? All of it hahaha
    Me: 38, DH: 37
    Married: 8/10/13
    BFP- 12/18/15, D&E- 4/8/16 @ 21w5d- confirmed Thanatophoric Dysplasia
    BFP- 11/7/17, M/C- 11/18/17 @ 4w6d
    BFP- 8/25/18 ~ EDD- 5/9/19 ~ DD born 5/2/20 *Lillian Hazel*
    BFP- 10/9/20 ~ EDD- 6/21/21

  • Due date/W+D: May 14, 16w1d

    Baby is the size of a(n): avacado

    Any appointments? Questions?: Appointment yesterday; heard heartbeat, which is always reassuring. Not getting my anatomy scan/next appointment until Jan 4 because I will be out of the country, so that's kind of a bummer.

    Rants/Raves?: I feel like I'm finally getting my appetite back, which is awesome, except it seems to only apply to spaghetti and bagels.

    How are you feeling?: Nausea is letting up, but headaches are keeping me from celebrating too much.

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? @poshspice @GeorgiaGirl1230 Hey I finally found my fellow minivan-seekers! Although I'm more excited to (eventually) have one, as opposed to buying one. The main thing I'm excited to buy (also same as @poshspice) is the coming home outfit, since I always buy a new, special outfit for each kid. Since I'm going to have three boys, I don't need a whole lot, but I'm dreading anything that I do need to get. For me, that's a new infant car seat (definitely need) and a nicer stroller (not sure if I will get one because I'm cheap).
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @MelissaMay82 any news from the anatomy scan??
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @MelissaMay82 Hoping for good news! Update us when you can!!
    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • @MelissaMay82 glad to hear all went well at your scan. I am always so anxious for my appointments.

    Due date/W+D:  

    5/11 16 weeks 4 days 

    Baby is the size of a(n):  avocado 

    Any appointments? Questions?: I had bloodwork done for the second trimester genetic screening yesterday. Not sure how long it takes to hear back. 


    Rave: tonight was a good night. The boys were so sweet playing legos together while I cooked dinner and we listened to Christmas carols. It made me really excited for this new little baby and just having more love around the table. 

    How are you feeling?:  nausea is finally going away I think. I am still fighting some hard core fatigue, and I have definitely popped this week so I am kinda feeling weirdly stretched out and achy. 

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why?

    We have a lot of the big stuff from the boys, but I am excited I might get to buy some new clothes for this little one because the boys were winter babies so the seasons will be off.  We also need to get a new excersaucer because I threw out our last one when we got mold in one of the closets downstairs. I love buying fun stuff!

    I am not looking forward to getting a new breastpump. Mostly because of all the research and that that goes into it and then having your insurance not cover most of them anyways.  


  • Due date/W+D: May 13

    Baby is the size of a(n): A new born hat?

    Any appointments? Questions?: Next appointment is December 12 with the midwives for a check up. December 17 is our anatomy scan.

    Rants/Raves?: Rave: I hired a doula last week! Got a recommendation from the midwife and loved the lady. I think it's going to be a good fit for me and really helpful with my own Mum not here. 👌 Rantish: I feel like I look HUGE for someone in the 16 week. A friend was saying it's because I have a short torso...

    How are you feeling?: Feeling a million times better than the month of October!! Just more tired after work though - crashing hard on the couch after dinner normally. Also heartburn comes and goes. So thankful to see the decrease in nausea and vomiting. Really exciting to feel flutters and tiny jabs from baby once in awhile. But like @eatinwatermelonseeds, somedays I feel a lot and the next day nothing. Trying not to overthink that.

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? Haven't thought too much on this but hoping to get a new car! Also excited to buy the furniture. Like everyone else - not excited for the price tag lol. 

    Have a good weekend all ! 😊
  • bgdwgbgdwg member
    edited December 2018
    This is what I mean by feeling I look huge for almost 17 weeks. Am I?!
  • @bgdwg nope! Just adorable! I look about the same, honestly, and I love it! 🥰
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @mrskoz428 thanks 😁😁
  • @bgdwg You look great! My bump is very similar, especially by the end of the day, and I’m actually quite long in the torso. 

    This thread is for those due May 8-14

    Due date/W+D: May 14/16w4d

    Baby is the size of a(n): soda can

    Any appointments? Questions?: Midwife Appt on the 14th and Anatomy Scan on Xmas Eve - should be a nice little Xmas gift to find out if it’s a boy or girl!

    Rants/Raves?: Rant - I want to feel this little baby move so badly! I know I might be a little ways out yet since 1) it’s my first pregnancy and 2) I have an anterior placenta. But still excited to feel the little one in there! Any tips besides drinking orange juice? Rave - Getting excited for the holidays as my parents and sister w/ her family are all coming to stay with us. I love being pregnant, so now they finally all come to me!

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good except for an AWFUL cough, especially at night. I actually don’t feel sick at all, but I do have asthma and my pops (whose an MD) says it may be reflux as well. Inhaler helps slightly, and I tried some Mylanta before bed last night - but no luck. I just want to get some sleep, as I know my night-time slumbers are numbered!

    GTKY: What baby item are you super excited to buy? What item are you dreading? Why? I’m with @mrskoz428 on the baby clothes! Still thinking it’s a girl since our 12-week scan, and all the adorable little outfits I see online are KILLING ME! Boy stuff is cute, too, but I definitely think me and my whole family will go absolutely broke if we have a girl... Not really dreading anything as this is our first baby and it’s all so fun and new. 

    Happy December, everyone!
  • @bgdwg I feel huge right now, too. With my son, I was really small to start, but actually got awful remarks from complete strangers about being huge or being due any day (at 25 weeks). So, this time I started bigger and I'm super paranoid that I'm going to get remarks like that because I actually do look huge. 
  • @eatinwatermelonseeds @kfdrive Glad I am not alone in the looking popped catagory. My Mum ended up the shape of a bowling ball every pregnancy so I'm preparing myself for the same fate haha. Honestly I don't mind looking pregnant and as long as baby is healthy that's all that matters. Just a bit of an adjustment being a FTM.

    @kfdrive I've felt the baby move the most once after eating a cinnamon roll and the other time after eating nothing at all. Seems to be very random still... hope you can feel it soon! 
  • @bgdwg my mom just recently showed me pictures from her pregnancy. So far, we have been identical in this pregnancy...this is what I have to look forward to... 🙈

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • This was my due date when I was pregnant with DS. I feel like I'm going to look like a beached whale this time. I wish I didn't care, I LOVE having a pregnant belly. But I just got harassed last time for being "huge." And at this point (16 weeks) last time, I wasn't showing AT ALL and I look now how I looked at 25 weeks when people were calling me huge and telling me I must be due any day. So I'm super self conscious. 
  • Also, throwback to when my house was actually clean and I felt like I had my life together 🙌 😂
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