April 2019 Moms

Week 2 check-in w/o 11/26

Due date: 

Any appointments? Questions? 


How are you feeling? 

GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? 

Re: Week 2 check-in w/o 11/26

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    Due date: April 11

    Any appointments? Questions? 

    I was supposed to have my second group Centering appointment with the midwives this morning, but we had a huge snowstorm and all the schools are cancelled, which means my kids are all home. I’m not worried about skipping it because I had my big ultrasound and an individual appointment last week.


    My new maternity faux leather Spanx. At $118 they are pricey, but they are so comfy and look great. I have worn them almost every day since I got them. If only they were appropriate at a law firm I’d literally wear them every day lol. 

    How are you feeling? 

    Great! Working out a lot although running is a no-go. Did a 5-k Turkey Trot and had terrible round ligament/muscle pain for 3 days. I’m sticking to spin classes and the stairmaster from now on.

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving?

    Fun! No family drama, so that was good.

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    Due date: April 8th

    Any appointments? Questions? Ultrasound appointment for Wednesday! Excited to see how bubs is growing and to get word on whether or not the placenta has moved out of the way to clear me for my home birth. Plenty more time but some movement would be nice.

    Rants/Raves? DH had better clean up some of the house today on his day off. I leave on Friday for 12 days and I cleaned like a mad woman yesterday so I need to see some effort on his part as well.

    How are you feeling? Pretty good. Sore today because I spent time raking leaves and bagging them up in the backyard (2 hours worth ugh) but could be worse.

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? Very good day with family. Had to work after so we couldn't stay late but DH got to eat with us before headed into work for retail and DD was tuckered out after playing with all the great aunts and uncles so I couldn't have asked for a better day.

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    Due date: April 10th

    Any appointments? Questions? Just had my anatomy scan, everything looked good and little babe was even sucking his thumb at one point.

    Rants/Raves? Drinking that much water before my anatomy scan was pure torture.  Luckily it only took 45 minutes, not an hour and a half like they claimed it would!  I'm also sad because DH is leaving for work stuff overnight.

    How are you feeling? It's been a rough few weeks.  Physically I'm okay, although sciatica and poor appetite are still bugging me.

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? Family drama and emotional with regards to some health stuff.  I'm feeling drained and I really don't want to go into work today, but I just had a week off so I really can't complain....

    Pregnancy Ticker
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    Due date: 4/11

    Any appointments? Questions? Follow up ultrasound next Wednesday to see if my placenta has moved yet, at my last ultrasound they found out I have complete placenta previa. Nerve wracking but glad we get to see our boy again!

    Rants/Raves? My OB put me on pelvic rest... which means no sex, no "O"s, no working out.. nothing. I'm frustrated all around lol

    How are you feeling? Besides frustrated from pelvic rest, I'm feeling good. Bsby kicks are fun!

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? It was good! Very busy though.. 3 parties was too much

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    @elmich3, that's gotta suck!  I can't even imagine.  I'm back to trying to get into the gym two or three times a week and even though I haven't been super horny, having that option cut off completely would be torture.  I hope they find out that your placenta has moved for you!
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @elmich3 Sorry to hear that! But of course, it's always good to know so you can take precautions for the lil' babe.

    Due date: April 12

    Any appointments? Questions? I have my anatomy scan tomorrow. I'm excited/nervous! I've had 2 trips to the ER, though, because of some severe abdominal pain. They can't find anything wrong with me, though. I'm really hoping it's just really, really bad gas. I'm going to cut out my fiber supplement and hope that helps.

    Rants/Raves? Nada. Just wish this pain in my left lower abdomen would go away.

    How are you feeling? See above

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? It was pretty good minus being physically uncomfortable. It was nice to see my family (we flew out to Ohio for the holiday). I haven't been home since my younger sister passed away in May. It was tough but good.

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    edited November 2018
    @elmich3 hang in there! I was on modified bedrest/pelvic rest for 5 weeks earlier in this pregnancy and it was brutal. I was allowed to do prenatal yoga, which doesn’t really count as exercise, but at least got me out and doing something/meeting other women who were pregnant at the same time. 
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    @catherineclaire78 I haven't been running, either. I thought I was getting RLP but I'm not sure now. Hoping if this pain goes away I can start back up running. I'm assuming that the RLP flared up after you ran the turkey trot?
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    @rennie1108 it feels different than RLP but I don’t know how else to describe it. It stretches all across the lower portion of my belly and hurts to walk for the following 24-48 hours.
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    Due date: 
    April 9

    Any appointments? Questions? 

    20 week appt/ check up on my bladder infection tomorrow afternoon 


    Snow day today for DD. Which would have been fun if I didn’t feel so awful. I know she’s starting to get irritated that mommy can’t play because she’s sick 

    How are you feeling? 

    Got a last minute appt last Wednesday with my OB because I was have mild cramping and contractions, and blood in urine. Went in and got diagnoisss with a bladder infection which means resting and no working out. Day 5of7 of antibiotics for my infection and still not feeling better. This thing has wiped me out, even taking a shower leaves me exhausted. Also the cramping and Braxton Hicks and driving me crazy

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? 

    Good except I couldn’t do much (see above) despite hosting 25 people. Luckily my awesome mom and DH took care of everything for me 

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    Due date: 4/9. Holy poo. 21 weeks. Over half baked.

    Any appointments? Questions? Last appointment in Italy next Tuesday. It's nearly moving day!

    Rants/Raves?  In 2 weeks I'll be eating all the food back home. 

    How are you feeling? Just tired. Moving pregnant sucks. But its nearly done. I'm also so huge 3rd big boy does not play. He's high too.

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? Low key. Nothing left in the house to make a big meal. 

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    Due date: 4/14

    Any appointments? Questions? Had my big ultrasound with the fetal medicine doctor yesterday. Baby looks perfect! I have to go back for one more in a month because there was one view of the heart they were not able to get because he kept moving around. I feel like I can finally relax and enjoy this pregnancy now. 

    Rants/Raves? I am sick with a terrible cold. All of my nephews were sick at Thanksgiving and of course now I have it. It has hit me hard! 

    How are you feeling? Other than the cold I am still nauseous quite a bit but other than that I feel good. 

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? It was great! I just love getting together with all the family. We had a snow day yesterday so it was nice having an extra day off. 

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    @jayhawkmom4 That's great news! I have my scan today and am so nervous!

    @blueberrymomma That totally sucks about the bladder infection. I hope you start feeling better soon!

    @catherineclaire78 That's weird about the pains. Have you gotten them since you've stopped running? I'm starting to feel a little better (stopped taking my fiber supplement which I think was the cause of intense gas pains), but I'm still nervous to start running again. 
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    @kangstadt @catherineclaire78 It is brutal!! I was actually getting back into a good workout routine so I'm so bummed, working out puts me in such a better headspace! Slow walking doesnt do it for me lol. And I feel like the doctor telling me I couldnt have any sexual activity made me even more in the mood out of spite! Lol hoping to get good news next week & not 20 more weeks of nada.. yikes!!
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    Due date: 4/14

    Any appointments? Questions? Appointment this Friday, reviewing anatomy scan images/monthly check up.

    Rants/Raves? Rant: This has been the week from hell, I've had a horrible stomach bug since Sunday, my DS had it first, then H, now me...I'm starting to feel better and finally had my first real meal about a hour ago. I dropped all of my baby weight that I had put on which wasn't much, about 5-8lbs. I still feel so weak but I'm back at work and pushing through.

    Raves: I got to see LO last week at my anatomy scan! everything looked good according to the US tech, we will see Friday what my ob has to say.

    How are you feeling? please see above...

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? It was surprisingly great! We went to my in laws this year so it was a nice change up.

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    @elmich3 I will keep my fingers crossed for you! I also find out whether or not my placenta has moved, tomorrow actually, I am so over being on pelvic rest. I haven't spotted since the first week of my diagnosis so it sucks being cautious but I know it's for the benefit to babes and myself. I'm hoping to post good news tomorrow but even if I don't there is still time!

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    lilpotatomamalilpotatomama member
    edited November 2018
    Due date: 4/10

    Any appointments? Questions? 24 week checkup and glucose tolerance test 12/19. Just hanging out until then.

    Rants/Raves? No rants today, just raves. I’m in the honeymoon period of the second tri, finally! I’ve been getting a lot done now that symptoms have eased up. Plus, little girl kicks and moves SO much now and it’s just as amazing as everyone told me it’d be. 

    How are you feeling? Awesome. Only symptom right now is fatigue. 

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? Best thanksgiving my family has had in ages, but very bittersweet. My brother was suffering from cancer for the last two thanksgivings, and I didn’t feel right celebrating when he was physically unable to eat any of the food. Last year, we ate in my parent’s garage and microwaved the food. It was depressing and I know that’s why I’m so bitter toward the holiday. He is no longer with us this year, but we made sure to make all of his favorite dishes and eat to our heart’s content in his honor. I’d like to think he was out there somewhere, eating something delicious too. 

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    @lilpotatomama I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. I hate when people say "I know how you feel" because I don't really.....but my sister was also sick with cancer the last 3 years. She passed away this past May. I definitely understand the bittersweet feelings. It is SO tough.

    On better news, my anatomy scan from yesterday showed that everything is going great! Baby measures and looks good, and I didn't accidentally see his/her privates (we are team green until the end) so I'm very happy. Of course, I STILL feel like shit. Like, I might lose my mind. I have a STABBING pain in my lower left abdomen and nothing is wrong, according to all the tests I've taken over the holiday weekend (2 ER visits). I'm thinking/hoping it's really bad gas, so I've been taking Gas-X and Colace, but now the Colace gives me diarrhea which then makes me barf. 

    Sorry for the rant. I just don't know who else to complain to! I feel so bad whining to DH all the time, and I don't want to worry my mom. I just don't know what the hell to do.
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    @angelob88 oh I hope it went well! How did it go??
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    @rennie1108 MIL had a stabbing pain in her abdomen (kidney stone) this weekend and I’ve had similar pain (ovarian cyst). I’m assuming ER visits ruled those out, along with gallbladder and appendix issues. Could it be muscular or RLP?
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    @elmich3 it's moved! It was 5 cm away from my cervix today at the appointment and I am officially clear. I needed 2 cm at least. I didn't expect it to move quite that far away so I'm pretty overjoyed.

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    @angelob88 that's great news, congrats!

    @lyse01 you bring up some possibilities. I know my ovaries ok since they checked them on my ultrasound yesterday but I hadn't thought of a kidney stone. I'm going to mention it to my midwife. Thanks!
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    Due date: 4/10

    Any appointments? Questions?

    We had the anatomy scan last week and I have to go back Friday for another image because of fetal position. I’m a little nervous but trying not to sweat it because the tech told me that would very likely happen. 

    Found out it’s a GIRL 


    I’m not enjoying sleeping on my side!

    My bump has POPPED in the past 1.5-2 weeks which is so fun I finally look pregnant. Yay. Sharing a photo below. I’ve loved seeing the belly photos people post. Also announced the baby on Facebook this week so I guess it’s happening. ;)

    How are you feeling? 

    Pretty good.

    Starting to work on the registry and wow, I have no idea what I need for a baby and really don’t want too much stuff. Doing my research...

    GTKY: How was your Thanksgiving? 

    Really nice! Flew down to my parents in FL. Headed home tomorrow after a restful week.

    Me & DH ~ 32
    Married 7/6/13

    EDD 2/5/21

    DD 4/19
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    @himolly88 cute pic! I have to go back after my anatomy scan as well, my OB wants a better picture of baby's spine and told me not to worry...I still worry lol
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    @angelob88 Oh YAY!! Congratulations! Very relieved for you! No more pelvic rest woot! Lol
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