June 2019 Moms

High risk check in

meatballs37meatballs37 member
edited November 2018 in June 2019 Moms
I thought it was time for another one of these threads as it’s been a while and more people have joined the board. Keeping it simple this go around.

W + D : 

What makes your pregnancy high risk? 

Appointment updates: 

GTKY, what is your best holiday memory: 
*TW* Spoiler
Me: 33 DH:30
DD: Aug '16
10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
Benched 6 months 
BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

Re: High risk check in

  • W + D : 11+5

    What makes your pregnancy high risk? I am lupus anticoagulant + with a history of a blood clot so I take blood thinners and aspirin. I had my son at 35 weeks due to pree (aspirin also helps with that). History of MC.

    Appointment updates: I have met with regular OB twice and MFM once so far. I meet with regular OB again tomorrow. Hoping to go a few weeks before my next apt. 

    GTKY, what is your best holiday memory: my mom always made christmas morning magical. I dont really think it was anything in particular just magical. 
  • W + D : 11w0d

    What makes your pregnancy high risk? I have lupus with positive SSA and likely liver involvement, I had GD with my last pregnancy (and apparently already with this one)

    Appointment updates: Saw my midwife last week about my blood glucose numbers. I go back in two weeks for an ultrasound to check on a uterine hematoma. I think I am also going to insist on being referred to the high risk OB I used last pregnancy. (I had been hoping for a vbac, and I knew my previous OB wouldn’t support that as policy.) when I asked the midwife if they handled fetal echocardiography her response was: “why would you need that?” So that conversation basically makes me want to say peace out to that practice. I’ll accept another csection if it means a healthy baby. 

    GTKY, what is your best holiday memory: When I was little, my family would have a huge (like 30 people) Thanksgiving at my aunt’s house. All the female relatives would spend the week before making handmade table favors like raffia pilgrims and pompon turkeys. And all the cousins would play NES. The family that’s left is elderly now and we never see each other so I miss it. 
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  • W + D : 10w

    What makes your pregnancy high risk? Chronic Hypertension (medicated prior to pregnancy) and Connective Tissue Disorder

    Appointment updates: I have another US booked just to check all is okay before I go for NIPT blood draw. 
    I'll be a lot happier when I see that heartbeat again.

    GTKY, what is your best holiday memory: 
    Holiday Vacay or Holiday Christmas. 
    I'll go with the second. I remember the pure excitement when I was younger of waking up Christmas morning, tiptoeing out and staring in amazement at the small pile of gifts that weren't there when I went to bed. The smell of gift wrapping tape still triggers those emotions. <3 it.
  • W + D : 13 weeks today, June 3rd

    What makes your pregnancy high risk? Preeclampsia / HELLP last pregnancy 

    Appointment updates: NT ultrasound looked great last week and I see my MFM next week. NIPT and state genetic testing all say low risk so that’s a relief. Just hoping to get out of this nausea fog soon...

    GTKY, what is your best holiday memory: When I was little my mom would have my neighbor come deliver the gifts from Santa while we were at my grandma’s celebrating. I remember walking in and seeing a bike with a huge red bow. I was stoked!! Haha I was 9, believed in santa whole heartedly and just thought it was magical how well he planned it all 😂❤️
  • W + D : 9+6

    What makes your pregnancy high risk? Higher risk for "cervical incompetence" (I can't with this, lol)

    Appointment updates: I have follow up on Thursday. I'm nervous. I wish it was an u/s.  I guess in the mid-late second tri they will monitor me more closely with u/s to make sure my cervix is OK.

    GTKY, what is your best holiday memory:  My sister and I used to wake up early to unwrap our stockings. Never got caught. We would put them back and then when our parents got up act all surprised.
  • W + D :  11 weeks 0 days

    What makes your pregnancy high risk? History of pre-e and HELLP, as well as my manly pelvis means this will be my 4th c-section. Plus I have SVT episodes every time I get a spinal and I am a bleeder and needed transfusions for 2 of 3 of my c-sections. 

    Appointment updates: nothing since verifying I am in fact pregnant, insurance is making it tough to find a MFM within driving distance. We are looking into changing insurance at the new year. So that’s a good thing but I am sick of being on the phone with insurance more than being at the doctor. The one practice they cover in the area moved offices to downtown Chicago and they haven’t found a replacement practice that they will cover in-network. They were helpful and sent me to a MFM that wasn’t, he wasn’t even an OB - that was a confusing appointment. So that’s was fun.

    GTKY, what is your best holiday memory: Christmas Eve! We always got to open one present from our parents that morning, we went to our church pageant that night and it was cheesy but we all loved it, especially the brown paper bag of peanuts, an orange and other simple and small treats. Then we drove to my grandmas house for a big feast and presents from that whole side of the family, looking for Rudolph’s nose in the sky the whole drive. And the best part is we went to bed completely happy and excited because we still had Christmas morning! I am going to try my best to recreate that in our own special way for our kids, we are starting this year hosting Christmas Eve for my family. I am excited for me and for them :) 
  • Is anyone else taking lovenox injections? I took them last time and they sucked but we're survivable. I don't know what I did wrong last night but I woke up this morning to about a baseball sized bruise on my stomach where I did my shot. It's turned a DEEP shade of purple. To the point that if it's worse in the morning I'm going to have to call my Dr?? Seems stupid cause I know I'm on blood thinners so clearly I bruise easier hut this is big and dark. Anyone else gone through this?
  • W + D : 10 + 4

    What makes your pregnancy high risk? 

    I‘m obese, 36, insulin resistance from PCOS puts me at greater risk of GD, I have had hypertension in the past. 

    Appointment updates: taking one hour glucose test tomorrow, wish me luck!

    GTKY, what is your best holiday memory: my grandparents loved Christmas. When I was 5 or 6 one of their friends dressed up like Santa and cane to their house after Christmas Eve church service. It was so magical, he had a big bag with stuffed animals for me and my brother and cousin. My grandpa developed Alzheimer’s not too long afterwards, but he was so happy that night! 

  • @dntstpbelieveing hey I'm not an MD but many of my patients have received lovenox injections (granted it is usually just a bridge until therapeutic INR reached) and I would say a good percentage c/o of bruising...have you been rotating where you get the injection? Sometimes that's a contributing factor.  Some of my patients have found relief in icing the area before/after injection. I would absolutely let you MD know asap though. 
  • @ohheyitsb I have been rotating and avoiding where there already are bruises. Before this one they were pretty small for the most part of it wasn't a big deal. I'll try the ice. I'm going to ask my Dr to switch it to whatever needles I had last time because I never had any issues.
  • @dntstpbelieveing good luck! I hope it gets better.
  • @dntstpbelieveing ugh that sucks. How often do you have to do the injections? I know I have to start my progesterone shots at around 16 weeks and I bruise really easily too. 
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • W + D : 9W6D

    What makes your pregnancy high risk? History of miscarriage, and my last son was born at 34 weeks.  I'll also be 41 next week, and though that in itself doesn't make me high risk, it's a factor they take into account.

    Appointment updates: I'll see my OB on Friday for an ultrasound, and bloodwork for NIPT.

    GTKY, what is your best holiday memory:  No one specific memory, just the overall excitement of hanging the stockings, leaving cookies out for Santa, waking up Christmas morning.  We always piled into my parent's bed to open stockings, so that's a fond memory.
  • @meatballs37 I do them every night. Once I get to about 34 weeks I will switch to twice a day and Heprin (it has a shorter life span so that it will ideally get a chance to wear off before labor. You cant get an epi within 24 hours of lovenox). Last time I had to do the shots for 6 weeks after delivery but my new mfm wants me to do them for 12 weeks. Pill blood thinners are not allowed during pregnancy because they cross the placenta but they are approved for breast feeding so I may see if I can switch to the pills after delivery. They are just annoying because you have to get weekly blood work to verify your blood is thin enough but I would totally trade a weekly blood draw for nightly shots. 
  • W + D : 10 + 2

    What makes your pregnancy high risk? I’ll be 37 when I have this 3rd c-section, history of DVT (after 2nd c-section), and literally just discharged from High Risk with 3 DVT’s in my calf last night. So I’ve been doing Lovenox injections since Sunday. Fun times.

    Appointment updates: I’ve seen every doctor under the sun since Sunday. Baby’s HR was 170, then 140, new ultrasound where we got to watch baby bounce around on the screen which was amazing. OB on the 4th and possibly still having my High Risk appt on the 10th for the CFDNA, but I saw him while in the hospital and he told me to just cancel it. Soooo?

    GTKY, what is your best holiday memory: I have too many. 
  • W + D : 11+4

    What makes your pregnancy high risk? 
    I hope it's okay I'm writing here - I have crohn's disease so though I would not technically call my pregnancy high risk there are more risks involved for me V a typical pregnancy. I get an infusion every 8 weeks (more beneficial than harmful for baby) My doctor has said they would likely not let me go more than a couple days past my DD so we will keep a closer watch around that time. *TW* there is also a higher chance of still birth with the disease*
    so these are just things on my mind. I'm in remission currently which is fantastic and I'm close to second trimester - they say if there is no flare up during first trimester you're good to go till the end of pregnancy in terms of symptoms.

    Appointment updates: 
    All apps have looked good. I go for my NT scan in two Fridays at 13 weeks exactly.

    GTKY, what is your best holiday memory: hmmm I'm jewish and holidays are a bit different but DH is catholic and I LOVED last xmas in upstate NY bc it snowed so much and I could tube all day long down their backyard. It was a blast. 
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