I will be a first time mom, and am just entering my 16th week. I have felt fine the entire pregnancy up to this point, and all of a sudden this week I am starting to have some stomach issues. Not nausea so much, but I feel like anytime I eat I end up having digestive/bathroom issues... It doesn't seem to matter what I eat either. Is this normal? Its starting to make me lose my appetite completely. Has anyone else had these problems?
Re: Symptoms 11/20
I don't recall if you've introduced yourself, but if you haven't, we'd love to have you intro in the thread stickied at the top of the board. If you read the "Read this First" thread pinned at the top, one-off posts are usually discouraged unless they're really unique (antibodies thread below). Since we didn't have a symptoms thread yet for this week for you to post in, not a huge deal, but that'd be the best place for this type of question.
I went through a phase, last week, where even the tiniest bit of dairy bothered my stomach. Like, a splash in my coffee, even if I had a full stomach, messed me up for the whole day. I'm fine now so I'm not sure if it was related to pregnancy or not. I do have lactose issues but can usually eat whatever I want as long as it's part of a balanced meal (aka not a pint of ice cream on an empty stomach). Pregnancy is supposed to back us up (which is normal if that's your issue, and a stool softener could help) but if it's the other way, maybe pay more attention to what you're eating to see if you can pinpoint something that's bothering you.
The new symptom I just got yesterday - and I'm about to get allllll TMI, sorry about that - is peeing a little when sneezing. FREAKED me out because I was scared it was water breaking, I was watching a show where a character went into preterm labor, and I have that history, so it was just a Google spiral of crying after that. No other liquid surges since then so I guess it was urine, but holy moly, that caught me by surprise.
ETA words.
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
Eta words
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
Has anyone else noticed their hair thinning instead of thickening?
@fatmonica first trimester I thought my hair looked worse but I'm just now finally starting to see some more luxuriousness in my hair.
Ughhhh, the constipation. I let my water intake slack and paid for it dearly.
BFP: 10.3.16 | CP: 10.11.16
BFP: 12.14.16 | CP: 12.14.16
BFP: 1.23.17 | EDD 10.6.17 -- DS born 10.7.17
BFP: 9.9.18 | EDD 5.23.19 -- DD born 5.24.19
BFP: 9.1.21 | MC 10.1.21
@fatmonica I feel like I've been losing a ton of hair this pregnancy. This didn't happen with DD. My family has really thick hair which I'm grateful for. With my sisters, though, with each pregnancy they lost more and more hair which didn't grow back. So that's making me very nervous.
Sorry I've been MIA (in case anyone actually noticed) today.
I woke up with a really bad sore throat and my uvula (the weird thing that hangs down in the back of your mouth) was seriously swollen. I stayed home from work due to the pain and trouble breathing. I also kept gagging on it. Has anyone ever had this before? Dr. Google says it's uvulitits and it can happen due to infection (strep), dehydration, allergies.
I've been drinking Gatorade and doing salt water gargles so the swelling has gone down mostly but the sore throat and congestion are still there.
@llhfreedom my stomach was a mess the entire first trimester. It was either diarrhea or constipation. I mean everyday it was one. It sucked. And the terrible gas continues. I figured out its diary. Just pay attention to what your eating and find out the cause.
@kvh22 yessss omg to the discharge. Its ridiculous. Milky white mess all over the place. Happy Im not the only one. Husband thought he made me hot and horny. No sir its my body protecting our baby. NOW BACK UP
But my symptoms this week are I finally have some energy. For the past two days I haven't needed a nap mid day. And also my sex drive is coming back. Swear I made myself have sex maybe once a week the first trimester, from week 5-9. Then I started having sex maybe twice a week, weeks 10-12. Now at 15 weeks, Im like come on....Im ready. I know my husband is happy. Cus at the beginning of the pregnancy he just didn't get it. Ughhh he got on my nerves, wanted to have talks about why wasn't I coming on to him. It was a long first trimester, for sure.
@fatmonica I felt like I was going bald for a while because I was losing so much hair! It has drastically changed recently and I’ll lose maybe 10-20 strands per shower rather than 200 strands per shower. I’ll take it!
@kvh22 my discharge today was crazy! Granted, because of the SCH, I check my discharge literally every time I go to the bathroom, even when arching the toilet to check for bleeding. My today was brown free with normal pregnancy discharge! 🎉
@llhfreedom I was dancing between constipation and diarrhea for a long time earlier in the pregnancy. Now it’s a dance between feeling regular and feeling constipated.
@expandcontract Ugh, that sounds awful! I sure hope it’s not strep! I have used throat numbing lozenges when that’s happened to me. Can you use something like that to help (not sure if we can do numbing things during pregnancy). Thisenhelped me a ton the last time I have uvulititis.
My newest thing is food aversions. There are certain things I just can’t stomach; cooked eggs (hot) are the biggest culprit right now. Hard boiled eggs are fine if they’ve been refrigerated, but cooked eggs are vomit inducing right now! Ugh!
My lower back pain/sciatica/pelvic girdle pain is awful and has started so early this time. The secretary at my school even noticed that I'm already hobbling a little bit this morning. It's going to be SO BAD by the time third tri comes around.
Also, not a pregnancy symptom, but I got my flu shot last night and my arm hurts so bad today.
DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
DD2: October 2016
DC3: coming May 2019
2. I've had more morning sickness since the start of the second! And longer bouts. In the first, every few days I'd have a small episode and feel relief after a couple of dry heaves. Now I'm heaving for a good 5 minutes (for the past 3 days in a row) before I can unglue myself from the toilet. **not gravida emesmia and not so constipated that this could be a bowel obstruction.
Huge aversion to them this time.
especially over medium with toast dipped in the yolk, but I can barely look at an egg without gagging! And to think, I’m bringing deviled eggs to Thanksgiving tomorrow... 😭
The snissing is real. I cross my legs anytime I sneeze, just in case. However, this doesn’t work for when I vomit. I just pee all over myself and the bathroom. Seriously need some pelvic floor rehab.
My nausea is also over the place, yesterday and the day before I was miserable, today just fine!
At 13 weeks, my boobs are sore! Out of nowhere!
My big one: I've been having a sort of... pressure? in my uterine area. It sort of feels like I have to pee often but not due to my bladder, if that makes sense. I'm wondering if it's gas or I'm backed up which seems the most likely though I did go a little bit this morning for the first time in DAYS. Still feeling that pressure though. Anyone else?
@notsoblissylissy the snissing is more than real for me, too. TMI, but one morning I hadn't gone to the bathroom yet before vomiting started. All I could get out between throwing up was "help! I can't stop peeing!" as the puddle spread across the floor.
Also, yes to the pressure on the uterine area. Half the time it’s my bladder, which I don’t think I’m emptying completely now, thanks to baby, but I think the other times it’s just my uterus growing and baby flipping. This little one does not sit still and I think baby’s moving when I noticethe most pressure/pain.
@mrskoz428 if you're having trouble emptying your bladder, try leaning way forward when peeing. Further along, I'll even lift my belly while leaning forward. It helps.
@knarlytaurus maybe. I have never been to a chiropractor before and am somewhat skeptical about them. I would potentially do a massage.
DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
DD2: October 2016
DC3: coming May 2019