14 weeks today last couple days I've been feeling the baby move it's been the last couple days I know it's early but there's no doubt that is what I'm feeling being that this is my sixth baby it's not my first rodeo
First of all, welcome! Pleas be sure to read the board labeled *READ THIS FIRST* and introduce yourself to the group! Also, this would be much better off in the “symptoms” or “ransoms” threads. If you plan to stick around, be sure to change your username to something more recognizable to make it easier to interact with and be interacted with!
Yes, several of us have been feeling movement, or very convincing gas, or our bodies having weird sensory reactions to our expanding uteruses, or maybe something psychosomatic. After having a ton of phantom kicks after baby #2, I'm not sure what to believe anymore. Welcome to the board.
I didn’t feel my first until I was 20 weeks, but I felt my second at almost exactly 13 weeks. I’m 12w4d with my third and still nothing, but I hope I can feel it early again this time!
This is only my first, but the other day at lunch, (14wks) I took my first bite of food and could have sworn that I felt a karate kick or something. Not sure, and haven't felt anything since, but definitely crazy feeling.
Just over the past 3 days I've started noticing little things. My ultrasound showed the baby moving like crazy so it made me think about what I was feeling. Little soft tiny twitches and tiny jerks.
Totally feeling this one was 12 weeks. With my first, I felt movement at 13+4. It feels like swishing most of the time, but the last few days has been small pokes.
I've already introduced myself and I think I have to go on my laptop to change my username I've been apart of this page every time I've had a pregnancy starting 17 years ago
I've already introduced myself and I think I have to go on my laptop to change my username I've been apart of this page every time I've had a pregnancy starting 17 years ago
You can change it on the app. Go to your home page and then click on your picture in the upper right hand corner. Then you can hit the edit button next to your user name. We see so many knottie####s it gets really hard to tell who is who.
I don't know how it's relevant how long you've been on the bump. Each board is different. You've already introduced yourself, but you may need to take a moment to read the rules again to get a better feel for how this particular board is run.
@brie_and_almonds I was definitely questioning the validity of that statement 😂 but I didn't know that was a thing you could do. "A party is NOT a party without the B.U.M.P!"
Totally off topic, but prompted by @brie_and_almonds shot of the bump in its early stages... There's an NPR show called How I Built This hosted by Guy Raz that I'm totally addicted to. He interviews successful entrepreneurs to hear their story of how the built their business, with all the near misses, almost bankruptcies, etc. He interviewed the couple that founded the knot, which then became all their other sites including the bump. It was a cool interview: https://www.npr.org/2018/06/07/592401053/the-knot-carley-roney-david-liu
I am a FTM at 13 weeks I don’t think I’ve felt anything yet. I can’t wait until I do though. I keep asking people what it feels like because I’m scared I won’t know it when it happens, so I love that we have this thread
New mommy to be! EDD: 05/27/19 hoping for a girl!!!
I used to frequent The Nest when DH and I moved into our first apartment (when we were 18/19 year old infants), and I kind-of remember when I think The Bump as we know it became a "thing" ... which wasn't quiiite 17 years ago.
@fifthemperorofthesea during my first pregnancy, I was feeling movement all the time but I did not put it together until I was watching baby move on the ultrasound and also feeling her move at the same time. I had a big “ohhhhh!” moment at 20 weeks which felt so late for me but I guess I literally had to see it to believe it! 😂
@fifthemperorofthesea I didn’t feel anything until at least 20 weeks last time, but when I did it was pretty obvious what it was. It made me think of a hamster in one of those balls you can put them in — sorry if that’s gross 😉 The placement of the placenta can also affect when you feel it (if the placenta is in front, you won’t feel much).
A bit over 14 weeks and still don't think I'm feeling anything yet. I can't remember when I felt DD which I feel bad about, though. To me, at first it was like little butterfly flutters.
Re: Who else is feeling the baby move
Yes, several of us have been feeling movement, or very convincing gas, or our bodies having weird sensory reactions to our expanding uteruses, or maybe something psychosomatic. After having a ton of phantom kicks after baby #2, I'm not sure what to believe anymore. Welcome to the board.
I am a FTM at 13 weeks I don’t think I’ve felt anything yet. I can’t wait until I do though. I keep asking people what it feels like because I’m scared I won’t know it when it happens, so I love that we have this thread
EDD: 05/27/19
hoping for a girl!!!