I know there are quite a few of us who are team green so I thought this might be fun! (Stolen from Nov 2018)
1. Were you team green with your other babies?
2. Is your SO excited about being team green too?
3. Are you struggling with waiting especially now that so many people are having their NIPT?
4. How are names coming along?
5. Do you have a feeling it's a boy or a girl?
6. Why did you decide to be team green?
7. Anything else you want to add/ask?
ETA: changed anatomy scan to NIPT.
Re: Team Green Check-In
no first time though I wanted to last time I had no real conviction in going through with it!
2. Is your SO excited about being team green too?
uuum idk I totally just sprang this on him I hope so lol if not he can definitely know ahead of time
3. Are you struggling with waiting especially now that so many people are having their anatomy scans?
surprisingly no idk if it'll change later
4. How are names coming along?
I have both picked out we're just working on middle names for a boy.
5. Do you have a feeling it's a boy or a girl?
I'm a horrible guesser so idk but DH is positive it's a boy
6. Why did you decide to be team green?
it's just something I'm not really worried about this time around
7. Anything else you want to add/ask?
for anyone who has been team green before does it get difficult to wait as time goes on?
1. Were you team green with your other babies? No, I have a girl and a boy and was very eager to learn the sex both times.
2. Is your SO excited about being team green too? Now he is. When I first talked to him about it though, he was very unsure.
3. Are you struggling with waiting especially now that so many people are having their NIPT? It definitely makes it harder not knowing.
4. How are names coming along? We were set on Rowan, but we really aren’t sure now. We have been throwing around some other names.
5. Do you have a feeling it's a boy or a girl? I would say boy, but I’m always wrong with my sex predictions.
6. Why did you decide to be team green? TW death mentioned: My MIL (whom I was closer with than my own mom) died from breast cancer last year and it was what she always wanted. She said she didn’t find out the sex with her kids until delivery and it was the best feeling in the world.
7. Anything else you want to add/ask? I really wanted to create this check-in so that I would know who all is team green and so that we can help keep each other strong!
DS: March 2014
DD: May 2015
BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN
2. Is your SO excited about being team green too? We could have found out the sex before we even transferred the embryo because we PGS tested them. I was adamant against knowing and DH was, too, so I assumed he was Team Green all the way. Turns out, he wanted to find out “like normal, non-infertile couples.” So no, he’s not? But I will prevail. I think Team Green should always prevail. We’ll know the baby’s sex for the rest of our lives; give me these 9 months.
3. Are you struggling with waiting especially now that so many people are having their NIPT? Nah. A lot of the women on my FET board knew when they transferred, so I’ve already dealt with the “everyone around me knowing” thing.
4. How are names coming along? We have middle names for boy and girl picked. They’re family names so that was easy.
5. Do you have a feeling it's a boy or a girl? I think it’s a boy but I have nothing to base that on.
6. Why did you decide to be team green? It’s just something I’ve always wanted. It’s very hard to surprise me so I wanted the surprise. We only had two PGS normal embies and the way my RE speaks makes me think we have one of each (he asked repeatedly if we had a sex preference for the transfer, which would be a better cover if there were more than two) so this is probably the only time I get to be Team Green.
7. Anything else you want to add/ask? Happy to meet other Team Greeners!
2. Is your SO excited about being team green too? He is. With my first he was unsure but went along with it because I wanted to. This time I honestly could have been talked into finding out but he does not want to at all. So team green again!
3. Are you struggling with waiting especially now that so many people are having their NIPT? Not at this point. I think I will struggle when my SIL who is due 3 weeks before me finds out!
4. How are names coming along? We have both boy and girl names picked already. I like to pretend that we have not picked already so there is something to talk about but we have totally decided.
5. Do you have a feeling it's a boy or a girl? I dont really have a feeling either way. I would like the experience of having a daughter since this will be our last but at the same time I already have a son and I think brothers would be fun.
6. Why did you decide to be team green? My parents did not find out so we grew up with my parents talking about it being the best/ last real surprise left. It also is wonderful how much it pisses everyone else off.
7. Anything else you want to add/ask? I highly suggest telling your Dr. during labor that you want your SO to tell you the sex. I wanted it to be a moment between DH and I and not me and the random Dr.
FTM here!
2. Is your SO excited about being team green too?
He doesn’t really show much emotion about anything. He will do anything that makes me happy, so sure!
3. Are you struggling with waiting especially now that so many people are having their NIPT?
Not yet!
4. How are names coming along?
We’ve already chosen first names for each gender
5. Do you have a feeling it's a boy or a girl?
Not a clue! I’m still only 12 weeks and it’s my first pregnancy so I’m not sure what either gender feels like and I haven’t researched for wive’s tails either
6. Why did you decide to be team green?
I’m pretty against gender specific anything and think this will be the best way to avoid having pink and blue forced on me/my parasite. My mum also said it’s the best feeling to find out when it finally pops out. She also agrees with the whole not forcing pink/blue on me, which is nice!
7. Anything else you want to add/ask?
Nope! My first we weren't sure but the first time an ultrasound tech asked if we wanted to know, I immediately said yes. With my second I asked them to write it down so I could decide later but then I opened the envelope before we even made it to the car lol
2. Is your SO excited about being team green too?
Yes, since this is new for us we're both excited.
3. Are you struggling with waiting especially now that so many people are having their NIPT?
Not yet. I'm feeling pretty good about our decision.
4. How are names coming along?
Our kiddos both have gender neutral names and this one will as well, they're just the names I tend to like. I loved the name Bellamy last pregnancy but we didn't use it. My husband is all about it now and pretty set but I'm still checking out lists and whatnot
5. Do you have a feeling it's a boy or a girl?
Girl. Gender Predictor here on the app says so and it's never been wrong for me haha
6. Why did you decide to be team green?
This is likely our last pregnancy so something to set it apart from our other ones, something new to try.
7. Anything else you want to add/ask?
I love the idea of having us help each other stay strong!
1. Were you team green with your other babies? First baby
2. Is your SO excited about being team green too? He wasn’t at first but now he seems to be!
3. Are you struggling with waiting especially now that so many people are having their NIPT? I am not now but anything can change I guess, I just hope I can go all the way without breaking down!
4. How are names coming along? We haven’t even started, I am still nervous because it is early.
5. Do you have a feeling it's a boy or a girl? No idea. My husband would like a girl but he comes from a family of 3 boys and we have three nephews so odds are leaning that way. 6. Why did you decide to be team green? There are just no surprises in life anymore and I want to just enjoy the process instead of getting wrapped up in the gender. Healthy first!
7. Anything else you want to add/ask? For anyone who has waited to find out before, how did the grandparents take it?
STMs, my colleague who just had a baby said she’d heard you needed to head off the NIPT results person on the phone before they accidentally blurted out the sex (like, “Hello, please don’t tell me the sex, now you may proceed). Has anyone else had that experience? I’d think it would be simple enough for them to have a note with the results about who does and does not want to know.
DS: March 2014
DD: May 2015
BFP: 12/24/17 CP: 1/2/18 @ 4w 3d
BFP: 1/26/18 CP: 2/2/18 @ 4w 4d
BFP: 5/16/18 MMC: 6/15/18 @ 7w 5d
BFP: 9/25/18! EDD: 6/9/19 TEAM GREEN
Yes! We kept the suspense for our first two.
2. Is your SO excited about being team green too?
He doesn’t want to know at all, he’s enjoyed the excitement in the delivery room & being the one to announce what we made.
3. Are you struggling with waiting especially now that so many people are having their NIPT?
Nah. I’ll know ...at birth. ☺️
4. How are names coming along?
I think we’re set on a girls name, the boy names my husband likes, i don’t. we’ll figure it all out before baby comes.
5. Do you have a feeling it's a boy or a girl?
We have two girls, so the odds are it’s another girl. my symptoms are pretty much the same as my first two & my husband insists it is too.
6. Why did you decide to be team green?
its exciting, it annoys people so much (haha!), i like to keep guessing, not many ways to be surprised anymore, my husband telling me what we had was the best part of it all.
7. Anything else you want to add/ask?
Stick to your guns mama’s!! it’s so worth the wait! 💚