Is anyone else having their palms peel? Mainly in the lines on your palms? I don’t have dry skin at all yet I’m peeling on my palms. It’s crazy! 5th pregnancy and the first time this has happened!
Or I can reply however I want since apparently everyone else does. I have seen worse separate posts about obvious symptoms that deal with cervical mucus that are answered without a “this is gross join other thread” response. A simple “please join other thread” without opinion would’ve been more professional.
@mamabear324 I doubt you've seen those on our board. And if you have, they're few and far between. There are several separate SYMPTOMS threads this would be better suited for. And when people come to the board without reading anything and post one-offs we try to redirect them. We are a friendly group, but there is a purpose to the order of the board.
Yes, you’re right. Not this board. Other ones I was apart of people either directed them with zero opinions or answered without telling them how gross it was. That’s my point. 🤷♀️I just figured everyone is nice and open in these things. My bad.
What are you talking about? I only posted one post. Have read rules. Didn’t think this was actually a symptom since I had researched yet was concerned???
Yes, redirecting because 1. We have an order to the board and this does not follow it and 2. We're not doctors is mean and closed minded. Okay.
I do not know why you have peeling palms and I do not know why you are itching. These are questions best suited for your doctor as they have multiple possible outcomes and some can be harmful. It's not a question for internet strangers.
@mamabear324 I apologize. I assumed that you were the knottie post complaining of itching as well considering both have a similar sentence of "this is my 5th pregnancy and I've never had this!" If I'm wrong, I apologize for just assuming.
You've been a part of other boards but only have 10 posts to your name? Color me skeptical, I guess. The problem with these one off posts is most often, we expend emotional labor and OP never comes back. This is a board to get to know other pregnant women. It's not Google, and that's how people frequently treat it.
Please get to know us and the board rules before you start getting upset that you posted incorrectly. I don't know what other boards you're on, but we're not much fans of hearing about gross symptoms from strangers.
@mamabear324 Last pregnancy I participated both on TB and WTE, but quickly realized WTE wasn't for me as it was just a bunch of people using other currently pregnant ladies as google. Like mentioned above, this isn't the nature of this board. Every once in a while, someone will come through who hasn't participated, intro'ed, or read the board org thread but has a post that is actually broad enough for various people to engage in. They get legitimate responses, but never comment again (like in WTE). It's makes it feel like a waste of time for us to respond to one-off posters who don't want to get involved. When you post something that so obviously belongs in an existing thread (symptoms) and isn't broad that people can relate to, you will get redirected, perhaps with a little snark, because it takes less than 5 minutes to "read the room" and realize that isn't the way things are done. And another poster (knottie....something or other) posted right before you with a question about being itchy and it's their 5th pregnancy and has never happened before so people are assuming it's you, maybe it's not, but that added to the skepticism.
Many ladies have posted without getting a feel for the board, been redirected (with or without snark depending on how much the post only applies to that individual person or the broader group), and go on to become a part of our community in both this and my last BMB but others come in, get mad that we won't answer their question, cause a scene, and leave. We will welcome you if you want to participate, but if you don't like how the board is set up and that one-off posts are going to get this kind of response, then WTE and the other boards you're familiar with that feel more welcoming to you are better suited to you. This is better suited and more welcoming to many of us here as we can get ongoing support from each other as opposed to impersonal google answers. You get back what you give, here.
@kvh22 you said what I'm too hormonal to say today 😂 well said. Best commenter ever 👏👏
OP, this is definitely a give and take community. I was snarky, I apologize. But it can really grind on your nerves when you've seen several of these posts and MANY never come back. Like the knottie post (if that wasn't you). If you want to be a part of the community, it's really very easy and it is a great group of women.
@eatinwatermelonseeds lol thanks. I over analyze and over explain everything which occasionally comes in handy but I'm sure gets annoying to many (including on here) sometimes.
@kvh22 best ever. I was almost about to write the same, but you, thankfully, beat me to it.
I must say though, analyzing the text from the two posts made within minutes of each other, there are sooooo many similarities. Cadence of sentences, punctuation, etc. Only two things stand out to me indicating that they are different people, potentially. 1) comment about pregnancies... OP here says “5th pregnancy” and the other writes “baby 5”. And 2) the knottie OP uses a capital B when she types “Because”. Likely a simple error with predictive text/rephrasing a sentence, where as mamabear does not.
Really, minor errors and if we had more text to work with we could be more scientific about it. Interesting to see the similarities and differences between the posts though. @mamabear324 you may have a stalker.
@SpaceBurger I mean...I was going to say that this isn't a business and many of us who work appreciate the break from that, but it had already been addressed and I didn't want to pile on and discredit the other points I was trying to make
Is anyone else having their palms peel? Mainly in the lines on your palms? I don’t have dry skin at all yet I’m peeling on my palms. It’s crazy! 5th pregnancy and the first time this has happened!
Just so we all don't miss out on the original grossness.
Or I can reply however I want since apparently everyone else does. I have seen worse separate posts about obvious symptoms that deal with cervical mucus that are answered without a “this is gross join other thread” response. A simple “please join other thread” without opinion would’ve been more professional.
Yes, you’re right. Not this board. Other ones I was apart of people either directed them with zero opinions or answered without telling them how gross it was. That’s my point. 🤷♀️I just figured everyone is nice and open in these things. My bad.
What are you talking about? I only posted one post. Have read rules. Didn’t think this was actually a symptom since I had researched yet was concerned???
Omg, you guyz! I go away for a few hours and THIS happens! I am LMAO. @keighty80 that gif is so nasty!!! I can't get it out of my head. @mamabear324 this is the internet. Im entitled to my opinion. And I'd like to add that while pregnant, I am easily grossed out by threw randomest shit, in your case, your shedding epidermis. Put some lotion on and exfoliate. If your ego hasn't been too damaged, come back and join us.
I'm so unprofessional, I'm wearing my pajama pants while responding to this second of two threads about random weird symptoms that could easily go in the Symptoms thread. Snarkyness comes with pregnancy. So does getting butthurt. Shake it off and move on; whether it be to participate or to go to another snarky board. We are not Google here.
I lurked with my last pregnancy before I ever posted. I felt the board. That's kind of how it works. No need to bust in like the Koolaid man.
Also #lotion
Not sorry for the snark. We are random people. We don't know you and we are not your friends. Although we could be if you stick around and get to know us
There's an old wives tale that if your palms itch it means you're going to come into money. Or you just read a post about peeling palms and it's giving you the heeby jeebies.
I realize this is a ridiculous drive by that will be closed soon, BUT for the benefit of everyone else who might read this — “itchy palms” in pregnancy is a potentially serious sign of cholestasis, which I had in my first pregnancy. It is a liver problem with basically no other symptoms except being super itchy particularly on your palms and feet. It can cause late term stillbirth. I delivered early for this reason. It is definitely something to bring up to your doctor.
@anonellis I thought about cholestasis, but for the itchy girl. This one is just mentioning peeling, which I've never heard of being present without severe itching in cholestasis.
Re: Peeling Palms???
I do not know why you have peeling palms and I do not know why you are itching. These are questions best suited for your doctor as they have multiple possible outcomes and some can be harmful. It's not a question for internet strangers.
Don't: post a thread that only pertains to yourself.
Don't: get bent out of shape when you're called out for not following the guidelines.
Many ladies have posted without getting a feel for the board, been redirected (with or without snark depending on how much the post only applies to that individual person or the broader group), and go on to become a part of our community in both this and my last BMB but others come in, get mad that we won't answer their question, cause a scene, and leave. We will welcome you if you want to participate, but if you don't like how the board is set up and that one-off posts are going to get this kind of response, then WTE and the other boards you're familiar with that feel more welcoming to you are better suited to you. This is better suited and more welcoming to many of us here as we can get ongoing support from each other as opposed to impersonal google answers. You get back what you give, here.
OP, this is definitely a give and take community. I was snarky, I apologize. But it can really grind on your nerves when you've seen several of these posts and MANY never come back. Like the knottie post (if that wasn't you). If you want to be a part of the community, it's really very easy and it is a great group of women.
I must say though, analyzing the text from the two posts made within minutes of each other, there are sooooo many similarities. Cadence of sentences, punctuation, etc. Only two things stand out to me indicating that they are different people, potentially. 1) comment about pregnancies... OP here says “5th pregnancy” and the other writes “baby 5”. And 2) the knottie OP uses a capital B when she types “Because”. Likely a simple error with predictive text/rephrasing a sentence, where as mamabear does not.
Really, minor errors and if we had more text to work with we could be more scientific about it. Interesting to see the similarities and differences between the posts though. @mamabear324 you may have a stalker.
@mamabear324 this is the internet. Im entitled to my opinion. And I'd like to add that while pregnant, I am easily grossed out by threw randomest shit, in your case, your shedding epidermis. Put some lotion on and exfoliate. If your ego hasn't been too damaged, come back and join us.
I lurked with my last pregnancy before I ever posted. I felt the board. That's kind of how it works. No need to bust in like the Koolaid man.
Also #lotion
Not sorry for the snark. We are random people. We don't know you and we are not your friends. Although we could be if you stick around and get to know us
DS1 is 7. DD is 1. DS2 is coming in late April.
Just a quick PSA!
ETA: OP, please mention to your doctor.