May 2019 Moms

Peeling Palms???

Is anyone else having their palms peel? Mainly in the lines on your palms? I don’t have dry skin at all yet I’m peeling on my palms. It’s crazy! 5th pregnancy and the first time this has happened!

Re: Peeling Palms???

  • That sounds gross. Please join us in the symptoms thread where this could be better suited.  

  • That sounds gross. Please join us in the symptoms thread where this could be better suited.  
    This, and it would probably be helpful to read the READ THIS FIRST post and follow the instructions and order of the board before posting. 
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  • Wow... that sounds gross?? Out of all the pregnancy symptoms this definitely not gross. 😂😂😂 Worst response and community board ever. 
  • @mamabear324 You could focus more on the "join us in the symptoms thread" part 
  • Wow... that sounds gross?? Out of all the pregnancy symptoms this definitely not gross. 😂😂😂 Worst response and community board ever. 

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • @mamabear324 this is actually a great community board. If you participated more, and read the posts you would know. Have a great day! :)

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • It...does sound gross though? I mean, lots of symptoms of pregnancy are gross. 
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  • Or I can reply however I want since apparently everyone else does. I have seen worse separate posts about obvious symptoms that deal with cervical mucus that are answered without a “this is gross join other thread” response. A simple “please join other thread” without opinion would’ve been more professional. 
  • @mamabear324 I doubt you've seen those on our board. And if you have, they're few and far between. There are several separate SYMPTOMS threads this would be better suited for. And when people come to the board without reading anything and post one-offs we try to redirect them. We are a friendly group, but there is a purpose to the order of the board. 
  • mamabear324mamabear324 member
    edited November 2018
    Yes, you’re right. Not this board. Other ones I was apart of people either directed them with zero opinions or answered without telling them how gross it was. That’s my point. 🤷‍♀️I just figured everyone is nice and open in these things. My bad.
  • What are you talking about? I only posted one post. Have read rules. Didn’t think this was actually a symptom since I had researched yet was concerned???
  • edited November 2018
    Yes, redirecting because 1. We have an order to the board and this does not follow it and 2. We're not doctors is mean and closed minded. Okay.

    I do not know why you have peeling palms and I do not know why you are itching. These are questions best suited for your doctor as they have multiple possible outcomes and some can be harmful. It's not a question for internet strangers. 
  • A refresher then, I guess.

    Don't: post a thread that only pertains to yourself. 
    Don't: get bent out of shape when you're called out for not following the guidelines. 

  • Please get to know us and the board rules before you start getting upset that you posted incorrectly. I don't know what other boards you're on, but we're not much fans of hearing about gross symptoms from strangers. 

  • @eatinwatermelonseeds lol thanks. I over analyze and over explain everything which occasionally comes in handy but I'm sure gets annoying to many (including on here) sometimes.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @kvh22 best ever. I was almost about to write the same, but you, thankfully, beat me to it. 

    I must say though, analyzing the text from the two posts made within minutes of each other, there are sooooo many similarities. Cadence of sentences, punctuation, etc. Only two things stand out to me indicating that they are different people, potentially. 1) comment about pregnancies... OP here says “5th pregnancy” and the other writes “baby 5”. And 2) the knottie OP uses a capital B when she types “Because”. Likely a simple error with predictive text/rephrasing a sentence, where as mamabear does not. 

    Really, minor errors and if we had more text to work with we could be more scientific about it. Interesting to see the similarities and differences between the posts though. @mamabear324 you may have a stalker.
  • @SpaceBurger I mean...I was going to say that this isn't a business and many of us who work appreciate the break from that, but it had already been addressed and I didn't want to pile on and discredit the other points I was trying to make  :D

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • Is anyone else having their palms peel? Mainly in the lines on your palms? I don’t have dry skin at all yet I’m peeling on my palms. It’s crazy! 5th pregnancy and the first time this has happened!
    Just so we all don't miss out on the original grossness. 

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • That sounds gross. Please join us in the symptoms thread where this could be better suited.  
    I literally snorted with laughter. I didn't realize this was a job requiring me to be professional?!

  • @DuchessOfCambridge wait. I'm not getting paid for this? 😳
  • @eatinwatermelonseeds we should tho if we are basically Google

  • Or I can reply however I want since apparently everyone else does. I have seen worse separate posts about obvious symptoms that deal with cervical mucus that are answered without a “this is gross join other thread” response. A simple “please join other thread” without opinion would’ve been more professional. 

  • Yes, you’re right. Not this board. Other ones I was apart of people either directed them with zero opinions or answered without telling them how gross it was. That’s my point. 🤷‍♀️I just figured everyone is nice and open in these things. My bad.

  • Idk, you guys have always been nice to me 🤷‍♀️It's like I follow the rules and actually interact with you often or something.
    Funny how that
  • Idk, you guys have always been nice to me 🤷‍♀️It's like I follow the rules and actually interact with you often or something.
    Go figure 🤷
  • I’m really trying hard to not scratch my palms now. Anyone else just feeling peel-y??? 😂
  • There's an old wives tale that if your palms itch it means you're going to come into money. Or you just read a post about peeling palms and it's giving you the heeby jeebies. 
  • anonellisanonellis member
    edited November 2018
    I realize this is a ridiculous drive by that will be closed soon, BUT for the benefit of everyone else who might read this — “itchy palms” in pregnancy is a potentially serious sign of cholestasis, which I had in my first pregnancy.  It is a liver problem with basically no other symptoms except being super itchy particularly on your palms and feet.  It can cause late term stillbirth.  I delivered early for this reason.  It is definitely something to bring up to your doctor. 

    Just a quick PSA! 

    ETA:  OP, please mention to your doctor.  
  • @anonellis I thought about cholestasis, but for the itchy girl. This one is just mentioning peeling, which I've never heard of being present without severe itching in cholestasis. 
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