I kind of didn't like how they ended it with him. I thought him dying sacrificing himself was a great ending and that them keeping him alive where you don't know if he lives or dies is kinda cheesy. I also hate big time jumps, but I guess they need to in order to progress the story.
When Negan was in the cell and Maggie wanted to kill him, I really thought Negan would try to take advantage of that and escape and was surprised he didn't.
I agree with Negan. So weird. I was expecting a twist but nothing...
I like that he lived. Apparently, Andrew Lincoln was unsure about leaving the show and so I like that there's an option for reunion. Supposedly there's 3 movies coming out about him? I assume they're TV movies on AMC, but maybe not?
Oh really? I guess I just assumed he really wanted to leave the show. I also read some article that said they might finally explain what happened to Heath and that the helicopter people who took them at the end was also the one who took Heath. That always bothered me that he just disappeared and no one seemed to care or ever mention him again.
Ok, I remember him now. Tara was never my favorite character either so sometimes I would pick my phone up during those portions of the show and I guess I missed something pretty important.
Is Tara even still in it? I don't see her around much. Also I didn't see Ezekiel in the time jump so I hope he is okay. I like him. I think my saddest moment in the show was when Shiva died!
I'm pretty sure Tara died but I can't remember how. That is how insignificant she is to me.
Honestly, Rick, Michonne, Carl, Judith, Daryl, and Carol are the only characters I care much about. I usually hate watching episodes that don't have Rick in them too. So I'm not sure how the rest of this season will go for me.
I thought it was kind of a copout for them to keep him alive. Him sacrificing himself for the group was so much more emotional and dramatic when I believed he was gone for good. And I can't handle pathetic Negan either, but I know he won't stay like that for long. I bet he somehow takes over again with Rick gone. I won't be able to watch tonight because my ILs are here (ugh), but I'll likely watch it Monday night.
Me: 35 | H: 40 Married Sept. 2013 DS1: Nov 11, 2016 MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d) CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d) BFP! 8/24/19 DS2: May 10, 2020
I actually think it's another group called the whisperers. I haven't read the comics but that's what was eluded to on the Talking Dead.
I'm kinda glad they are all reverting back to their "hard core" selves. They need to not be soft when this group shows up.
I knew Michonne was pregnant. I love that Rick left a son for her.
Rosita (spelling?) and Gabriel was a shock and I was like, "no, no, no!" He is so old and he is Gabriel. I don't know, I just wish they would pair her with a young, hot guy.
@emeraldcity603 I seriously hope you’re right bc I’ve come around to the logic of zombies in general but I can’t get on board with EVOLVING zombies! Haha I have also heard about the whisperers. So hopefully that’s a thing.
So I finally watched this weeks episode. I like the time jump. We needed some fresh story telling. I was getting tired of the revolving door. And I’m excited about the badass-ery? I’m apprehensive about this new group but we’ll see!
I can't believe they killed off Jesus. I was shocked. So I guess whats-her-name will run hilltop now.
So basically these Whisperers dress as walkers, walk with walkers, leading them to their victim, and then they kill them? Seems like a lot of wasted time. Although the thought of the Walkers evolving really freaked me out.
I'm SO bummed about Jesus. I didn't see that coming. How terrible. This season is getting so much better than the last couple though, I'm happy and I feel like the show is coming back a little bit. I was really kind of over the wash and repeat feeling of the last season or two.
I wonder if/when they will merge the crew from fear the walking dead. Seems harder now that we've had the big time jump in TWD.
I like the story line too. I just wish Rick could be apart of it. Where is Maggie? When do they plan on letting us see this new community she is apart of?
@emeraldcity603 DH has been claiming that they’re going to merge but I’m not convinced. I thought I heard Maggie was off the show. But also my source on that is DH ask I ave no real authority on that lol. I’m confused about Maggie’s whereabouts. And is the falling out they keep referring to just about Neegan? I’m not 100% on the story there.
Re: The Walking Dead *spoilers*
When Negan was in the cell and Maggie wanted to kill him, I really thought Negan would try to take advantage of that and escape and was surprised he didn't.
I also hate big time jumps. Why is it Ann who saves him? I have never liked her.
I like that he lived. Apparently, Andrew Lincoln was unsure about leaving the show and so I like that there's an option for reunion. Supposedly there's 3 movies coming out about him? I assume they're TV movies on AMC, but maybe not?
Honestly, Rick, Michonne, Carl, Judith, Daryl, and Carol are the only characters I care much about. I usually hate watching episodes that don't have Rick in them too. So I'm not sure how the rest of this season will go for me.
Also I thought it was weird they brought Sasha back. I mean, were her and Rick even that close?
Married Sept. 2013
DS1: Nov 11, 2016
MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
BFP! 8/24/19
DS2: May 10, 2020
Also, they should be very scared if the walkers are evolving.
I'm kinda glad they are all reverting back to their "hard core" selves. They need to not be soft when this group shows up.
I knew Michonne was pregnant. I love that Rick left a son for her.
Rosita (spelling?) and Gabriel was a shock and I was like, "no, no, no!" He is so old and he is Gabriel. I don't know, I just wish they would pair her with a young, hot guy.
Married Sept. 2013
DS1: Nov 11, 2016
MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
BFP! 8/24/19
DS2: May 10, 2020
So I finally watched this weeks episode. I like the time jump. We needed some fresh story telling. I was getting tired of the revolving door. And I’m excited about the badass-ery? I’m apprehensive about this new group but we’ll see!
I can't believe they killed off Jesus. I was shocked. So I guess whats-her-name will run hilltop now.
So basically these Whisperers dress as walkers, walk with walkers, leading them to their victim, and then they kill them? Seems like a lot of wasted time. Although the thought of the Walkers evolving really freaked me out.
I wonder if/when they will merge the crew from fear the walking dead. Seems harder now that we've had the big time jump in TWD.
I like the story line too. I just wish Rick could be apart of it. Where is Maggie? When do they plan on letting us see this new community she is apart of?
I also heard Maggie left the show suddenly and they had to find a way to write her out, which is why it was so sudden and without much explanation.
Married Sept. 2013
DS1: Nov 11, 2016
MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
BFP! 8/24/19
DS2: May 10, 2020
Any idea what the X's are on Darryl and Michonne?