May 2019 Moms

Group 4 Check-in W/O 11/5

This thread is for those due May 22-31

Due date/W+D: 

Baby is the size of a(n): 

Any appointments? Questions?:


How are you feeling?: 

GTKY:  What was your first job?

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: Group 4 Check-in W/O 11/5

  • Due date/W+D: May 23 / 11+5

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime

    Any appointments? Questions?:  Appointment today -- got to see LO on the portable ultrasound machine since my OB wasn't getting the HB on the doppler, so that was a nice surprise! I had my NIPT blood draw afterwards and the phlebotomist blew my vein and they had to get another Panorama testing kit (ay yi yi), but I should get those results back in about 10 days. 

    Rants/Raves?:  Feeling pretty good so no major rants. My H has been out of town and is back tonight, and tonight starts college basketball so excited to watch my alma mater play! Also, hoping like hell that this election turns out favorably.  

    How are you feeling?:  Other than the exhaustion in the evenings, good. My energy is starting to return slowly, so hopefully that continues.  

    GTKY:  What was your first job?  Ha, I actually worked in an OB's office.  I filed charts, did laundry, shredded papers, and cleaned instruments (the office used metal speculums still).  It was a great first job and I learned I had no interest at all in the medical field! 
    Me: 35     DH: 37
    BFP: 1.6.16 | MC: 2.17.16
    BFP: 10.3.16 | CP: 10.11.16
    BFP: 12.14.16 | CP: 12.14.16
    BFP:  1.23.17 | EDD 10.6.17 -- DS born 10.7.17 <3
    BFP:  9.9.18 | EDD 5.23.19 -- DD born 5.24.19 <3
    BFP: 9.1.21 | MC 10.1.21
    BFP: 11.11.21 | EDD 7.24.22 


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  • Due date/W+D: 6/2

    Baby is the size of a(n): Prune

    Any appointments? Questions?: Next isn't until the 19th

    Rants/Raves?: Rave: I am really thankful my husband has been trying to help out more. He actually helped vacuum. Rant: He has been working nights so it has been tough without him home, but maybe this is helping me appreciate him more. Lol

    How are you feeling?: I was finally starting to feel better but then I threw up twice yesterday so it didn't last.

    GTKY:  What was your first job? My first real job was working as research assistant in college. I really enjoyed running experiments in the lab.
  • Due date/W+D: May 22/ 11+6

    Baby is the size of a(n): I think it was lime this week.

    Any appointments? Questions?: No appointments this week.

    Rants/Raves?: NA

    How are you feeling?: Good except so tired and lots of lower back pain.

    GTKY:  What was your first job?  My first job was the Air Force right out of High School. I was a language analyst.
  • Due date/W+D: May 28th/11wks today

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lime

    Any appointments? Questions?: I've had lots of appts already since i did IVF and had a SCH aaaand i'm high risk. Next is in 5wks.

    Rants/Raves?: I'm just ready for the first tri to be over. I've felt horrible since 5wks and it's been really hard to function.

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good. Finally starting to get back to "normal"

    GTKY:  What was your first job? McDonalds. I ate so many fries. 
  • imrachelleaimrachellea member
    edited November 2018
    @DuchessOfCambridge Perhaps they mean a key lime? Those are pretty on par for being the size of a donut hole.

    Due date/W+D: 5/30, 10+5

    Baby is the size of a(n): tea light...does that mean tea candle?

    Any appointments? Questions?: none this week, had a regular check last week, heard the heartbeat at 177 😍 I have my NT scan next Thursday

    Rants/Raves?: I'm just really really ready to be out of first trimester. I'm so sick of being so tired. I'm a big gym rat (typically I go 5-6 days a week) and I've seriously been struggling to go even once or twice a week. I only made it once last week, but I counted Halloween since I hustled around the neighborhood probably about two miles chasing my (almost) five year old while carrying my two year old. And my Fitbit counted it, so there's that. But I miss my barbell (and guys...I *have* one in my basement, that's just how tired I've been about going downstairs to it)

    How are you feeling?: tired. Tired. TIRED. Also this RLP is for the birds. Who else is ready for the happy second trimester?

    GTKY:  What was your first job? I did stocking and bagging at my dad's company's factory holiday sales, does that count? Otherwise it would be a summer camp counselor at the resident Christian camp I grew up going to.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @melbee81 we had the same first job  :D

    Due date/W+D: 5/28-11 weeks today

    Baby is the size of a(n): Golf Ball

    Any appointments? Questions?: Heartbeat session Thursday after work to see the little bebe

    Rants/Raves?: I just want to be out of the 1st trimester already!!! @imrachellea Also, it's raining  & I don't want to drive home in the rain, in traffic. I think I need a Target run to cheer me up!

    How are you feeling?: Just tired, staring at the rain outside of window doesn't help. My face is breaking out like a teenager. 

    GTKY:  What was your first job? McDonalds when I was 15

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • Due date/W+D: 5/26 11w2d

    Baby is the size of a(n): poker chip

    Any appointments? Questions?: my appointment went well today! LO is caught up and on track with our due date!

    Rants/Raves?: Tired of feeling horrible but not wanting to wait over a month for my next appointment. 6 weeks away due to scheduling conflicts with DH

    How are you feeling?: extremely excited that we're getting close to the second tri!

    GTKY:  What was your first job? Life guard and swim instructor at 14. My LO will be a water baby and I'll be teaching them to swim early. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Due date/W+D: 11+6/ May 22

    Baby is the size of a: Lime

    Any appointments? Questions?: Had an appointment this past Friday. My OB had a hard time finding the HB on doppler, so she used a second one that let me see the baby on a screen and see the heartbeat, which was great! My next appt is a little over 3 weeks away.

    Rants/Raves?: Got some interesting results from my initial blood work and my husband had to have some blood work done and he FREAKED OUT at the OB office when he was told. He is squeamish and was being totally ridiculous and ended up going home early from work for "nausea" (insert eye roll, like I am not nauseous 24/7 and working full-time). We didn't opt for NIPT testing since I am low risk, but now I am wondering if we should have.

    How are you feeling?: Nausea is back with a vengeance. I have been on the verge of being sick the past 2 days. Not eating very well and falling asleep on the couch lately.

    GTKY:  What was your first job? At a pizza place! It's still one of my favorite foods and luckily I still want it while pregnant!
  • This thread is for those due May 22-31

    Due date/W+D: May 25 11w 3d

    Baby is the size of a(n): lime 

    Any appointments? Questions?: Nope

    Rants/Raves?: Rant. I started back and work yesterday and its showed a lot this week

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good. Just nauseous a bit

    GTKY:  What was your first job? At a dollarstore. I hated it.
  • Due date/W+D: May 22 / 12 weeks  <3

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lime!

    Any appointments? Questions?: I have my first trimester screening today. I am so nervous... I always get this way before ultrasounds.

    Rants/Raves?: I am not sure when I will finally feel out of the danger zone as far as weeks go. I know they say after the first trimester but I don't see my fears leaving me any time soon. It is so hard to enjoy pregnancy after experiencing a loss.

    How are you feeling?: Constantly hungry... Literally. Tired. Lower back pain when bending over.

    GTKY: What was your first job? A tanning bed salon when I was 16. Got paid under the table and loved it!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • nykk_3nykk_3 member
    edited November 2018

    Due date/W+D: 12 Weeks today! 

    Baby is the size of a(n): Lime

    Any appointments? Questions?: We have the NT scan on Friday, this will be the first time my husband can make it to an ultrasound.

    Rants/Raves?: My complaint today is that my day is dragging at work.

    How are you feeling?: exhausted!

    GTKY:  What was your first job? I worked at a dry cleaners at 15 years old. Shockingly it was pretty cool!
  • Lurking from group 3. @cwell2016 if your husband had to go get blood work, I'm guessing you were a carrier for something? I am a cystic fibrosis carrier and we didn't find out until the first trimester blood work last pregnancy. If that's the case, as long as your husband isn't also a carrier (which the odds are low for most things he will be, it was about 1 in 18 for us and he was not) and it's the type of disorder that needs both of you to be a carrier for there to be a chance the baby has it, then you won't need anything further testing. If he is a carrier, NIPT or some other test would likely be covered. Sorry if that wasn't the results you were talking about but just wanted to offer some insight in case it was.

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • @kvh22 Thanks! I have sickle cell trait (which is news because I was tested as a baby because my mother does too). I had them repeat my bloodwork to be sure. I am not concerned about my husband having it and we both would have to for the baby to possibly have sickle cell. A lot of people on my mom's side have sickle cell anemia, but I thought I wasn't a carrier, so I wasn't concerned at all. But it is good to know the extra testing may be covered if we get another surprise! We should find out today whether he is or not.

  • @kaycald I'm due with my rainbow baby in May as well. It's definitely tougher to be excited and not worry about everything this time around. I feel like I'm hyper aware of every little twinge in my body this time! Hope your scan went well and congrats on your rainbow  <3
  • @melbee81 Oh my gosh! That is amazing! Thank you so much and congrats to you as well! I keep having to tell myself all I can do is the best I can do and God will take care of the rest. Being pregnant after a loss really puts everything in perspective. Babies are miracles. May needs to hurry up!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @melbee81 @kaycald Ours will be a rainbow baby too!! We had a chemical pregnancy in August before I got pregnant with our little one, and I know the pain and worry. Like you're almost expecting things to go wrong, when all you want to be is excited and happy. It's a struggle, but we'll get through it and have our perfect, healthy little babies!! 😊

    This thread is for those due May 22-31

    Due date/W+D: 5/30; 11 weeks, 2 days

    Baby is the size of a(n): a Lego Person.

    Any appointments? Questions?: Our next appointment will be our NT Screening on the 19th, and I'm so excited/nervous for those results.

    Rants/Raves?: My belly is beginning to grow more and more, and OMG does it itch like crazy!! I finally bought a belly cream that I love from Amazon called Earth Mama Belly Butter, it smells like Fresh oranges and I love how smooth it makes my skin feel!! For anyone looking for a good belly cream, I highly reccomend it. But yeah, the itching struggle is ridiculous!! I don't want to scratch and heighten my chance of getting stretch marks, so I've just been stuck lathering on the belly cream like crazy. Hopefully it calms down some.

    How are you feeling?: Still pretty tired, though the bloating and nausea are subsiding. I've been cramping more this week though, and experiencing what I'm assuming is round ligament pain. Can't complain too much about that though. Baby is growing, and that's a good thing!! 😁

    GTKY:  What was your first job? I was a tutor at a Continuation High School near my hometown. I both loved and hated it. It definitely taught me that I NEVER want to be a teacher, and gave me that much more respect for teachers/educators. You're all saints!!
  • @intheluep Yes, we sure will! Our perfect little babies are on the way! <3 Let me know how that belly cream works! Praying for both you & @melbee81!
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  •  @intheluep congrats! That belly cream does sound awesome. I'm still mostly bloat but I'm sure the itching is right around the corner, lol. I'm so weird about scents right now I couldn't get anything online without trying it first. Pretty much the only place that has stuff i like right now is LUSH.
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