June 2019 Moms

GTKY: mom edition

What are you looking most forward to about being a mom (or mom again)?

What traits/characteristics that you want your baby to get from you and your partner?

Anything (knowledge, tradition, dream, passion) you want to pass on to your little one?

Any parenting method or philosophy you currently use or plan to use? 

Re: GTKY: mom edition

  • What are you looking most forward to about being a mom (or mom again)? I love when their little bodies almost melt into yours during snuggles and the sound of baby chatter as they fall asleep and wake up. I could live in the moment I listen to those little voices in morning. 

    What traits/characteristics that you want your baby to get from you and your partner? 
    I’d love them to get his confidence but my sense of whimsy. 

    Anything (knowledge, tradition, dream, passion) you want to pass on to your little one? 
    I will force each of them into an instrument and sport of their choice. 

    Any parenting method or philosophy you currently use or plan to use? 
    Nope, we fly by the seat of our pants here
  • Mostly I just can't wait to take this journey with my husband. He is going to be a great dad and I want to keep growing as a family.

    I kind of hope my kids get my red hair. Mostly because my husband insists that they won't (even though I suspect he kind of wants a couple of cute redheads too). I hope they have his kindness and work ethic.

    I grew up as a dancer, so I would love it if my kids show interest as well! I would like to start some traditions. Neither of our families really have any, so it would be fun to start some.

    I don't exactly know about parenting methods yet. We have some more learning and talking to do. The only thing I have warned my husband about is that I am pretty certain that I will not be able to be a let them cry it out mom. Not that I see anything wrong with other parents decisions to do so or not, I just think I will give in immediately. 
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  • What are you looking most forward to about being a mom (or mom again)?
    I’m excited about getting to learn to be a parent with DH (although I have much more experience with children, so there will also be a lot of teaching) and I’m so excited for baby cuddles and those precious little fingers and toes.

    What traits/characteristics that you want your baby to get from you and your partner?
    My sense of adventure and SH’s sense of humor.

    Anything (knowledge, tradition, dream, passion) you want to pass on to your little one?
    I’m not really sure about that one.

    Any parenting method or philosophy you currently use or plan to use? 
    Not yet. I need to do more research on that.
  • What are you looking most forward to about being a mom (or mom again)?
    Im REALLY looking forward to DS being a big brother. I hope he's going to love this baby and they will be best friends. I didn't have siblings, so I'm excited for him too, but I'm a bit scared that I have zero idea how to navigate TWO. I'm also going to really enjoy this pregnancy, just incase its our last (I really don't know if we'll have more or not). But I'm so glad that this time, I at least feel like I know what I'm doing and more or less what to expext because I've already had a baby. The anxiety is about 1000 times less this time around. 

    What traits/characteristics that you want your baby to get from you and your partner? I hope they get my reslience and I kind of hope they get my blonde hair. I was really shocked when DS came out blonde, but I like it now 😂. DH has jet black hair and no one expected my blonde to win out. From DH, I hope they get his humor and intelligence. 

    Anything (knowledge, tradition, dream, passion) you want to pass on to your little one? I think I most want to pass on the wisdom to be able to think for themselves and to remain open minded and comfortable with being wrong (as in, willing to admit they are wrong and change their minds when presented with counter information)

    Any parenting method or philosophy you currently use or plan to use? So we do attachment parenting and so called "lazy parenting". That might seem kind of dichotomous, but it works for us. Its not so.much that I stick to either method 100%, its more that what works for us happens to coincide with those methods 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • What are you looking most forward to about being a mom (or mom again)?
    the newborn snuggles/smell/noises/stretches 😍😭

    What traits/characteristics that you want your baby to get from you and your partner?
    confidence from me and humor/go with the flow attitude like dad. 

    Anything (knowledge, tradition, dream, passion) you want to pass on to your little one?
    To be kind and compassionate to all. I will NOT raise a mean human. 

    Any parenting method or philosophy you currently use or plan to use?
    we were so laid back with dd and that totally worked for us. She’s so adaptable and go with the flow. So our plan is to have no plan and see what this babes personality is going to be like 😜
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