June 2019 Moms

Odds of NOT Having an Early Miscarriage

Hey ladies, this chart is something I’ve seen posted on multiple BMBs and it has done wonders for my anxiety as we navigate the admittedly nerve-wracking first trimester. I want to say it was originally posted in January of 2016 by another woman who was frustrated with the fact that all the miscarriage statistics she could find were the reverse. That is to say, they showed the odds of having a miscarriage and with that as the focus, it was not leaving her feeling at all reassured. So she adapted the chart to show how the odds are so much more in our favor and how many women have positive outcomes. I didn’t come up with this. But I hope it gives some of you ladies some relative peace of mind, as it does for me.

ProgressProbability of NOT having a miscarriage
3W, 0D67%
3W, 1D67.10%
3W, 2D67.40%
3W, 3D68%
3W, 4D68.70%
3W, 5D69.70%
3W, 6D70.80%
4W, 0D72%
4W, 1D73.50%
4W, 2D74.80%
4W, 3D76.40%
4W, 4D77.90%
4W, 5D79.50%
4W, 6D81.10%
5W, 0D82.70%
5W, 1D84.20%
5W, 2D85.60%
5W, 3D87%
5W, 4D88.30%
5W, 5D89.50%
5W, 6D90.60%
6W, 0D91.60%
6W, 1D92.50%
6W, 2D93.40%
6W, 3D94.10%
6W, 4D94.70%
6W, 5D95.30%
6W, 6D95.70%
7W, 0D96.10%
7W, 1D96.50%
7W, 2D96.80%
7W, 3D97%
7W, 4D97.20%
7W, 5D97.40%
7W, 6D97.50%
8W, 0D97.60%
8W, 1D97.70%
8W, 2D97.80%
8W, 3D97.80%
8W, 4D97.90%
8W, 5D97.90%
8W, 6D97.90%
9W, 0D97.90%
9W, 1D (and on)98%+
Married 25 May, 2013
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
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Re: Odds of NOT Having an Early Miscarriage

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