Baby Names

Spelling question

I’m hoping I won’t get raked through the coals for a spelling question, but I’ve been here for a decade and should know better! 

We’re expecting our fifth bio baby at the end of December and we’ve finally settled with a name. I believe either way that this is to be his name but am unsure about spelling. Normally, I try to stick to the original spelling, aside from my oldest I was young and didn’t know better.

We want to name him Zion Augustine. However, the name is Zion has a lot of weird connections with us. One, that it is the college we went to and met at! It’s a very small school, but we left it having some issues there and the school has since changed it’s name for almost a decade now. Also, growing up, a long time ago I had a cat named Zion. I know it’s not a big deal but still kind of weird. 

So, we’ve found an alternative spelling of Sion but we’re concerned it will be mispronounced and spelled wrong forever. From what I have found is that Sion is an alternative spelling, even Biblically. It’s also a Welsh name, and my family is welsh, which means “God is Gracious.”

For me, I think I prefer Zion. But love the welsh meaning of Sion. My H would prefer Sion to give some separation from our former school. 

Our other bio kids are, 

Addalyn Grace 
Lilah Joy
Asher Elliott 
Micah Leland 

DD1 | Jan 2009
DD2 | June 2011
DS1 | Oct 2013
   ADD3 | Oct 2014 (April 2001)
DS2 | June 2016
DS3 | Dec 2018

Due with baby blob August 2021

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Re: Spelling question

  • I’m hoping I won’t get raked through the coals for a spelling question, but I’ve been here for a decade and should know better! 

    We’re expecting our fifth bio baby at the end of December and we’ve finally settled with a name. I believe either way that this is to be his name but am unsure about spelling. Normally, I try to stick to the original spelling, aside from my oldest I was young and didn’t know better.

    We want to name him Zion Augustine. However, the name is Zion has a lot of weird connections with us. One, that it is the college we went to and met at! It’s a very small school, but we left it having some issues there and the school has since changed it’s name for almost a decade now. Also, growing up, a long time ago I had a cat named Zion. I know it’s not a big deal but still kind of weird. 

    So, we’ve found an alternative spelling of Sion but we’re concerned it will be mispronounced and spelled wrong forever. From what I have found is that Sion is an alternative spelling, even Biblically. It’s also a Welsh name, and my family is welsh, which means “God is Gracious.”

    For me, I think I prefer Zion. But love the welsh meaning of Sion. My H would prefer Sion to give some separation from our former school. 

    Our other bio kids are, 

    Addalyn Grace 
    Lilah Joy
    Asher Elliott 
    Micah Leland 

    I guess if you have a bad connection with a name why you would use it for your kid, despite being spelled differently.  Sion doesnt look right and I'm certain people will not make the 'z' sound that they will make the 's' sound and mispronounce it.  

    I personally would find something that has a better connection to you. 
  • I actually am going to vote Sion because Zion can be a very loaded word in certain communities.
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  • Zion
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
    TTC since September 2012
  • Preferably you should pick a name you love with connections you love. But if ai has to pick between the two spellings: Zion.
  • Even if you spell it Sion, won’t it still feel too connected to the school and/or cat?  Zion is the way to go if you want this name.  Most people would mispronounce Sion and think you forgot the M in Simon.
  • I agree with what others have said, if you are set on that name and pronunciation I would stick with Zion. Sion makes my brain want to pronounce it like “Shawn” and also makes me think of the Toyota Scion.
  • Go with Zion. If you don't like the associations you might need to find another name.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • Sion makes me automatically think of the Toyota. I think it will be constantly misspelled and mispronounced. I also agree with @harpseal135 , it sounds like there are no real good connections regarding this name so I’m not understanding why you want to use it. 
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