2nd Trimester

2nd trimester symptoms?

Hi, this is my 1st pregnancy and I can't help but to wonder when will I feel better? I still have nausea everytime I smell our dog, its so bad that I gag a lot. I couln't sleep at night and my constipation - I feel like my tummy hurts (very full and hard) that sometimes I want to vomit. Does anybody here experience the same? I'm worried if these are normal symptoms to have or still have after the 1st trimester. 

Best Answers

  • bellebaby221bellebaby221 member
    Answer ✓
    **lurking from the Feb 2019 BMB**
    It's totally normal to still have 1st tri symptoms in the 2nd tri (and beyond!).  Some people never experience that 2nd tri energy boost that can happen.  The BMB that I'm on has women that are still able to exercise regularly while others can't stop throwing up without anti-nausea meds.  It varies quite a bit from person to person.  Personally, I have days where I feel great and others where I just want to stay in bed.  I wish I could tell you that those annoying 1st tri symptoms just disappear when you hit 13 weeks but unfortunately that's not the case for everyone.  Hopefully you'll start to feel somewhat better soon!
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  • thank u so much! 

Re: 2nd trimester symptoms?

  • I am in my second trimester 16 weeks and have been Extremely sick since day one I have been hospitalized twice for severe dehydration because of all the vomiting and can’t not find any medication to work I am just hoping I will get better I have lost 20 pounds gained nothing yet which is definitely not healthy this is my 3rd pregnancy and my other 2 was nothing like this 
  • Hi there! This is my first pregnancy and I’m 21 weeks.. I didn’t get morning sickness my first trimester but for some reason I’ve had a few random mornings this week where I’ve thrown up. So I’m assuming it’s a normal thing🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
  • Hi, lurking from the 1st Trimester and July 2019 BMB. My constant nausea didn’t actually start until recently (12 weeks tomorrow). So even though I am luckily approaching my 2nd Trimester, I didn’t start experiencing things like nausea, bloating and continual sharp gas pains until recently. I’m hoping it tapers off, but the NP at my practice said due to the changing hormones symptoms can happen throughout.
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