May 2019 Moms

I am alone

I have found myself pregnant by someone I hardly know. I am currently 6 weeks. I told him about it and he told me to get an abortion. I am totally against that and wish to continue my pregnancy. I already a child who is 5 and I couldn’t imagine life without her. I feel as though this child was sent to me for a reason. The dad has told me to stay away from him and he wants nothing to do with me. As for the baby he said we’ll go to court if I don’t get my own place because at the moment I live with my mother but I planned to move out before I found out I was pregnant. I feel so hurt but I know I can raise another child on my own. I don’t think I’m making the wrong choice. He also has 3 kids of his own from a previous relationship so I know that puts pressure on him but he should take responsibility for his actions just like I am.

I am at a lost ofwords right now and I feel so confused and just want someone to talk to.

Re: I am alone

  • I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. I imagine it's very scary right now, but you have 9 months to prepare for baby. Just try to take it one day at a time and I'm sure it'll all fall into place.
  • That sounds so incredibly stressful and difficult. I’m so sorry. Definitely take it one day at a time and don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do!
    Me: 32 │ DH: 35 
    Married 8/16/13
    BFP#1 DS 11/13/16
    BFP# 2 MMC dx @ 13w 10/30/18
    BFP# 3 Preemie DD born at 38w (IUGR) on 8/28/19 weighing 5.5lbs. Our little miracle  <3

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  • I’m also sorry you’re in this situation, but your confidence in yourself gives me hope for you and your baby. 
  • Girl, stay strong and take care of you and yours! I’m sure it’s hard, but if he doesn’t want part of it, it’s probably for the best for you and the baby that he walks away :(
  • Oh girl I'm so sorry. What a tough situation. But I admire you for standing strong. Do not let your SO bully you into something that works for him. While it would be awesome for him to be involved if he chooses later, this is your body and your choice. And stick around here because we can give you virtual support!
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I have found myself pregnant by someone I hardly know. I am currently 6 weeks. I told him about it and he told me to get an abortion. I am totally against that and wish to continue my pregnancy. I already a child who is 5 and I couldn’t imagine life without her. I feel as though this child was sent to me for a reason. The dad has told me to stay away from him and he wants nothing to do with me. As for the baby he said we’ll go to court if I don’t get my own place because at the moment I live with my mother but I planned to move out before I found out I was pregnant. I feel so hurt but I know I can raise another child on my own. I don’t think I’m making the wrong choice. He also has 3 kids of his own from a previous relationship so I know that puts pressure on him but he should take responsibility for his actions just like I am.

    I am at a lost ofwords right now and I feel so confused and just want someone to talk to.

    He wants you to abort the baby and yet is trying to threaten you on potential custody if you do have it? This dude's logic makes no sense. Like PP have said, unless your mom's house is a dangerous place for children, there's no reason why that would make any difference for custody.
    kids with flags
  • This guy sounds like an ass. I admire you for staying strong to your convictions in the face of all this. I’m guessing that his threats of taking you to court are an attempt to control you into doing what he wants. No court would take a child from their mother just because she’s living with her own mother. And you’ve got 9 months to get ready for this baby. 

    Any chance you'll be able to get any support from this guy? I’m not entirely sure how it works in the states, but isnt he required to provide financial support?

    Good luck as you wrap your head around this! I imagine it’s so stressful. 

    DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
    DD2: October 2016
    DC3: coming May 2019

  • @k2k2tog he can be ordered to pay child support. Whether he pays it or has a paycheck eligible for garnishment is another matter. 
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

    DIStickerscom Ticker
  • Big hugs to you.  If he doesn't want involved, I would stop communicating with him to save yourself the added stress he may put on you.  I'm so sorry.  Fingers crossed that you get through this.  <3

    -"due in late April" lurker from Apr19

    DS1 is 7.  DD is 1.  DS2 is coming in late April.

    Lilypie Maternity tickers Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • Sorry you are going through this but glad you have family support around you. Plenty of women raise baby’s as single parents and do a great job. You can do this!
  • He sounds like an asshat.  Listen to your gut.  I agree with previous posters.  If he doesn’t want any part of it cut him out until it’s time to take him to court for child support.  He is just going to stress you out.  As long as your mom’s house is a safe environment any judge will laugh at him.
  • @duchessofcambridge I totally should :)

    DS1 is 7.  DD is 1.  DS2 is coming in late April.

    Lilypie Maternity tickers Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I agree with above posters. You don’t need that kind of negative. He sounds like an idiot, wants you to abort but then threatens to take you to court....cut ties girl. You got this.
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I know exactly how you feel, b/c I’m in the exact same situation. I just msg’d you. Hope you’re hangin in there.
  • So sorry to hear that :/ don’t let him pressure you into potentially making a mistake you’ll regret the rest of your life. You got this, and we’re here for you; this place is really good for support. Good luck ❤️
    New mommy to be!
    EDD: 05/27/19
    hoping for a girl!!!
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