I have found myself pregnant by someone I hardly know. I am currently 6 weeks. I told him about it and he told me to get an abortion. I am totally against that and wish to continue my pregnancy. I already a child who is 5 and I couldn’t imagine life without her. I feel as though this child was sent to me for a reason. The dad has told me to stay away from him and he wants nothing to do with me. As for the baby he said we’ll go to court if I don’t get my own place because at the moment I live with my mother but I planned to move out before I found out I was pregnant. I feel so hurt but I know I can raise another child on my own. I don’t think I’m making the wrong choice. He also has 3 kids of his own from a previous relationship so I know that puts pressure on him but he should take responsibility for his actions just like I am.
I am at a lost ofwords right now and I feel so confused and just want someone to talk to.
Re: I am alone
Married 8/16/13
BFP#1 DS 11/13/16
BFP# 2 MMC dx @ 13w 10/30/18
BFP# 3 Preemie DD born at 38w (IUGR) on 8/28/19 weighing 5.5lbs. Our little miracle
Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020
Any chance you'll be able to get any support from this guy? I’m not entirely sure how it works in the states, but isnt he required to provide financial support?
Good luck as you wrap your head around this! I imagine it’s so stressful.
DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
DD2: October 2016
DC3: coming May 2019
-"due in late April" lurker from Apr19
DS1 is 7. DD is 1. DS2 is coming in late April.
DS1 is 7. DD is 1. DS2 is coming in late April.
EDD: 05/27/19
hoping for a girl!!!