May 2019 Moms

Gender Ring Prediction Test (Just for Fun)

poshspiceposhspice member
edited September 2018 in May 2019 Moms
Okay if you haven't been in the Randoms thread, we're playing with the Gender Ring Prediction Test. I had never heard of this before, but everyone should play and post your results below. This is obviously just for fun!

Here's how it works:

ETA: I also want to say I know gender =/= sex, but that's what all the videos on YouTube call this test. 
Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker


Re: Gender Ring Prediction Test (Just for Fun)

  • Yay! I just finished, and after redoing because I realized they weren't dragging the ring on the table, I got girl-girl-boy-boy done! My first is a girl, so we are started off right. The only way my husband will let me have four is if there are multiples, so pray for me. 
  • I got girl, boy, done. Baby #1 is a girl, so we will see! Just have a casual 8 MONTHS to wait to find out if it was correct (team green). I’m sure that’s the first thing I’ll be thinking of post delivery.  :D

    Pregnancy Ticker
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  • I have done it like a dozen times months apart its always girl boy girl.  First 2 are right. 
    Pregnancy #1 DD 08.30.2007
    Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
    Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
    Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
    Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020

  • Someone please tell me if that link doesn't work! 

    Here are my results copy-pasted from the Randoms thread. 

    Okay I've done it four times, each time was different. FTR I only have one LC so far, a girl.  
    1) boy, girl, girl stop. 
    2) girl, girl, stop.
    3) girl, boy, stop. 
    4) boy, boy, stop. 

    Image result for its broken gif
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

  • @poshspice your hairs defective lol
    Pregnancy #1 DD 08.30.2007
    Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
    Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
    Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
    Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020

  • @psychobutthead maybe it is. I took one that had already fallen out and didn't pluck a live one from my scalp. I don't want to pull my hair out! It falls enough as it is. 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

  • @poshspice maybe it wasn't your hair?
    Pregnancy #1 DD 08.30.2007
    Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
    Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
    Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
    Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020

  • @poshspice pluck one hair out and redo it for the rest of us 😂😂😂
  • I asked my husband to pull one, then worried it wouldn't work if he did. So I had to have him help me so I only pulled one. I'm such a spaz. 
  • @poshspice its for science! Gotta do it right!
    Pregnancy #1 DD 08.30.2007
    Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
    Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
    Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
    Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020

  • I got boy, girl. So far it’s right, my first is a boy. My husband is kinda creeped out :lol:
  • I got boy, girl. So far it’s right, my first is a boy. My husband is kinda creeped out :lol:
    My husband thinks I'm full of it when I do it.  But hes hoping its right lol. 

    My MIL is so confident it being right since hers qnd my sil where she bought me 3 girl outfits today. 
    Pregnancy #1 DD 08.30.2007
    Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
    Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
    Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
    Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020

  • @psychobutthead I’ve done it 4 times now and it’s been the same every time. My husband didn’t believe me the first time so I had to do it again with him right next to me.
  • Lol nope I can’t yank a hair out. One of those is bound to be right, though! 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

  • Did it twice. Same answer. 5 boys!! 
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
  • @poshspice I say it’s broken too. :D

    The first time mine said girl, boy, girl, boy, stop.
    The second time was boy, boy, boy, girl, stop. 

    So, #1- my first baby is a boy. #2- there’s no way this girl will be having 4 babies. We got started too late for that many 😂 Maybe I’ll try again another day haha
  • My friend has done it to me before and got boy boy boy girl boy. I got girl girl boy girl boy girl and then I stopped because that’s too many kids, I’m not rich!

  • MaggieG183MaggieG183 member
    edited September 2018
    Mine said boy, girl, boy, stop. We already have our first boy. This bump is either twins or DH and I will have a rude awakening some day. We only want 2 and I’m already at my comfort zone for baby-bearing age, so??

    Does adoption count? I wouldn’t be surprised if we chose to adopt some day.

    Edited: I just did it two more times and got the exact same results. Eek!  :#
  • Mine said boy, girl, boy, stop. We already have our first boy. This bump is either twins or DH and I will have a rude awakening some day. We only want 2 and I’m already at my comfort zone for baby-bearing age, so??

    Does adoption count? I wouldn’t be surprised if we chose to adopt some day.

    Edited: I just did it two more times and got the exact same results. Eek!  :#
    You'll have to update us if you have twins!
    Pregnancy #1 DD 08.30.2007
    Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
    Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
    Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
    Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020

  • @psychobutthead will do...and then I will promptly pass out.

    ...and I didn’t think I was that superstitious. Thanks, @poshspice for reaffirming that I very much am. SMH 🤦🏼‍♀️ 
  • this is weird! but so fun. 

    1st try: GIRL, BOY (baby #1 is a girl) i forgot to go another round to see when we'd stop having kids so I tried again..
    2nd try: GIRL, BOY, DONE (we just want 2 kids) wha?!
    Me: 33 DH: 34
    Married: Oct 2015
    TTC #1: Sept 2016
    BFP: 10/19/16 ~ blighted ovum ~ D&C 11/23/16
    BFP: 3/24/17   <3  DD1 born 12/2/17
    TTC #2: July 2018
    BFP: 8/26/18 <3  DD2 born 5/16/19

  • I just did it and got boy, girl, girl.  First was a boy, so we'll see!
  • @nopegoat - I love that your ticker says "turd #5". I call my son a turd all the time. :D
  • Just tried it. Mine was girl, stop. 

    I feel a little guilty saying it because I'm so thankful to be pregnant that it shouldn't matter what we have but if I'm being honest I do have a slight preference for a girl. 
  • I got G, B, B, G, G, done.  First 3 are correct and DD would be thrilled to have a sister.  But 5? 😳.  #4 was a surprise 

  • I got Boy, Girl, Girl, Boy...I already have a boy and I would really love a girl next, but then that's it please! 
    Me: 32 │ DH: 35 
    Married 8/16/13
    BFP#1 DS 11/13/16
    BFP# 2 MMC dx @ 13w 10/30/18
    BFP# 3 Preemie DD born at 38w (IUGR) on 8/28/19 weighing 5.5lbs. Our little miracle  <3

  • @nopegoat - I love that your ticker says "turd #5". I call my son a turd all the time. :D
    It's tradition since my first. All my kiddos are know as Turd # until we find out the sex and pick a name. I still call them turds pretty frequently too haha! 
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
  • Girl (yup) girl (yup) boy (maybe) girl (wut?) girl (nononono) girl (ok, this thing DOESN'T WORK.)

    I didn’t go until I got a stop because NOPE. DH is getting snipped once this baby is born, so we will be done at three. 

    DD1: June 2014 - VBM4lyfe
    DD2: October 2016
    DC3: coming May 2019

  • With the prediction stuff, I 100% want to do this and 100% do not believe in it one bit. It'd be fun to see eventually though! Too bad it costs money.

  • I got girl, girl, done. I’d be totally okay with that! My DH is secretly hoping for a girl!
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • I just got girl girl boy done. The first is correct and this is our second and probably last but I keep joking with DH that I’m probably having twins lol. 
  • I got girl, girl, done :)
    Me: 38, DH: 37
    Married: 8/10/13
    BFP- 12/18/15, D&E- 4/8/16 @ 21w5d- confirmed Thanatophoric Dysplasia
    BFP- 11/7/17, M/C- 11/18/17 @ 4w6d
    BFP- 8/25/18 ~ EDD- 5/9/19 ~ DD born 5/2/20 *Lillian Hazel*
    BFP- 10/9/20 ~ EDD- 6/21/21

  • @duchessofcambridge if I knew it wasn’t completely a scam, I would give it a try for $15 haha I’m so impatient!
  • @DuchessOfCambridge we need someone who knows what they’re having to do it to “test it out” for accuracy! :) 
  • I got girl, girl, girl, boy, girl, girl, boy, girl and then I stopped because there's no way in hell I'm having that many kids. First two were accurate though.
    kids with flags
  • I got girl, boy, boy, girl, boy.  It's right for the first 3, but unless this is twins, I'm not having 5 kids..... Unless we adopt, but that would be way down the road, and we'd have to not be broke at that point.

    I am hoping for a girl this time though.  My DD keeps asking for a sister, and she doesn't even know I'm pregnant yet.  I would be happy either way though, but I am running out of boy names.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

  • So I did a redo.. I got boy, girl, stop both times. My first is a boy, and I’ve been having a feeling this one is a girl, so we’ll see!
  • I didn't know this was on the internet! I had an old German lady (she wasn't that old, but that's how I always tell the story) teach me how to do this years ago! It has always said 2 girls for me. And when I was as dating my husband, I did this to him and he got the same thing. I told him we could get married since we matched. She always told me that it could change if you were with someone who didn't match. 

    I've done this to lots of people through the years, and had many correct results! 
  • I never have used a hair, always used a thin necklace with a ring strung through. Dipped 3 times between thumb and pointer making sure not to touch, and hold over center of hand like in the video. Wish I was savvy enough to make a video and post it here, but I'm still figuring out TB.
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