I roll my eyes at people who unnecessarily document their pregnancies/children's lives and post to social media. Listen I take a million pictures of my kid, and took weekly pics of my first pregnancy and some of this one, but share them with my close family and friends. I think social media is so AWish and I hate it. And it makes me like people a little less when they post a million updates. Pregnancy announcement? Sure. Birth announcement? Sure. Cute pic of your kids? Sure. Daily picture of your child.? UNFRIEND.
@runrinserepeat AND putting it in the corral neatly. Don't just give it a shove in the direction of the other carts. Lock it in with the others, big carts in one line and small carts in the other. I will die on the hill of proper shopping cart etiquette.
I wrote two things down this week so I wouldn't forget:
1) I don't like bright colored front doors. I've never seen one that I think looks classy. I like the look of a solid wood door or something less loud.
2) I don't like when pregnant people act like their unborn child is a nuisance and they're annoyed at the kicks and hiccups & general movements. Those are the part of pregnancy that I cannot actually get over being in awe of because it's such a miracle. No one here has done that by the way! I just don't like when someone has a general annoyed attitude about their womb child.
I am going shopping with my mom so I'm going to drop and run.
@Jens_Hoes I definitely post a weekly picture on Facebook with a chalkboard that says how big baby is and a fun bit of information for the week. haha Daily pictures of DS though, no.
My UO is I dislike bows on girls. Especially big bows. Some of the small headband looking ones I am okay with, like the ones that tie and don't have an actual bow or flower. I really hope people don't gift me bows for this baby because we will NOT be using them and anyone who knows me should know this..
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
@temmetime Yessssss. I feel icky calling my unborn child names because she kicks me or sits on my bladder. But I'm also a weirdo who loves being pregnant.
@Jens_Hoes I definitely try to limit how many pictures of my kid I post but it's hard because he's SO DARN CUTE, haha. I recently created a separate IG account for him (and another for his unborn sister) to serve as a time capsule -- I'm posting two pictures and a video each day. They're private accounts so whoever wants to see his cute face can, but otherwise I'm keeping him off of my own IG from now on.
@AdorkablePixie Preach on the bows. I really dislike the giant bow hats they put on newborn girls in the hospital, haha. I might just bring my own to avoid it!
Me: 31 | DH: 31
Together since 2003 | Married 2010 TTC #1 January 2016 BFP April 18 2016 | EDD December 29, 2016 Welcome baby A! January 9, 2017
TTC#2 March 2018 BFP March 30, 2018 | EDD December 12, 2018
@AdorkablePixie I agree 10000%! I have never liked bows. A gal in my D16 BMB sells them and they are the only bows I've ever thought look cute & they're small and tie like you said. My MIL keeps advising that SIL put on bows and headbands from day one and if we have a girl we have to do it right away so she'll get used to it.. umm NO. We will not be putting big bows on baby if it's a girl.
@PensiveCrayon the separate IG account is a brilliant idea! I don't post a lot on IG and almost none on FB because I get so annoyed at other people who do it multiple times a day. I've never felt like you post too much, btw
@temmetime YES about the unborn child thing. I love the kicks, the jabs, the hiccups.. it let's me know she is okay. I love feeling her move. I am like @PensiveCrayon though and love being pregnant. I also can't stand when people who are pregnant constantly complain, especially those of them that have BEEN PREGNANT BEFORE! Come on, you know what it's like. My cousin just had her baby girl and I am SO HAPPY because she literally posted almost every single day about her pregnancy and 9 times out of 10 it was never anything positive (I'm so sick, I'm so tired, I can't sleep, I am so big, my feet are swollen, etc, etc, etc). Sorry. I went off on my own little rant here.
@PensiveCrayon I hope they don't do that at my hospital! I think they give girls and boys the same general hat at ours, the little pink and blue striped ones.
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
@AdorkablePixie the weekly pregnancy ones on facebook I definitely side-eye as unnecessary
@temmetime I am very annoyed by this baby. I hate pregnancy, I am generally uncomfortable and in pain. I don't hate my baby, and I am so blessed to be able to have a healthy pregnancy and baby, but my last pregnancy DD was stuck in a weird position up and down for most of my 2nd and 3rd trimester, and it was painful. Each movement she had was not just a normal kick or punch but very painful for me. I think being short and having a short torso does not bode well for me and experiencing an unpainful pregnancy. I may be guilty of calling this unborn baby the spawn of satan when I am really in pain.
@temmetime Oh my gosh, yes. My best friends sister makes and sells bows and keeps adding me to her business page. There's a reason I keep turning it down, stop inviting me!! Sometimes the bows leave terrible indents on their heads too. It can't be comfortable.
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
I love bows! I would still wear them if it wasn't frowned upon for a grown woman to wear bows Send all of your unwanted bows to me - my LO will be covered in them
@PensiveCrayon@temmetime one of my friends has private IG accounts for each of her boys. It's great because of course there are people who WANT to see them every day, but it's not everyone she knows. Also it gives them a little privacy because she has to accept anyone who requests to follow.
@morgantu@PensiveCrayon@temmetime I don't have IG, so help me out. Might that be a good solution to my MIL not sharing every picture of my child all over Facebook? The thing is, I WANT to share pictures with my family but I don't want them re-posting them for the whole world to see, you know? Would IG let me share pictures with them without them being able to save and re-post on Facebook?
@ab_canada yes, you could make a private account (they would have to have accounts too). And then you can share photos that upload to the app (they have it for desktop but it's MUCH easier and meant to be used on mobile). Your family could screenshot and repost, but they could do that no matter how you share with them. It depends how savvy they are. There's no way my MIL would handle IG. I'm just going to tell them no baby pictures online and freak TF out when they do it so they hopefully learn their lesson lol.
@ab_canada I mean there's always the possibility that they'll screenshot your IG photos but that would just have to be a boundary thing you discuss. I know Tinybeans is an app some people like, but I don't know if it allows screenshots or not.
Me: 31 | DH: 31
Together since 2003 | Married 2010 TTC #1 January 2016 BFP April 18 2016 | EDD December 29, 2016 Welcome baby A! January 9, 2017
TTC#2 March 2018 BFP March 30, 2018 | EDD December 12, 2018
@ab_cananda I actually downloaded an app where I can upload pictures, videos, and other information about the kids and the grandparents can have me put in their information or they sign up (I can't remember) and when I update the app they will get the updates! If you're interested I can give you the name. I don't use IG either. Also, if I get ton of bows I won't use, I'll send them to you!!
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Re: bows I agree that some people take it way too far. I think they’re cute sometimes, but I don’t understand why some people think their daughter has to wear one every single day. I have seen little girls at the pool or at a sporting event with a bow in her hair. Why? I just don’t get it!
My UO: I do not understand why people spend hundreds of dollars per season on clothes for their child. My son has some nice outfits, don’t get me wrong. But, for the most part, he wears T-shirts and shorts and sweats in the winter. He is 2 1/2 and has probably worn jeans or dress pants less than 20 times his whole life. Personally, I feel like he might as well be comfortable, plus he gets everything dirty anyway!
@AdorkablePixie I didn’t think I would like bows on my DD but then DD was super blond (and still is) and you had to look really hard to see her hair. We started bows because even if she was dressed in head to toe pink she got called a boy. (Which I didn’t care). The majority of her clothes were unisex anyways but sometimes it’s easier to put a bow on then be questioned by strangers on why I dress a girl like a boy. Even if I didn’t like bows, DD does and asks to wear/matches one to pretty much every outfit unless she wants to rock pigtails and still sometimes a bow or a flower ends up in her hair;) the bigger the better for her too!!
The tiny beans app was great but haven’t used it since moving closer to family. I believe you can screenshot and also download the images.
@katy0990 yes to comfy clothes!! I wish people would stop buying my son jeans and dress shirts. He wants to be in sweats and a tshirt. He’s not even 2 and if I put jeans on him he yells “tigghhht” and finds it harder to climb up the the couch etc.
I'm not sure I have a UO of my own today. If I think of one, I'll post later.
@runrinserepeat I don't think that's a UO at all. I can't stand it when people are too lazy to take their cart to the corral either...there's no excuse. I think the only people that would find this unpopular are the lazy f**kers themselves.
@AdorkablePixie I wasn't too big on bows at first either, and I'm still really not. I'll put bows on B, but they aren't oversized or gaudy. But you know how much hair she STILL doesn't have!! I'll have to take a pic of the bow/romper combo DH's aunt got for B and post it on here. Holy ugly/gaudy/pink camo mess. Whyyyyy do people think these things are cute??
@morgantu@PensiveCrayon@AdorkablePixie Thanks, ladies! I will have to give IG a shot. I think DH already has it, so he can show me how to use it and the "screenshot" option just feels like cheating, so I sort of doubt they would do that. And I doubt our families are that technologically advanced
More UO from me - I love putting my kids in skinny jeans (and started the at an early age). DS, who is very much in size 4T, wore some 3T skinnies to school on Monday. He dresses himself so he chose them, and they just looked so hipster, it was awesome. Of course, after he got home I realized he’d gone commando all day but who can blame him, they were tight!
+1 to comfy clothes! DD is over 18 months and still lives in onesies during the summer and onesies and comfy pants in the winter. She’s happy so I don’t really care what people think.
and -1 to bows in the hair. What I don’t get about them is that they constantly come off! They’re cute but way too much work! I’ve put them on DD a handful of times and once she rips it off her head the second time I’m over it and it goes in my bag.
Kind of love bows. My first was pretty much bald for the first year and a half plus, and I always felt like bows made her look a little more put together when she was all dressed up (since we couldn’t do things like pigtails or whatever).
Agreed on the over-documentation of pregnancies (and children, and relationships, and wedding planning, and diets/exercise plans, and pets) on social media. Stick to the highlights, or stories that are genuinely amusing/touching/outrageous.
And I really, really, really deeply despise the sensation of fetal movement. Always have, probably always will. I try not to complain about it all that much (or about pregnancy in general), and I wouldn’t go so far as to say it hurts most of the time, but aside from being generally uncomfortable (my fetuses apparently prefer to hang out behind my ribcage) it makes me feel like I have no control or bodily autonomy. Still worth it, and I love my kid (and my soon-to-be-kid), but I feel no guilt about disliking my fetus (at least, not this time around… last time it was a huge source of mental anguish because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get over it).
I try so hard not to overshare on social media that sometimes I’ll post things to private so it’ll show up on my Timehop next year as a memory just for me.
My UO that I’ve been meaning to post forever is that I don’t mind people touching my belly. When my mom’s friends did it super early, however, I may have said that it was just leftovers from DS 1. Now that he’s moving and I feel more comfortable with my baby bump, feel free to touch away. I love when other people can fee him kick too.
@katy0990 I’m with you on expensive kid clothes - it makes little sense to me. DH & I know a couple who spend maximum money on EVERYTHING, it’s ridiculous. DH joked about asking the H what kid stuff they buy, so we can do the opposite Luckily I already know that we’re doing the opposite by buying LO thrift store clothes, versus designer baby gear from Nordstrom and Bloomingdale's.
Re: bows I'm neutral. I would neither buy nor burn them. Happy though that we're having a boy, so that I don't have to deal with hair accessories. Hope he's ready for little dude crew cuts!
Re: shopping carts I have no love in my heart for people who leave their BS all over the place for others to pick up. If I ever catch a family member not return a cart, I will lecture them (after leading by example and showing them that being courteous is easy and free (unless at ALDI where it pays you $0.25)).
No UOs today, just agreements
NTNP since Dec 2012 | TTC since Jan 2016 Dx: Unspecified IF BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
Lol, I suppose I am full of unpopular opinions today! I find it absolutely necessary and healthy to vent about the aches and pains of pregnancy. My first pregnancy I had sciatic nerve pain so bad I had to walk with a cane for the last couple of months and was in constant, terrible pain. This pregnancy I am still vomiting from reflux and experiencing nausea daily. Yes, pregnancy is a miracle. **TW I have experienced losses, so I am certainly so deeply grateful for the ability to get pregnant and to have a healthily developing LO but yes, you also get to complain about the difficult parts, in my opinion. end TW** I mean, I am deeply grateful to be alive every day, but that doesn't mean I don't bitch when I get the flu or break a bone, and it doesn't lessen my gratitude for the overall experience.
Also, I love spending money on DD's clothes - nothing extravagant, we shop basically exclusively at Target, but she has some adorable clothes, like a faux leather bomber jacket she's obsessed with (she loves planes) a unicorn dress she loves so much she cries when she has to take it off, and a turkey leg dress for Thanksgiving that has worked its way into normal rotation, much to my delight. I mean kids clothes are fun! I wish they had half the stuff she wears in adult sizes and I would buy it myself, haha.
@awells189 I don’t mind people I know touching my belly, once invited. It annoys me when random acquaintances assume it is okay.
@maureenmce I agree with you about the pregnancy complaints. I do think some people complain waaaay to much. I worked with someone who had to complain about the baby multiple times every single day and her pregnancy was pretty uneventful. That was annoying, but I do think that it is possible to be grateful for your baby, while still being honest about what you are feeling.
@awells189 Nooooo I can't stand it. The only person I don't mind being touched by unsolicited is H - stomach or anywhere else. My mom knows that I hate being touched just in general, but she will still come up and put her hand on my stomach and just... keep it there, waiting for the baby to move. It makes my skin crawl.
@katy0990 She'll phrase it as a question like "Oh is he moving around?" as she's going in for the touch. Her and I are such complete opposites in personality (I inherited all of my dad's German-ness but none of her Irish-ness), especially in terms of sentimentality and touchy-feely-ness, I just don't think she gets it that just because she wants a certain level of attention doesn't mean others do.
@hkom my mom is like that. She kept putting her hands on my belly or kissing it in the beginning when I was just chubby. And she’ll make comments like I still haven’t felt the baby. And I told her a few weeks ago I don’t like being touched without being asked and thank god she hasn’t done it since.
@maureenmce I am with you! If I find something I like I buy it!
The only thing that bothers me is people have made comments on they have never seen DD wear the same thing twice and have made comments about her shoe game being on point. 1. DD is on the smaller size so she is able to wears her clothes till they fall apart or get stains I can’t resolve. She can still wearing 12-18 month and she will be 3 the end of October 2. Sure I have splurged on some designer shoes. But when your kid asks for shoes instead of toys when shopping, should you say no? I guess I feel judged, lol
@katy0990 I read your UO as I'm sitting in piles of DSs clothes I love buying clothes, but I definitely only get them when they're on sale or I have coupons. For instance, I just ordered about 9 shirts from Old Navy for fall for $30.
Re: pregnancy complaints. I loved being pregnant the first time, everything went perfectly to be honest. This time around, sciatica has been a pain since the beginning, of course GD is just a big PITA, and I have a different job (constantly sitting vs standing last time) so yea, baby kicks can get annoying at times. Pregnancy may be a wonderful miracle and I do feel very blessed to be pregnant, but that doesn't mean it can't suck, too. I do love feeling baby kicks, it was something I've been looking forward to honestly, but they can still be annoying when I'm trying to focus at work or train someone and keep having to adjust how I'm sitting/standing. Plus the kicks to the cervix/bladder? Ugh, no. Just no.
@hkom@Jens_Hoes I think I would die if someone tried to kiss my bump... I never even thought about that. Even though I don’t mind people touching me, I don’t get how people can do it unsolicited (especially after being told that it’s unwanted).
Re: clothes. I can’t help but buy adorable clothes in abundance. It’s a problem (and it would be admittedly worse if I had a daughter).
Re: UO Thursday 9/13
Pregnancy announcement? Sure. Birth announcement? Sure. Cute pic of your kids? Sure.
Daily picture of your child.? UNFRIEND.
If you don't want to walk your cart all the way back to the corral, then PARK NEXT TO IT.
1) I don't like bright colored front doors. I've never seen one that I think looks classy. I like the look of a solid wood door or something less loud.
2) I don't like when pregnant people act like their unborn child is a nuisance and they're annoyed at the kicks and hiccups & general movements. Those are the part of pregnancy that I cannot actually get over being in awe of because it's such a miracle. No one here has done that by the way! I just don't like when someone has a general annoyed attitude about their womb child.
I am going shopping with my mom so I'm going to drop and run.
DS: 12/20/16
EDD: 11/29/18
@runrinserepeat @hkom YES!!! It's not that hard!
@Jens_Hoes I definitely post a weekly picture on Facebook with a chalkboard that says how big baby is and a fun bit of information for the week. haha
Daily pictures of DS though, no.
My UO is I dislike bows on girls. Especially big bows. Some of the small headband looking ones I am okay with, like the ones that tie and don't have an actual bow or flower. I really hope people don't gift me bows for this baby because we will NOT be using them and anyone who knows me should know this..
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI IUI #1 8/31/2015
9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!@Jens_Hoes I definitely try to limit how many pictures of my kid I post but it's hard because he's SO DARN CUTE, haha. I recently created a separate IG account for him (and another for his unborn sister) to serve as a time capsule -- I'm posting two pictures and a video each day. They're private accounts so whoever wants to see his cute face can, but otherwise I'm keeping him off of my own IG from now on.
@AdorkablePixie Preach on the bows. I really dislike the giant bow hats they put on newborn girls in the hospital, haha. I might just bring my own to avoid it!
TTC #1 January 2016
BFP April 18 2016 | EDD December 29, 2016
Welcome baby A! January 9, 2017
TTC#2 March 2018
BFP March 30, 2018 | EDD December 12, 2018
DS: 12/20/16
EDD: 11/29/18
DS: 12/20/16
EDD: 11/29/18
@temmetime YES about the unborn child thing. I love the kicks, the jabs, the hiccups.. it let's me know she is okay. I love feeling her move. I am like @PensiveCrayon though and love being pregnant. I also can't stand when people who are pregnant constantly complain, especially those of them that have BEEN PREGNANT BEFORE! Come on, you know what it's like. My cousin just had her baby girl and I am SO HAPPY because she literally posted almost every single day about her pregnancy and 9 times out of 10 it was never anything positive (I'm so sick, I'm so tired, I can't sleep, I am so big, my feet are swollen, etc, etc, etc). Sorry. I went off on my own little rant here.
@PensiveCrayon I hope they don't do that at my hospital! I think they give girls and boys the same general hat at ours, the little pink and blue striped ones.
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI IUI #1 8/31/2015
9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!@temmetime I am very annoyed by this baby. I hate pregnancy, I am generally uncomfortable and in pain. I don't hate my baby, and I am so blessed to be able to have a healthy pregnancy and baby, but my last pregnancy DD was stuck in a weird position up and down for most of my 2nd and 3rd trimester, and it was painful. Each movement she had was not just a normal kick or punch but very painful for me. I think being short and having a short torso does not bode well for me and experiencing an unpainful pregnancy. I may be guilty of calling this unborn baby the spawn of satan when I am really in pain.
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI IUI #1 8/31/2015
9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!I don't have IG, so help me out. Might that be a good solution to my MIL not sharing every picture of my child all over Facebook? The thing is, I WANT to share pictures with my family but I don't want them re-posting them for the whole world to see, you know? Would IG let me share pictures with them without them being able to save and re-post on Facebook?
TTC #1 January 2016
BFP April 18 2016 | EDD December 29, 2016
Welcome baby A! January 9, 2017
TTC#2 March 2018
BFP March 30, 2018 | EDD December 12, 2018
Me: 31
DH: 29, SA - Great
Married: June 12,2011
TTC #1: 1/2014
Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Treatment: Clomid: 50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored
Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI IUI #1 8/31/2015
9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!I agree that some people take it way too far. I think they’re cute sometimes, but I don’t understand why some people think their daughter has to wear one every single day. I have seen little girls at the pool or at a sporting event with a bow in her hair. Why? I just don’t get it!
My UO:
I do not understand why people spend hundreds of dollars per season on clothes for their child. My son has some nice outfits, don’t get me wrong. But, for the most part, he wears T-shirts and shorts and sweats in the winter. He is 2 1/2 and has probably worn jeans or dress pants less than 20 times his whole life. Personally, I feel like he might as well be comfortable, plus he gets everything dirty anyway!
The tiny beans app was great but haven’t used it since moving closer to family. I believe you can screenshot and also download the images.
@runrinserepeat I don't think that's a UO at all. I can't stand it when people are too lazy to take their cart to the corral either...there's no excuse. I think the only people that would find this unpopular are the lazy f**kers themselves.
@AdorkablePixie I wasn't too big on bows at first either, and I'm still really not. I'll put bows on B, but they aren't oversized or gaudy. But you know how much hair she STILL doesn't have!! I'll have to take a pic of the bow/romper combo DH's aunt got for B and post it on here. Holy ugly/gaudy/pink camo mess. Whyyyyy do people think these things are cute??
Thanks, ladies! I will have to give IG a shot. I think DH already has it, so he can show me how to use it and the "screenshot" option just feels like cheating, so I sort of doubt they would do that. And I doubt our families are that technologically advanced
and -1 to bows in the hair. What I don’t get about them is that they constantly come off! They’re cute but way too much work! I’ve put them on DD a handful of times and once she rips it off her head the second time I’m over it and it goes in my bag.
Kind of love bows. My first was pretty much bald for the first year and a half plus, and I always felt like bows made her look a little more put together when she was all dressed up (since we couldn’t do things like pigtails or whatever).
Agreed on the over-documentation of pregnancies (and children, and relationships, and wedding planning, and diets/exercise plans, and pets) on social media. Stick to the highlights, or stories that are genuinely amusing/touching/outrageous.
And I really, really, really deeply despise the sensation of fetal movement. Always have, probably always will. I try not to complain about it all that much (or about pregnancy in general), and I wouldn’t go so far as to say it hurts most of the time, but aside from being generally uncomfortable (my fetuses apparently prefer to hang out behind my ribcage) it makes me feel like I have no control or bodily autonomy. Still worth it, and I love my kid (and my soon-to-be-kid), but I feel no guilt about disliking my fetus (at least, not this time around… last time it was a huge source of mental anguish because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get over it).
My UO that I’ve been meaning to post forever is that I don’t mind people touching my belly. When my mom’s friends did it super early, however, I may have said that it was just leftovers from DS 1. Now that he’s moving and I feel more comfortable with my baby bump, feel free to touch away. I love when other people can fee him kick too.
Re: bows
I'm neutral. I would neither buy nor burn them. Happy though that we're having a boy, so that I don't have to deal with hair accessories. Hope he's ready for little dude crew cuts!
Re: shopping carts
I have no love in my heart for people who leave their BS all over the place for others to pick up. If I ever catch a family member not return a cart, I will lecture them (after leading by example and showing them that being courteous is easy and free (unless at ALDI where it pays you $0.25)).
No UOs today, just agreements
Dx: Unspecified IF
BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks
BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
Also, I love spending money on DD's clothes - nothing extravagant, we shop basically exclusively at Target, but she has some adorable clothes, like a faux leather bomber jacket she's obsessed with (she loves planes) a unicorn dress she loves so much she cries when she has to take it off, and a turkey leg dress for Thanksgiving that has worked its way into normal rotation, much to my delight.
@maureenmce I agree with you about the pregnancy complaints. I do think some people complain waaaay to much. I worked with someone who had to complain about the baby multiple times every single day and her pregnancy was pretty uneventful. That was annoying, but I do think that it is possible to be grateful for your baby, while still being honest about what you are feeling.
The only thing that bothers me is people have made comments on they have never seen DD wear the same thing twice and have made comments about her shoe game being on point.
1. DD is on the smaller size so she is able to wears her clothes till they fall apart or get stains I can’t resolve. She can still wearing 12-18 month and she will be 3 the end of October
2. Sure I have splurged on some designer shoes. But when your kid asks for shoes instead of toys when shopping, should you say no?
I guess I feel judged, lol
*Rainbow 8/2015*
*Expected Rainbows 12/2018*
*Loss of Twin 5/2018*
I kind of got off on a rant lol, oops.
DS2 due 12/12/18
Re: clothes. I can’t help but buy adorable clothes in abundance. It’s a problem (and it would be admittedly worse if I had a daughter).