Working Moms

Question for Teachers (XP Jan 19)

Hi all,
FTM coming over from the Jan 19 board.

I'm a high school teacher (physics and math) and we have a candidate coming in next week to interview for long-term sub to cover my leave.
The position would be for Jan, Feb, and March, then I'll be returning for the rest of the year (about 8 more weeks of school).

What questions would you ask the candidate? I've never sat in on an interview before, and this is the first time I'll be leaving my class in someone else's hands for more than a day. I covered a maternity leave a few years ago, but can't remember if they asked me anything specific to covering a maternity leave. The teacher I covered for didn't even sit in on the interview, although she did sort of know me from subbing in the school before, as well as being former student.

I'm sure the administration will have their own, standard interview questions they'll ask, but I was wondering if there were any other specific questions you'd ask the person potentially taking over your class.

Thanks in advance!
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