Any appointment updates? Just did a 2-hour GD test. Oddly, I haven't eaten for 18 hours and I am not hungry. I did buy a coffee immediately after the test, so maybe that will wake up my digestive system..
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Rant, I guess? I really hope the weather can improve for this Saturday, so we can do our photo shoot, which is meant to be outside. I can only get my hairdresser that day, so if we have to move it I will have to find someone else, which would really suck
The test picked Canine for me. I think I would have to agree, and not only because I keep telling myself how nice it would be to have a dog's life, as I watch my little lap dog snuggle and sleep beside me every evening
Any appointment updates? Not until Friday, then my GD test the following Friday!
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Slowly but surely getting stuff done. I still haven't bought anything for the baby yet (just paint/bedroom decor and now a rug), but I'll probably wait until after my shower next month to get all the important stuff.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal? I also got canine. Sounds about right!
@Hollyyyyy Yeah I feel like there is a lot I still need to do for the baby's room. It's just sitting empty except the mountain of clothing that we got as hand-me-downs. I need to look for a good glider but so far the one I liked cost more than the crib, and I don't really want to spend that much money on it...
@Ab_canada fx the weather is nice for you this weekend! @hollyyyy I'm also trying to wait till after the shower, but i want to do it nowwwwwwwwww!!!! But that would be pointless because we stiil have to move.
How far along are you? 26+6 Any appointment updates? nope Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? not much, I just had a very passionate (heated) conversation in a big meeting at work and I'm all worked up from it lol. GTKY: What is your spirit animal? That test told me bear, my harry potter patronus is a basset hound, but if you would ask me, I'd say a house cat.
@ab_canada Yeah, all my hand me downs are accumulated in boxes and need to be washed/sorted, but I can't bring myself to do that until I have a dresser to put them away in. And the dresser I want is on my registry, and I'm waiting for Target to send me the 15% off completion discount coupon before I purchase it. So I feel like I'm in an endless circle of what I want to do vs when to do it! We decided to hold off on a glider- after consulting with a few mom-friends, a lot of them either didn't use their rockers/gliders, or those that did use them only did so for a month or two. The baby's bedroom in our house is pretty small, so I figured instead of cramming a $300 glider in there, we will wait and see how badly we need one when we get home from the hospital. Worst case scenario, we will just order one off Amazon if we decide we can't live without it!
@Hollyyyyy Can you sub something more practical for the glider? I know babies are supposed to like the motion, but I was turned off from getting one because its not as reusable as other furniture options, plus other moms friends told me they aren't worth it. I was thinking of a nice looking recliner but I ended up getting a pretty chaise lounge that we can use in pretty much any other room in the house after we don't need it for baby stuff anymore.
@hkom We actually have an L-shaped couch with chaise in our living room, and a decent sized ottoman (with those reversible pads that double as trays), that should work if we need to put our feet up. We also have two squishy (but non-rocking) chairs in our front living room, so we do definitely have options. If it turns out we need something more comfortable or that rocks, I have no problem ordering it, but I'm just going to try and get by with what we currently have for now, and adjust later if neccessary.
Any appointment updates? Contractions have pretty much stopped! The occasional ones I do feel are super mild and painless. I switch to a milder medicine tomorrow and I'm nervous about that.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Same old complaints I've been having. Mainly, I just want to go home. I also want the spotting from the ultrasounds to stop. I have to wear pads which sucks. I don't know how women wear these things for their period. I change them waaaay more frequently than I need to and I still feel so gross. They won't do anymore ultrasounds, which is good. Just manual checks from here on out if they feel they need to.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal? The quiz said bear. I would probably say some type of feline. I'm calm/mellow and can be pretty aloof IRL and enjoy social interaction only occasionally. I can be kind of hard to get to know and it takes me a loooong time to form trusted relationships with people, but once I get to that point with someone I'm super loyal.
@ab_canada Did the coffee wake up your parts?
@Hollyyyyy Yay for puppers.
@morgantu I want to buy all of the baby things too! But since we’re not having a shower I don’t quite know when I should start buying things myself @hkom Also Team Chaise! Hope the milder medicine is just as effective. FX!
How far along are you? 27 weeks today! So pregnant
Any appointment updates? Nope - just waiting on my next appt in two weeks.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Dear Diary, I just had my first Daily Harvest smoothie (to supplement a small lunch), and it was nutritious, filling, and didn't taste like butt! I look forward to eating more of our collection.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal? Feline! "Felines tend to be very independent. They are bold in the face of danger, protective and very strong willed. Your Spirit Animal is part: LION | TIGER | LEOPARD | SNOW LEOPARD"
NTNP since Dec 2012 | TTC since Jan 2016 Dx: Unspecified IF BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
I am totally buying a fancy glider more for myself than baby. I am so going to pass out in that thing.
How far along are you? 28 weeks, 2 days.
Any appointment updates? I had an appointment with my OB's NP on Tuesday. She was a doll. My blood pressure is good and baby is doing well.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? My hubby is going to Orlando for work for over a week starting next week. I was pretty distraught about this, so he used his miles to buy me a ticket to visit him next weekend. I'm excited!
GTKY: What's your spirit animal? The quiz said bird. I don't feel like a bird. I'm most definitely a lazy housecat. In fact, I was lying on the carpet with my three cats the other night, just chilling. I'm a cat.
@echo-charlietango Start buying stuff now if you want! I don't know if you registered anywhere, but if you are, just moved up your EDD so you can get the completion discount coupon sooner!
@hkom I'm glad the contractions are slowing down, and I hope you can go home soon. I don't get how people use pads, either. I've been informed that I'll probably have to use them PP for several weeks, and I am not looking forward to that. Ugh.
@Hollyyyyy Yeah it doesn't seem like an option for PP. Those are the ones I have been wearing, although H has brought me some smaller normal ones from home. It's downright comical how big the PP ones are, and they apparently gave me the smallest size. I did get to try the infamous mesh undies! The only benefit to them I can see is that if you get them bloody at least you won't have stained a pair of your own. But other than that, they're not all that special - just like wearing any other pair of boyshorts.
@Hollyyyyy Yeah it doesn't seem like an option for PP. Those are the ones I have been wearing, although H has brought me some smaller normal ones from home. It's downright comical how big the PP ones are, and they apparently gave me the smallest size. I did get to try the infamous mesh undies! The only benefit to them I can see is that if you get them bloody at least you won't have stained a pair of your own. But other than that, they're not all that special - just like wearing any other pair of boyshorts.
The first few days postpartum you’ll want the massive pads, you’d be surprised how much blood there is. I’m not sure what I expected though because I bought this huge pack of heavier pads, but not overnight ones and after two weeks or so I needed to buy smaller sizes because it was just gross (I delivered in June and it was hot). As for the undies, the benefit for me was that I could toss them and that they weren’t overly tight and everything was swollen and In pain. Ok sorry for intruding, back I go into the shadows
@Jens_Hoes You aren't intruding! We need advise over here sometimes haha. I get why they are so big, they're just waaaay too much for my needs right now! I can see what you mean about the lack of tightness of the mesh undies. A lot of the boyshorts I own are like that anyway because hey, it's comfy, but I definitely wouldn't want anything tight in the crotch with a big seam on either my waist or my legs. I can't even stand that now. I can't imagine how uncomfortable that would be after birth.
@echo-charlietango Start buying stuff now if you want! I don't know if you registered anywhere, but if you are, just moved up your EDD so you can get the completion discount coupon sooner!
We have bought a few things, and some have come in from our three registries (Target, Amazon, and Pottery Barn - to accommodate our family's diverse purchasing power). I suspect that things will flood in when people receive our photo holiday card in December as they all go "Oh! I forgot that Echo's pregnant" so I made DH a short list of things I want to have in the house before mid-November (carseat, stroller, PnP, boppy, bath support, diapers, wipes, onesies, a few more snuggly blankets). I think our completion discounts will be available next month, so I'm not worried about it
NTNP since Dec 2012 | TTC since Jan 2016 Dx: Unspecified IF BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
@Jens_Hoes That's exactly what my friend said- she had a c-section last year and was shocked that she still had super heavy vaginal bleeding for several weeks after. Fun things to look forward to!
@hkom interesting that we both got bear, but think cat! I agree with your reasoning, but for me, my cat identity comes when i want attention only on my terms and my timeline lol. But when i want to play around, I"ll annoy you until you do what i want!
@Hollyyyyy unfortunately no matter how the baby comes out all that stuff in there protecting the baby and helping it grow has to come out somehow. And it’s sneaky. You can have 4 light days and think I’ll wear a panty liner today and BAM tons of blood lol bastards
Rant: I can’t wait till I’m off work! It’s stressful this month! And I’m riled up today cause someone went behind my back about something I’m in charge of...I know she wasn’t being malicious, it’s just how she thinks/operates but it just complicates stop it!
Rave? is moving lots right under my feels super weird!
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
Quiz says Feline and I would agree. I like my personal space, alone time and attention on my terms.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Rant: work is getting crazier and I haven't been able to catch up here at all. Also MH's birthday is this weekend and I havent done a thing for him. I feel really bad... also, new sx this week - back pain is killing me.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal? This quiz tells me I'm a bird! I don't think I'm quite as independent and carefree as that but I'll take it!
Any appointment updates? Had an appt yesterday. My blood pressure is back to it's normal and I'm super happy about that! In two weeks is the glucose test and a whole lotta shots!
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Question/Rant: We tested (again) for yeast/other things because I've been super itchy down there for two months, especially at night. No weird discharge, no smells, just itchhhhhy. Vagisil doesn't seem to do anything and they don't really want me using it super long term. The test came back negative from the lab this morning. I'm just over the itching and have no clue what it could be. Waiting for the midwife to call, but yesterday she didn't seem to have any ideas if it came back negative. Anyone have ideas on what it could be? I'm wondering if it's just increased blood flow and for some reason I get itchy from that... (EDIT: By the way, we discussed hygiene and underwear material and nothing seemed a red flag from the midwife... so shouldn't be anything like that causing it, especially since it wasn't a problem pre-pregancy.)
GTKY: What is your spirit animal? I also got bear, and think I'm more like a cat! I definitely act like a cat sometimes... like DH will be laying on the couch with his computer and I'll decide that I need to cuddle. So I go over there and get in the way and lay down, even if it pushes his computer out of the way.
@ab_canada I'm crossing my fingers for you that the weather will cooperate! @hkom I'm glad to hear about the contractions stopping! I hope the bleeding does as well! As far as wearing pads for your period, I guess it's just something you get use to after wearing them alot. It's pretty much the only thing I use due to a bad experience with tampons.
How far along are you? 27+5
Any appointment updates? Found out I passed my GD test! I was honestly surprised for some reason, but glad of course.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? It's starting to look like I wont be able to competely set up a nursery for my girl until after we move ito, which is starting to look like a few months after she is both. Kind of sucks, but I've been told a few different times the nursery will hardly be used anyway. Who knows though. I still really hope we can move before the baby arrives.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal? Aww yay, I got a bear. Makes me happy because I absolutely love bears! Also, I can agree with the description with the fact that they are devoted to those they consider family and they are very protective, gentle, and powerful. (Ok, not so sure if the last part, lol!)
@whitneyb89 Ours won't have a nursery until we move again in June/July. Until then we're doing the bedside PnP (reminiscent of me only having a playpen as a baby - never had a crib), then crib in the office because we're going to see if he's cool with it before we move. He'll have a room at our next house since we'll be there longer than 12 months.
NTNP since Dec 2012 | TTC since Jan 2016 Dx: Unspecified IF BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
@omnommer I've been having the same itching issue the last two weeks. Sadly I can't provide much advice on how to get rid of it since I haven't been able to myself. I have been using vagisil a bit for the last few days and that has helped. How long did you dr say you could use it? I have an appointment on Monday so I was planning to ask about this then. I have been trying to only wear 100% cotton underwear, or no underwear if I am hanging out at home. I think it's just a byproduct of the increased blood flow/swelling that is definitely going on down there. I feel bad for my husband because if this goes on I am not going to want to be touched until post-baby. It's just so sensitive!
I have my 28 week appointment (and GD test) on Monday. I'm nervous about the GD test. If they tell me I am diabetic and can't continue eating what I will be very sad.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
We tested out some of our baby equipment on my niece last weekend and I just left the bassinet set up in our room. I think I might just leave it there until the baby comes. Nursery = complete!
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
The quiz said bird, but I hate birds. I find them creepy. I think I'm more of a scavenger, like a raccoon, but a friendly nice raccoon not a mean one. Like the one who climbed up the building recently.
@kadeephd They told me that since I'd been using it pretty much for a month and the symptoms got worse again that the vagisil could be irritating the area and make it worse. (The back of the tube says not to use more than 7 days unless director by a medical professional.) So, I'm stopping that to see if symptoms ease a little, and also hanging around without underwear at night. Haha! I have a feeling it is just increased blood flow and being a furnace all the time (in general, not just there) could create more sensitivity?
@echo-charlietango I guess it's nice to know I won't be the only one who won't have a room yet for the baby. If we don't move before baby, we are going to try putting the bassinet next to my side of the bed and then will plan on using a PnP/swing for the other room.
@hkom yay! Glad contractions have stopped, I'm sure that's a relief! I really hope your bleeding stops soon too!
@Hollyyyyy the bleeding after birth has me scared. My sister isn't spilling the beans about the reality of it, I think she doesn't want to scar or scare me! I'm a bit afraid of how SO will tolerate all the birthing stuff in general, but especially the blood. He can't even handle getting blood drawn.
How far along are you? 25+4
Any appointment updates? Just got out of my OB appointment. Baby's heart sounds good, and baby is strong. Doctor laughed because baby kept kicking the doppler away and wouldn't let her listen to her heart in peace. Fundal height measuring 2 weeks ahead. Doc didn't seem concerned.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? I love you guys. I don't think you understand how much your support and kind words mean to me! I keep crying, and SO just tells me I need to be strong for our dog because she can tell I'm stressed. I know he's right, but I'm a hormonal emotional wreck right now, and being strong is impossible! I'm glad I have you guys.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal? Bear. Makes sense I guess. Gentle, loyal, protective. I think I'll treat myself to a Mama Bear shirt now! If i were being honest my animal would probably be a dog or horse, though.
Re: FTM check-in 9/12
Any appointment updates?
Just did a 2-hour GD test. Oddly, I haven't eaten for 18 hours and I am not hungry. I did buy a coffee immediately after the test, so maybe that will wake up my digestive system..
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Rant, I guess? I really hope the weather can improve for this Saturday, so we can do our photo shoot, which is meant to be outside. I can only get my hairdresser that day, so if we have to move it I will have to find someone else, which would really suck
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
There is a test if you haven't picked one -
The test picked Canine for me. I think I would have to agree, and not only because I keep telling myself how nice it would be to have a dog's life, as I watch my little lap dog snuggle and sleep beside me every evening
Any appointment updates?
Not until Friday, then my GD test the following Friday!
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Slowly but surely getting stuff done. I still haven't bought anything for the baby yet (just paint/bedroom decor and now a rug), but I'll probably wait until after my shower next month to get all the important stuff.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
I also got canine. Sounds about right!
@hollyyyy I'm also trying to wait till after the shower, but i want to do it nowwwwwwwwww!!!! But that would be pointless because we stiil have to move.
How far along are you?
Any appointment updates?
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
not much, I just had a very passionate (heated) conversation in a big meeting at work and I'm all worked up from it lol.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
That test told me bear, my harry potter patronus is a basset hound, but if you would ask me, I'd say a house cat.
We decided to hold off on a glider- after consulting with a few mom-friends, a lot of them either didn't use their rockers/gliders, or those that did use them only did so for a month or two. The baby's bedroom in our house is pretty small, so I figured instead of cramming a $300 glider in there, we will wait and see how badly we need one when we get home from the hospital. Worst case scenario, we will just order one off Amazon if we decide we can't live without it!
ETA spelling
Any appointment updates?
Contractions have pretty much stopped! The occasional ones I do feel are super mild and painless. I switch to a milder medicine tomorrow and I'm nervous about that.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Same old complaints I've been having. Mainly, I just want to go home. I also want the spotting from the ultrasounds to stop. I have to wear pads which sucks. I don't know how women wear these things for their period. I change them waaaay more frequently than I need to and I still feel so gross. They won't do anymore ultrasounds, which is good. Just manual checks from here on out if they feel they need to.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
The quiz said bear. I would probably say some type of feline. I'm calm/mellow and can be pretty aloof IRL and enjoy social interaction only occasionally. I can be kind of hard to get to know and it takes me a loooong time to form trusted relationships with people, but once I get to that point with someone I'm super loyal.
@Hollyyyyy Yay for puppers.
@morgantu I want to buy all of the baby things too! But since we’re not having a shower I don’t quite know when I should start buying things myself
@hkom Also Team Chaise! Hope the milder medicine is just as effective. FX!
How far along are you?
27 weeks today! So pregnant
Any appointment updates?
Nope - just waiting on my next appt in two weeks.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Dear Diary, I just had my first Daily Harvest smoothie (to supplement a small lunch), and it was nutritious, filling, and didn't taste like butt! I look forward to eating more of our collection.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
Feline! "Felines tend to be very independent. They are bold in the face of danger, protective and very strong willed. Your Spirit Animal is part: LION | TIGER | LEOPARD | SNOW LEOPARD"
Dx: Unspecified IF
BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks
BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
How far along are you?
28 weeks, 2 days.
Any appointment updates?
I had an appointment with my OB's NP on Tuesday. She was a doll. My blood pressure is good and baby is doing well.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
My hubby is going to Orlando for work for over a week starting next week. I was pretty distraught about this, so he used his miles to buy me a ticket to visit him next weekend. I'm excited!
GTKY: What's your spirit animal?
The quiz said bird. I don't feel like a bird. I'm most definitely a lazy housecat. In fact, I was lying on the carpet with my three cats the other night, just chilling. I'm a cat.
@hkom I'm glad the contractions are slowing down, and I hope you can go home soon. I don't get how people use pads, either. I've been informed that I'll probably have to use them PP for several weeks, and I am not looking forward to that. Ugh.
Ok sorry for intruding, back I go into the shadows
Dx: Unspecified IF
BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks
BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
26 weeks 5 days
Any appointment updates?
Not until next week
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Rant: I can’t wait till I’m off work! It’s stressful this month! And I’m riled up today cause someone went behind my back about something I’m in charge of...I know she wasn’t being malicious, it’s just how she thinks/operates but it just complicates stop it!
Rave? is moving lots right under my feels super weird!
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
Quiz says Feline and I would agree. I like my personal space, alone time and attention on my terms.
Any appointment updates?
Next week!
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Rant: work is getting crazier and I haven't been able to catch up here at all. Also MH's birthday is this weekend and I havent done a thing for him. I feel really bad... also, new sx this week - back pain is killing me.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
This quiz tells me I'm a bird! I don't think I'm quite as independent and carefree as that but I'll take it!
26 weeks today!!
Any appointment updates?
Had an appt yesterday. My blood pressure is back to it's normal and I'm super happy about that! In two weeks is the glucose test and a whole lotta shots!
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Question/Rant: We tested (again) for yeast/other things because I've been super itchy down there for two months, especially at night. No weird discharge, no smells, just itchhhhhy. Vagisil doesn't seem to do anything and they don't really want me using it super long term. The test came back negative from the lab this morning. I'm just over the itching and have no clue what it could be. Waiting for the midwife to call, but yesterday she didn't seem to have any ideas if it came back negative. Anyone have ideas on what it could be? I'm wondering if it's just increased blood flow and for some reason I get itchy from that... (EDIT: By the way, we discussed hygiene and underwear material and nothing seemed a red flag from the midwife... so shouldn't be anything like that causing it, especially since it wasn't a problem pre-pregancy.)
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
I also got bear, and think I'm more like a cat! I definitely act like a cat sometimes... like DH will be laying on the couch with his computer and I'll decide that I need to cuddle. So I go over there and get in the way and lay down, even if it pushes his computer out of the way.
@hkom I'm glad to hear about the contractions stopping! I hope the bleeding does as well! As far as wearing pads for your period, I guess it's just something you get use to after wearing them alot. It's pretty much the only thing I use due to a bad experience with tampons.
How far along are you?
Any appointment updates?
Found out I passed my GD test! I was honestly surprised for some reason, but glad of course.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
It's starting to look like I wont be able to competely set up a nursery for my girl until after we move ito, which is starting to look like a few months after she is both. Kind of sucks, but I've been told a few different times the nursery will hardly be used anyway. Who knows though. I still really hope we can move before the baby arrives.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal? Aww yay, I got a bear. Makes me happy because I absolutely love bears!
Dx: Unspecified IF
BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks
BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
Any appointment updates?
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
@Hollyyyyy the bleeding after birth has me scared. My sister isn't spilling the beans about the reality of it, I think she doesn't want to scar or scare me! I'm a bit afraid of how SO will tolerate all the birthing stuff in general, but especially the blood. He can't even handle getting blood drawn.
How far along are you?
Any appointment updates?
Just got out of my OB appointment. Baby's heart sounds good, and baby is strong. Doctor laughed because baby kept kicking the doppler away and wouldn't let her listen to her heart in peace. Fundal height measuring 2 weeks ahead. Doc didn't seem concerned.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
I love you guys. I don't think you understand how much your support and kind words mean to me! I keep crying, and SO just tells me I need to be strong for our dog because she can tell I'm stressed. I know he's right, but I'm a hormonal emotional wreck right now, and being strong is impossible! I'm glad I have you guys.
GTKY: What is your spirit animal?
Bear. Makes sense I guess. Gentle, loyal, protective. I think I'll treat myself to a Mama Bear shirt now! If i were being honest my animal would probably be a dog or horse, though.