May 2019 Moms

PGAL Check In Week Of 9/12

I know there are a lot of us PGAL mamas out there, so let's get to know each other!

(I stole this format from the April bmb, so we can definitely add different questions if we want).

1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby?

2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically?

3. Any appointment updates?

4. Rants/Raves/Questions?

5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity? 

Re: PGAL Check In Week Of 9/12

  • 1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? 7 weeks today, the size of a blueberry! EDD 5/1

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Physically, nausea is definitely present, especially in the afternoon. But totally manageable so far! Also my boobs are pretty sore and my about 3pm I am exhausted. Emotionally, I'm doing ok. I had mighty loss at 6weeks last time, so I've definitely been dealing with some anxiety. But the nausea definitely helps some my mind that everything is going ok. 

    3. Any appointment updates? Ultrasound tomorrow! Hoping to hear a heartbeat! 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Not right now

    5. Favorite fall activity? Probably going to the pumpkin patch with my husband! It's such a fun tradition, picking out just the right pumpkins in the crisp air. And I can't help but imagine how cute it'll be to take our sweet little one next year❤
  • 1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby?  I am 5 weeks today - bump says the size of an earphone jack 

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically?
    feeling okay- super tired- some bouts of nausea but it’s still early.   I had a CP in March of 2017 and a loss at 9weeks in February so not sure when I will not be anxious about this pregnancy. 

    3. Any appointment updates?  My 3 betas came back good so there is some relief there- have ultrasound on Friday to make sure it implanted in the right location. 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Not right now 

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity?  Love going to the pumpkin patch. 
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  • 1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? 5w3d

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Physically I'm just exhausted.  

    3. Any appointment updates? nothing until next month

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? is it ok to ask questions that involve LC?

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity? I love fall! watching football, and cooking, fairs and Halloween. My dd was 10/31 this year might be a little rough.
  • 1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? 6w5d, size of a pea

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Mentally okay, just taking it day by day not letting myself get too excited :/ physically I am crazy tired and nauseous on and off all day. I’m glad my symptoms are a little stronger this time, I know it doesn’t mean anything but it’s still comforting somehow. Our loss was at 8 weeks last time so I doubt I’ll feel very confident until at least into the 2nd tri

    3. Any appointment updates? Ultrasound on Friday, I will be 7 weeks

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Nothing yet

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity? Everything! Apple cider, apple cider donuts, pumpkin patch, pumpkin everything, and football tailgating!
  • 1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? 4w1d, the size of a poppy seed!

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? I'm feeling pretty good both mentally and physically.  I am choosing to be positive, and I am actually grateful for the slight queasiness I've been feeling. 

    3. Any appointment updates? First appointment is early next month.

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Having this happy little secret is hard for me to keep!  I am a natural "self-discloser" so I'm wanting to tell EVERYONE!  But we are waiting until the end of the first trimester (assuming I'm not obviously showing by then... This will be baby #3)

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity?  Apple picking with the kids!  That, and baking apple pie.  My DS#1 loves to help in the kitchen, so it's one of his favorite parts of fall (and winter too!)
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @thismustbethemom lc or living children at least that's what I think it stands for.
    also I'm still so annoyed by that whole intro BS shes rude and clueless.
  • @thismustbethemom I also found that completely inappropriate too. I’m not “hiding” my loss for anyone. It’s a real part of my life. 

    1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? 4w6d

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically?
    Physically, I’m pretty exhausted. But in all fairness, that might be do to chasing a toddler and trying to keep up with the same level of workout I have been. Mentally, just a lot of anxiety. 

    3. Any appointment updates? I had betas pulled last week and all was good with that. My progesterone also came back good, but my OB gave me a prescription for it just to ease my mind. 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? My big rant is that my progesterone suppositories are red. Who in the word come up with this stuff??? Literally any color would be better. 

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity? Apple picking and going to the pumpkin patch! Unfortunately, we’ve been hit with a ton of rain so the mosquitoes are ruining both. We went apple picking and poor DS’s face is covered in bites. 
  • @DressageDarling I was just talking to my friend about red suppositories - that makes no sense to me whatsoever- only a way to add more anxiety to the already anxious! 
  • Hello—
    I’m new to the Bump so I dont know all the acronyms yet. This is my 2nd pregnancy. Had a miscarriage in July around 8 weeks.  Didn’t plan to get pregnant again this soon but God has a plan and I’ll trust it. I’m about 5 weeks now. Things are looking up. Having some morning sickness this go around i didnt have last time. And mentally not really accepting this pregnancy until the ultrasound. Hoping for a heart beat. My HCG >26,000 today but progesterone is low.  Trying vagina supplements?? I’ll take any advice. Recheck levels on Friday.  Pumpkin spice anything is my fav in the fall. 
  • @sagems10 @bpietronicco@aels12 FX for all of your appointments this week! 

    @troystory17 I don't see why it wouldn't be okay to ask questions about living children. 

    @LuckyInIreland I'm finding myself wanting to tell people early, too. I am telling people I'll want support from if I need it (like my mom and planning to tell BFF this weekend dependent on second beta), but I haven't decided when we'll tell DH's family yet. 

    @thismustbethemom I'm with you on that TW comment in the intro post. I'm not happy with that poster. I do appreciate TWs for discussions of trauma or very graphic details, but that person had no business saying what she said. Also, I'd be fine with adding milestones to the check-in template. 

    @DressageDarling red progesterone suppositories sound like the worst. I'm sorry!

    @brianchelle welcome! I understand mentally distancing yourself from the pregnancy. I don't have any experience with progesterone supplements, but I would talk to your doctor about them if you're interested in using them. 

    1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? 5w, appleseed

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Normal, but bloated. Normal always scares me. No consistent nausea, no sore boobs, not particularly tired. Mentally I'm still kind of a mess. *TW* I had one very early loss about 4+3 two cycles before I got KU with DD, so this is my third pregnancy. I am past my loss date, but I'm still terrified of loss as it's still so early. With DD I basically spotted from BFP to 12 weeks, so I lived the entirety of first tri in fear. I haven't had any spotting yet *knock on wood*, but every time I use the bathroom I check for it. I can't wait to get out of first tri. The next 8 weeks are going to drag by. 

    3. Any appointment updates?  I did get my first beta back this morning, which was great, and I had the second blood draw this morning. Hoping to get results of today's test before the weekend. I'll have a scan on the 18th to confirm uterine pregnancy and check on growth. 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Eh, not much. 

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity? I'm not a huge fan of Fall, so I'll say Halloween and Thanksgiving. 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

  • I just picked mine up. Red also. Agree with the poor color choice
  • Hi Friends, PGAL was not on the ae acronym list.  What does is stand for? Thanks!
  • 1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? 4w3d

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically?
    physically ok, just exhausted in the afternoon. Mentally... very up and down. Everyday I am a little more attached to the idea but at the same time telling myself not to be. This is the first pregnancy that I’ve had no real desire to shout from the rooftop. 

    3. Any appointment updates? Waiting on my 2nd blood draw results from today. 4 weeks was at 196, really hoping for some great numbers and that viability scan at 7w comes quickly. 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions?
    probably an over emotional rant... but I hate the “odds you won’t miscarry” spreadsheet. It gave me so much confidence my last pregnancy that this time around it’s really painful to see for some reason. 

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity? 
    Football!!! Football parties, fantasy football, weekly picks. All of it, lol!
  • @brichanelle I’m also doing progesterone suppositories. I started them after ovulation and the first day after had the worst cramping all day. No side efffects since though. 

    Mine aren't red... but I am prescribed the oral ones and my doc just said to insert vaginally. I read it’s for insurance reasons but idk really... red is a silly color to make them!!
  • @thebobloblaw I completely agree with hating the odds of not miscarrying spreadsheet. All I see when I look at it is that we so horribly beat the odds last time. 
  • @guitarra1614 it means pregnant after a loss. 
  • @thebobloblaw I feel you on the odds of miscarrying sheet.

    for those of you with older children when do you think you will tell them?  My loss was at 20 weeks so both my children already knew although my 2 yo didn't really understand I'm worried about telling them and cant imagine trying to hide it until 24 weeks which is really the soonest I want to tell anyone.  I worry people will think i'm selfish for trying again even though they really gave me no reason as to why my water broke.
  • @troystory17

    I won't tell my 11 year old until I get my first ultrasound at 9 weeks. 

    We told her almost as soon as we found out with the pregnancy before my son.  Then the next week we lost it. 

    It was terrible because she was 7 and excited to have her first sibling sl she told everyone.  I had to go back and untell all the people she told and she just wouldn't understand when I tried to tell her things had changed and I wouldn't be having one. 

    With our rainbow baby I told her the same amount of time I plan to with this one after the first ultrasound. 
    Pregnancy #1 DD 08.30.2007
    Pregnancy #2 Natural Miscarriage at 6 weeks 03/2014 Due date 11/9/2014
    Pregnancy #3 DS 02.23.2015
    Pregnancy #4 Missed Miscarriage at 11 weeks 11/2018 Due date 5/22/2019
    Pregnancy #5 Positive test 12/11/2019 Due Date 8/17/2020

  • 1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? I am 5w3d today, and baby is the size of an apple seed 

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Physically I’m feeling really good. I have some bloating and gas as the day goes on, but other than that I’m feeling really good. Mentally I’m just taking it day by day. This is my 3rd pregnancy this year, I’m trying to remember that this is a different pregnancy with a different outcome. I feel like I’m on an emotional rollercoaster lately. I’m on progesterone as a precaution, so that gives me some peace of mind. 

    3. Any appointment updates? My first appointment with be the 21st, but that’s just a confirmation appointment. Hopefully I can schedule an ultrasound towards be beginning of October 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? None as of right now. I’m just happy to have this community of ladies to chat with who are going through similar journies. 

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity?  I just like being outside. We went apple picking last year, I’d like to do that again this year. I look forward to making apple crisp (yum!). I also am looking foreword to taking our 3 year old trick or treating. 
  • edited September 2018

    1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? 6+1, sweet pea

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? I'm doing alright. Feeling generally optimistic, but the first u/s is now looming on the horizon, and my nerves are starting to come up. Things were wrong in the first u/s last time. I'm pretty exhausted. No real notable sickness yet. I have a hard time resting easy at all though bc, with my loss, I was more sympomatic than with my DD and than I am now. All of my levels were exactly as they should be, we just presume there was something wrong with the embryo. And my body just held on the pregnancy, which led to a D&C. It's like my body couldn't register what had happened. So I really won't be completely calm until they check.

    3. Any appointment updates? Just waiting for u/s on the 26th. Less than two weeks away now.

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? I can't really think of any right now.

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity? Pumpkin Patches! Trick or Treating with DD and her best friend (whose mom is my BFF) is a really fun tradition too.

    EDD to add

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  • Hi everyone!  

    I am 7w today, baby is a blueberry or a valentines sweethearts candy  <3

    Feeling okay, but this has been super hard.  I’ve had three losses, we don’t have any babies yet so it just feels like such a long journey with no end in sight.  I’m working with an RE so we’ve already had a couple ultrasounds which is so reassuring, everything has been “textbook” this time around, which is a definite improvement from my other pregnancies (everything was always lagging...betas were low, ultrasounds measuring behind, etc.) so I know we have reason to be optimistic but it’s just so hard.  Every time I feel better about it, I realize how much worse it will be if we lose this one too.  I feel like this is a big week for us, we’ve never made it past 7 weeks (had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks but they said the baby hadn’t made it to 8) so if we get a good scan next week (thursday) I may start to believe this is really happening!

    I am in Florida so I just enjoy cool weather...unfortunately that doesn’t really happen for us for another month or so, were still in the 90’s here!  

    Married for 5 years, TTC for 3 years
    PCOS, Low AMH, Endo, Uterine Fibroids, Low Estrogen...
    and a Partridge in a Pear Tree. 
    3 Losses, 8/16 11/16 and 6/2017  o:)
  • aels12 said:
    @thebobloblaw I completely agree with hating the odds of not miscarrying spreadsheet. All I see when I look at it is that we so horribly beat the odds last time. 

    Yes. These were my exact thoughts when I saw it :(

    @troystory17 Our plan is to tell our 5 year old about a week after our first u/s as long as everything is good. We are going to NYC the next week and were going to bring her back an I <3 NY onesie for her new brother or sister.  She's been praying for a sibling for so long. We never told her about the one we lost. One day.

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  • its hard I guess its slightly different with a later loss.  I feel like I wont feel "safe" until viability but how can I hide being pregnant for that long from an almost 6 year old.  I took my son to my last appointment we heard the babies heart beat and picked out his birth date (rcs)  then my water broke the next day.
  • 1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? 6 weeks, Sweet Pea

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Physically: Nausea has increased, super bloated, sore boobs, gassy, mild headaches. I had some brown discharge on Tuesday (which I wasn't too worried about) so I got my first beta done yesterday and it was 26741. That number seems good, so that eased my anxiety a little, fingers crossed that it doubles when I get it redrawn tomorrow. Mentally: Just trying to take it day by day and stay hopeful and positive.

    3. Any appointment updates? Intake appointment tomorrow and u/s next Friday

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? None at this time

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity? Football, apple cider, and everything Halloween
    Me: 38, DH: 37
    Married: 8/10/13
    BFP- 12/18/15, D&E- 4/8/16 @ 21w5d- confirmed Thanatophoric Dysplasia
    BFP- 11/7/17, M/C- 11/18/17 @ 4w6d
    BFP- 8/25/18 ~ EDD- 5/9/19 ~ DD born 5/2/20 *Lillian Hazel*
    BFP- 10/9/20 ~ EDD- 6/21/21

  • @troystory17 I don’t know that there’s ever a good or right time to tell. I would just go with your gut about what feels right maybe rather than putting a timeline on it? 
  • edited September 2018
    @GeorgiaGirl1230 I can really relate to your feelings about the first appt. I also had an MMC earlier this year. I hate feeling like I can't trust my body to tell me what's going on. FX for good news at your first appt (and all our first appts!)

    @BWhitta So glad to hear that everything looks good so far! FX for another great scan next week. It's so understandable that you're finding it hard to be optimistic. I find it incredibly hard to find a balance between being positive and protecting myself from pain. In the end, we can only feel what we feel and try to accept our feelings whatever they are. P.S. I think we are EDD buddies!

    @troystory17 I don't have any insight as my DD is only 3 right now, but I wanted to say that sounds like a really tough situation and I'm sending hugs. And I'm sorry you're worried about people thinking you are selfish for trying again. I don't think it is selfish at all!! I also think that anyone who thinks that is a huge asshole who needs to mind their own business. 

    ETA: +1 on hating the odds thread. Can't even bring myself to look at it this pregnancy.
  • @troystory I can only imagine. I am so sorry. I would agree with @thebobloplaw and say to try to guage what your gut tells you is the right time. I would put trust in your heart and your family and know that, if something happened, you would all be able to get through it together. It may even be better that way. But I'm praying wonderful things for you and that, when you choose to tell them, you won't have anything to be sad over.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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  • 1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby? 5 weeks 3 days/sesame seed

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Not great mentally. After a few years, failed fertility treatments, no diagnosis and 2 losses..... I’m starting to not be able to sleep again. Ultrasound is 9/21 and i feel so powerless. My progesterone dropped between betas but hcg more than doubled. I’m in a funk. 

    3. Any appointment updates? Nothing until 9/21

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? For moms of 1+ Anyone have progesterone go down and have a successful pregnancy? 

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity? Driving around our area and looking at the trees and views 
  • @journey721  - can you ask your doctor to put you on a progesterone supplement? My doctor offered to put me on it this time because she said it can’t hurt either way. 
  • @Courtster5609 I’m on crinone now- but I’ve had some cramps/pains the last few days since starting it. I’m not sure if my levels had dropped so low...or what... I’m in my own head. Bleh. 
  • @sagems10 so glad your ultrasound went well!!! That has to be such an amazing feeling!
  • @thismustbethemom @GeorgiaGirl1230 Thank you guys

    @journey721 I was actually just going through my labs on my patient portal and saw my progesterone went down with my daughter, but my hcg went up I never even knew until now and shes 2.5
  • @journey721 I just checked again I know everyone's numbers look different, but mine went from 34.9 to 22.1 a week later.
  • @sagems10 congrats on the good ultrasound! That is awesome!
  • @journey721 I think cramping is a side affect of progesterone though. I understand how you feel, this is a hard time during pregnancy trying to figure out what symptoms are good and bad. I feel like every time I feel something I’m like “is that cramps?!”. It’s so stressful constantly trying to figure out what the heck your body is doing. 
  • 1. How many weeks are you, and how big is baby?

    5 weeks / size of an Appleseed 

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically?

    Physically I feel fine.  Mentally, trying to stay cautiously optimistic and not quite succeeding.  I feel like I’ve been disappointed to many times to get excited yet.

    3. Any appointment updates?

    No appointment till 8 weeks. Torture.

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions?

    My husband and I are in the process of buying a house which is both super exciting and stressful.

    5. GTKY: With fall just around the corner, what is your favorite fall activity?  

    I’m a sucker for Halloween - also apple picking, apple cider, pie! I love pie!
  • @thebobloblaw Totally with you all on hating that odds of miscarriage thing that seems to always be posted.  I’m so glad for once I’m not alone in that.  The last birth month group I was in everyone loved that damn thing, but all I see when ever I look at it is a reminder of how incredibly unlucky I’ve been.

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