GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
NTNP since Dec 2012 | TTC since Jan 2016 Dx: Unspecified IF BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
Any appointment updates? Had my ultrasound yesterday and it showed that my cervical length has increased by like 4x, which is bizarre and completely unexpected even for the doctors. Waiting to talk to my regular OB about it today so I can get a little more information.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? My dreams have morphed from just regular sex with H dreams, to frustration/stress dreams where we want to do it but can't for some reason, to now dreams that he's cheating on me. I hate this pelvic rest and being away from him so much it's starting to mess with my subconscious.
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? I'm not sure I have a good answer to this. I'm a pretty good cook/baker. At least all of my friends are always super impressed with the food I make. I've never really been impressed by myself about it though, if that makes sense. It's just... what I do?
@hkom not only can you grow a human, you can grow back a cervix, too! Dang, you are impressive I'm so excited to hear what the drs think this means for the rest of your pregnancy! Also I have read that cheating dreams can mean insecurity about your attention being shifted from your SO. So i mean, with a baby and all, that would totally make sense, but I don't know how much stock you put into dream interpretation!
How far along are you? 25+5 Any appointment updates? Noperssssss Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? RAVE: I tried a new pillow fort configuration last night and I slept so much better and am barely sore this morning! Yippee for body pillow behind me and wedge pillow in front. Poor H though, I feel like he is scooted off to the very edge of the bed. Oh well, I'm growing him a progeny . GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? I guess sign language? People think it's impressive, at least lol. For me, it's just my job, but it is cool to watch and doea take a lot of practice. I am also good at public speaking, which again, I don't think it a big deal, but I know a lot of people hate it. Lord, I feel like these are so lame. I need some hobbies.
@morgantu I guess I should have put my cervix regeneration powers! Ha! I definitely buy into dream interpretation somewhat, because I have a lot of dream themes (poetry!) that reoccur frequently. But I also never really look into them that much. I've never heard about the interpretation for cheating dreams. That makes sense. I practically never have that type of dream about him (and he's seriously like the last person I would ever expect to do something like that in real life) so it was a little jarring. ALSO, I think sign language is super cool! I wish I had taken it in college instead of Spanish, of which I retained almost nothing.
How far along are you? Giant. 27+2. Huuuuummmmppp Day! Any appointment updates? I'm starting my 2 weekers as of September 11th. I had my 28 week labs last Monday. No gestational diabetes (woo!), anemia, or syphilis. Not entirely sure why this is when they wanted to test for an STD and why specifically this one, but whatevs. I also got my Tdap. Ouch. Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Baby is getting STRONG. It's pretty unnerving. His movements are very perceptible now and my husband even saw him moving yesterday and said it was really creepy lol. Ya, imagine feeling it in your own body, dude! GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? Not sure I can beat @hkom regrowing her cervical length. That's damn impressive. I am pretty proud of being able to grow a human, I gotta say. It's still absolutely surreal. Off the top of my head, I'd say I'm resilient. I have done a number of jobs, moved several times, had a rough childhood, etc. I've been through a lot and I've survived. I think that's a good skill to have.
@binxybaby i think that's an awesome skill to have, and I'm sure that your LO will be happy when you pass it along to them!
@hkom Well, it's less an official wedge pillow and more of a regular pillow folded and wedged under me, but yes! I just didn't want to tag you like 40 times in one post! Thanks so much for the rec!
@hkom That's awesome! I hope that means good news today, and you'll be released soon? The dreams suck. Hopefully things/your subconscious will shift, and you have better dreams, soon.
@morgantu I also have a huge pillow fort surrounding me in bed! It's going to be super weird when this pregnancy is over, having all our space back. I kind of like it this way, then again, I'm a weirdo that sleeps with 3 pillows regularly. I hate public speaking, and I think it's awesome that you know sign language.
@binxybaby My OB tested my STD's at my first appointment- they're definitely all on their own timeline! Congrats on passing you glucose test.
How far along are you? 25+6
Any appointment updates? General OB check tomorrow, probably won't have much to update after that, since it's just a 15 min appointment.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? I mentioned on PGAL that its occurring to me that I will likely need to work at least PT throughout my maternity leave. The idea doesn't really bother me at all, but I don't know if I'm kidding myself, or not. I don't plan to EBF or pump, so night feedings and whatnot will be shared, so I'm hopeful that I can put aside a tiny bit of time each day to work, if needed.
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? I have no idea. I'm pretty boring. I'm type A, and very organized. I guess I have an eye for seeing the bigger picture? I bought all of our furniture online, as well as all of our towels and accents, etc. It all came together perfectly, and I am doing the same with the baby's room. Exciting stuff over here, haha.
How far along are you? 27+4 (I am counting 28 weeks as third tri, so I am really counting down to that this week!)
Any appointment updates? nope
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Had the best sleep last night! That is all
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? Well I did write a song in my sleep once. I woke up, recorded it on a tape recorded, went back to bed and worked on it for a couple of weeks and even got to perform it during our grade 9 grad. I also wrote a "play" from one of the vivid dreams I've had - it would probably make a good basis for a book but I really don't think I am a writer
@morgantu Sign language and public speaking are both very impressive skills. Yay for pillow forts!
How far along are you?
Any appointment updates?
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
This semester is going to be tough. I'm in week 2 and I already feel overwhelmed.
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
Hmm this is hard. I don't feel I have any very impressive skills. I guess like @binxbaby, I haven't been afraid to be independent and do my own thing. I moved to a foreign country for a job without knowing anyone. I've lived in 4 states as an adult. I'm not sure this is something to brag about really since to me it seems like a vice at this point rather than a strength.
@ab_canada@hkom ohhhhhh i gotcha. Ehh, maybe i'll start counting it at like 27.3 or something. I feel like all of these measures are so arbitrary. And the weeks/months conversion is a mess.
@morgantu@hkom@ab_canada I don't know how accurate this is, but I've been using this chart thing to figure out how many months/trimesters I am. I can't remember where I saved it from, since I've had it pretty much since I found out I was KU.
@morgantu Hmmm, I've definitely had a couple of cheating dreams, including one with my only other super serious ex. I like your explanation of it meaning you're thinking about how your attention will be switching from SO to baby.
@ab_canada I like how you wrote a song in your sleep! Once upon a time, I majored in music. My most impressive musical dream was actually hearing something in 3-part harmony, in Latin. Ha!
How far along are you? 24+5
Any appointment updates? Had a chiropractor visit this morning and it was glorious. He worked out my arm issue/pinched nerve (as well as my standard neck stuff to keep the headaches at bay). Turns out I need more of a pillow fort at night and need to keep my arms away from each other so I'm not hunching in, since that shortens the front shoulder muscles. Then they start to do funny things when shortened. So, I have some new stretches, need to grab the pillows from the guest room to prop myself up more, and am instructed to go back sooner than my monthly visit if I can't keep the arm issues at bay with those two things.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? I conked out last night at like 9:30. So I got 9.25 hours of sleep, and it was GLORIOUS. I'm a bad sleeper and, while I still woke up a lot (yay fragmented sleep and peeing a lot), it didn't keep me up for minutes or hours. I just fell straight back asleep each time. I normally get maybe 7 hours of sleep even if I go to bed early? So this was awesome!
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? Hmmm, I guess I would say that my cooking skills are great. My DH is part-Persian and Persian stews are super hard to cook well. He taught me his methods and once upon a time I made Persian stew for a gathering with many elderly Persian people. Some of them were very impressed with the stew, which was a huge feat if I do say so myself.
@Hollyyyyy Wow, I am not waiting until 31 weeks to say I am in the third tri! Don't take this away from me @omnommer Sounds like you need to hug something while you sleep. I was just reading the other day about some adults who sleep with a giant stuffed animal because they need to hug something in their sleep or else the hug themselves too tightly and develop shoulder issues.
@ab_canada Haha, I'd love a giant stuffed animal that also circulates cool air since I constantly overheat. I tend to lean a little forward. My left arm goes down by my side kinda and my right shoulder hunches in so my right arm can be placed on the bed itself. If I have a pillow, it can rest a bit higher and I won't hunch as much.
@hkom That’s so awesome that your cervix stopped being a jerk!
@morgantu I’m also learning to better sleep with all of the pillows - trial and error over here.
@binxybaby That’s exciting that your two-week appointments are happening so soon, eeeee!
@Hollyyyyy That’s awesome that you guys are already planning on sharing the night feedings - MH is ready to help too
@ab_canada I wish I was musical in my sleep! Isn’t that how John Lennon wrote Yesterday (melody at least).
@kadeephd I think that moving to S. Korea is impressive! I’ve only visited for a month but it amazed me how few people are willing to exit their comfort zones.
@omnommer Congrats on sleeping well! Also, I’m a nosy soup lover…what was the Persian stew?
How far along are you? 26 weeks today!
Any appointment updates? Nothing exciting - next appointment is later this month. Haven't heard back about my one-hour glucose, but I'm feeling better about everything since I can feel this baby everyday and have a good Zantac & Tums routine now.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Dear Diary, I bought an infant carrier from a thrift store (for babes 8-35lbs). DH tried it on as soon as he saw it and it melted my little heart. If my ute wasn't full of baby, then I know my ovaries would have tingled.
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? The best I can think of is being able to think in three dimensions - example, I can look at nearly anything and understand its parts (kind of freaked out my dad when I figured out a tension-rod lamp before he did), but I don't use my spacial reasoning for anything special besides showing people my parallel parking skillz.
NTNP since Dec 2012 | TTC since Jan 2016 Dx: Unspecified IF BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
Though, I'd say... it doesn't turn out the same at all if you use dried parsley, cilantro, etc. Definitely use fresh, and reserve a bit of each to throw in at the end so you get some bright green colors and the fresh (non-stewed) herb while eating! The fenugreek I buy dried since it's hard to find fresh. I also always used the canned kidney beans and throw them in at the end, instead of dried. If you're one of those people that cilantro tastes like soap, you can just use more parsley instead and it still tastes pretty good!
@echo-charlietango Parallel parking skills are clutch in a city. I think I've destroyed two sets of tires by continually hitting the curb. I have 0 depth perception. Also, men baby-wearing is adorable.
Any appointment updates? Had my 24 week appt a bit early at the end of last week and my fundal height was measuring over 2 weeks ahead even though my weight has been super stable/on the low-end. Not sure what this means? My doctor didn't seem worried but I read if it's over 2 weeks it could mean big baby...
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Does anyone know how accurate fundal height measurements are? At my anatomy scan he was measuring in the 52nd percentile, so he wasn't measuring big. Not too worried, just curious if fundal height is really an accurate predictor of anything.
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? Ooof, I don't consider myself very impressive in general. But I think one "skill" I have is I'm really content being alone with myself for long periods of time with zero human interaction. I live/love/embrace the hermit life and I know LOTS of people who aren't comfortable being alone with themselves, so it seems impressive maybe? I'm also really good at languages and speak English, Russian, and some Spanish, French and can pick-up various words/basic context in almost any Slavic language or romance language.
@hkom Your cervix wins for most impressive thing it can do! I hope this means you can go home and do that bed-resting from your own bed surrounded by your favorite animals!
@morgantu Jealous of your pillow-fort set-up! I just have one extra pillow under the sheets with me and so far it's working.
@binxybaby Congrats on all good test results at your 28 week appt!
@Hollyyyyy sorry if I missed the post on the other thread, but do you think you'll need to work on maternity leave for the extra income? Or just because they need you at work (or both)? It seems like you're OK with it which is great
@ab_canada Getting a good night's sleep makes life glorious. Congrats, hoping to get one of those sometime soon!
@kadeephd Good luck at the start of the semester. I hope it gets more manageable soon.
@omnommer Mmmm I'm super jealous of your Persian stew talents. That sounds delicious right about now.
@echo-charlietango yay for feeling baby more regularly. When do you expect they'll let you know about your glucose results? I preemptively asked my doctor when they would let me know after I do mine, and she said "next day," so I'm going to hold them to that ha. Also, I am the completely OPPOSITE of your talent. I have zero spatial skills and it's embarrassing sometimes. Even just rearranging furniture or imagining how to set-up pieces in three-dimensional space is TOUGH for me. Luckily DH excels in that department so I will survive.
@ab_canada That's awesome! When did you emigrate to Canada? I was born in the States but my husband is Russian. We met when I was studying abroad there after I got my B.A. in Slavic Studies. Obsessed with all things Russian culture, but not in the negative/bad/political climate/US-Russia relations kind of way. We go back about once or twice a year (usually in the winter, which is awesome, because I'm super into winter sports and cross-country skiing there. It's also usually more mild weather in the winter compared to Chicago, even in Siberia!)
@shevsky I don't know much about fundal height (my OBs don't even measure it) but from what I read it only roughly corresponds to the size of the baby. So many different factors control how big your stomach will get, and plenty of them are perfectly harmless. If your OB wasn't concerned, and if your baby measured normally at your last scan, personally I wouldn't worry too much about it.
@shevsky i am inclined to agree with @hkom - I'm not sure any measurements are that reliable, other than the ultrasound lengths. I know they can say the weight can vary by up to a lb. my policy is that if my ob doesn't worry, i'm not worried
@shevsky Alone time is the best. That's also awesome that you know a bit of so many languages! I'm not really concerned about the income aspect of mat leave, my husband can cover us both just fine, but there is literally nobody else to do my job. We just hired a new marketing coordinator, and I guess I was thinking (hoping) we'd hire someone with a real estate background so that they could help me while I'm out, but unfortunately that didn't happen. So much of what I do is time sensitive, so it's not something that I can just neglect and take care of when I'm back. I think it will be fine, though. Hopefully!
Any appointment updates? Nope. Next appt and GD testing in 2 weeks...
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Work this week sucks but it's my fault for procrastinating my back is killing me today... I hadn't realized how much it hurts to just sit at the computer and all this sitting is causing my legs to swell up a bit. Waiting for compression stockings from amazon prime!
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? I don't think I have any special skills. This is a hard one!
@Hollyyyyy I hope you won't have to work too much during mat leave! Can you at least work remotely?
@shevsky I think my midwife told me plus/minus 2 is ok for the fundal heights.
@echo-charlietango I also have opposite of your super power. I can't park worth anything. Blame it on the fact that i have lived most of my adult life without a car (from age 18 to 30!)
@echo-charlietango that's awesome you have such impressive spatial perception.
@morgantu I took 2 years of ASL, but used it very infrequently so lost most of it. I also HATE public speaking, so go you!
@binxybaby resilience is an awesome and impressive trait!
@Hollyyyyy want to remotely design/decorate our house for us? It's mostly a bunch of hand me downs and found/cheap items we've collected over the years. But it feels like home.
@hkom your cervical regeneration powers are not going to be beat! You win this gtky! So happy things are looking better for you and baby.
How far along are you? 24+3
Any appointment updates? Today's follow up scan went well. Baby is looking good, but we'll see what the doc says about her heart in the next few days. Next OB appointment is Sept. 14th.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? I feel like nesting is in full effect. I can't just sit and rest or relax. If I'm home, I'm doing SOMETHING to get ready for baby. Today I re-organized the nursery for the 10th time and sanitized bottles and pacifiers. Too early? Probably. SO doesn't get it at all. I honestly hate seeing him sitting around being "lazy" because I feel like he should be feeling just as pressured to get stuff done as I do. Meanwhile the garage is still full of crap we have yet to unpack...
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? This is a hard one! Like @hannelorre, I can't think of anything besides growing a mini me. Maybe my empathy? I feel VERY deeply for others. I don't think that's exactly something i consider impressive though, just being human.
@shevsky@morgantu@hkom My OB also doesn't measure fundal height. I tried measuring myself once and it seemed like I was way ahead of schedule and/or have a huge baby, but I think/hope I must have been doing it wrong. My dr hasn't mentioned anything about the size of the baby and he/she was measuring at 49% at the A/S, so I assume all is on track.
Also -- @shevsky very impressed with your language skills! One of my life goals is to learn to speak another language fluently. I am doing 0 things to make that happen at the moment.
@scaredunprepared Glad your scan went well! That story about your car crash was scary -- so glad you were able to get checked out soon afterwards and set your mind at ease. Also, I think empathy is an impressive skill since many seem to lack it entirely these days.
Any appointment updates? Had my glucose test done yesterday. The orange drink tasted like orange hi-c to me, so that wasn't so bad. Now I'm just anxiously waiting for the results. Also, got my Tdap vaccine yesterday, which I wasn't expecting to get that until a few more weeks. Not a big deal, except for the fact that I hate needles, so I wasn't mentally prepared. Lol!
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary? Not much other than I'm glad to finally be going to the doctor every two weeks instead of waiting a month. I know it probably sounds weird to be happy for that, but with how paranoid I am, it's nice not have
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? Like others on here, I can't think of anything that impressive. Maybe my drawing skills, but I haven't drawn anything in a long time, so I know I'm rusty.
@shevsky First of all, I love Chicago. I've been there twice now (both times in the same summer, oddly enough). We left Ukraine in 2001, lived a year in Atlanta, GA and then moved to Canada where we've been ever since. I have only gone back to Ukraine twice since that time - it's a bit expensive and I pretty much use up all of my vacation time for the trip, so it makes it a bit hard.. My husband is a Ukrainian-Canadian, so one day we will go together That's an interesting degree - Slavic Studies. What do you do for a living?
@scaredunprepared I am jealous of your nesting.. I've been knitting a bit and made a little sweater and hat for the baby. That's about it for my preparedness
@ab_canada actually i wanted to become an interpreter since I was little. We had a sign language interpreter come in for career day when i was in 4th grade and i was like "yep, i'm gonna do that". And once I had decided, that was it. I tried teaching myself to sign but it never really took until i went to college. There were a ton of Deaf people and I picked it up quickly and never stopped
@scaredunprepared I am also jealous of your nesting! I have all the urges to nest, but the baby's room is currently occupied by our roommate. He is actively looking at apartments, but the market is tough right now! So all the things we've gotten from our local buy nothing group, etc, are in the guest/craft room. There's only so many times I can reorganize piles of things. Lol. I need to transfer the nesting urge to the rest of the house though... there are plenty of things I can do around the house, lol. I have been working on my crochet dragon stuffed animal and am about halfway done with the body. It's taking forever but is going to be amazing and huge.
@whitneyb89 I totally understand how you feel about starting to go every 2 weeks! After my appointment next week, I'll get to go every two weeks and it'll be a relief just to check in. Especially as my body starts to get more of these weird aches and pains that could mean anything. As a FTM and someone who over-analyzes everything.... appts every 2 weeks will be lovely.
@omnommer there's way more that needs to be done around the house here too! I just can't move the boxes in from the garage, and SO hasn't gotten the memo that baby will be here in 3-4 months, so he's in no rush. So reorganizing the nursery it is! I'm super excited to see your final dragon. It seems like such an awesome project. Good luck!
@omnommer@whitneyb89 I am not loving the idea of going to the OB every two weeks. They tend to run behind at my OB and I sometimes wind up waiting for an hour, then my doctor talks to me for less than five minutes and usually tells me nothing I didn't already know. It seems like a waste of time if I don't have any issues to discuss. Some of the appointments are obviously important, like the GD one, but the ones where they just weigh you, check your blood pressure, and listen to the heartbeat? Meh. I see what you mean about the reassurance... but for me, the baby kicking all the time is enough reassurance.
@kadeephd That's a fair point. It does seem like a bit of wait to only be seen for a few minutes. Also, I decided to pick somewhere that's a half hour drive for me, so you think I wouldn't be too thrilled with that. But I don't know. I think it's getting to hear the heartbeat and knowing that the doctor is happy with how things are going.
Re: FTM Check-in • 9/4
Any appointment updates?
Had my ultrasound yesterday and it showed that my cervical length has increased by like 4x, which is bizarre and completely unexpected even for the doctors. Waiting to talk to my regular OB about it today so I can get a little more information.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
My dreams have morphed from just regular sex with H dreams, to frustration/stress dreams where we want to do it but can't for some reason, to now dreams that he's cheating on me. I hate this pelvic rest and being away from him so much it's starting to mess with my subconscious.
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
I'm not sure I have a good answer to this. I'm a pretty good cook/baker. At least all of my friends are always super impressed with the food I make. I've never really been impressed by myself about it though, if that makes sense. It's just... what I do?
How far along are you?
Any appointment updates?
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
RAVE: I tried a new pillow fort configuration last night and I slept so much better and am barely sore this morning! Yippee for body pillow behind me and wedge pillow in front. Poor H though, I feel like he is scooted off to the very edge of the bed. Oh well, I'm growing him a progeny
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
I guess sign language? People think it's impressive, at least lol. For me, it's just my job, but it is cool to watch and doea take a lot of practice. I am also good at public speaking, which again, I don't think it a big deal, but I know a lot of people hate it. Lord, I feel like these are so lame. I need some hobbies.
ALSO, I think sign language is super cool! I wish I had taken it in college instead of Spanish, of which I retained almost nothing.
ETA: ALSO ALSO, Is your wedge pillow working?
Giant. 27+2. Huuuuummmmppp Day!
Any appointment updates?
I'm starting my 2 weekers as of September 11th. I had my 28 week labs last Monday. No gestational diabetes (woo!), anemia, or syphilis. Not entirely sure why this is when they wanted to test for an STD and why specifically this one, but whatevs. I also got my Tdap. Ouch.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Baby is getting STRONG. It's pretty unnerving. His movements are very perceptible now and my husband even saw him moving yesterday and said it was really creepy lol. Ya, imagine feeling it in your own body, dude!
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
Not sure I can beat @hkom regrowing her cervical length. That's damn impressive. I am pretty proud of being able to grow a human, I gotta say. It's still absolutely surreal. Off the top of my head, I'd say I'm resilient. I have done a number of jobs, moved several times, had a rough childhood, etc. I've been through a lot and I've survived. I think that's a good skill to have.
@hkom Well, it's less an official wedge pillow and more of a regular pillow folded and wedged under me, but yes! I just didn't want to tag you like 40 times in one post! Thanks so much for the rec!
@morgantu I also have a huge pillow fort surrounding me in bed! It's going to be super weird when this pregnancy is over, having all our space back. I kind of like it this way, then again, I'm a weirdo that sleeps with 3 pillows regularly. I hate public speaking, and I think it's awesome that you know sign language.
@binxybaby My OB tested my STD's at my first appointment- they're definitely all on their own timeline! Congrats on passing you glucose test.
How far along are you?
Any appointment updates?
General OB check tomorrow, probably won't have much to update after that, since it's just a 15 min appointment.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
I mentioned on PGAL that its occurring to me that I will likely need to work at least PT throughout my maternity leave. The idea doesn't really bother me at all, but I don't know if I'm kidding myself, or not. I don't plan to EBF or pump, so night feedings and whatnot will be shared, so I'm hopeful that I can put aside a tiny bit of time each day to work, if needed.
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
I have no idea. I'm pretty boring. I'm type A, and very organized. I guess I have an eye for seeing the bigger picture? I bought all of our furniture online, as well as all of our towels and accents, etc. It all came together perfectly, and I am doing the same with the baby's room. Exciting stuff over here, haha.
27+4 (I am counting 28 weeks as third tri, so I am really counting down to that this week!)
Any appointment updates?
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Had the best sleep last night! That is all
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
Well I did write a song in my sleep once. I woke up, recorded it on a tape recorded, went back to bed and worked on it for a couple of weeks and even got to perform it during our grade 9 grad. I also wrote a "play" from one of the vivid dreams I've had - it would probably make a good basis for a book but I really don't think I am a writer
Any appointment updates?
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
@ab_canada I like how you wrote a song in your sleep! Once upon a time, I majored in music. My most impressive musical dream was actually hearing something in 3-part harmony, in Latin. Ha!
How far along are you?
Any appointment updates?
Had a chiropractor visit this morning and it was glorious. He worked out my arm issue/pinched nerve (as well as my standard neck stuff to keep the headaches at bay). Turns out I need more of a pillow fort at night and need to keep my arms away from each other so I'm not hunching in, since that shortens the front shoulder muscles. Then they start to do funny things when shortened. So, I have some new stretches, need to grab the pillows from the guest room to prop myself up more, and am instructed to go back sooner than my monthly visit if I can't keep the arm issues at bay with those two things.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
I conked out last night at like 9:30. So I got 9.25 hours of sleep, and it was GLORIOUS. I'm a bad sleeper and, while I still woke up a lot (yay fragmented sleep and peeing a lot), it didn't keep me up for minutes or hours. I just fell straight back asleep each time. I normally get maybe 7 hours of sleep even if I go to bed early? So this was awesome!
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
Hmmm, I guess I would say that my cooking skills are great. My DH is part-Persian and Persian stews are super hard to cook well. He taught me his methods and once upon a time I made Persian stew for a gathering with many elderly Persian people. Some of them were very impressed with the stew, which was a huge feat if I do say so myself.
@omnommer Sounds like you need to hug something while you sleep. I was just reading the other day about some adults who sleep with a giant stuffed animal because they need to hug something in their sleep or else the hug themselves too tightly and develop shoulder issues.
How far along are you?
26 weeks today!
Any appointment updates?
Nothing exciting - next appointment is later this month. Haven't heard back about my one-hour glucose, but I'm feeling better about everything since I can feel this baby everyday and have a good Zantac & Tums routine now.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Dear Diary, I bought an infant carrier from a thrift store (for babes 8-35lbs). DH tried it on as soon as he saw it and it melted my little heart. If my ute wasn't full of baby, then I know my ovaries would have tingled.
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
The best I can think of is being able to think in three dimensions - example, I can look at nearly anything and understand its parts (kind of freaked out my dad when I figured out a tension-rod lamp before he did), but I don't use my spacial reasoning for anything special besides showing people my parallel parking skillz.
Dx: Unspecified IF
BFP#1 Nov 2017 • Blighted Ovum + MMC • D&C at nine weeks
BFP#2 Apr 2018 • It's a boy! • Born 13 Dec 2018
Though, I'd say... it doesn't turn out the same at all if you use dried parsley, cilantro, etc. Definitely use fresh, and reserve a bit of each to throw in at the end so you get some bright green colors and the fresh (non-stewed) herb while eating! The fenugreek I buy dried since it's hard to find fresh. I also always used the canned kidney beans and throw them in at the end, instead of dried. If you're one of those people that cilantro tastes like soap, you can just use more parsley instead and it still tastes pretty good!
Any appointment updates?
Had my 24 week appt a bit early at the end of last week and my fundal height was measuring over 2 weeks ahead even though my weight has been super stable/on the low-end. Not sure what this means? My doctor didn't seem worried but I read if it's over 2 weeks it could mean big baby...
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Does anyone know how accurate fundal height measurements are? At my anatomy scan he was measuring in the 52nd percentile, so he wasn't measuring big. Not too worried, just curious if fundal height is really an accurate predictor of anything.
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
Ooof, I don't consider myself very impressive in general. But I think one "skill" I have is I'm really content being alone with myself for long periods of time with zero human interaction. I live/love/embrace the hermit life and I know LOTS of people who aren't comfortable being alone with themselves, so it seems impressive maybe? I'm also really good at languages and speak English, Russian, and some Spanish, French and can pick-up various words/basic context in almost any Slavic language or romance language.
Oooo I speak Russian. I was born in Ukraine. What about you?
@morgantu Jealous of your pillow-fort set-up! I just have one extra pillow under the sheets with me and so far it's working.
@binxybaby Congrats on all good test results at your 28 week appt!
@Hollyyyyy sorry if I missed the post on the other thread, but do you think you'll need to work on maternity leave for the extra income? Or just because they need you at work (or both)? It seems like you're OK with it which is great
@ab_canada Getting a good night's sleep makes life glorious. Congrats, hoping to get one of those sometime soon!
@kadeephd Good luck at the start of the semester. I hope it gets more manageable soon.
@omnommer Mmmm I'm super jealous of your Persian stew talents. That sounds delicious right about now.
@echo-charlietango yay for feeling baby more regularly. When do you expect they'll let you know about your glucose results? I preemptively asked my doctor when they would let me know after I do mine, and she said "next day," so I'm going to hold them to that ha. Also, I am the completely OPPOSITE of your talent. I have zero spatial skills and it's embarrassing sometimes. Even just rearranging furniture or imagining how to set-up pieces in three-dimensional space is TOUGH for me. Luckily DH excels in that department so I will survive.
I'm not really concerned about the income aspect of mat leave, my husband can cover us both just fine, but there is literally nobody else to do my job. We just hired a new marketing coordinator, and I guess I was thinking (hoping) we'd hire someone with a real estate background so that they could help me while I'm out, but unfortunately that didn't happen. So much of what I do is time sensitive, so it's not something that I can just neglect and take care of when I'm back. I think it will be fine, though. Hopefully!
@echo-charlietango LOL @ your tingly ovaries
Any appointment updates?
Nope. Next appt and GD testing in 2 weeks...
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Work this week sucks but it's my fault for procrastinating
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
I don't think I have any special skills. This is a hard one!
@shevsky I think my midwife told me plus/minus 2 is ok for the fundal heights.
@echo-charlietango I also have opposite of your super power. I can't park worth anything. Blame it on the fact that i have lived most of my adult life without a car (from age 18 to 30!)
@echo-charlietango that's awesome you have such impressive spatial perception.
@morgantu I took 2 years of ASL, but used it very infrequently so lost most of it. I also HATE public speaking, so go you!
@binxybaby resilience is an awesome and impressive trait!
@Hollyyyyy want to remotely design/decorate our house for us? It's mostly a bunch of hand me downs and found/cheap items we've collected over the years. But it feels like home.
@hkom your cervical regeneration powers are not going to be beat! You win this gtky! So happy things are looking better for you and baby.
How far along are you?
Any appointment updates?
Today's follow up scan went well. Baby is looking good, but we'll see what the doc says about her heart in the next few days. Next OB appointment is Sept. 14th.
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
I feel like nesting is in full effect. I can't just sit and rest or relax. If I'm home, I'm doing SOMETHING to get ready for baby. Today I re-organized the nursery for the 10th time and sanitized bottles and pacifiers. Too early? Probably. SO doesn't get it at all. I honestly hate seeing him sitting around being "lazy" because I feel like he should be feeling just as pressured to get stuff done as I do. Meanwhile the garage is still full of crap we have yet to unpack...
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)?
This is a hard one! Like @hannelorre, I can't think of anything besides growing a mini me. Maybe my empathy? I feel VERY deeply for others. I don't think that's exactly something i consider impressive though, just being human.
Any appointment updates?
Had my glucose test done yesterday. The orange drink tasted like orange hi-c to me, so that wasn't so bad. Now I'm just anxiously waiting for the results. Also, got my Tdap vaccine yesterday, which I wasn't expecting to get that until a few more weeks. Not a big deal, except for the fact that I hate needles, so I wasn't mentally prepared. Lol!
Rants/Raves/Questions/Dear Diary?
Not much other than I'm glad to finally be going to the doctor every two weeks instead of waiting a month. I know it probably sounds weird to be happy for that, but with how paranoid I am, it's nice not have
GTKY: What is the most impressive thing you know how to do (besides grow a human)? Like others on here, I can't think of anything that impressive. Maybe my drawing skills, but I haven't drawn anything in a long time, so I know I'm rusty.
First of all, I love Chicago. I've been there twice now (both times in the same summer, oddly enough).
We left Ukraine in 2001, lived a year in Atlanta, GA and then moved to Canada where we've been ever since. I have only gone back to Ukraine twice since that time - it's a bit expensive and I pretty much use up all of my vacation time for the trip, so it makes it a bit hard.. My husband is a Ukrainian-Canadian, so one day we will go together
That's an interesting degree - Slavic Studies. What do you do for a living?
@scaredunprepared I am jealous of your nesting.. I've been knitting a bit and made a little sweater and hat for the baby. That's about it for my preparedness
@morgantu What made you learn sign language?
@whitneyb89 I totally understand how you feel about starting to go every 2 weeks! After my appointment next week, I'll get to go every two weeks and it'll be a relief just to check in. Especially as my body starts to get more of these weird aches and pains that could mean anything. As a FTM and someone who over-analyzes everything.... appts every 2 weeks will be lovely.