April 2019 Moms

STM Check-in (week of 8/27)

How far along are you? How big is baby?

How many kids do you already have? Ages? 

How are your other kids doing this week? 

Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? 

GTKY: What are your hobbies? 
Me: 32 DH: 31
TTC #2 since January 2018
Baby #1 DD  Born 8/25/2016
BFP: 8/11/18 Due: 4/26/18



Re: STM Check-in (week of 8/27)

  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 6 weeks- size of a matchhead

    How many kids do you already have? Ages?  1 DD - just turned 2 on Saturday!

    How are your other kids doing this week? DD has thrown up TWICE this week in the middle of the night. She has had no interest in eating dinner so we have been making her eat part of it and then she throws up! I guess I will just let her decide!

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? 2 weeks until our first ultrasound

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? I love to read, mostly young adult urban fantasy, I paint, acrylics on canvas. I go to the gym on lunch almost everyday and do zumba twice a week. I love TV and video games but have little time to watch/play but right now I am LOVING Big Brother. 
    Me: 32 DH: 31
    TTC #2 since January 2018
    Baby #1 DD  Born 8/25/2016
    BFP: 8/11/18 Due: 4/26/18


  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 7w4d... blueberry sized I believe.

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 5 y/o DD 

    How are your other kids doing this week? She's doing well, though extra clingy lately.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? Ahhhh, I don't know. I'm just ready for 1st tri to be over.

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? I love to play dungeons & dragons, crochet/knit, do yoga, and skate(formerly roller derby, now just recreationally).
    BabyFetus Ticker image
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  • How far along are you? How big is baby? I am 9w0d baby is as big as a cherry or postage stamp today. 

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? I have on DS who is turned 2 in June. 

    How are your other kids doing this week? Well he started daycare full time this week for the school year, he’s happy as a clam. 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? I. Am. Over. The. 1st. Trimester!!!!!!!!!!!!! I went back to work this past week (I’m a teacher) and my nausea came back, I’m EXHAUSTED and to top it off my DH is working 2nd shift so after I finish a full day of work, I have my 2yo by myself in the evenings making me EXTRA tired. 

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? My hobbies right now include but are not limited to taking lots of naps, snacking and then immediately regretting my snack, trying not to throw up, and absolutely hating bras. All joking aside, I enjoy reading, history and reality TV. 
  • @kosmo86, oh no!  Is it a stomach bug or do you think it's reflux related or something?  Hope she feels better soon.

    @wildcosmiclove, yess, a fellow D&D nerd!

    @jessicaschafer8, props to you.  I coach gymnastics but the hours are basically only part time and even still I'm exhausted. Teacher + mom = all the respect.

    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    8 weeks tomorrow.  Raspberry, I think?

    How many kids do you already have? Ages?
    One 4yo son. 

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    Great other than late bedtimes due to a crazy schedule this week for my DH and I.  We told him yesterday that he's going to be a big brother and his reaction was priceless.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? 
    I'm so done with first tri also.  My last pregnancy was very easygoing the whole time, other than sciatica near the end.  This first trimester I'm absolutely miserable.  Nauseous all the time, constant migraines, and generally feeling like garbage.  DH was so nice as to tell me I'm extra whiny this time around.

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? 
    Video or board games (including D&D), reading, baking, working out.
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 6+1 I think, sweet pea

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? DD-4

    How are your other kids doing this week? Her sleep schedule is totally off. She keeps falling asleep at like 6pm and then waking up at like 10-12 and then goes back to sleep only to be back up at like 5. I think she’s in a growth spurt and hopefully it will go back to normal afterwards.  

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? I am so damn tired cause see above. And the second the litter box is the least bit used I can smell it and it’s driving me nuts and making me queasy.  

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? Reading, baking/cooking, DH and I play Pokémon go. Right now my spare time is going into looking into different housing options, we want out of apartments and out of this town. We’ve been considering building a shipping container house so I’m pulling all the data I can. 
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 7 weeks. The size of a playing die

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 1 DD. 22 months 

    How are your other kids doing this week? Shes doing well. Shes doing a lot of talking.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? None yet.

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? I like to craft and decorate.
    Me: 31 | H: 32
    Married September 2014
    TTC #1 December 2014
    RE appt 12/2015
    CD3 labs normal | HSG 1/8/16 clear | H's SA excellent
    Dx: Unexplained Infertility
    February 2016, cycle 16 - cycle #1 with Letrozole 5mg + TI | Progesterone=20.6
    BFP 2/24/16 - EDD 11/7/16
    It's a girl!
    Isla Quinn born 10/29/16 at 38w5d via C/S
    TFAS March 2018
    RE consultation 8/2/18
    Suprise! BFP 8/8/18 natural cycle | EDD 4/19/19
    It's a girl!
    Afton Noelle born 4/10/19 at 38w5d via natural VBAC
  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 7w2d - Altoid baby

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? DS - 3.5

    How are your other kids doing this week? Oh just his normal threenager self. I'm really trying to push his bedtime earlier because mornings are sooo crummy now that we're in school. 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? I feel like shit. DS doesn't seem to get "I don't feel well," or "No, it hurts me to carry your 40lb body through the grocery store while also pushing a cart."

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? TBH I don't really have one right now.  Reading? Taking walks? Chilling with DH & DS? DH and I watch a lot of sports and go to a bunch of baseball games, but we only have tickets for one more this year so that's almost over.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @jessicaschafer8 if you sub hating pants for hating bras we have very similar current hobbies. 
    @kangstadt ahhh! We still haven't told DS. DH keeps almost slipping but I give him a look and he figures it out.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @jessicaschafer8 What does your husband do? Mine is and engineer and is also working second shift at the moment. It definitely sucks!

    How far along are you?

    Other kids?
    DS, 13 months

    How are your other kids this week?
    He’s been great. He’s learned how to go up the steps and he has his very first chore, putting his diaper in the trash after we change him. He just absolutely loves being independent and helping, which is going to come in so handy.

    Unfortunately he hit a milestone I was hoping to avoid as long as possible. We were at a birthday party this weekend and the only thing that was safe for him to eat was fruit. Normally that’s not a problem because he loves fruit, but I think for the first time he realized he didn’t have the same foods as everyone else and he got really upset. And then I had to keep a really close eye on him because he was trying to grab their food. It’s hard enough trying to teach a one year old not to steal food, but it’s impossible to explain to him that he’d go to the hospital if eats it. Hopefully he outgrows his allergies because it just breaks my heart!

    Rants/raves? Concerns/questions?
    Has anyone tried just putting the mattress on the floor before or instead of moving to the toddler bed? I know he’s still really little, but he’s already trying to climb out (he has no way to, but he’s determined), and he sleeps really well in his crib but no where else so I was thinking with the mattress on the floor he may learn to put himself to sleep when he’s tired regardless of whether he’s trapped or not.

    What are your hobbies?
    I do community theatre. That’s actually how DH and I met. I’ve performed, directed, stage managed, done lighting and sound design, costume design (once, I was terrible at it), and pretty much everything else related to the theatre. We are also giant geeks so we’ve gone to various Comicons. I also like to dabble in crafting, I’m not very good at anything but it’s a stress reliever.
  • @wearegroot our son started climbing out at 15 months - his crib converted to a toddler bed, so we were able to just take the front off. One night of falling out and he was fine but bed rails probably work too! Is that an option?
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @kosmo86 sorry your daughter keeps puking!
    @wildcosmiclove @jessicaschafer8 @kangstadt first trimester is brutal...
    @thatbaintforbetty totally empathetic that your daughter isn't sleeping the greatest.  I feel like there's always a growth spurt!

    How far along are you? How big is baby?
     By this time next week I should finally know!  Lingering somewhere around 7 weeks give or take.

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? I have one 8 month old son.

    How are your other kids doing this week?  He's good!  He is extremely interested in standing and walking right now, so he is squirming and trying to climb like crazy - I think he's going to skip crawling.  If anybody knows how I can make him sleep better without letting him cry, though, I'm listening! 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?  Ugh, so, H and I are a little shaky lately.  I always gave him a lot of attention (too much, probably) and I don't think he ever fully adjusted to losing a lot of that attention to the baby.  Now with another one coming a little sooner than planned he's extra on edge, and I'm super hormonal this pregnancy, so this has not been a good combination.  The other night he exploded (because I didn't want his sister taking the baby for a walk at dinner time) and I basically told him that he needs to man up because I am the one carrying the baby and if he stops being so argumentative there will be no reason for me to snap at him.  Surprise surprise, he agreed to be nicer and I've had no reason to yell for 36 hours.  So I guess that's my rant, and my question is if anybody has any good tips and tricks on keeping a man child happy with multiple kids who need my attention much more than he actually does.

    GTKY: What are your hobbies?  Hm, I'm more of a socializing person than a hobby person (odd since I'm mostly introverted) but I enjoy reading, cooking, I was knitting for a while but that's fallen through the cracks.
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 7w5d

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 1 DS 2.5

    How are your other kids doing this week? He’s good, I love this age. He’s a bit of a mamas boy right now though which is exhausting considering I feel like crap all the time 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? No questions just also over this and eagerly awaiting relief in the second tri

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? I own a small yoga studio so I am lucky to get to do my hobby for work. I also love to swim. I’ve been into water sports since I was 12 so wakeboarding, wake surfing, skiing etc in the summer... I’m also a reality tv junkie. Currently spending a lot of time watching big brother and bachelor in paradise 
  • @wearegroot my son is younger than yours so he's still in his crib, but I plan to just move the new baby into his room/crib and give him the guest room with the mattress on the floor when the time comes, probably around 18 months.  I obviously don't have experience with it, but there are some schools of thought that it's better, even than a crib (it's a Montessori practice, I think).  I personally wouldn't put an infant on a mattress on the floor, but some people do from birth.  As long as the room is baby proofed I bet your son would be fine at his age.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 5w6d’s. Size of an Appleseed.

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? DD1 is 8 and DD2 is 5

    How are your other kids doing this week? The youngest is doing well with the transition to kinder but my third grader is having a rough week. Everyday after school she is refusing to do her homework and there have been lots of tears and lots of sass! Homework has taken her 3+ hours each night when it only should have taken 30 min max. I’m ready to scream!

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? Oh and Dh leaves town for work and won’t be back till Monday. :(

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? I like to cook and read. I don’t have time for much else.
    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • lyse01lyse01 member
    edited August 2018
    @wearegroot I’m so impressed your son doesn’t also take all the garbage OUT of the can after he puts his dirty diaper in. Just my daughter?

    also, we bed-share with DD (our mattress is on the floor for safety because she climbs in and out) and are seriously planning to transition her to her own mattress on the floor during this pregnancy. She’ll just come over and climb in with us when she wants to nurse but we might have a few months of our bed back before the baby comes!
  • @wearegroot DD started climbing/falling out of her crib at 18 months and by 20 months she had moved into her toddler bed. Realistically, looking back, we could've moved her at 18 months and she would've been fine because she was ready but I wasn't. I've heard of people putting a mattress on the floor, I've heard of people just putting the crib mattress on the floor but leaving the crib up so they can't get out (not sure how that would work but that's what I've heard).

    How far along are you? How big is baby? 6+4 - appleseed I think

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 1 - DD is 2

    How are your other kids doing this week? She's good; being her ornery self. Terrible twos are in full force at my house. She *thinks* she runs the house. She is very disappointed when she realizes she doesn't.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? I stopped taking my antibiotic on Monday night and I've felt great since. I'm wondering if the antibiotic was making me sick instead of the little nugget.

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? Pre kids I loved reading and going on walks. Now I enjoy any form of alone time (sleeping included). DH and I have certain shows that we like to watch together and I do still enjoy reading, but I just don't get the time to do it very often. I really do enjoy spending my free time with DH and DD and our dogs. 
  • How far along are you? How big is baby?
    9 weeks 1 day. Baby the size of a cherry!

    How many kids do you already have? Ages?
    DS is 6 on Sunday and DD is 3.

    How are your other kids doing this week?
    OK. DD is in this phase where everything she says is hilarious and she's so cute I could just eat her up. DS is adjusting to starting kindergarten and though he really is excelling, the emotional mess that he becomes at the end of the day once he's home has been hard.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?
    Nothing really. I'm grateful to feel a semblance of normalcy in the mornings now. I take zofran before bed each night and wake up fine, which seems silly since the pills supposedly only last six hours... but I'll take it. I waver between thinking about how quickly the first trimester is going and how it's also dragging. I'm ready for that general gross feeling to subside.... aren't we all?!

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? 
    I LOVE to run. However, my current state is really prohibiting that act. I look forward to gently reintroducing it once these nasty symptoms ease up. I enjoy reading non fiction and true crime novels. I enjoy travel. I thoroughly enjoy trashy reality tv (BRAVO, anyone?). My poor babies are very well versed in trashy reality the first few weeks of their life as it is usually always on in the background while I'm on maternity leave.

    Married: 11/2011
    Sweet Angel Boy born too soon 12/17/17

  • @kangstadt - I think it is from overeating. I never know if she won't eat bc she isn't hungry or just distracted! So we try to have her eat at least some of her dinner. Other than that she has acted totally normal and daycare says she is eating fine. Its hard bc daycare tends to feed them snacks in the late afternoon and I never know how much she has eaten!

    @kangstadt and @wildcosmiclove Also I LOVE board games we play all the time and we also play RPGs - We have recently played Fate (Similar to D&D but less Rescrictive) and a game called Weave (quick RPG that uses a few cards and an app) 

    @wearegroot- We transitioned to a toddler bed a few months ago. it has a little guard so she doesn't roll out and she does really well. She doesn't like when I leave but she cries for 2 minutes and then puts herself to sleep 

    @Piccola1988 - blow jobs and get him a hobby? lol.  DH is much more of an affectionate person then I am normally and now I just want to rest. I just try to make a small effort and remind him when he is being a dick that I am pregnant and to bring it down a notch or the crazy might come out. 
    Me: 32 DH: 31
    TTC #2 since January 2018
    Baby #1 DD  Born 8/25/2016
    BFP: 8/11/18 Due: 4/26/18


  • @kosmo86 We have Weave and Fate too! We are huge rpg & board game nerds, haha.
    BabyFetus Ticker image
  • @wearegroot We didn't do a mattress on the floor, but transitioned to a toddler bed around 2.5.  We purchased a used crib that converted which worked out great.  She could easily get in and out.  The falling out of bed thing didn't happen until the switch to the twin bed.

    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    8 weeks 4 days. Baby is a raspberry!

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 
    DD1 is 4 and DD2 is 22 months

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    DD2 is as sweet as pie.  She is getting into everything and destroying my house, but she is such as cutie.  She does seem to be working on some back teeth so she has been up screaming in the middle of the night this week which is totally uncool.  DD1 is really testing my patience.  She has started this new thing at bedtime where we have to come up and put her to bed like four different times until she will finally stay up there.  She will just sit at the top of the stairs and wail and cry.  It is totally attention based, but DH is a total sucker so he perpetuates it.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? 
    SO TIRED.  And I woke up this morning with a severe stiff neck which is making me f'ing miserable at work. Between that and being generally hormonal this morning, I was crying in the shower to start my day.  Not great.  It is also DH and my's 9 year anniversary today so we were planning on making a nice meal at home and trying to enjoy our night and I just feel like a miserable mess.  I think he was hoping for sex tonight too.  Womp, womp.  

    GTKY: What are your hobbies?  
    I love to craft.  My parents' 50th wedding anniversary party is coming up and I am making all the decorations, centerpieces, favors, etc.  I am loving it.  @BarefootContessa Count me in for crappy reality tv.  I love Below Deck! =)

    Me (35) & DH (35)
    Married: August 2009
    DD #1 born 6/12/14
    DD #2 born 10/31/16
    BFP 7/26/18 - EDD 4/6/19
  • @kosmo86 ha, you're probably right on the blowjobs  :D  I actually intended to offer one before his little freakout because he was being so tense, but now I am feeling burned and being stubborn, but I probably need to get over it.  I can be a little hot tempered when provoked and this pregnancy has not helped with that, but I do like the idea of taking a quick pause to remind him he's being a dick before I completely lose my shit - going to have to really focus on that, though...
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @lyse01 He absolutely does take things out of the trash! The diaper pail in his room is in his closet, and the one downstairs is on the other side of a baby gate. I realize his curiosity and ingenuity will serve him well in life, but it’s exhausting now :lol:
  • @MRDCle, I had no idea how he would take it, and he's surprising me by being much more excited than I expected.  He also can't keep a secret to save his life.  I babysit my nephew, and when my sister came to pick him up today, one of the first things my son said to her was, "Mama's baby is this big!"  Oops.  Good thing we're announcing to the rest of the family this weekend anyway!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 6w, sweet pea

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 1 DS, he's 2.

    How are your other kids doing this week? He's cracking me up this week. He's been in such a good mood and everything is making him laugh (but its like a creepy over the top maniacal laugh). I had a leadership meeting for my local MOPS group this morning and he did great with the other kids/childcare workers. My MIL is getting here on friday and I'm looking forward to having her around to help keep him occupied since I've been feeling so sickly.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? My husbands work schedule has been brutal lately. His boss apparently promised to have a bunch of stuff to one of their clients by mid september and he came out and said "its been nice knowing you wifey, i'll see you in a month." So that's not been fun.

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? I love baking/cooking, but especially baking. and doing puzzles (all kinds - regular puzzles and i love puzzle books that are number related like kakuro and ken ken). I also love photography (mostly landscape) but having a kiddo makes that kind of difficult to pursue - I'm not in a great place to get up by sunrise and be somewhere and sunset is usually around bedtime right now, but i'll get back into it eventually.

  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 6w 2d, not sure the size off the top of my head

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? DD just turned 4, DS just turned 2

    How are your other kids doing this week? We've been at home, mostly inside because it's soo hot here. Definitely feeling some cabin fever, but both kids are both starting up with preschool next week. 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? We had a random ceiling collapse in our rental house almost three weeks ago and the repairs are still not finished. All four of us have been sleeping in the basement and our stuff is all over the house (the construction is in the only two bedrooms in the house). I'm so ready to get everything back into its own space and am tired of all the empty promises and changes in schedule. Oh, and the workers also broke my heirloom crib (that my late dad made for me when I was a baby and has been passed down to my brothers and my kids...my son was still sleeping in it). It can be repaired but it'll be expensive because of the old school style my dad used in his carpentry. It makes me sad that I can't just call him up and have him fix it for me :(

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? I love seeing so many of you consider reality TV their hobby! That was the first thing that came to mind. Love me some Bravo. I also love reading, decorating, travel, and yoga. 
  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 7 weeks - blueberry.

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? N - DD, 6 months.

    How are your other kids doing this week? N might have her first cold: she's been congested and phlegmy, and she had a lot of trouble sleeping on Tuesday (which isn't her norm).  But she's a happy good girl and she's eating solids like a champ these days.  She stayed with my MIL all day yesterday while I attended a workshop, and even though I knew she was fine, I missed her and worried.  She starts day care on Tuesday when I go back to work (I'm a teacher too, @jessicaschafer8 !), and I am NOT excited about it.  I know she'll be fine.  But I won't!

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? My husband has been annoyed with me being hyper-critical lately.  I've been trying to curb it and just let him do him, but then he'll do some bonehead thing (like put N to bed for the night in her regular clothes instead of pajamas or ignore deadlines from our town for home improvement projects we're doing) and I get so frustrated.  I'm not perfect, I mess things up too.  But I hate being cast as the nag and feeling like it's my job to manage him.  He is a capable human being and I don't mean to paint him as otherwise - but it feels like I have to be on top of everything in order for anything to get done effectively and it drives me nutso.  I'm especially anxious about this with me going back to work - my free time is going to be spent with N, not managing shit he should be on top of.  I guess my question is where's the balance.  On one hand, I do not want to nag and I don't want to manage him - but if I don't, my life is impacted too, so what's the solution?

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? Reading... just reading basically.  I love to write, but I haven't made time for it lately.  All of my free time is spent either reading or going on walks with my daughter or dog (we have two dogs, but only one will willingly go for walks - and forget walking him and my daughter at the same time, one squirrel and he'd drag us both down the block!).
  • @ashtuesday you ask where the balance is...I’d let things that aren’t going to financially or safety-wise impact your family go (ie pajamas are not a big deal in the long run) and limit yourself to the really important things (permit deadlines). It’s tough...I’ve def been known to snap over throwing away recyclable items (of all things!) but I try to not micromanage everything.
  • @wearegroot Fellow Comic-Conner here!  We have only done SDCC so far, but we go every year.  

    How far along are you? How big is baby? 5+3, peppercorn/appleseed/Nerd candy/extra small snail (thanks, Ovia)

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? DD will be 11 months on Saturday.  

    How are your other kids doing this week?  Okay, I think - but she has been fighting sleep like no other lately.  She used to fall asleep so easily.  I think she's in a leap now, so that may be part of it.  I feel like we're right on the verge of her talking up a storm rather than babbling all the time (she has said "hi" and will wave, and has said something that sounds like "maaaaaaammmmm" but I'm not sure if that's "mama" or not).  She was born 4 weeks early so her milestones tend to be just a tiny bit off.  

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?  Any sleep recommendations besides Benadryl?  I got a sleep prescription which was great, but I stopped taking it once I found out I was pregnant.

    GTKY: What are your hobbies?  Is consistent, crippling worry a hobby?  I love to cook, but haven't had any time lately.  We're in the middle of moving (closed yesterday on a house!!) so hopefully I will have time (and space, finally) to cook and paint.  I also read a lot.
    DD born PPROM preemie at 36 weeks on 10/1/17 after over a year TI, 
    then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.

    Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
    because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • @ashtuesday, if you couldn't tell from my post the other day, I'm in the same boat.  I have no real advice so I'm just going to empathize.  It sucks being painted as a nagging monster when you really feel you're just trying to do what's best for your family, and especially your baby.  I think @lyse01 is probably right on her advice to let things go, but we all know it's not so easy not to snap over these tiny negligent acts that are so annoying and so avoidable!  I'll try if you will!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @Piccola1988 weird question does your DH see it that way?  I actually had a convo with my DH where I told him that I felt that I was nagging and mothering him. He actually said he feels if he isn’t holding up to what he has said he will do then I as his wife have every right to nag him. Note not what I think he should do but what he says he will do. Like he says he’s going to clean up the recycling but doesn’t. It actually made me see it was more my feelings and insecurities then problems actually being there. Now it might be different in your case but who knows. 
    this is my backup acct.
    prevously helloblueeyes

    Me:32 DH:33 Married:04/2012 DD:07/2014 
     BFP 8/14/2018 #2 due 4/18/2019
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @thatbaintforbetty if only, but nope I got called a nag just the other day, so he for sure sees it that way!  Oh well, he’ll get over it.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @mrsdee15 Oh my hubs would be so jealous. He’s always wanted to go to SDCC. He’s gone to NYCC several times. We’re going to Baltimore Comicon at the end of September.
  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 5ish weeks

    How many kids do you already have? Ages?
    DD is 22 months. 

    How are your other kids doing this week? Great. Daycare is closed to Grandma is visiting from the opposite coast. So DD has been on lots of adventures this week and tomorrow I’m taking off to hang out too. But at nighttime she’s been having a bit of separation anxiety and putting her to bed is impossible. 

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? I wish I knew how pregnant I was. I mean I generally know within a week or so. But I want to know down to the day! I’m worried that my
    forst appointment is going to be paperwork and no ultrasound which is fine but a let down. 

    GTKY: What are your hobbies? Gardening. Biking. Reading. Soccer. 
    Me: 36 & DH: 40
    Married: November 2015
    DD 10/19/2016
    BFP:  8/20/2018 - EDD 5/4/2019
  • edited August 2018
    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    6 or 7 weeks

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 
    One DS, age almost 2

    How are your other kids doing this week? 
    Pretty well. It's a fun age where everything is an adventure. Unfortunately these last few weeks he's decided he's too old/busy for naps and it has been a DISASTER trying to get him to sleep.

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions? 
    I have my OB appointment in 2 hours!! Really hoping he does an US

    I have no idea why TB cut my last answer.
    I love reading and travel. We just went to the desert last weekend to see the spring flowers. I love stuff like that
    DS#1 born 05 October 2016
    DS#2  due 25 April 2019
  • How far along are you? How big is baby? 6 weeks, still not confirmed though.  I have my first appointment coming up on Tuesday.  Bump says the size of an earring back.

    How many kids do you already have? Ages? 2 boys, 6 and 2 

    How are your other kids doing this week?  Same as usual....don’t lick the slide, don’t eat dirt or bugs, the couch is not your trampoline....

    Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?  I would like for just one of the rooms in my house not to be covered in toys or clothes for more than a day.

    GTKY: What are your hobbies?  Reading.  Crafts.  Eating.  Hanging out with family or friends.
    BabyFruit Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • Rants/Raves? Concerns/Questions?  I would like for just one of the rooms in my house not to be covered in toys or clothes for more than a day.

    Ivy: July 2010  |  Stella: Dec 2012  |  BFP#3: MMC at 11Wk's, July 2017 | Wyatt: April 2019 | BFP#5: Twin Girls due Sept 2020

  • 6+1. 

    1: girl. 16mo. 

    Teething. Being cranky. But also learning lots of new words. 

    R/R/Q: I just wish insurance would cover betas and an early ultrasound even if not medically necessary. This waiting is like an eternity. 

    GTKY: I love reading, yoga, scrolling Pinterest, and taking pictures of books. 
  • @booksandicecream I can’t rmemeber reading about your U/S (even though I probably hearted it). How did it go?
    Me: 36 & DH: 40
    Married: November 2015
    DD 10/19/2016
    BFP:  8/20/2018 - EDD 5/4/2019
  • @lovelybabybumpz I saw you found the update. For others here, the appointment was good and I got to see the embryo and a steady heartbeat (yaaay!). But the doctor was confused because my dates/embryonic measurements/heartbeat don't add up to the same due date. I go back in 2 weeks for another US when we can see more and get a better idea. I'm trying not to stress and imagine the worst. Hopefully it's just because the quality of the equipment isn't that high.
    DS#1 born 05 October 2016
    DS#2  due 25 April 2019
  • Ok, mamas, I figured this would be the best place to ask: Has anyone taken the train with a toddler alone before? I’ve got a 10 hr trip tomorrow (hopefully it doesn’t last longer than that, but I know how it goes) with 13m DS as a “lap” child, but this child does not sit still ever! I know it will be full for at least part of the trip. It was my idea to go so I brought this on myself, but any tips and tricks anyone has would be greatly appreciated!
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