I will try not to make this too long. I have a 3.5 year old daughter from IVF. I decided to try for our second child. We had to do another egg retrieval, but I thought it would be be easy. I was wrong!! Since I am older (36) I decided to have the embryos go through PGS testing. It resulted in four normal and one low mosaic that the doctor said I should keep and implant if needed.
On two separate occasions I have implanted two 5AA PGS normal embryos and implantation has failed. My lining for the first was 8.3 ad for the second 9.2 (both triple layer). Before the second transfer, I did a ERA test. It came back saying I was post receptive....we moved the transfer up one day. I thought that was it!
Everyone from my acupuncturist to the nurses is completely shocked. Everyone thought this one would stick for sure. I have three embryos left, but they are not nearly as good of a grade (4bc, 3bb and 3ab).
I don't know what to do. They have ran every test imaginable. Also, I don't want to change doctors; my doctor is one of the best. People drive hours and hours just to see him.
Any shared advice or experiences would be greatly appreciated. I have given up hope and that so unlike me, but I feel like I've been defeated. I go in to meet with my doctor next week. Help!
Re: Multiple FET Failures - Need Advice
Diagnosis: Mild Endo, DOR (AMH of 1.5), Poor Quality Eggs/embryos, Displaced Window of Implantation (ERA Post Receptive)
March-May 2016: 1 TI and 2 IUIs- BFN
June 2016- Laproscopy- found/removed mild endo and confirmed only 1 normal healthy ovary.
August 2016- IVF #1 with Antagonist Protocol- Cancelled (2 lead follies), converted to IUI- BFN
Oct-Nov 2016- IVF #2 with Estrogen Priming Micro Lupron Protocol, 2 eggs retrieved, day 3 transfer of 1- BFN
January 2017- New RE, IVF#3 with Estrogen Priming Antagonist Protocol, 12 eggs, 8 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 day 5 early blasts transferred (none to freeze
May 2017- Sept 2017- Starting Donor Egg process! Waiting for donor to be available... and then she is pregnant at baseline
Oct 2017- Donor #2: 25R, 22M,18F, 12 blasts frozen! Fresh transfer cancelled due to thin lining with fluid
Nov 2017- Hysterscopy to remove polyp
Dec 2017- DE FET #1 on 12/8 on 2 perfect blasts- BFN and devastated
Jan-Mar 2018- ERA #1- Post receptive by 24 hours, ERA #2 RECEPTIVE with 4 days of Progesterone
Apr 2018- DE FET cancelled for lining issues
Jun 2018- DE FET #2 of two 1AA blasts- first BFP ever! Beta 10dp5dt- 378, Beta 14dp5dt- 2840, Beta 16dp5dt- 4035, beta 18dp5dt- 10916. Due on 2/20 with one baby after a vanishing twin
Baby Born born early @ 33.5 weeks due to Pre-e
Back for # 2!
@beachbunnyxo123 I'm on progesterone (four days due to ERA), estrace, six days of steroids, baby aspirin and I take extra vitamin D, folic acid, etc. I know I have PCOS, but haven't done an endo test. That's something im going to add to my discussion list. Thank you.
Are your three remaining embryos PGS tested, or were these left over from a previous cycle? (Ie. the cycle you did to have your daughter). Did you get pregnant with your daughter with your first transfer last time? If so, chances are that a leftover embryo from that cycle will do the trick.
Honestly, I wouldn't pay too much attention to the embryo grades. Lots of 3BB embryos implant & lots of 5AA embryos fail.
What does your doctor say? Is he telling you to just keep trying? Statistically, it's pretty common for a 36 year old woman to have to do 2-3 rounds of IVF (complete rounds, transferring all embryos) to have a live birth, so what you're dealing with is not unheard of, as devastating as it is.
That said, it's definitely important to trust your gut. If you think something is going on with your lining, ask & have it checked out.
Good luck!
1) You have 5 embryos from this cycle
2) You have transferred 4 embryos so far with these FETs (2x 2)
3) You have another three embryos left.
So I assumed that you must have leftover embryos from a previous cycle. I realize now that I read the second sentence differently than you intended it, and that you must have only transferred 2 embryos (2X1).
This does make me really optimistic for you, though. If from the cycle with your daughter, you had 3 embryos and one resulted in a live birth, that's 1/3. Odds are, one of your other two PGS-normal embryos will be the one!
I've had three failed transfers from my IVF round. I was 32 when I started the cycle, so we didn't do PGS testing. We have unexplained infertility and we were told that for women my age, about 60% of the FETs resulted in pregnancy. Our first failed FET, I almost expected. I mean, I was hopeful, but I kind of thought: "There's a pretty good chance that one of these embryos is not going to stick." Our second failed FET, I was devastated. Our third failed FET, I was a mess. I can't bring myself to do another transfer without doing another round of IVF with PGS testing. Our RE says, statistically, the last embryo we have frozen is going to be the winner, but I'm not ready to find out. Between our 2nd and 3rd transfers, I did an ERA and had a receptive result.
My RE and I have spoken at length about autoimmune conditions/the possibility of one. In the absence of a clear diagnosis, I've spent some time grasping at straws. He says right now, what is most likely is that the embryos are just not going to take - even with a PGS normal embryo, for a 36 year old woman, the odds of implantation are only about 60%. But, if we produce PGS normal embryos, and find that my next transfer fails as well, he is open to putting me on prednisone or something, some of the autoimmune treatments. That said, I'm pretty sure my issue is just embryo quality, not my immune system. If 50-60% is the average for embryos to stick in my age group, I think my percentage is hovering somewhere around 20% (at least, I hope!). I think I'm just a bit below average.
Anyway, I don't know if that helps you at all. IF is brutal, and IVF is extra brutal - the success rates, while improved, are still so low. You work so, so hard to get those little embryos, to transfer them, to medicate - getting a BFN call is like being stabbed in the heart. Even on these boards, sometimes, it seems like so many women get KU-ed on their 1st or 2nd transfer. Having 2 failed transfers, with PGS normal embryos? That would SUCK. But you're not alone, and I think you have another baby in one of those frosties.
@sungirl39 When is your fet? I hope this is your answer!
@katie35 No prob! My RE has used this protocol before with success, so we figured it couldn't hurt. See below, it's definitely a lot of meds...sort of overwhelming at first but doable.
A wk before transfer: Intralipid IV Infusion, takes a couple of hours
A few days before transfer start the following meds:
Aspirin 1x per day
Prednisone 2x per day
Lovenox shots 1x per day These SUCK. The shot doesn't hurt anymore than other fertility shots, but its like a game of Russian roulette on your stomach...you pick the wrong spot and you end up with a purple bruise the size of a baseball! Google it, I have one now...it looks worse than it feels though. I now try to be very careful to avoid even the smallest vein! Least favorite shot I've ever had, and I've had them all lol.
Day before transfer: start antibiotics, take 2x per day for the next 5 days.
Two days after transfer: add the following meds:
Pepcid 2x per day
Claritin 1x per day.
I'm also on the standard PIO.
Sooo, ya its a lot of pills per day and two shots. I think if i get a positive beta I go back for a second intralipid infusion. Fx this all works!
@richmondtxmom Sorry you are going through this. Getting that negative result is so hard. If this helps at all, I have read a few articles now which talk about how the fact that an embryo tests PGS normal is way more telling than embryo grade. I have a feeling that one of your three waiting for you is the one! Good luck to you!
Sorry for the long story, but my suggestion would be maybe try the biopsy? I have read that the estrogen from repeated cycling can cause polyps which could interfere with implantation. have you done the saline sono? My RE did say for my next cycle he was going to add a benedryl into the protocol for any inflammation.
I wish you and everyone else here struggling the best of luck!!! keep us posted.
Keep me posted on what happens next for you. I will be going my hysteroscopy 9/21 and i'll give you a shout if they find anything they didn't see before...worth knowing if that's a possibility I think!
I just didn't know it would be SO hard a second time around. I really 100% thought if it worked once it would work again. I feel even more defeated that it's not working the second time around. Which I feel super guilty about because I feel like I sound greedy. But I really just want to be able for my son to have a sib. Thinking good thoughts for you!!
I'm trying to do research on when I need to start taking the benadryl/claritin for the fet. It's hard to find specifics in this.
On the benedryl, I don't think it comes into play until a few days before the transfer...but I have asked my nurse to see if she can send me the suggested protocol for my next cycle and if I get deets I will definitely share with you.
Yes, please keep me updated and I will do the same!
sorry for my rambling but I do feel like I know you too!! our paths are so similar it is comforting to have a friend...I was definitely feeling very alone and weird about where i'm at with all of this now.... so thank you for being a friendly, similarly situation kind shoulder to lean on. praying for sticky embaby for you!!!
I had my hysterscopy Friday and they removed at least one polyp and the beginnings of 2 others. I'm trying to stay hopeful that maybe things will head in a positive direction from here. Fingers crossed for Oct1 for you!!!
I did a transfer on October 24, first beta was 270, second was 731. I have had two ultrasounds, most recently saw the heartbeat! as you know all too well, it's exciting but nervewracking. I am scared to be too excited or optimistic because it's so early and who knows what can happen. So i'm in that waiting place of waiting form ultrasound to ultrasound holding my breath everytime I get on the table!
Can you believe my Dr still has me taking benedryl 3 times a day?? it's KILLING me. It makes me so tired. I've officially been on it a month and I don't really understand why I still have to be on it! it's brutal!
Good luck and keep me posted. I am thinking the very best thoughts for you!!!!
(Sorry it took me so long to respond; I haven't been on for awhile--sleeping through the beneryl!)
In 2018, we had 3 failed cycles (total of 4 embryos) and had developed a sensitivity to sesame oil during that time, so we switched to prometrium-only (ewwwww!). So then I did an ERA with this protocol and it shifted my window out by a day (i.e. I started Progesterone a day later), had 3 more failures (totaling 6 embryos) during 2018. Finally, I just said SCREW IT and have gone back to PIO - but this time the ethyl oleate instead of sesame oil. It's $300 for 3 vials, instead of $30. We're doing the original protocol that I had success with, so I'm hoping the PIO was the missing link and that the ERA was just a fluke (I was under a LOT of stress at the time, work and having had the 3 failed FETs). I had such high hopes, given my really efficient and productive "haul," and am trying to maintain them, but it's hard. Tomorrow, we're transferring the last two embryos from my 8/2015 retrieval so I'm really nervous, as I don't want to go through a whole cycle all over again - but it looks like it's not really up to me.
@richmondtxmom - How is everything now? I actually added benadryl to this cycle - mostly because my allergies have been killing me - but have done it per the protocols I've seen (and discussed with my RE). Hoping with the PIO + antihistamine that THIS is the one!
@NicWalker10 - How is your journey going?
Me - anovulatory, non-Insulin PCOS, DH - low end of "normal" sperm count
IUI#1 - 02/15 - Cancelled due to scrubbed sperm count <1MM
IVF#1 - 08/15 - 13x5-day blastocysts (ranging from AA-BB, most are 5 or 6), not PGS, on ice
FET#1 - 10/15 - 1 emb - BFP (DD 07/16) (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
FET#2 - 07/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
FET#3 - 08/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
FET#4 - 10/17 - 2 emb - BFN (changed to estrace + prometrium because of allergic reaction to PIO sesame oil)
ERA Testing - 12/17 - window moved (-1 day)
FET#5 - 03/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
Karyotype Testing - 04/18 - Negative (we're ok)
FET#6 - 06/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
FET#7 - 10/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
FET#8 - 11/18 - 2 emb - BFP; looks like one baby is going to make it, DD is due 8/16 (though likely to be 8/9)
Stress is a big role in this and is the hardest thing to control.
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for the transfer!
Me - anovulatory, non-Insulin PCOS, DH - low end of "normal" sperm count
IUI#1 - 02/15 - Cancelled due to scrubbed sperm count <1MM
IVF#1 - 08/15 - 13x5-day blastocysts (ranging from AA-BB, most are 5 or 6), not PGS, on ice
FET#1 - 10/15 - 1 emb - BFP (DD 07/16) (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
FET#2 - 07/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
FET#3 - 08/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
FET#4 - 10/17 - 2 emb - BFN (changed to estrace + prometrium because of allergic reaction to PIO sesame oil)
ERA Testing - 12/17 - window moved (-1 day)
FET#5 - 03/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
Karyotype Testing - 04/18 - Negative (we're ok)
FET#6 - 06/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
FET#7 - 10/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
FET#8 - 11/18 - 2 emb - BFP; looks like one baby is going to make it, DD is due 8/16 (though likely to be 8/9)