Hello ladies, this is my first ever blog that I joined. I usually just spend hours googling and reading other blogs. My husband and I have been TTC and we had our first round of IUI this month. Looking for any insights and experiences. I am 11dpiui (femara+ovidrel+estrace) and having sharp twinges since 8dpiui around day 9 I started having sore nipples which has gotten more intense, my CM has also increased. Always fighting the urge to test and symptom spot (I am sure we all know the struggle is REAL). My progesterone was very high >40 (I believe this is related to egg release, I had 3 large follicles). So my dizziness, tachycardia on exertion, and breast tenderness can all be contributed to that. Anyone else in their TWW, maybe share symptoms, IUI experiences. Please share, baby dust to all
Re: NEWbee first IUI this month