2nd Trimester

Cold Brew

I had a cup of cold brew coffee for the first time since being pregnant yesterday with milk. I’m currently 13 weeks. It was a small, I’m guessing 8-12 oz. It was at a cafe, so I don’t know the amount of mg. The only other coffee I’ve had during pregnancy was like half a cup here or there at home. It really made me bounce of the walls though. Now I’m worried it was  too strong and harmed the baby. Help! 



Re: Cold Brew

  • Was there a question? I think you'll be fine. It's really not that big of deal. 

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  • Aprice720 said:
    I had a cup of cold brew coffee for the first time since being pregnant yesterday with milk. I’m currently 13 weeks. It was a small, I’m guessing 8-12 oz. It was at a cafe, so I don’t know the amount of mg. The only other coffee I’ve had during pregnancy was like half a cup here or there at home. It really made me bounce of the walls though. Now I’m worried it was  too strong and harmed the baby. Help! 



  • @schaze I think she meant she had her first coffee yesterday since becoming pregnant. At least that’s how I read it. However, idk why you wouldn’t just google cold brew caffeine.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • You are fine, baby is fine.....my doc always said a cup of coffee in the morning or a can of Coke in the afternoon was fine.  
  • Don't worry you're fine I have a cup of caffeine every day. It won't do any harm.
  • Did your doctor tell you to cut out caffine all together because that's nearly impossible... if you're that concerned call your doctor. I have coffee weekly, everything seems pretty good in my uterus still 
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