
Never Thought I'd

Name one thing you never thought you'd do as a parent, but then ended up eating your words...
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::

Re: Never Thought I'd

  • Lots of screen time. Tons of it. The guilt eats me alive.
  • Holding out hands to catch puke. But it was that or the carpet...
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • Loading the player...
  • Oh both of those! Um....I was totally against cosleeping. And pacifiers. Yep. Failed
  • I was anti- mamaroo but we ended up finding a display model 50% off and I guess it was pretty cool...
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • Let DD sleep in our room past 3 weeks... we hit 13 weeks on Saturday.

    Married: August 2014
    TTC #1: February 2017 - BFP 7/28/17; EDD 4/8/18; DD born 4/7/18
    TTC #2: February 2019
  • Never thought I'd say "don't touch your pee-pee" a billion times when I am changing him. Apparently *it* is very entertaining. 
  • Yeah we coslept for almost 11 months. I was so against it. With second one I’m just going straight to cosleeping. 
  • I never thought I'd co-sleep. Here I am, 3 years later, with a 45 pound, sweaty preschooler sprawled out on top of me and my wife. It's just easier than fighting it. One day he won't want to sleep with us anymore. Apparently it's a common trait with his half brothers and sisters (he's donor conceived). Of all the children born from the same donor, only a few sleep alone. I don't know if it's because we enable or what but I'm so used to it now it doesn't bother me.

    I'm praying he'll want his own space when we have another baby.

    I thought I'd read to my kid all the time. He doesn't like books. Won't sit still for them. It breaks my heart but I swore to myself that I'd never push my interests or ideals on my children if it wasn't their thing. So instead I play trains with him and we do a lot of active things together. He's just a mover, not a ponderer, so I expect I'll be sitting in one of those little mom tents on the sidelines of a football field in the near future. I hate sports :|
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