Hi @Knottie1448850234 - welcome! I'm sorry for your struggles, but hope you can find some support on this board.
You may want to change your username to something easier. You can do that on the Knot site.
You also may want to write a longer introduction to tell us a little about what's brought you here (how long you've been TTC, your diagnosis (if any), etc.). And if you are doing IVF, you may want to jump in to one of the monthly IVF threads, so you can chat with other women who are doing the same thing as you.
I start my stims this evening (7/15/2018) for the first time, so I am afraid I do not have much advice. I’ve heard keeping a low carb/ high protein diet helps with bloating during stims from my doctor. It’s worth a shot, right?
If you ever ever want to share more about yourself or ask my any questions or even just commiserate, message me here.
good luck!
My Age: 25 Husband's Age: 27 Diagnosis: Unexplained azoospermia, production issue. IVF July 2018: pending and staying hopeful
Re: new !
You may want to change your username to something easier. You can do that on the Knot site.
You also may want to write a longer introduction to tell us a little about what's brought you here (how long you've been TTC, your diagnosis (if any), etc.). And if you are doing IVF, you may want to jump in to one of the monthly IVF threads, so you can chat with other women who are doing the same thing as you.
I hope that helps - good luck!
I start my stims this evening (7/15/2018) for the first time, so I am afraid I do not have much advice. I’ve heard keeping a low carb/ high protein diet helps with bloating during stims from my doctor. It’s worth a shot, right?
If you ever ever want to share more about yourself or ask my any questions or even just commiserate, message me here.
good luck!
Husband's Age: 27
Diagnosis: Unexplained azoospermia, production issue.
IVF July 2018: pending and staying hopeful
Me - anovulatory, non-Insulin PCOS, DH - low end of "normal" sperm count
IUI#1 - 02/15 - Cancelled due to scrubbed sperm count <1MM
IVF#1 - 08/15 - 13x5-day blastocysts (ranging from AA-BB, most are 5 or 6), not PGS, on ice
FET#1 - 10/15 - 1 emb - BFP (DD 07/16) (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
FET#2 - 07/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
FET#3 - 08/17 - 1 emb - BFN (estrace + PIO sesame oil + prometrium)
FET#4 - 10/17 - 2 emb - BFN (changed to estrace + prometrium because of allergic reaction to PIO sesame oil)
ERA Testing - 12/17 - window moved (-1 day)
FET#5 - 03/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
Karyotype Testing - 04/18 - Negative (we're ok)
FET#6 - 06/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
FET#7 - 10/18 - 2 emb - BFN (estrace + prometrium, ERA-timing used)
FET#8 - 11/18 - 2 emb - BFP; looks like one baby is going to make it, DD is due 8/16 (though likely to be 8/9)