Hello! New here and looking for a support group of women who are going through the same thing. My name is Jordan, I’m 28, Navy vet, military wife, far away from friends and family. I currently live in CA but originally from VA. My husband and I have been married for 4 months but been TTC for 16 months. I was debating joining this forum or the infertility one since I have been trying for over a year but I only just went to the doctor 3 months ago with infertility concerns and started tracking my temps 3 months ago. I don’t really have any friends here and all my friends back home in VA have either been able to have children no problem, or don’t want children anytime in the forseeable future. My mother had dealt with infertility for years so she’s really the only support group I have. I’m tired of hearing the “it will happen when it happens”, “don’t stress about it and it will happen”, or “when it’s God’s timing and in his plan”. They’re pretty hurtful even though I know they’re not meant that way. As much is sucks to be in this situation, It’s comforting to know that there are women going through the same thing. Tired of feeling like I’m on the verge of tears every day and nobody to talk to about it.
I have been off BCPS (Nuvaring) since March 2017. Have had very normal cycles since being off of it, cycles being 28-32 days usually. I have only gotten one positive O (last year) and it was on day 19 which is pretty late. I have been tracking my BBT for three months now using the Natural Cycles app and my temps definitely indicate that I’m ovulating between day 13 and 15. Still waiting on a positive O test though. Is it possible to O and not have a positive O test? DH and I have had no luck even when we think the timing is right. I went to a new OBGYN and expressed my concerns to him. He put me on Clomid, taking it day 1-5 of my cycle. I found that odd since everyone else seems to take it on days 2-6 or 3-7. I have one more round before going back to the doc.
Hoping to provide some support to others going through the same thing.
Re: New here!
7 medicated cycles (see above) = BFN
@mirabelle33 I will definitely try to jump in on the check in next week!
When I say positive O, I mean positive OPK. I see it as LH too. Too many acronyms to keep track of! I have been using Pregmate brand since it had a 4.5 star rating with over 450 reviews. The one time I got a positive OPK was with Clearblue and that was a year ago. I have been starting OPK testing on CD 10 and continue until my temps say I have ovulated. I started testing twice a day this cycle, usually around 5 am (I get up at 3:50 am every day) and again at 4 or 5 pm when I get home from work. I’m on CD 12 right now and still no positive. Honestly at this point, I’m just tracking it all so I can go back to the doctor and show him the results.
My OBGYN did ZERO tests before prescribing me Clomid. I mentioned to him that my OBGYN in Hawaii (military doctor) had me do blood tests on CD 14 every month for three months and all my levels came back normal. Honestly, I found it a little odd that he would prescribe me Clomid on my very first doctor appointment with him and without running any tests. Going back in September if I don’t get pregnant by then. I will mention the HSG test to him then, but I really don’t think blocked tubes would be an issue as I have had none of the symptoms or issues that cause blocked tubes. I feel like I need to finish the Clomid out like the doctor prescribed. My DH is getting a sperm analysis done on the 13th of this month. We are kind of fighting against time here as my DH is deploying for 6 months in March-September. He will also be gone the whole month of September for training. I don’t have the luxury of actually trying every month which is frustrating. I also feel like I don’t get the fertile EWCM that everyone mentions. Honestly, my discharge really doesn’t change much throughout my cycle. Trying Preseed this month.
Has anyone here tried Vitex (Chasteberry)? My mom wants me to try it after finishing Clomid because she knows people who have had luck on it but they all had issues with ovulating.
7 medicated cycles (see above) = BFN