February 2019 Moms

PGAL check-in June 27 - July 3

1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones?

2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically?

3. Any appointment updates?

4. Rants/Raves/Questions?

5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today?

Re: PGAL check-in June 27 - July 3

  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones? 5 weeks 2 days. No milestones yet.

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Sore nipples! I hope you can feel my excitement as I have never had them before. My mmc I got nothing, absolutely no symptoms even though my hcg levels were apparently high enough to give them. Mentally I fluctuate between sure this one will be fine and then suddenly anxious because I almost can't imagine it working out.

    3. Any appointment updates?
    Not yet. Have told my gp (as we were starting to do some investigations after my last CP) and will call the midwife next week.

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Its winter here and I am already over it. But in the bright side it stopped raining yesterday so I walked to work and I am going to look into yoga so I can keep as healthy as possible.

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today? 
    currently my hot water bottle but every day my partner. He does so much for me.
  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones? 6ish weeks - we will find out today.

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Tired and sick. I basically feel like I have a bad hangover 24/7. Mentally, I'm exhausted and an anxious mess.

    3. Any appointment updates? 
    Have a dating U/S today at 4!!!

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Can I go to bed yet?

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today? 
    That as of right now, I'm still pregnant.

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

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  • etnyahetnyah member
    Good luck with your US, @kayjay44!! I hope you’re able to keep busy this morning so time goes by fast! 
    DS born 2/18/2019
    DD born 4/1/2023
    Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones?
    I am 8 weeks and 3 days! No milestones

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically?
    I am exhausted. Moving around is a struggle today. I feel like making my bed today was a major accomplishment for me. I've been nervous and emotional since my first prenatal visit yesterday. I'm cramping and spotting still from a pap and it's making me very scared even though the spotting has lightened tremendously since yesterday.

    3. Any appointment updates?
    I Had a prenatal yesterday. Since then I have been cramping and spotting. I didn't get to see a real doctor yet just nurses. They set my next appointment for 4 weeks from now. 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions?
    None today

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today?
    I am so grateful for my mother in law to be. My SO and I decided to push our wedding date up from April 2019 to July 28th it's very last minute and she has been so supportive and working to plan a beautiful wedding just for us even though it isnt quite what we had originally planned. She even arranged for a little honeymoon in a cabin. Besides that she has taken over cleaning my cat boxes and got me some slower clothes and swimsuit so I can ne more comfortable. I'm overwhelmed with gratitude for her. 
  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones?
    I'm just over 6 weeks. I mc'd at 6w5d a few months ago, so I'll be passing that milestone this week (fingers crossed).

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically?
    Symptoms like sore boobs and nausea fluctuate, which makes me anxious but I'm told is normal. I've got a ton of anxiety about this pregnancy, and my husband is currently suffering from anxiety/depression related to his work, which is yet another thing I'm anxious about. :/

    3. Any appointment updates?
    I go in for my first appointment/ultrasound next week Tuesday.

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions?
    If I am ever pregnant again, I would like the first trimester NOT to be in the summer.

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today?
    I'm grateful for this board! Y'all are fun and interesting!
  • @sistine122, your future MIL sounds so wonderful! I love my MIL, and I'm glad you're getting a good one!
  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones? 6w1d. Not yet. I had a MMC at 8 weeks, diagnosed at 10 weeks. 

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? I'm feeling pretty good physically, but a little nervous since I haven't seen a heartbeat yet. And I'll stay cautious until I pass the 10 week mark.

    3. Any appointment updates?
    Not yet. First US is next week.

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Nope, not today.

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today?
    My husband, for being awesome.
  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones? 7w4d, passed all milestones from my previous losses.

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Mentally, I’m feeling better. Still have moments of almost unbearable anxiety, but I’m starting to feel hopeful. Physically, I’m experiencing hunger-related waves of nausea, constipation, sore boobs, insane dreams, and just non-stop peeing. And thankful for every, single symptom.

    3. Any appointment updates? 
    I actually just had my 7w U/S today (I’m with a RE so we do U/S every week until 12w). Astonishingly, babe is stil in there growing right on track with a 140bpm heartbeat!

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Is anyone taking probiotics? When I asked my RE if they were ok to keep taking he kind of grunted but didn’t give me a direct answer.

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today? 
    For every day that I can say I am, I am grateful to still be pregnant. 

    @kayjay44 Good luck with your scan today!

    @sistine122 I wish I had a MIL like that! Mine is rude and inconsiderate. So glad you got one of the good ones.

    @hannahbananas11 Sorry about the anxiety you and your DH are experiencing. Hang in there!
  • @kayjay44 Good luck today!!
  • @cassafrass15 I was going to take them later on in my pregnancy and while breastfeeding, I like the look of the research on eczema/allergies/atopy and think it may be helpful for immunity. Also it ain't gonna hurt. :)

  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones?
    8w4d . No milestones yet so. I had a mmc at 5 weeks but only discovered at 10 weeks 

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically?
    physically nauseous and tired
    mentally - nervous for my ultrasound next week since that’s how we found out about the mmc last time 

    3. Any appointment updates? 
    ultrasound on July 5

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions?
    both a rant and a rave. It’s the long week end for Canada day so we are going camping at the beach, but we are getting hit with a heat wave, feels like 38 c (about 101 f) every day and we will be in our camper not our air conditioned home .... I might die from the heat ! Haha 

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today?

    my job! I love that I get to work in a field I’m educated in and it’s a director level position with all the responsibilities but it’s only part-time. (I feel very passionately about salaried, high level positions being available for parents - it was the focus of my thesis ) 
  • @kayjay44 thats so great! Weight off for sure
  • @kayjay44 yay! I'm so happy for you! ♡ That's great news! 
  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones? 6w1d, I've passed two milestone, but not all. 

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? My bleeding is *finally* slowing down. Hoping it's a good sign. I am very anxious to get my beta from yesterday, and super anxious for repeat US Monday. Last Us I was measuring behind, so I'm not sure if we will see a heartbeat or not. I hope so! 

    3. Any appointment updates? 
    I still haven't gotten beta results from yesterday. SO anxious! 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions?

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today? 
    I am thankful every single day that I get to hold this precious one inside me. 
    TTC #1 since September 2014
    Diagnoses: RPL, Endometriosis, MFI (count, morph, DNI, DNAS, multiple bilateral subclinical varicoceles), low progesterone
    Check out my Infertility blog 
    Check out my Infertility Instagram

    Loss History (TW):
    BFP: 3 May 2015, loss confirmed 4 June 2015
    BFP: 15 August 2015, loss confirmed 23 August 2015
    BFP: 16 November 2015, loss confirmed 22 November 2015
    BFP: 18 July 2016, loss confirmed same day
    BFP: 04 March 2018, loss confirmed 23 March 2018
    BFP: 12 June 2018, TWINS; D&C 06 July 2018
    TTC History (TW):
    3 losses in 2015
    Met with OBGYN in January 2016
    Me: all clear, H: OAT
    November 2016: HSG = All Clear!
    January 2017: H tested again,  High DNA fragmentation and stainability
    February 2017: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
    March 2017: Clomid + HCG + IUI + Progesterone = SA/wash: zero count on attempt #1, <1,000 on attempt #2= BFN
    Varicocele Embolization- 5 May 17
    December 2017 SA: Zero improvement after embolization
    January IVF- 25 retrieved, 11 mature, 8 fertilized, 3 frozen day fives (3AA, 3AA, 3AA), 1 frozen day 6 (5BB), 1 frozen day 7 (3CC)
    Three PGS normal (3AA, 3AA, 5BB), one inconclusive (3AA)
    FET #1: 27 February 2018, 3AA & 5BB, one stuck! BFP 04 March 2018.... Loss confirmed 23 March 2018
    May 2018: SHG/SIS = all clear "beautiful uterus"
    FET #2: 04 June 2018, 3AA PGS normal embryo, 3AA PGS hatching inconclusive embryo. 
    BFP: 12 June 2018, EDD 20 February 2019
    Ultrasound, 25 June 2018: There are two
    Lost Baby A 02 July 2018
    Baby B not growing, D&C 06 July 2018
    Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, chromotubation: 23 July 2018: blocked right tube, heavily inflamed, covered in endo. Removed right tube. Removed more endo from uterus, tubes, ovaries. Endo remains on bladder and bowel. 
    Next Up:
    TTC Naturally, possibly IUIs for remainder of 2018. 
    ER#2 ~Jan 2019

  • @KristoKekerooni Good luck with yesterday's betas. Keep us posted.
  • @KristoKekerooni Thinking of you today!
  • @KristoKekerooni - Fx for some great numbers!!!

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones? 8w2d and I’ve passed all three of my milestones!

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? I’m feeling a little bit better physically, I now know that my nausea is directly linked to my fatigue, so I need to listen to my body and take it easy. Mentally, I’m doing ok, I still have moments of panic, but I’m starting to feel more hopeful. 

    3. Any appointment updates? 
    I have my next u/s in 11 days. 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Nothing at the moment

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today? 
    I’m grateful for my husband who’s been taking care of all the groceries and cooking over the last few weeks. 
  • Beta was only 1834. Still technically within 48-72 (it's 63), but it's so much lower than I feel comfortable with
    TTC #1 since September 2014
    Diagnoses: RPL, Endometriosis, MFI (count, morph, DNI, DNAS, multiple bilateral subclinical varicoceles), low progesterone
    Check out my Infertility blog 
    Check out my Infertility Instagram

    Loss History (TW):
    BFP: 3 May 2015, loss confirmed 4 June 2015
    BFP: 15 August 2015, loss confirmed 23 August 2015
    BFP: 16 November 2015, loss confirmed 22 November 2015
    BFP: 18 July 2016, loss confirmed same day
    BFP: 04 March 2018, loss confirmed 23 March 2018
    BFP: 12 June 2018, TWINS; D&C 06 July 2018
    TTC History (TW):
    3 losses in 2015
    Met with OBGYN in January 2016
    Me: all clear, H: OAT
    November 2016: HSG = All Clear!
    January 2017: H tested again,  High DNA fragmentation and stainability
    February 2017: Clomid + TI + Progesterone = BFN
    March 2017: Clomid + HCG + IUI + Progesterone = SA/wash: zero count on attempt #1, <1,000 on attempt #2= BFN
    Varicocele Embolization- 5 May 17
    December 2017 SA: Zero improvement after embolization
    January IVF- 25 retrieved, 11 mature, 8 fertilized, 3 frozen day fives (3AA, 3AA, 3AA), 1 frozen day 6 (5BB), 1 frozen day 7 (3CC)
    Three PGS normal (3AA, 3AA, 5BB), one inconclusive (3AA)
    FET #1: 27 February 2018, 3AA & 5BB, one stuck! BFP 04 March 2018.... Loss confirmed 23 March 2018
    May 2018: SHG/SIS = all clear "beautiful uterus"
    FET #2: 04 June 2018, 3AA PGS normal embryo, 3AA PGS hatching inconclusive embryo. 
    BFP: 12 June 2018, EDD 20 February 2019
    Ultrasound, 25 June 2018: There are two
    Lost Baby A 02 July 2018
    Baby B not growing, D&C 06 July 2018
    Laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, chromotubation: 23 July 2018: blocked right tube, heavily inflamed, covered in endo. Removed right tube. Removed more endo from uterus, tubes, ovaries. Endo remains on bladder and bowel. 
    Next Up:
    TTC Naturally, possibly IUIs for remainder of 2018. 
    ER#2 ~Jan 2019

  • @KristoKekerooni But it’s still rising and within the range it needs to be! I really hope that you will get good news at your u/s next week. 
  • @KristoKekerooni - sending good vibes for your US next week!

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones? 6w6d.  I passed the milestones of both of my previous CPs

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Still exhausted, and have nausea off and on, but all in all I think I feel better than I did during my first pregnancy.  It's actually making me a little anxious, but I'm trying not to worry. I feel like the symptoms will come, and I'll be longing for the days that I felt okay.

    3. Any appointment updates?
    I had an U/S on Monday and saw the heartbeat (YAY!), next appointment and u/s is 7/9.

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Cantaloupe is basically the only food I want to eat.  And olives stuffed with jalepenos.

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today? 
    I'm grateful for my DS who makes me feel like a superhero every day.  Also for my husband who is my rock. And that my in-laws left a couple days ago after visiting for a week.  I unfortunately do not have an amazing MIL like @sistine122 and @hannahbananas11 - I'm super jealous of people who have great in-laws!

    @KristoKekerooni sorry to hear you aren't happy with where your betas are right now.  FX that they keep on rising and you have a good u/s next! 
  • TW:

    My friend that is three weeks ahead of me just had a mmc at 9 weeks. I know this sucks so much for her, but it's also inducing pretty bad anxiety in me. I kind of want to go home, lay in bed, and cry.

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

  • @KristoKekerooni I think it’s a good sign they are rising! I hope you have a great US on Monday! 
  • @kayjay44 That is so sad! Your poor friend. I can definitely understand it being anxiety inducing to you. I feel like MMCs are extra awful because they seem to come out of nowhere when you think everything is going fine.  I really feel for you and your friend. 

    Hopefully you can get some quiet time at home tonight. <3
  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones? 8+6, all milestones were passed by my US Tuesday!

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? Since I had my US and saw a HB and movement,  I’m a lot more hopeful and getting more attached to this baby. Physically I’m exhausted and having more aversions (like can’t eat anything remotely greasy even roasted nuts) but my nausea has lessened a lot which is nice. 

    3. Any appointment updates? 
    had a great US on Tuesday 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? DD has been acting extra adorable the past few days and I’m really loving it! 

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today?
    My sweet little girl and super supportive husband. And also for my little baby looking strong and healthy! 
  • @kayjay44 That really sucks that your friend had a mmc, especially since she was only a few weeks ahead of you in her pregnancy. I'm sorry.

    @KristoKekerooni I'm glad that the numbers are still rising, and I hope you have a good US on Monday. I'm the meantime, I hope you're able to enjoy the weekend a bit!
  • meatballs37meatballs37 member
    edited June 2018
    1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones? 4 weeks (baby will be born via c-section at 36 weeks due to last complicated pregnancy so baby will be a feb baby). My milestones are sooo far away.
     We lost our twin boys last November due to TTTS. We had a surgery at 22 weeks to split the placenta they shared. Our son Shepherd passed immediately. They were both born three weeks later when my water broke at 25+5. Abraham lived for 26 days in the NICU before joining his brother. I delivered Shepherd vagnially, but Abraham was born in a classic cut c section. 

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically?   I don’t think it has sunk in yet. Luckily I am still in counseling for our losses.

    3. Any appointment updates? 
    I will be way behind everyone else with appointments. But our first one is July 24. We will be meeting with an MFM for this entire pregnancy as well. 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? none 

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today? 
    My positive pregnancy test. I feel like we are getting another chance. 
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • 1. How many weeks are you? Have you passed any milestones? 8w2d and I’ve passed all three of my milestones!

    2. How are you feeling? Mentally and physically? I’m feeling a little bit better physically, I now know that my nausea is directly linked to my fatigue, so I need to listen to my body and take it easy. Mentally, I’m doing ok, I still have moments of panic, but I’m starting to feel more hopeful. 

    3. Any appointment updates? 
    I have my next u/s in 11 days. 

    4. Rants/Raves/Questions? Nothing at the moment

    5. GTKY: What are you grateful for today? 
    I’m grateful for my husband who’s been taking care of all the groceries and cooking over the last few weeks. 
    I remember you from TTGP earlier this year! So dang happy for you! 
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • @meatballs37 I remember you too! Join us in the TTGP thread!
  • @ChloandCoco aw I am not sure I should join in there. I took a huge break from TTGP after I hit a mental wall. I haven’t been back there in months. 
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • @meatballs37 It’s up to you, there’s only 3 of us in the thread right now anyway. But I’m glad you are here!
  • @ChloandCoco well if there are only three, I may join in then. :) 
    *TW* Spoiler
    Me: 33 DH:30
    DD: Aug '16
    10/2017: Twins confirmed with TTTS at 22 weeks.
    10/10/17 Twin B passed after in utero surgery
    11/2/17 Twin A & B born 
    11/26/17: Twin A passed after 24 days fighting in the NICU
    Benched 6 months 
    BFP: 6/28/18 MC:7/16/18  BO
    BFP: 10/2/18 EDD 6/15/18

  • Just woke up with brown spotting and am freaking out. I feel fine apart from the diarrhoea I have been getting for about a week now which gives me a little cramping anyway. But its bloody saturday here and there is no-one I can call nor can I see any point in it. I'm only 5w4d and I know its not far but after 2 MC I am fully invested and just so bloody tired of all of this. 
  • @lokibear89 I know how anxious you must feel and I’m so sorry. Try to breathe - as many ladies have said on other threads, brown spotting can be totally normal. I even had some red blood with clotting when I first got my BFP. Hang in there! FX everything is totally fine and you needn’t be worried.
  • @lokibear89 - it's entirely normal. I would call first thing Monday if you're RH-, though. I am (and DH is positive), so when I have spotting, I have to get rhogam.

    KBJ-SEJ married 8.18.2012
    BMJ born 5.27.2014
    MMC 7.2.2015 @ 5w5d
    SMEJ born 6.5.2016
    BFP 6.8.2018 EDD 02.18.2019

  • @kayjay44 that is a good idea, I'm also RH-. 
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