@geosmommy7717 First, congrats. Second, there's a thread that's been started for this specific discussion called Let's See Those LO's - AW U/S thread. It's at the top of this board. It would also be helpful for you to read the Board Organziation thread so you understand the group norm and post guidelines.
IMO (and we all have them), you are opening yourself up for a world of flaming by asking what "we think it is" as the result of a transvaginal ultrasound at 7 weeks.
@geosmommy7717 You have been told previously (on this very same board) that you should read the "Read This First" post at the top of the page. If you had bothered to do that you might have noticed that on the list of "Don'ts" it says to not "Post a thread that asks a question only applying to yourself unless you suspect you may be going through a MC." There are rules to this board for a reason. We are trying to build a community. In a community you get what you put in and at this point you've put in two AW threads.
@geosmommy7717 just brush it off and take everyone’s advice ! I got flammed too so dont feel bad lol. Laugh it off and follow the rules. But just to answer your question , google the ramzi theory and maybe it’ll help you out ! Good luck
@geosmommy7717 We're not offended, just trying to keep the board from becoming a cluttered disaster. The combined u/s post pinned to the top already has over 100 posts, and we're all still in first tri. If every one of those was a stand alone, AW, LOOK AT MEEEEE thread, this board would be drowning in ultrasound posts. Please check out the pinned posts at the top of this page, and join in the discussion on the relevant group threads.
Also, none of us can guess the sex of your baby at 7+5, because Science.
No need to be rude to her she is excited about her pregnancy everyone is human and nobody is Perfect . Being nasty to other people and saying that there kid on the ultrasound looks like a puppy is ridiculous. Unacceptable!!!
Re: First ultrasound 7 weeks 5 days (roughly). It was transvaginal!
IMO (and we all have them), you are opening yourself up for a world of flaming by asking what "we think it is" as the result of a transvaginal ultrasound at 7 weeks.
@geosmommy7717 You have been told previously (on this very same board) that you should read the "Read This First" post at the top of the page. If you had bothered to do that you might have noticed that on the list of "Don'ts" it says to not "Post a thread that asks a question only applying to yourself unless you suspect you may be going through a MC." There are rules to this board for a reason. We are trying to build a community. In a community you get what you put in and at this point you've put in two AW threads.
Dating: 2/2007 Married: 4/2011
TTC #1: 9/2016
BFP #2: 3/9/2017 - CP: 3/10/2017
08/2017: DH's SA = normal
08/2017: Low progesterone (4.6) all other BW normal
11/2017: HSG Clear; Pelvic Ultrasound Normal; and AMH, FSH, and Estradiol normal
12/2017: 1,000mg Metformin
12/2017: 50mg Clomid + TI = BFN
01/2018: 100mg Clomid + TI = BFN
01/2018: RE Consult
03/2018: 5mg Letrozole + 50 units Gonal-F + 500 μg Ovidrel + IUI = BFP #3: 4/1/2018 - CP: 4/4/2018
04/2018: 5mg Letrozole + Gonal-F + Ovidrel + IUI = BFP #4: 5/2/18
Also, none of us can guess the sex of your baby at 7+5, because Science.