July 2018 Moms

TW Tuesday 6/5

Because you all know we are going to need one of
these threads today...


Re: TW Tuesday 6/5

  • Work, because I am very sleepy and just want to lie down and snooze. Maybe just for 10 minutes....
  • Loading the player...
  • My son is not napping, so he is the TW. I have to do stuff in the garden but I don't want to go outside while he's still awake because I can't keep the video monitor on in the back yard (its just a phone app connected to a wireless camera, and my phone will keep going off and then in order to check it I have to open the phone, sign back in, click on the camera, etc.). I can't do anything in the nursery because its right next to his room. I can't go finish the laundry because I have to go by the creaky stairs by his room. So I have to sit in the kitchen and do only things I could do with him awake while wasting time I could be doing things I would rather NOT do while he's awake. RAWR.
  • millpemillpe member
    My area manager! On a meeting this morning that I run he called me out for including new material on the call and was very professional and made a snide comment about how he shouldn't be the last one to know something in his region.  1. We've been including this content on this call for 3 months. 2. I approved the change with him prior to implementing it (and have the email exchange saved). 3. If you have a problem, either bring it up professionally or wait until after the meeting. Don't try to scold me in front of 15 other people. 4. I don't even report through his chain of command!! 5. He also said our region needs to make a better effort to all get on the same page.. okay that's part of why we include this on the meeting now?
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • zg49zg49 member
    A certain person in my life who shall remain nameless is a TW today because they are the most self centered, b**chy person I have ever met and I just want to be done with them in my life. I have not spoken to said person in a few days (every time we talk do they say something to just intentionally make me upset) but this person texted someone in our family about an appointment they had saying "I bet some of you wish the drs would find something wrong with me (cancer)".

    Really? 19+ years in the family and that's what you think of us? This is coming after 2+ years of constant tip-toeing around to make sure none of us upset this person because they are mentally not ok and refusing to get help/admit it. It's been 2 years of unexplained verbal and emotional abuse and it is taking a toll on everyone and I am at the point that I don't care anymore, I just want peace to focus on my soon to be 5 person family. 

    Ugh. Sorry for the rant. 

  • People who can’t keep schedule meetings. I’m seriously just sitting here waiting for them to call in then try to sound nice and understanding when trying to reschedule to their schedule. Such a waste of my time accommodating them.
    My old manager who commented if i was ready to pop. Guess he didn’t learn not to ask that despite having two kids (one is only two months old).  
  • @zg49 ugh how frustrating! You can definitely make boundaries and take space from them and not feel guilty about it. 

    My TW is our new work record keeping software. I have saved the same info 3 times and checked it 3 times and it is still not going through correctly to our billing dept. AGH!!! 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • ME. Today I am the TW because I think I may have a stress fracture in my foot and I refuse to go get it looked at because A.) I don't want to go to the doctor and B.) If I go get it looked at, and it is a stress fracture they'll tell me to stay off it which means I have to stop working out and I don't want to do that yet because I'm still feeling pretty decent in my workouts even if I am backing it down to about 30% of my usual intensity. So instead I've been icing the heck out of it, wearing my brace and have used all the KT tape in the house. I'm being incredibly stupid, and I know it.
  • nimmlenimmle member
    My ankles are the TW today...or rather lack thereof. WTF swelling.
  • TW is me and the OB office. Scheduled my 36 week appointment for during swim lessons because I didn’t have them in my phone calendar yet, so I called the office to reschedule and sat on hold for 10 minutes. Thennn, they hung up on me!! Grr. 
  • TW is H. He asked what i was doing I said laying down because my feet hurt. I then ask him for ideas for dinner and he suggested taquitos from scratch. That would require me to be on my feet longer than i want to be. I swear he doesn’t think through things sometimes. I guess I’ll be experimenting with spaghetti squash today, easy enough right? 
  • My husband is now the TW. He has had bags of grass sitting on our driveway for 2 weeks and never took the time to figure out how ti dispose kf them. I finally had to set up trash service collection on Friday because they smell so awful that our garage was starting to smell.  I also had to go get the paper bags to transfer them into for collection. so tonight we had to transfer them since tomorrow is trash day. they are disgusting and smell awful and he is acting like a baby. I didnt even have gloves on and was in my nice work clothes, in tons of pain and was over his BS and ended up having to try and do it by hand because I just honestly had no more eff's to give nor time I was willing to spend on letting him whine and gag. ugh Why are men such babies sometimes? Also I have one of the weakest stomachs ever and I was able to put on my big girl panties and just deal. 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @emsnedds ugh. That makes me upset for you.. I hate it when people have no chill... glad that is over!
  • @lindsayleigh1989 okay...seriously why are men the biggest pansies!?!?! 

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • @emsnedds wow what a major B! Next time she should fly first class if she’s gonna be like that.
    @lindsayleigh1989 ugh i hate the smell of old grass in the garage. That happened last week and it finally started to linger into the house every time we walked in and out. He eventually took care of it after enough complaining.
    So as I’m getting ready for bed (brushing teeth and washing face) i begin to ask H why he’s not brushing his teeth at night (eww! Glad I’m not sharing a bed right now!) he snaps and says that he doesn’t want to get into it because his neck hurts really bad. Um ok yeah why can’t i have the same consideration as his pregnant wife who feels like crap 90% of the time and still have to deal with his BS. I drop it and leave as I start to get more irritated by things I see he could have done. Grrr
  • @emsnedds talk about compassion! Major B status right there, glad you had some support from the attendant at least.

    @lindsayleigh1989 my sense of smell is so strong I sometimes have to ask DH to take the trash out even though it's not full because even though he may not smell it I do! If there's a piece of meat in there for a day or any trace of smelly food it's over.

    Ugh @wildtot, gengivitis may bite him in the butt!

    @zombiehoohaa let us know if you manage to hit the squirrel, lol! Sorry, it's all pretty funny but I know sleep is precious.

    @hillbillywife were you able to reschedule? @noideawhatshesdoing that sounds painful, I hope it passes without you having to see the doctor...I know it's hard to give up the last few workouts we might be able to do for a while!
  • @emsnedds seriously who pissed in her cheerios. ugh some people seek out reasons to be pissed off
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @emsnedds what the heck was wrong with her!?! Sounds like she just wanted something to complain about. Glad the flight attendant was understanding!

    @lindsayleigh1989 your grass story just made me realize what’s been stinking up our garage! Thank you! My husband had to finish mowing the yard in the rain last week and didn’t clean the wet grass off the mower. I couldn’t figure out why our garage stunk bc our trash cans were empty but I bet that’s it! Also, your husband was being a baby and needed to suck it up and help you...actually he needed to just do it himself!
  • @ashbub714 i don’t understand mowing in the rain. H does it too. 
  • @emsnedds I feel like people just see a toddler and automatically have an attitude that they are going to be noisy / shouldn’t be on the plane. DS has a few melt downs when we traveled and I got over apologizing to others real fast. Besides adults can be just as annoying in small spaces. I am glad you didn’t shut down the iPad. Planes are not a quiet area anyway.
  • @wildtot yeah generally I think it’s odd but my husband literally had one rectangle of grass left in the middle of our backyard when it started pouring lol he was determined to get it done  :D
  • emsnedemsned member
    Thanks everyone! I will definitely try to bring headphones next time, but I think that lady was just looking for a reason to be angry. And DD was quiet the entire plane ride after I turned on the iPad, so sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do lol. 
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