Military Families

Husband deploying

My husband and I found out we were pregnant 2 says after our wedding. I'm due on November 18th and he will be deployed beginning in Aug.

Anyone in or have been in a similar situation and was he able to come home for the birth?

This is our first and we both want him to be there!

Any insights or help would be amazing!

Re: Husband deploying

  • This will depend a lot on what he does and where he's going/doing. I'd suggest you both talk to the ombudsman to see what to expect and where you can get support if he is not able to return.

    Additionally, if he is going to be gone, I suggest looking into Operation: Special Delivery. It is a volunteer organization that connects doulas with military spouses whose husbands are deployed. This will give you at least one person you know and can depend on to be there during your delivery to support you.

    Good luck!
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • I would be prepared for the answer to be no, he can’t come back. Like the person above said, it’s going to be really dependent on where he is deploying. Even if he isn’t able to make it back, he may be able to call or Skype during the delivery.
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  • Thanks ladies. He’s going to be coming back!
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