How far along today? How big is baby? 33 weeks! Celery and apparently over 4 lbs!
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms Swelling is my newest one.. I can't believe how big my feet get! Other than that I'm still generally feeling really good (just huge) and I'm so grateful.
Appointments/US this week nothing this week
Random Questions can't think of any right now....
Rants/Raves got the dresser put together last night! Now I already can't wait to get home from work today so I can start organizing a little!
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week. FTM so no outside kids yet.
Me: 31 DH: 34 Married: April 2016 TTC December 2016 BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17 MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017 BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18 TTC January 2019 BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
@MrsMiller8588 thanks for reminding me...I had a second part for the FTM and totes forgot to paste it in! It is in there now.
How far along today? How big is baby? 31 weeks! Football/Giant Nutella tub/Compsognathus?
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms: Incredibly hard stools, just all of a sudden, and started bleeding from my butt yesterday night after pooping. It was still there at 3am when I got up to pee. It not there anymore though. Trying to decide if I should call the doc. Other than that just the usual, feeling pretty good just large. Have some back pain I think due to baby's position.
Appointments/US this week: Growth scan and appt on Tuesday next week. Stoked to see LO and also get chinese food. Holla!
Random Questions:
Rants/Raves: I got a small online job this week which I am excited about, hopefully leads to bigger projects that pay more. I also applied for 3 part time jobs. One is obviously better than the others from a daycare stand point but we'll see. Rant: I'm just pissed at myself that our debt level is at the point that I have to go back to work to make more headway towards it, and pissed at DH that he put the brakes on me for so long this year that now I'm almost at the point where no one will hire me. But trying to look at the positive that it doesn't have to be forever. Things will work out!
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud. " DS you have to wear pants to eat dinner so you don't burn your penis." Followed by this from him, "Can I just use this as a penis towel?" Holding up a hand towel and covering himself with it.
How far along today? How big is baby? 34 weeks- butternut squash
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms Sore everything. Very painful rib with baby’s head wedged up in there. Regularly walking around with a bag of frozen peas on the top of my bump
Appointments/US this week Check up and possible u/s next Friday to see if LO’s flipped by then
Random Questions
Rants/Raves Just really frustrated this baby’s still breech, and footling breech based on all the cervix/butt kicks I’m getting. If she’s still footling at my next u/s they most likely won’t even try a version
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud. More like what DS said to me, but he saw me changing and asked for a “sip”. From my boobs. He’s been weaned almost a year.
@smashjam we have far too many penis conversations in this house... And congrats on the job!!
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms Terrible low back pain whether I’m sitting or standing. Starting to get knee and ankle pain from all the extra weight-have gained over 60lbs and babies are nearing 6lbs each now so I am beyond uncomfortable. 4 more weeks...
Appointments/US this week i have both OB and MFM appointments once a week at this point. Everything looked good on the BPP and NST this week. Cervix still high and closed and only a little effaced.
Random Questions Any ideas for what to do with my 3 weeks of leave before babies come (see rave below)? Like I’m burnt out on watching TV, can’t stand for more than a minute at a time so I can’t really DO anything, I’m a very efficient planner so I have literally everything purchased and done/set up for the babies (was correctly anticipating being totally useless when I was this far along/wanted everything to be done in case they came early)...I feel like I’m just going to be super bored
Rants/Raves Next week I work a 3 day week and I’m on maternity leave! I’ve been winding down since the beginning of the month honestly and working from home since April so it doesn’t feel like a huge finish line but it’ll still be nice to not even have to check in or dial into calls until October
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud. Complete honestly-I don’t feel like I’ve been hormonal at all this whole pregnancy. I’m just not really susceptible to it-and my husband agrees. I’ve felt like myself mentally this whole time, it’s just been horrible not feeling like myself physically since December
How far along today? How big is baby? 33 +1, junior tennis racket or celery
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms dizziness, heartburn that wont quit and just the normal pelvic pain...
Appointments/US this week had appointment on Tuesday everything look good. NST'S every Tuesday and Friday until I deliver. So I have that this afternoon, if she cooperates
Random Questions None that I can think of.
Rants/Raves its both, I am happy to make sure baby is healthy and doing what she needs to do until her birthday. BUT the twice a week NSTs, every 4 week Ultrasounds and normal OB appointments are starting to get EXTREMELY tiresome. Rave that they are taking my last pregnancy seriously and making sure shes ok. RANT that nothing this time is labeling me as high risk but being treated as such is not fun. Still all in all super extremely blessed to even have this little one coming into the world.
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud. to DS- Bud leave your ding dong alone if you keep puling on it, it might fall off.
DS to me. "mommy where's your ding dong? you don't have one, just boys and daddy's."
How far along today? How big is baby? 34 +1 weeks. Butternut squash.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
Appointments/US this week None! For the first time in like a few months, I am appointment-free this week. Go back in June for hopefully my last MFM appointment (I think I said this last time) and weekly appointments with my OB. Ack. Weekly! Not readyyyyyyyyyy.
Random Questions @devilcat139 - I think I would just enjoy the downtime. No rush to get things done during the day.
Rants/Raves I'm finally off of pelvic rest. But DH still wants me to take it easy.
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud. I can't think of anything ridiculous I've had to say this week. Maybe it was "Please don't crouch and try to look for my penis..." DS looking for mine as I was changing. Even though almost daily he reminds me that I don't have one because I'm not a boy.
@kc1293@wysmom14 today my DS said, "Hey can you take the blanket off my penis so i can touch it all the time?" -referring to his foreskin. No, no I cannot. Too late buddy!
How far along today? How big is baby? 33 and as big as celery? Lol Baby is 5lbs.... he’s a big boy.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms I am so uncomfortable, no longer sleeping well and have trouble tieing my shoes lol
Appointments/US this week I had two this week and found out baby isbso big. 64th percentile.
Random Questions
Rants/Raves Raves- my mom purchased all my baby furniture and most arrived today. I was nervous because after my shower there was still so many important things left. But she purchased them all and had them sent ASAP!
Rants- I’m so tired, and feeling so pregnant, I can’t really complain hearing about your two babes @devilcat139 GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud. I’m honestly waiting for my crazy mood swings but I’ve been feeling like myself the whole time. I am just so excited for this last leg!
SmashJam daily conversations about his ding dong are normal in my house. I cant wait until his sister is here that's gonna be a whole new world of questions. lol
@wysmom14 Pretty sure it's a daily conversation in our house too! I have a DD who is about a year younger than DS. He is potty trained, but she isn't. Starting to show some interest. She will sit on the potty and "pushes" down her "ding dong" bc that's what he does. Lol. It will be interesting when we actually do potty training with her.
Re: Thursday Ticker Change (Late!) 5/25
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms Swelling is my newest one.. I can't believe how big my feet get! Other than that I'm still generally feeling really good (just huge) and I'm so grateful.
Appointments/US this week nothing this week
Random Questions can't think of any right now....
Rants/Raves got the dresser put together last night! Now I already can't wait to get home from work today so I can start organizing a little!
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week. FTM so no outside kids yet.
TTC December 2016
BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
TTC January 2019
BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
How far along today? How big is baby? 31 weeks! Football/Giant Nutella tub/Compsognathus?
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms: Incredibly hard stools, just all of a sudden, and started bleeding from my butt yesterday night after pooping. It was still there at 3am when I got up to pee. It not there anymore though. Trying to decide if I should call the doc. Other than that just the usual, feeling pretty good just large. Have some back pain I think due to baby's position.
Appointments/US this week: Growth scan and appt on Tuesday next week. Stoked to see LO and also get chinese food. Holla!
Random Questions:
Rants/Raves: I got a small online job this week which I am excited about, hopefully leads to bigger projects that pay more. I also applied for 3 part time jobs. One is obviously better than the others from a daycare stand point but we'll see. Rant: I'm just pissed at myself that our debt level is at the point that I have to go back to work to make more headway towards it, and pissed at DH that he put the brakes on me for so long this year that now I'm almost at the point where no one will hire me. But trying to look at the positive that it doesn't have to be forever. Things will work out!
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud. " DS you have to wear pants to eat dinner so you don't burn your penis." Followed by this from him, "Can I just use this as a penis towel?" Holding up a hand towel and covering himself with it.
34 weeks- butternut squash
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
Sore everything. Very painful rib with baby’s head wedged up in there. Regularly walking around with a bag of frozen peas on the top of my bump
Appointments/US this week
Check up and possible u/s next Friday to see if LO’s flipped by then
Random Questions
Just really frustrated this baby’s still breech, and footling breech based on all the cervix/butt kicks I’m getting. If she’s still footling at my next u/s they most likely won’t even try a version
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud.
More like what DS said to me, but he saw me changing and asked for a “sip”. From my boobs. He’s been weaned almost a year.
@smashjam we have far too many penis conversations in this house... And congrats on the job!!
34 weeks
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
Terrible low back pain whether I’m sitting or standing. Starting to get knee and ankle pain from all the extra weight-have gained over 60lbs and babies are nearing 6lbs each now so I am beyond uncomfortable. 4 more weeks...
Appointments/US this week
i have both OB and MFM appointments once a week at this point. Everything looked good on the BPP and NST this week. Cervix still high and closed and only a little effaced.
Random Questions
Any ideas for what to do with my 3 weeks of leave before babies come (see rave below)? Like I’m burnt out on watching TV, can’t stand for more than a minute at a time so I can’t really DO anything, I’m a very efficient planner so I have literally everything purchased and done/set up for the babies (was correctly anticipating being totally useless when I was this far along/wanted everything to be done in case they came early)...I feel like I’m just going to be super bored
Next week I work a 3 day week and I’m on maternity leave! I’ve been winding down since the beginning of the month honestly and working from home since April so it doesn’t feel like a huge finish line but it’ll still be nice to not even have to check in or dial into calls until October
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud.
Complete honestly-I don’t feel like I’ve been hormonal at all this whole pregnancy. I’m just not really susceptible to it-and my husband agrees. I’ve felt like myself mentally this whole time, it’s just been horrible not feeling like myself physically since December
How far along today? How big is baby? 33 +1, junior tennis racket or celery
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms dizziness, heartburn that wont quit and just the normal pelvic pain...
Appointments/US this week had appointment on Tuesday everything look good. NST'S every Tuesday and Friday until I deliver. So I have that this afternoon, if she cooperates
Random Questions None that I can think of.
Rants/Raves its both, I am happy to make sure baby is healthy and doing what she needs to do until her birthday. BUT the twice a week NSTs, every 4 week Ultrasounds and normal OB appointments are starting to get EXTREMELY tiresome. Rave that they are taking my last pregnancy seriously and making sure shes ok. RANT that nothing this time is labeling me as high risk but being treated as such is not fun. Still all in all super extremely blessed to even have this little one coming into the world.
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud. to DS- Bud leave your ding dong alone if you keep puling on it, it might fall off.
DS to me. "mommy where's your ding dong? you don't have one, just boys and daddy's."
34 +1 weeks. Butternut squash.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
Appointments/US this week
None! For the first time in like a few months, I am appointment-free this week. Go back in June for hopefully my last MFM appointment (I think I said this last time) and weekly appointments with my OB. Ack. Weekly! Not readyyyyyyyyyy.
Random Questions
@devilcat139 - I think I would just enjoy the downtime. No rush to get things done during the day.
I'm finally off of pelvic rest. But DH still wants me to take it easy.
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud.
I can't think of anything ridiculous I've had to say this week. Maybe it was "Please don't crouch and try to look for my penis..." DS looking for mine as I was changing. Even though almost daily he reminds me that I don't have one because I'm not a boy.
33 and as big as celery? Lol Baby is 5lbs.... he’s a big boy.
New/Interesting/Festering Symptoms
I am so uncomfortable, no longer sleeping well and have trouble tieing my shoes lol
Appointments/US this week
I had two this week and found out baby isbso big. 64th percentile.
Random Questions
Raves- my mom purchased all my baby furniture and most arrived today. I was nervous because after my shower there was still so many important things left. But she purchased them all and had them sent ASAP!
Rants- I’m so tired, and feeling so pregnant, I can’t really complain hearing about your two babes @devilcat139
GTKY: Most ridiculous thing you've said to your kid this week/ Most ridiculous hormonal thing you've thought or said out loud.
I’m honestly waiting for my crazy mood swings but I’ve been feeling like myself the whole time. I am just so excited for this last leg!