is anyone else not thinking about finding out the sex? My boyfriend doesnt want to we already have a 16 month old daughter so were happy either way but were having twins this time and im super nervous and feel like i want to be 100% prepared but it would be a cool suprise.. not sure what to do!!
Re: Not finding out sex
Please read the newbie guide, intro in the intro thread, and change your screen name from Knottie123xzy if you plan on contributing to the board. The name change request is because it's damned near impossible to keep all the random knottie names straight. The intro is so we have some idea who you are (we're weird and like to "get to know you"). And the read the newbie guide request is because well... we have guidelines and we like them to generally be followed. Thanks!
LO arrived 11/9/2018! We have a baby!
Me: 33 | DH: 41
Married: March 2016
TTC #1/IUD out January 2017
PCOS dx January 2018
Medicated cycle 2.5mg Letrozole CD3-7 February 2018
BFP 3/10/2018!