Hi. I have a bit of a complicated past. I was taking the birth control pill for over 10 years. When I went off of it I never got my period. I went through infertility work up. My lack of menstrual cycle was thought to be due to PCOS. I was also found to have a blocked Fallopian tube for an unknown reason which was removed. I tried iuis and that was unsuccessful. Between April and November of 2016 my lining turned to complex hyperplasia with a small area of cancer. I was thought this was due to my fertility clinic giving me excess estrogen and me not making enough progesterone. I had to take a year off and start treatment with an oncologist. I was on megace for a year and had an iud inserted for about six mos. I was cleared to start ivf a few months ago. I went through the first stimulation process and have 8 embryos that survived. My estrogen reached close to 3000 but my lining didn’t go over 3mm. My doctor seems to think it’s never going get thick enough and she brought up a gestational carrier which is a devastating thought to me. She said I could try estrogen pills to see what happens but she would only want me to do this for two weeks. She didn’t think anything else would help like supplements or acupuncture. She’s afraid to stimulate bad cells. I’m at a loss. I really don’t know what to think but I am hoping there’s another way for this to work. Does anyone have similar experiences or ideas? I live in NJ and would be happy to look for another option here. Thanks in advance!