Baby Names

Theodore, Wesley, and....

Starting from scratch for fresh ideas. Looking for a GIRL name that would go with her brothers names. We have a one syllable last name, and heritage most strongly in dutch, English, German, and french. 

Names we CANNOT use include: Sophia,Isabella, ava, sage, ana, lindsay, brooke, claire
Me: 29  DH: 31, married 6/21/14, TTC since 7/14
BFP #1 EDD 7/17/15, MMC 1/9/15 @8w
BFP #2 4/3/15= ectopic treated with methotrexate 5/1, YET ruptured 5/18/15= One Tube Wonder!
2 Cycles of Femara, Ovidrel, & Progesterone= BFP #3 DS born 5/17/16
TTC #2 March 2017 (initially med free) 
BFP #4 8/14/17 *natural cycle* EDD= 4/25/18, MC @5-6w D&C 9/22/17
BFP #5 12/29/17 w/ Femara/Ovidrel/Progesterone/Synthroid, EDD= 9/11/18 found out 1/18 ITS di/di TWINS!!!
DS and DD born 8/21/18 

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