January 2018 Moms

Baby Food

DD will be 5 months in a few days and her pediatrician said that he recommends starting her on solids anytime between 5-6 months. I originally wanted to hold off as long as possible, but she is starting to watch us eat, and I also feel like her milk isn't quite "doing it" for her anymore. We are skipping rice cereal. I tried it once but it seemed like it hurt her tummy. Any when I told her pediatrician, he said he wouldn't suggest giving it to her anyways. My question is: When did you start your baby? and would you recommend starting with fruits or veggies?

Re: Baby Food

  • I started my older son on oatmeal at 5 months.  I worked with him on that for about two weeks and then progressed to pureed veggies.  I started with sweet potatoes and then squash.  For my new little one we are going to start oatmeal probably this weekend at just over four months.  He doesn't really like eating in general from his bottle so I am fattening up my breast milk with formula and I will be starting food earlier to see if he takes to it.  Once the oatmeal is good I think I will start with avocados.  I did 50/50 with making baby food and buying it last time.  Some things are just easier to buy, in my opinion. Also once my older one started sprouting teeth I tried him with some finger foods.
  • Kalee29Kalee29 member
    I would recommend starting with veggies before fruit. Once my DS tried fruit we struggled with him to go back to veggies. I can't remember how old he was when we started though, maybe 6ish months. Our pediatrician recommended we start DD with rice cereal at 5 months and the baby food not long after. 
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  • My daughter will be five months soon. She just started watching us eat and seems a little interested. Our pediatrician gave us the go ahead at her 4 month appointment and has us start with oatmeal. So when that time comes we will do that and later start with veggies. I think we will start with carrots first. My first started with sweet potatoes and loooved them. 
  • Thanks everyone! @Kalee29 - I've heard a lot of people say that about starting with veggies first. Maybe I'll try carrots or sweet potatoes first.
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