July 2018 Moms

Re: TW Tuesday 5/15

  • TW is nausea/vomiting at 7 months pregnant...
    Also, being on semi-lock down at home because of reports of an active gunman at a hospital about a mile away from us. So far, no active shooting has been reported. Hoping everyone is okay in the hospital. 

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • millpemillpe member
    My TW today is one of my friends and maybe also me. He is getting married in one month and I just found out that he recently hooked up with 2 different girls (I don't know all the details - possible just "fooling around"?). I'm not really friends with his fiance, more just acquaintances. I'm also not supposed to know any of this info... but I hate knowing! I am also a TW because I am not planning to share this info with her...
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
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  • @zombiehoohaa that's so scary! We have a psychiatric hospital near us, and a lot of times someone will escape and the area will have to go on lock down. Nothing ever comes of it though, hopefully it'll be the same for you. I hope you feel better! Maybe it's just a quick bug. Stay hydrated.

    I have to complain about work again, I know I do this a lot, but ughhhh. I think I've said on here before that I consider one of my coworkers a friend, but he can really piss me off. We're a tiny office so it's easy to get on each other's nerves, but I f eel like he spends a lot of time trying to make me feel sorry for him or something. He scheduled surgery for the exact time when he knew I was going to ask to start working from home, I wasn't mad, I know he needs to get the surgery done and did not want to wait until the Fall so whatever. But when I mentioned how our boss is giving me a hard time about working from home since he'll be out too, he was kind of nasty to me about it and like "oh well, I don't care, too bad." Okay whatever. Then every single time my boss asks him to do something for her, or assigns him something of hers to work on, or has him take on a new client instead of me, he complains about how he has to do everything and he's getting all the work. On the one hand I get that he's stressed and overwhelmed, but I tried explaining to him that I am not being given new cases right now because I am going on leave pretty soon and clients don't want to sit down with a visibly very pregnant person and be told you're going to be passed around to a new attorney in a few weeks. Also it's not my decision who gets assigned what, but he still has this way of making me feel guilty or like I did something wrong. And he's not the only one who is stressed, I am too, but on top of work stress I am also super uncomfortable and going through a high risk pregnancy. I sit at my desk getting BH all day, I commute in pain, I go to hearings in downtown Brooklyn in 90 degree buildings and sit there for hours with a full bladder...I don't complain about these things. But he just constantly complains about everything. Anyway, what provoked me today to call him and my job in general a TW is today I am working from home, as I always do on Tuesdays (BTW, he bitches about not getting that same privilege as me, but he has never even asked for it). My office manager forwarded me 3 emails informing us that 3 of my cases are being settled. I said something like, Oh don't tell ____ (coworker), because every time one of my cases goes into settlement, he has a fit and makes me feel  horrible...he does it in a joking way but i don't find it funny. He's always like "oh, of course another one of H's cases went in, what else is new, I hate you..." blah blah blah. Well, obviously it was too late, she had already rubbed it in his face while he was preparing for a hearing next week, so she responds to my email with "too late, everyone in the office hates you." Thanks, that makes me feel so great. I know they mean it jokingly, but I'm just sick of it. I don't want to be told people hate me, even if its a joke, because its not funny and i'm pregnant and sensitive right now. 

    On the positive side, I don't have to do disclosure anymore today since my case for next week is being settled. So, HAH. 
  • millpemillpe member
    @zombiehoohaa sorry you are sick! That's awful. And scary about the gunman. Hopefully everybody is safe.
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • @MrsMiller8588 oh yikes. That’s definitely a sticky situation. Are you not going to say anything to anyone? Even to him? I’d have a hard time not being like “WTAF do you think you’re doing???” But I’m also a rule follower and almost never take risks lol. I also like to talk a lot. 
  • Thanks ladies. I'm hoping its a one off type deal with this vomiting. 
    So far, they haven't found a gunman or guns. Helicopter is still hovering. They are doing a press conference now saying everything is now clear and safe. It's a trauma hospital, so surgeries have been happening this whole time. They said surgeries do not stop. How scary for everyone there! They are now trying to figure out who made the call, since it came from inside the hospital network. I'm glad no one was hurt, that's what really matters. Still a TW to have to deal with all this. 

    @MrsMiller8588 Your friend is a total TW for being a manwhore and cheating on his fiancé. I don't think you're a tw for not saying anything to the fiancé, though. It's not something you want to involve yourself with. 

    @zande2016 ummm...your co-worker/friend is being a bit of a pansy. lol Instead of complaining to you, maybe he should be voicing his concern to your boss. Then your other co-worker for saying, everyone hates you...even jokingly...what a B! 

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

  • millpemillpe member
    @hillbillywife I'm not saying anything to anyone! Including him! It happened on a guys weekend and DH told me even though all the guys agreed they wouldn't say anything... so I'm afraid of causing any guy drama or getting DH into trouble... (and also hoping nobody i know figured out my identity and is stalking me on here...)
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • @MrsMiller8588 that’s such a tough situation. I feel bad for his fiancé but I totally understand you not wanting to get involved. 
  • morethanamamamorethanamama member
    edited May 2018
    @MrsMiller8588 do you think your DH would maybe talk to him ? Sticky situation but really not ok to do that so I think he needs to hear it...sorry, just my personal unsolicited opinion, lol!

    @zombiehoohaa scary! I hope it ends up being nothing serious, these gunman reports are happening way too often...

    @zande2016 I hate comments like "you suck -oh just kidding" . Its just not nice to say stuff like that to people as a joke. Don't feel bad about being off and being pregnant, as women I think we tend to overthink stuff that male co-workers don't give a shit about. 

    No TW here yet, but hey, it's not even noon on the west coast ;)

    ETA: also sorry about the vomiting @zombiehoohaa I was sick last week and it's not pretty, hope it's a one off. 
  • millpemillpe member
    @kissableviv I think all the guys are just planning to never speak of it again. I don't know if DH said anything specifically, but the guy definitely knows he screwed up. I think I would say something if it was an ongoing thing, but as far as I know it was just a random two-off thing and neither of the girls is even from around where we live. 
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
  • @MrsMiller8588 that's a rough situation, a couple DH used to be friends with the guy cheated on the girl relentlessly and DH minded his own business, he'd occasionally hint to the girlfriend but she was either oblivious or the guy would talk his way out of it. When they broke up DH told her what he knew, as a reassurance that she made the right choice and to not take him back (I told him to stay the hell out of it) Well the guy ended up threatening DH and even showed up at my work (which was a jewelry store that was right in the food court of the mall so it's not like he went out of his way) but still I was mortified standing on the edge of my store trying to get him to go away as he's threatening DH to me. So with that experience in mind I always vote to stay out of it, you're not a TW for not saying anything if your friend wants to start his marriage off on shaky ground that's his problem, I definitely feel bad for the fiancee though

    My TW is my Uncle (Aunt's fiance, he's a total jerk in general) told me I looked like I was "ready to pop" awesome to hear when I've still got 7 weeks to go and I'm horribly uncomfortable feeling like I'm going to rip in half at the crotch.
  • Re: cheating friends I don't think guys insert themselves in those things like girls do. DH went on several bachelor party weekends with a couple known cheaters and I was like, ugh I hope they don't do anything...and I dunno if DH would ever have mentioned it to me if they had because I was friends with all the wives and I would for sure have said something if they had. We are friends a married couple and the guy has cheated on the wife multiple times...she has found out and told me and I tell DH. They are still friends event though DH doesn't agree with the action but has never said a damn word. The fact that the guy hasn't said anything to DH ever kinda makes me think he knows DH wouldn't be down with it. Whereas if my friend was cheating on her hubs I'd be like, WTF is your problem lady?!?
  • wildtotwildtot member
    TW is DH just now. I finally sit down for the first time after getting home. After I’ve cooked/fed DS dinner. Cleaned after him and DHs left over dishes from last night. Finally making myself a quesadilla. And what does he say “why don’t you play with DS?” Geez can i sit for a second?! Oh sorry i guess my 5 min poop session counts as sitting. Yes he mowed the lawn but that’s because he wanted to (i didn’t care if it waited for the weekend) and he took his time pooping/showering. 

    @zombiehoohaa how scary!! Hope everything turns out ok!
  • I think what bugs me about cheating friends and no one saying anything is that if I were the one being cheated on I would definitely want to know and not be the last one to find out. I also wouldn't want to marry a guy who sleeps with other random girls on a guys weekend and I would appreciate knowing this ahead of time so I can gauge for myself whether it's something I can live with or not. What else happened?? Like, it's really reassuring that the husbands have made a pact to not speak of what happens when they hang out. 

    Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
  • @MrsMiller8588 I kinda agree with @flockofmoosen3 I would definitely want to know if I was the fiancé. I know everyone wants to stay out of it but it’s kinda crappy that this girl is about to marry someone who’s cheated on her and all his friends know and no one’s telling her. 
  • @SmashJam for real! I would be too. 

    @flockofmoosen3 exactly! I would be so ticked (not the right word, but you know) if I was the last one to know I was marrying a sleazy perso . 
  • millpemillpe member
    @flockofmoosen3 exactly why I labeled myself a TW initially. I would want to know. But I also decided its not my place. I may feel differently if she was a good friend rather than an acquaintance? And DH is one of the only guys married currently. I've also known this guy awhile and never knew about any other cheating so while it does not make it even the least bit okay, I also don't think he's a habitual cheater... I am glad I don't have to see either of them for awhile...
    Me: 31 DH: 34 :heart: Married: April 2016
    TTC December 2016
    BFP 2/28/17 // CP 3/1/17
    MFI Diagnosis: Aug 2017
    BFP 11/1/17 // DS born 6/18
    TTC January 2019
    BFP 3/21/19 // D&C (MMC) 5/8/19
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