My BF is that I am not an interior or exterior designer haha my nesting wants me to have a beautiful designed and completed home within a month haha. Not happening at all but so much of pinterest is way too daunting to try and complete but so wish i could design an amazinf room for dd1. I don't want her to feel like an after thought. Also do they make toddler bedding sets? I can only find character sets (not really interested) or nursery sets which I don't need most of that.
@lindsayleigh1989 I am also really bad at interior design, and I have been feeling super guilty that we put so much effort into decorating son # 1's nursery, and now with son # 2, I'm like "great, this room is super tiny so we don't have to decorate too much, right??". All the pinterest mommy stuff makes me feel like such a bad mom haha. Are you looking for bedding for a toddler bed? For some reason I thought the mattress would be the same size as a crib mattress but no personal experience. I always turn to Amazon to search for options though.
So far just the usual Monday BF for me, I am really really tired and don't want to be at work. It doesn't matter how much sleep I get these days, I am exhausted 90% of the time no matter what.
@lindsayleigh1989 I've only seen awesome not character sets at expensive places like crate and barrel and land of nod. Crate and kids has some super cute ones rifht now but pricey!
Serious BF. Went to the feed store for soil and dog food and ds always plays with the toys. Today they had baby chicks out and I was watching him the whole time I was in line ordering but he did get yelled at for toiching. Anyway my bank card got declined and I had to call my bank outside and find out why then come back in and pay. On my way back in the lady who had been behind me was headed out and said under her breath "Little monster!" About ds. I burst into tears, followed her back out and screamed at her, how she didn't know my son or me and to keep her mouth shut, all while crying. She said it wasn't me she was talking to and when I pressed her she teared up and yelled at me, " I raised mine right!" And stalked off. Of course then I had to go back in and pay after doing this. Sigh. Great start to a Monday. But what the actual fuck?!?!
DH is the least handy man I know. I don’t mind, I like a challenge, and I can usually figure it out myself. I made the mistake of patching up far too many spots in DS room/nursery and painting over them with leftover paint... And they don’t match. So now I get to add repainting the room to my already crowded pre-baby nesting list.
@SmashJam WTF?! Can you report her?! That’s so unprofessional!
@lindsayleigh1989 I’m also a terrible decorator. And at this point because they’ll be sharing a room until we move I don’t think I’ll do a cute theme. Right now DS has a racecar bed.. Kind of hard to make that mesh with a cutesy nursery. I agree it’s hard to find toddler things that aren’t character themed, especially bedding. DS didn’t get “big boy” bedding until he switched to a twin bed.
@lindsayleigh1989 I think most toddler beds use a crib mattress, at least that's the case for us. If you want to skip the toddler bed maybe consider a twin bed and then you have more bedding options and it'll last longer as she grows. Otherwise, I've just purchased separates for the sheets (from like PBK and target) and we use various blankets more regularly than the bedding sets we do have for each kid. (We're super casual about that kind of stuff.) @SmashJam wow, that sounds awful! I'm glad you stood up for yourself. I also cry when I get super angry (it's so helpful *eyeroll*). Hopefully she knows to keep her mouth shut next time. Kids are kids and they're going to get into stuff. I'm so laid back with my kids running around stores sometimes (but I don't let them make messes) and I've never been approached or anything but I would probably have a mean response depending on what was said. Classy, I know.
+1 for absolutely sucking at interior design. Like, that part of my brain never developed.
@SmashJam I'm angry and ragey for you. What the heck is wrong with people? This is a little boy just being a little boy. Don't beat yourself up because you've done nothing wrong. I believe in karma for people like that...ugh.
@lindsayleigh1989 I am just using sheets and a throw blanket for my daughter's toddler bed. I'm not a fan of the expensive character sets either. I will pickup a nice set when she outgrows the toddler bed
@lindsayleigh1989 I think target has toddler bedding sets (online only). I didn’t want to spend money if a fancy set for DD though so I bought her a cute fluffy throw blanket and it worked perfectly for a toddler sized bed.
@SmashJam wtf?? I hate it when people feel the need to judge other people out loud. Judge all you want in your head but you’re right- they don’t know you or your son and tbh *I* have a hard time not touching baby chicks at the store. I’m lucky that the only place around us that has baby things is tractor supply and they keep them gated off. And *realllyyy* the feed store isn’t a china shop. People need to lighten up.
Also- it’s so scary when the card is declined. That makes me flustered instantly.
@SmashJam I am so livid ate that horrendous monster of a person! She clearly didn't raise her kids right if that is an example she sets. You are an amazing mom! screw her!
@smashjam people can really suck sometimes! I'm angry for you. A little compassion goes a long way, maybe some day she'll be in need of some and realize that.
We didn’t do much decorating with DS because well we shared a room. So his actual room wasn’t decorated until he was 1. To this day I change things around as i see them in store. DS2 will be stuck with the same decor.
My BF, looks like I’ll have to reschedule a one on one for the third time since last week. Also having to micromanage someone who doesn’t report to me because their manager doesn’t seem to performance manage well. Ugh! Counting down the weeks...
On Friday night, we ran into one of the neighbors (we live in an 8 unit complex and we hardly have a similar schedule as anyone else here so it was random to see). She didn't know I was pregnant and she starts going on and on about how this place isn't going to work for us, too urban, blah blah blah (she has no kids btw...) and we tell her yeah would be nice to have another room but the unit is very well maintained and we love being in a more urban area for now (plus this is an awful time to buy and California prices especially are nuts).
She then proceeds to say that the new building next door (enormous, super fancy 4-unit building) is going to become a safe house for alcohol and drug addicts. Now, the premise here is that the town we live in has a few of those, so cal in general does. Unfortunately they are highly unregulated, but a law states they need to be 650 ft away from each other. There's one of these places 2 streets down and back so yeah, that wouldn't work. I'll spare you her condescending tone "oh friends, you didn't know?" and her abuse of the word OBAMACARE, which made me roll my eyes at every utterance. I also think she was buzzed from whatever dinner or outing she was coming from.
We wanted to dismiss the whole thing as bs because seriously the building is wayyyyy too nice to be one of those half way houses. I went into panic though, and told my husband no way we are staying if that's actually happening. I have absolutely nothing against people in recovery, but our town has a MAJOR issue with these and everytime I drive down that street in the back it's always a bunch of guys smoking and listening to loud music, don't care now but not great with a baby...
Bottom line, we called the landlords on Sat(because I freaked out and instisted with DH) and the story sort of checked out. Landlords said they just recently found out (bullshit) but that it probably won't happen because the owner is trying to make it state funded and there just isn't enough money, plus appealing to the distance law is usually unsuccessful. Apparently making it state funded would also make it super regulated in terms of what the people there could and couldn't do. ummmm...
I went through hours of panic and crying and yelling and my poor DH about how we should have moved months ago and now it's too late, he is being more practical and saying things like these take a loooong time and we'll be ok and we can still plan to move in the summer of 2019 as planned. Poor guy was even on board with potentially moving now if that's what I wanted.
We really don't want to rent again so unless we can buy we want to stay here. I don't want to move twice. the landlords are great, the price is great, and we are month to month, plus the unit is nicely finished. I was super ragey against the landlords because I thought that they should have informed us once we told them about the baby (we could have easily moved then) but DH says there was no point since this thing may very well never happen.
I was ready to move NOW and started looking for a place but now I just have to put this in the back of my mind and try not to make my last month of pregnancy stressful...trying to be less impulsive and more practical like DH but it's hard. I also didn't wanna ruin my upcoming mother's day since I could tell DH had planned something nice.
We went to babies r us yesterday and treated ourselves to some new baby things, it was funny to see DH totally on board with buying whatever - he said all the mimosas at brunch made him pliable, lol.
@kissableviv sorry for the crappy neighbor and the entire situation. I would definitely feel the same way you do. Hope the process goes super slow or does not happen at all.
@lindsayleigh1989 while part of me is happy I found out, part of me thinks for stuff like that ignorance is bliss. I don't know what she was thinking discussing this stuff with a pregnant woman who will most likely freak out. She is an idiot.
@kissableviv I hear you about the ignorance is bliss comment. We have a neighbor behind us that is on the sex offender list. I didn’t know before we moved in. We sit on an acre lot and he’s kind of kitty-corner to us so not actually that close but he’s creepy AF. I’m glad I know because I can be more cautious but it would be nice to not know and not stress about it.
@kissableviv ugh, that's stressful. I know it's not the PC thing to say but those places do bring down areas and cause issues. Chances are it won't happen but if it does hopefully it won't be for a while and at least you're month to month and can leave if you decide to.
@kissableviv I get what you're saying but at the same time she was just telling you about the latest news impacting your place. Things going on in the area are top conversation topics among neighbors so I kind of think you're shooting the messenger here.
Would you really have felt better finding out later and being told "oh I didn't want to say anything when you were pregnant because I assumed you'd flip out." That would bother me way more, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't be informed or make sound decisions for my family.
@kissableviv - I'm glad she told you so that you were able to confirm and can now keep an ear out and adjust any future moving plans accordingly, but she definitely went about it in the wrong way. I think too many people get swept up into drama as opposed to sharing news like that because you truly believe the person should know and would care about it.
The issue I have with her telling us was a)the condescending tone (like oh you poor people don't even know what's going on, here little children let me tell you) b) showing ignorance about state funded programs and throwing in politics that has nothing to do with it (but this is my liberal self who gets annoyed) c) not having her facts straight, as this is NOT happening yet, and certainly won't happen in the next weeks like she made it sound.
Being pregnant doesn't make me vulnerable, but I also appreciate being shielded from anything that may not be critical for me to worry about you know? I am mostly criticizing the way she delivered the news - our landlords were much more level headed and actually had facts and things we could look up, as well as a plan of action to fight this as a neighborhood whenever the hearing for appeal is scheduled - if ever. There's local elections this summer as well as primaries this year which could also affect the whole deal with state funded programs.
@SmashJam You have been having a time lately with your excursions with DS. Sounds like he is a typical little boy. Good for you for standing up for yourself.
@kissableviv Good to hear you are month to month on your rental. It sounds like you will have plenty of time to have your baby and recover before those people move in. I agree with others...people love to deliver gossip!
So my BF... my in laws are out of town a lot. DH invited them over for brunch on Saturday but they were out of town for the day. Sunday wasn’t good for us and I figured MIL would be in a snit about not doing anything for mother’s day. It is getting annoying altering our schedule for a couple of retired people, so DH chose to not rearrange things to fit their schedule this time. DH did face time on Sunday with DS and had a talk with his mom that things are hectic right now (I.e. pregnancy and his new job he just started). Anyway, once a year, one of the bunco ladies hosts a couples bunco night, which is this Friday. I usually skip this because we don’t have a sitter and in laws are typically not available. I think the bunco group is planning a surprise shower of some sort because they kept pushing me to go. I sucked it up and asked the in laws a few weeks ago and they said yes. But now I feel awkward about confirming with them because of the whole Mother’s Day issue. Feel like it would be easier for me to just go and leave DH home.
What is is even more annoying is that on Saturday, the in laws were out of town to spend time with DH’s ex girlfriend and her family. DH doesn’t talk to his ex anymore but I feel like MIL chose that family instead of her own for Mother’s Day. The ex didn’t attend my shower for my first but sent a pricey gift (Madela breast pump). I hope they didn’t get anything for this baby. Whole thing is weird.
@lindsayleigh1989 I'm not a fan of character items for toddlers. I bought a muslin quilt from Little Unicorn (about $45.00) and a plain colored sheet from Target for my son's room. I have to say, the quilt is SUPER nice, very soft and hasn't faded in the year that we've been using it. Also, every time I wash it, it gets softer and softer. They have really nice prints too. Just an idea! Totally worth the money IMO
@chaser61 agreed with @lindsayleigh1989! You tried to make plans, it's not like you blew them off. And the whole ex gf wins a brow raise from me, although everyone approaches these things differently, my bf from early college years is my best friend now and I'd do anything for him and my DH really liked him when they met (he lives in italy and we broke up over 12 years ago, so...)
@chaser61 Wait..what?!?! It'd be one thing if your h was still friends with said ex and you got along with her, etc. However, the fact that he doesn't talk to her yet his mom spends times with her and her family. That's a bit concerning...Has your H ever asked why his mom does this? Its a bit disrespectful to you and H. Re bunco: Go. Confirm with the in-laws. Enjoy it.
Okay, maybe I will give it another day and send a text to confirm. I don’t think she would turn down time with her grandson if she doesn’t have plans. Thanks all. @zombiehoohaa Apparently the ex worked at the same hospital that his mom worked, so she knew her through work. DH and his mom have gone back and forth with who knew who first a bunch of times. Although MIL has admitted that sometimes it is a little weird for her. As an example, instead of just being invited to ex’s baby shower, MIL got asked to help plan it with close family. She said it felt funny to help decorate and run the shower. Also, when the ex rents a beach house, my in laws will go a day or two and the dislike sitting on the beach all day. MIL has invited us to have dinner with them when they are in town but DH has no desire. The ex also gave us a $50 gift for our wedding even though they were not invited. I make DH write the thank you notes, which end up being two I can only guess that MIl was generous with gifts to her and her family, so she is returning the favor. @kissableviv I agree you can be friends with an ex too. Just funny that DH wants no part of it.
Okay, here we go. DH and I were at Walmart yesterday with DD, who just turned 2. We’re unloading a huge cart of groceries at the cash register and DD is playing with the candy display as usual. Well a guy at a different cash register across from us was watching her and she noticed. So she starts handing him some candy from the display, and he comes over and plays along and is giving it back to her so she can put it back and bring him a different one. He was with his dad or something, and wasn’t helping with their own groceries, and everything about this guy creeped me out. I’m keeping a very close eye on them because my 2 yo has no sense of stranger-danger, but there’s a cart blocking the path between them, so I’m not freaked out yet. Well he starts calling her the “cutest” and telling me “she seems to really like me!” He keeps saying these things as if convincing me of something, and then he reaches over to tickle her tummy... I don’t want to cause a scene, so I just keep calling DD over to me and asking her to put all the candy away. Well somehow, when I turn around to pay, the cart blocking the path between these two gets moved, so DD just runs over to this stranger and I immediately and very firmly tell my DH to go get her and take her to the car while I finish up. When I get to the car, he tells me the creepy guy had picked her up and then handed her to him. I just can’t stand that! I don’t care if you’re a sweet old grandma or a creepy middle age man. Don’t touch my kid!!! I wish I would have said something or told him to stop. But then the other part of me always thinks “you don’t know who this person is or what issues they might have. Stay quiet, don’t agitate them, and make as little of an impression as possible.” Just thinking about it now still gives me the creeps though.
@emsnedds sounds like your mom alarm was going off! Glad you sent DH over to get her. I hate when strangers try to touch my kid so don’t ever feel bad. I read an article about trafficking and it said that these people try to establish familiarity first by interacting with the child and then when parents turn their back, the kids go willingly. Gives me the creeps just thinking about it.
I was at church when DS was four months old. The pastor’s wife handed DS to a woman I didn’t know without telling me. Everyone was in one room eating lunch and the woman was standing in the lobby holding DS. When I saw my pastor’s wife walk by my table, I had to ask where DS was. Creeped me out that this woman was standing by the door and alone in the lobby. I was pissed. I don’t care if you go to church, if you don’t know someone, don’t hold their baby. I never let my pastor’s wife hold DS again. It still bothers me how easily that woman could have walked out the door.
@emsnedds omg how creepy and inappropriate for someone to do! DS is starting to shy away from strangers and I am not planning on changing that just yet. I was almost taken when i was a toddler and good thing i was shy enough to hold on to my mom as this guy tried calling me over.
Random B but I'm tired of people taking advantage of our group as their personal google. Also it annoys the heck out of me how many people just lurk but never contribute ever. I take time to post and share with the others here and maybe because im tired and just over being pregnant right now but the drivebys that have come lately and all the "am i in labor" ones to come have me on edge lol
@lindsayleigh1989 definitely seeing more unfamiliar names these days. I just don’t have the energy sometimes to rely sometimes and if i do i feel snarky. I’ve be browsing BC lately and I’m so grateful for this boards organization!
Regarding the people who are just jumping in and unfamiliar...I wonder if they are doing it because they realize they will need the support soon once baby comes? I mean, some of the one offs no one is coming back and that makes me crazy. But I hope that some of the not so familiar names posting on the threads (maybe they have intro'd I don't check that thread often) will get a little more active so they get the support post baby.
I don't generally care about the drive by's, knowing they'll never come back, it just doesn't seem worth the energy to give it another thought. I think it bugs me more when someone only participates in AW-type threads, like dropping in every now and then to post a random bump pic, or asking a question on the symptoms thread but never responding to anyone else's question. It's just weird, you don't know us and we don't know you, but you wanted to stop in and show us your stomach?
Yeah exactly. If they become active great! the more the merrier it is the randoms who don't come back. @zande2016 ha I guess I hadn't noticed that, that is kind of odd.
@chaser61 Yes, exactly. Mom-alarm. That gut instinct that something is wrong. You can never take it for granted because you never know when you might need to rely on it to get you out of a scary situation. I can completely relate with your point of view too! If I’m allowed to hold someone else’s baby, the only person I am ever handing that baby off to is the mom who gave him/her to me in the first place. It just drives me crazy when strangers think it’s okay to hold a child without direct consent from the actual parents.
@wildtot That’s crazy! How scary, but fortunate that you were shy at that age! I don’t want my DD to be afraid of all people, but I would definitely like to preserve some of that sense of stranger-danger. Especially at this age when it’s too early to explain the dangers to her.
My DD has been learning our stranger safety rules since she was a year old and I remind her frequently. The only ppl she can interact with are the people I specifically introduce her to as a friend. No one else, even if we see them all the time, is allowed to help her with anything or she help them. And, if anyone approaches her without me present that we really don't know I have instructed her to scream as loud as possible, which is pretty ear piercing. I don't care if it's embarrassing to others, it's about safety for her. I have even talked to her about the ways ppl can trick her, like showing her cute puppies or asking her to hang out with their kids, etc. It needs constant reminding, and I can't wait until DS seems to catch on too. For now he can't seem to understand this concept, but is also somewhat shy anyway.
I've been having a terrible week. My husband is getting on my nerves, our AC unit is broken and needs to be replaced ($4k or more for that ), my house is a mess and my son is the king of tantrums. I feel fat and gross and uncomfortable and I'm worrying myself to death that no one will show up to our baby sprinkle (could that be anxiety?)
Anyways, just needed to get that out there. I try to keep my venting to a minimum because I know life could be WAY worse but I feel like curling up in a ball (if that was possible) and fast forwarding until my due date.
@foxbaby2016 I'm so sorry you're having a bad week if that makes you feel better I was anxious for days about no one showing to my baby shower so I think it's totally normal! I hope today is a good day and that it redeems the week.
Re: Monday BF 5/14
So far just the usual Monday BF for me, I am really really tired and don't want to be at work. It doesn't matter how much sleep I get these days, I am exhausted 90% of the time no matter what.
Serious BF. Went to the feed store for soil and dog food and ds always plays with the toys. Today they had baby chicks out and I was watching him the whole time I was in line ordering but he did get yelled at for toiching. Anyway my bank card got declined and I had to call my bank outside and find out why then come back in and pay. On my way back in the lady who had been behind me was headed out and said under her breath "Little monster!" About ds. I burst into tears, followed her back out and screamed at her, how she didn't know my son or me and to keep her mouth shut, all while crying. She said it wasn't me she was talking to and when I pressed her she teared up and yelled at me, " I raised mine right!" And stalked off. Of course then I had to go back in and pay after doing this. Sigh. Great start to a Monday. But what the actual fuck?!?!
I made the mistake of patching up far too many spots in DS room/nursery and painting over them with leftover paint... And they don’t match. So now I get to add repainting the room to my already crowded pre-baby nesting list.
@SmashJam WTF?! Can you report her?! That’s so unprofessional!
@lindsayleigh1989 I’m also a terrible decorator. And at this point because they’ll be sharing a room until we move I don’t think I’ll do a cute theme. Right now DS has a racecar bed.. Kind of hard to make that mesh with a cutesy nursery. I agree it’s hard to find toddler things that aren’t character themed, especially bedding. DS didn’t get “big boy” bedding until he switched to a twin bed.
@SmashJam wow, that sounds awful! I'm glad you stood up for yourself. I also cry when I get super angry (it's so helpful *eyeroll*). Hopefully she knows to keep her mouth shut next time. Kids are kids and they're going to get into stuff. I'm so laid back with my kids running around stores sometimes (but I don't let them make messes) and I've never been approached or anything but I would probably have a mean response depending on what was said. Classy, I know.
@SmashJam I'm angry and ragey for you. What the heck is wrong with people? This is a little boy just being a little boy. Don't beat yourself up because you've done nothing wrong. I believe in karma for people like that...ugh.
@SmashJam wtf?? I hate it when people feel the need to judge other people out loud. Judge all you want in your head but you’re right- they don’t know you or your son and tbh *I* have a hard time not touching baby chicks at the store. I’m lucky that the only place around us that has baby things is tractor supply and they keep them gated off. And *realllyyy* the feed store isn’t a china shop. People need to lighten up.
Also- it’s so scary when the card is declined. That makes me flustered instantly.
My BF, looks like I’ll have to reschedule a one on one for the third time since last week. Also having to micromanage someone who doesn’t report to me because their manager doesn’t seem to performance manage well. Ugh! Counting down the weeks...
On Friday night, we ran into one of the neighbors (we live in an 8 unit complex and we hardly have a similar schedule as anyone else here so it was random to see). She didn't know I was pregnant and she starts going on and on about how this place isn't going to work for us, too urban, blah blah blah (she has no kids btw...) and we tell her yeah would be nice to have another room but the unit is very well maintained and we love being in a more urban area for now (plus this is an awful time to buy and California prices especially are nuts).
She then proceeds to say that the new building next door (enormous, super fancy 4-unit building) is going to become a safe house for alcohol and drug addicts. Now, the premise here is that the town we live in has a few of those, so cal in general does. Unfortunately they are highly unregulated, but a law states they need to be 650 ft away from each other. There's one of these places 2 streets down and back so yeah, that wouldn't work. I'll spare you her condescending tone "oh friends, you didn't know?" and her abuse of the word OBAMACARE, which made me roll my eyes at every utterance. I also think she was buzzed from whatever dinner or outing she was coming from.
We wanted to dismiss the whole thing as bs because seriously the building is wayyyyy too nice to be one of those half way houses. I went into panic though, and told my husband no way we are staying if that's actually happening. I have absolutely nothing against people in recovery, but our town has a MAJOR issue with these and everytime I drive down that street in the back it's always a bunch of guys smoking and listening to loud music, don't care now but not great with a baby...
Bottom line, we called the landlords on Sat(because I freaked out and instisted with DH) and the story sort of checked out. Landlords said they just recently found out (bullshit) but that it probably won't happen because the owner is trying to make it state funded and there just isn't enough money, plus appealing to the distance law is usually unsuccessful. Apparently making it state funded would also make it super regulated in terms of what the people there could and couldn't do. ummmm...
I went through hours of panic and crying and yelling and my poor DH about how we should have moved months ago and now it's too late, he is being more practical and saying things like these take a loooong time and we'll be ok and we can still plan to move in the summer of 2019 as planned. Poor guy was even on board with potentially moving now if that's what I wanted.
We really don't want to rent again so unless we can buy we want to stay here. I don't want to move twice. the landlords are great, the price is great, and we are month to month, plus the unit is nicely finished. I was super ragey against the landlords because I thought that they should have informed us once we told them about the baby (we could have easily moved then) but DH says there was no point since this thing may very well never happen.
I was ready to move NOW and started looking for a place but now I just have to put this in the back of my mind and try not to make my last month of pregnancy stressful...trying to be less impulsive and more practical like DH but it's hard. I also didn't wanna ruin my upcoming mother's day since I could tell DH had planned something nice.
We went to babies r us yesterday and treated ourselves to some new baby things, it was funny to see DH totally on board with buying whatever - he said all the mimosas at brunch made him pliable, lol.
Would you really have felt better finding out later and being told "oh I didn't want to say anything when you were pregnant because I assumed you'd flip out." That would bother me way more, just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't be informed or make sound decisions for my family.
Being pregnant doesn't make me vulnerable, but I also appreciate being shielded from anything that may not be critical for me to worry about you know? I am mostly criticizing the way she delivered the news - our landlords were much more level headed and actually had facts and things we could look up, as well as a plan of action to fight this as a neighborhood whenever the hearing for appeal is scheduled - if ever. There's local elections this summer as well as primaries this year which could also affect the whole deal with state funded programs.
@kissableviv Good to hear you are month to month on your rental. It sounds like you will have plenty of time to have your baby and recover before those people move in. I agree with others...people love to deliver gossip!
So my BF... my in laws are out of town a lot. DH invited them over for brunch on Saturday but they were out of town for the day. Sunday wasn’t good for us and I figured MIL would be in a snit about not doing anything for mother’s day. It is getting annoying altering our schedule for a couple of retired people, so DH chose to not rearrange things to fit their schedule this time. DH did face time on Sunday with DS and had a talk with his mom that things are hectic right now (I.e. pregnancy and his new job he just started). Anyway, once a year, one of the bunco ladies hosts a couples bunco night, which is this Friday. I usually skip this because we don’t have a sitter and in laws are typically not available. I think the bunco group is planning a surprise shower of some sort because they kept pushing me to go. I sucked it up and asked the in laws a few weeks ago and they said yes. But now I feel awkward about confirming with them because of the whole Mother’s Day issue. Feel like it would be easier for me to just go and leave DH home.
What is is even more annoying is that on Saturday, the in laws were out of town to spend time with DH’s ex girlfriend and her family. DH doesn’t talk to his ex anymore but I feel like MIL chose that family instead of her own for Mother’s Day. The ex didn’t attend my shower for my first but sent a pricey gift (Madela breast pump). I hope they didn’t get anything for this baby. Whole thing is weird.
@foxbaby2016 thanks! I will definitely check that out!
@zombiehoohaa Apparently the ex worked at the same hospital that his mom worked, so she knew her through work. DH and his mom have gone back and forth with who knew who first a bunch of times. Although MIL has admitted that sometimes it is a little weird for her. As an example, instead of just being invited to ex’s baby shower, MIL got asked to help plan it with close family. She said it felt funny to help decorate and run the shower. Also, when the ex rents a beach house, my in laws will go a day or two and the dislike sitting on the beach all day. MIL has invited us to have dinner with them when they are in town but DH has no desire. The ex also gave us a $50 gift for our wedding even though they were not invited. I make DH write the thank you notes, which end up being two I can only guess that MIl was generous with gifts to her and her family, so she is returning the favor. @kissableviv I agree you can be friends with an ex too. Just funny that DH wants no part of it.
DH and I were at Walmart yesterday with DD, who just turned 2. We’re unloading a huge cart of groceries at the cash register and DD is playing with the candy display as usual. Well a guy at a different cash register across from us was watching her and she noticed. So she starts handing him some candy from the display, and he comes over and plays along and is giving it back to her so she can put it back and bring him a different one. He was with his dad or something, and wasn’t helping with their own groceries, and everything about this guy creeped me out. I’m keeping a very close eye on them because my 2 yo has no sense of stranger-danger, but there’s a cart blocking the path between them, so I’m not freaked out yet. Well he starts calling her the “cutest” and telling me “she seems to really like me!” He keeps saying these things as if convincing me of something, and then he reaches over to tickle her tummy...
I was at church when DS was four months old. The pastor’s wife handed DS to a woman I didn’t know without telling me. Everyone was in one room eating lunch and the woman was standing in the lobby holding DS. When I saw my pastor’s wife walk by my table, I had to ask where DS was. Creeped me out that this woman was standing by the door and alone in the lobby. I was pissed. I don’t care if you go to church, if you don’t know someone, don’t hold their baby. I never let my pastor’s wife hold DS again. It still bothers me how easily that woman could have walked out the door.
@wildtot That’s crazy! How scary, but fortunate that you were shy at that age! I don’t want my DD to be afraid of all people, but I would definitely like to preserve some of that sense of stranger-danger. Especially at this age when it’s too early to explain the dangers to her.
Anyways, just needed to get that out there. I try to keep my venting to a minimum because I know life could be WAY worse but I feel like curling up in a ball (if that was possible) and fast forwarding until my due date.
I hope today is a good day and that it redeems the week.