I had a D&C on April 17 for a blighted ovum (we found out on April 9 and would have been around 9 weeks and the empty sac was measuring 8 weeks 4 days). My husband and I dtd on April 30 for the first time after the D&C. I took a pregnancy test yesterday afternoon just cause I had a feeling I should and it was positive. I was really excited at first but then read where some women’s HCG takes a long time to go down after D&C so idk what to think. Any thoughts or advice? Gonna get some tests to see if I can tell if they are getting darker or lighter until I can get in to see my doc.
Re: i MIGHT be pregnant again...
You broke just about every rule we have here. Read before you post. If this is real (which i doubt) then go get to your dr, we are not doctors. Showing up and posting a positive test, especially when we don't even Know you, is extremely rude. Go away now. Thanks a million. Reported. QFP.