Wtf to people at work not following process and i have to do all this extra digging. Also because our design team is falling behind my team has to jump in and help them with their jurisdiction note updates AND clean them up for them. I really hope it makes a difference for them but i have a feeling they’re quality will still stink. My region has over 300 jurisdictions and I hope to only have to less than 10%.
WTF to my kid... I just had to buy 3 more phone chargers because he keeps putting them in his mouth and shorting them out. WHY.
LOL I'm sorry, that really sucks, but I just laughed out loud reading it. Kids can be so STRANGE and little turds. My DS is two and finally stopped putting things in his mouth, but now he puts it in his ear. Like, take the darn playdough out of your ear you goober! Nothing but food goes in any of your face holes. *facepalm*
WTF to H. Love him to death. For mother’s day I mentioned a longer chain for my necklace from our wedding. Thinking it’s be between 100-200. He just got home and dropped 450 on it . Thank God we just got our taxes back but I would have called and checked first because I would have said forget it.
Wtf to car repairs. The bill to fix my car was almost $300 more than I thought. Ive been secret sobbing all night because finances are stressing me out. DH is either pretending not to notice or really hasnt. I'm so depressed about it and I cant get any jobs right now, so it's many more months of constant worry.
@SmashJam aww I’m sorry! Secret sobbing is the worst feeling especially if someone knows and doesn’t do anything (hopefully you DH really hasn’t noticed, otherwise that’s a dick move).
@zg49 he’s almost 3 and that’s still the one thing I always find him nibbling on when I’m not looking- I have a charger that’s almost always on the living room couch. I think he likes the current, it feels like when you stick a 9v battery on your tongue... He’s so weird.
@elizabethrn87 450 on a chain?? Is it made of hand spun unicorn eyelashes? Wow!
@zg49 he’s almost 3 and that’s still the one thing I always find him nibbling on when I’m not looking- I have a charger that’s almost always on the living room couch. I think he likes the current, it feels like when you stick a 9v battery on your tongue... He’s so weird.
@elizabethrn87 450 on a chain?? Is it made of hand spun unicorn eyelashes? Wow!
Right?!?!?!? Something about it being a box chain? And basically not breakable ? It’s white gold - because the diamond that goes on it is white gold and the old one was too. But dear lord. I definitely did not expect it to be that much.
That said i I’d I don’t wear jewelry really. Just my “basic” and I do t change it out. So my earings I didn’t feel bad spending the $$ on. The hope with getting a longer chain was I’d wear it more often as the previous one I felt like it was to tight. I’d like to be able to put it in and just keep it on all the time.
Wtf to me forgetting my ID. had to Uber to chiropractor, because having one car sucks, and then walked to library and I was so excited to get some books. Except of course, I left in a hurry and forgot that my id was in a side pocket of the purse I left at home, not the one I brought with...and they won't give me a library card without it.
I had a picture of it in my phone up until 2 weeks ago and I deleted it for privacy. And now I've been sitting here waiting for DH but of course he is busy at work and is going to be late so I'm annoyed and just going to Uber back home (6 min drive, bit still...).
First world problems I know but this prego lady is cranky!
@smashjam I’m sorry, unexpected expenses are the worst, and stressing over money is awful. I always feel like it would be less stressful if my husband could just share some of that stress with me. But no matter how much I tell him about our money issues, he doesn’t stress about it and doesn’t seem to care. Maybe they’re just better at hiding it than us.
Wtf DH. Came home grouchy. Threw away the dinner I made him and hasn’t said more than 7 words to me since he got home. He says he’s “tired.” I’m sorry you’re tired. The whole world is tired. You’re talking to a pregnant woman. You don’t get to be a dick to me just because you’re tired.
@kissableviv I hate that! I was trying to log into overdrive with my library card today and it wouldn’t let me. I think it might be because I haven’t used it in forever.
@elizabethrn87 yikes! Super sweet of him to invest in you, but I would have been freaking out about that price tag.
@SmashJam I’m so sorry. I hate sobbing just in general. Things usually find a way of working out though!
@elizabethrn87 such a sweet gift but wowza, that's some pricetag. @SmashJam I'm sorry, I think we all may be worried about finances in one shape or form, I'm so sorry you're secretly sobbing, that's the worst! My DH is also oblivious to money and keeps saying we're fine... whatever
@hillbillywife I predict the same for my DH. Looks like he had a long day and a few hiccups at work.he is on his way now. Also annoyed because sometimes when I bitch about stuff he says oh yeah I also had a crappy day because abc. It's like he wants to one up me. So childish...
@elizabethrn87 I was assistant manager at a major jewelry chain until just recently when I stopped working, that's not unreasonable for a white gold chain especially if it's longer than 18" and isn't thread-thin. And box chains are sturdier for sure, not indestructible but definitely a more secure option. If you want it to last, don't sleep or shower with it on. The sales people don't always tell you that because they want it to break so you'll replace/repair it but it makes a huge difference towards it lasting longer
Wtf to clothes. Just clothes. Everything is uncomfortable. I hate wearing shorts/pants, and my shirts are too short. And it's hot.
I got an email from Amazon asking how my 5 pack of enormous Men's t-shirts fit. How do you think Amazon? I am 30 weeks pregnant and I think I might topple over from my huge belly at any minute. To be fair, these gigantic t-shirts are just about the only clothing that I do not hate wearing right now. But do you really think I need a reminder that I wear whale-sized clothing? Boo.
It’s 915 and DS is still wide awake in his bed since 730. And the freaking cat is meowing like no other near his open door. I didn’t give him Benadryl tonight since he looked better. Hope it’s nothing another sleeping battle.
@carsonraynee lol i have to work with people in 4-5 time zones and it’s totally the worst with pregnancy brain. I depend on my calendar and fingers to figure it out lol DS didn’t go to sleep till about 10/11. He walked out of his room around 10 and DH took him back. I need to talk to the sitter to see how much he’s sleeping. He did a total of 6 hrs nap time on Tuesday which is very weird. He usually does 2 tops on a good day.
@wildtot 6 hours of napping is so much! Maybe that threw him off. I totally feel you on the kid dicking around thing...solidarity sister. I feel like we just got normal sleep habits back this week and it might be because we spend so much time outside the sun is just draining him. But eventually he'll get used to that too, I'm sure!
@SmashJam totally agree on the sun lol these days it’s lets go outside so you can tire yourself up, i don’t care if you eat dirt. Sometimes the sitter lets him just sleep and it’s like um are you doing it to make your day easier? I will wake DS up after 2ish hours just so he doesn’t have bedtime issues. I need to chat with her. The other parents also brought up how they are surprised their little girl will sleep longer than at home.
My husband's little cousin died in a car accident the other night and was found yesterday morning. She was 24 and I have known her since she was 8 or 9.... all signs are pointing to her driving drunk on some back roads that night. We are just so torn up and in shock over this. Her parents were on vacation when it happened and they haven't even been able to get home yet (they are coming in today)
Sorry to darken the mood, but I just had to get it off my chest
Me: 36 H: 40 Married 2015. Together since 2010. TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017 BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018. TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020 Due date was Nov 2020 DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma. TTC: March 2021 IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP. MC Jan 2022 IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.
Re: WTF Wednesday 5/9
wtf to waking up with 1 am intense back cramps and now having painful whole body flushing - kid better not have gotten me sick! too much to do
@elizabethrn87 450 on a chain?? Is it made of hand spun unicorn eyelashes? Wow!
@SmashJam ugh that’s so stressful, I’m sorry!
That said i I’d I don’t wear jewelry really. Just my “basic” and I do t change it out. So my earings I didn’t feel bad spending the $$ on. The hope with getting a longer chain was I’d wear it more often as the previous one I felt like it was to tight. I’d like to be able to put it in and just keep it on all the time.
I had a picture of it in my phone up until 2 weeks ago and I deleted it for privacy. And now I've been sitting here waiting for DH but of course he is busy at work and is going to be late so I'm annoyed and just going to Uber back home (6 min drive, bit still...).
First world problems I know but this prego lady is cranky!
@kissableviv I hate that! I was trying to log into overdrive with my library card today and it wouldn’t let me. I think it might be because I haven’t used it in forever.
@elizabethrn87 yikes! Super sweet of him to invest in you, but I would have been freaking out about that price tag.
@SmashJam I’m so sorry. I hate sobbing just in general. Things usually find a way of working out though!
@SmashJam I'm sorry, I think we all may be worried about finances in one shape or form, I'm so sorry you're secretly sobbing, that's the worst! My DH is also oblivious to money and keeps saying we're fine... whatever
@hillbillywife I predict the same for my DH. Looks like he had a long day and a few hiccups at work.he is on his way now. Also annoyed because sometimes when I bitch about stuff he says oh yeah I also had a crappy day because abc. It's like he wants to one up me. So childish...
I got an email from Amazon asking how my 5 pack of enormous Men's t-shirts fit. How do you think Amazon? I am 30 weeks pregnant and I think I might topple over from my huge belly at any minute. To be fair, these gigantic t-shirts are just about the only clothing that I do not hate wearing right now. But do you really think I need a reminder that I wear whale-sized clothing? Boo.
I hope your DS gets to sleep soon and you have a super restful night of sleep too!
DS didn’t go to sleep till about 10/11. He walked out of his room around 10 and DH took him back. I need to talk to the sitter to see how much he’s sleeping. He did a total of 6 hrs nap time on Tuesday which is very weird. He usually does 2 tops on a good day.
Sorry to darken the mood, but I just had to get it off my chest
TTC: Sept 2016-Oct 2017
BFP Oct 2017. DD born July 2018.
TTC: March 2020. BFP March 2020
Due date was Nov 2020
DS born Sept 2020. DS passed away Nov 2020 due to prematurity and birth trauma.
TTC: March 2021
IUI #1 Nov 2021, BFN
IUI #2 Dec 2021 BFP. MC Jan 2022
IUI #3 Aug 2022 BFN
IUI #4 Sept 2022 BFN
AMH test came back at .081. Was going to move on to IVF with DE, but have decided not to. Will be leaving it up to the universe now.