2. BFN yesterday at 12DPO so basically just waiting around for AF, should be here today or tomorrow. 3. Don’t know why but really thought this would be our month. However, for some reason I’m not nearly as sad as I have been in the past. Maybe because we have a plan with our RE if it doesn’t happen soon. 4. My parents put a contract on a house and will be moving into my neighborhood!! I am very close with them so my husband and I are really looking forward to them moving here.
@char245 Sorry for the BFN, but it's great to feel like you are close to having a plan going forward!
2. Status? 7DPO and trying so hard not to SS. Timing was really good, but that doesn't really mean anything. 3. R/R: Rave: two more months until I'm off for a few weeks this summer! Rant: dealing with idiots at work until aforementioned time off. 4.GTKY: What is the best thing that happened to you in the last week? Hmm, will have to come back to this one; I'm either too grumpy or too tired to think of anything right now!
2. Status? TWW 10 DPO. I feel KU every month and it’s not so. So I’m just chalkin all my symptoms up to progesterone. I’m sure AF will be here this wkd
3. R/R: got flowers for yard this weekend but still need to plant them. DH finished half marathon yesterday and DS and I went to watch him which was fun
4.GTKY: What is the best thing that happened to you in the last week? I really can’t think of anything that happened last week. Yesterday after DS said a few things I decided to write down all the funny things he says. He is 2.5 and yesterday I was going to the bathroom and he came in and said mommy I see your bagina (vagina) I about lost it...it was so funny
Status? WTO, CD3. Hopefully it's a short visit this month. Doesn't seem nearly as heavy as last month.
R/R: I'm pretty angry/dissapointed in a long time family friend today. Just found out he has been arrested twice for assaulting his GF. They just had a baby 2m ago. He's really not a bad guy, just a bad drunk and apparently new baby stress is getting to him. Rave- DH is looking into how to get out of (it come home early from his trip). I guess since the loss he's been very open with a few of the guys he works close with and he doesn't think any of them will blame him for missing it for this. It's odd because 3 of those guys I worked very closely with when I was there. GTKY: What is the best thing that happened to you in the last week? Oh man. This shouldn't be a hard thing to figure out I really don't know. Last week was pretty dull. If I think of something I'll come back.
@char245 I think having a plan in place can really help ease frustration.
@bakerstreetboys idiots are tough. Luckily you get some time off to not deal with them.
@Mack2342 DS asked me why I had hair there a few weeks ago and more specifically "who put it there" I was dying. Yesterday he was sick and constipated and when he finally was able to go, he told us with such a sigh of relief that DH and I were both crying from laughing. He's almost 3. They come out with some really awesome comments at this age!
@Mack2342 The first obsessive thing that I Googled this morning was "how to tell the difference between progesterone suppositories and early pregnancy symptoms". Sadly, nothing new popped up since last month.
@prpl11butterfly That's great that H may be able to come home early from his trip. Impressive too that he is open with male co-workers and that they're understanding.
@bakerstreetboys I was actually really surprised when he told me because that's not normal for him. But they all know me and 3 of the 4 have recently had kids (well ones wife is due any day now) so kids are a frequent conversation. And naturally when he was out after our loss, his boss knew why.
@prpl11butterfly that sucks about friend. Glad your DH might be able to work things out with trip. And yes those little peeps say the funniest things. Mine will be 3 in August.
2. TWW and of course feeling all the symptoms that play games with my RPL brain 3. Not looking forward to mothers day coming up. Last year I didn't think it would bother me and yet I ended up having a full blown panic attack and bawling my eyes out all day. 4. Went out on the boat for a sunset bbq last night to wrap up the weekend. As we were pulling out of the slip a lady told us to keep our eyes open as she just came back in and saw a pod of orcas just 2 minutes out. We called a friend that had just cone back in from stand up paddling there and he saw then as well, about 100ft from him. Sadly we didn't see them but just knowing they were there is pretty cool.
@char245 that's great news, I wish I had family close by.
@bakerstreetboys and @Mack2342 trying not to SS is so hard!! The worst is being KU and AF symptoms feel the same to me! The only one I can really tell is if I’m super dizzy then I’m KU for sure!
@prpl11butterfly that would be awesome if he could get out of that trip!
2. TWW, CD19/2DPO, I'm in that sweet spot where I can relax because I did my part and it’s too early for ss, so there’s nothing to obsess over. 3. Rant: Why are my rants always work related? Anyway, my office's A/C is busted. It needs to be replaced, but apparently we're waiting for permits to go through which can take weeks. It's getting hot and sunny outside, we have huge, south facing windows with view over a lake, and the windows don't open. It's like a greenhouse! Rave: I've started walking home from work lately! Not every day (it's 5 miles, yikes), but it's nice to finally be outside again after a loooong winter. 4. Hmmm. Last week was pretty normal, but I'd say going to a bbq yesterday and spending hours outside in the sun with friends I haven't seen in a while felt pretty good!
DS born 2/18/2019 DD born 4/1/2023 Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
Hi everyone. My period finally returned today after my end of March loss. At first my RE had said i needed to wait 4 cycles but after reaching out today it looks as if I may just be able to do another transfer (I have struggled with IF and my loss was from an FET). Thinking I will monitor and try naturally until the actual transfer dates work themselves out.
R/R: I have a new really excited part time gig that is a huge career move for me (RAVE) but the woman I am taking over for has been horrible just horrible (RANT)
Best thing last weekend was the nacho bar I hosted for Cinco de Mayo. It was delicious and so indulgent.
Best of luck to everyone this week!
Married 2010
TTC Sept 2012
Clomid with TI Jan, Feb Mar 2013 - All BFN
IUI #1-3, Aug, Sept, Oct 2014 - All BFN
IVF #1 ER 2/19/14, 34R, 33F, 21 on ice, Freeze All
Hi ladies! I’m normally a lurker on the TTCAL boards but now its time to actually start TTC again after my 3rd loss in Feb (mc Jan15, baby girl born Jan16, mc June17, mc Feb18). Apparently I have a protein s deficiency and will be starting daily lovenox injections once I get a BFP in hopes that helps. Anyone else experiencing this?
Was hoping for a “surprise” (benched but not preventing) BFP last friday since I was a week late but it started on Sunday. Fingers crossed this is the month and DH’s work trip won’t overlap with the important days.
R/R: absolutely miserable in my current job but a lot of opportunities opening up so hopeful to make a switch soon
GTKY: spent last week at Disney World. It was amazing but went by way too fast. DD2 was a great traveler and had some fun character interactions despite painful shyness
@char245 we literally live next door to my in laws, it’s great
@Mack2342 my daughter went thru a penis phase. She just loved to say it in public, and loudly. She was a little confused for a while I guess, lol!!
@grebretso im loving the sunshine too. Went for a walk at work today because it was so lame being cooped up inside, and another nice one after dinner. Yay spring
edit because I don’t use “z”s as “s”s
Me: 30 DH: 31 Married: 2012 BFP #1 Sept 2014, MMC Dec 2014 | BFP #2 May 2015, DD Jan 2016 | BFP #3 May 2017, MC July 2017 | BFP #4 Jan 2018, MC Feb 2018 | BFP #5 July 2018, fingers crossed
2. Status? WTO, CD2 3. R/R: RAVE: It's like we skipped over spring and jumped right into summer. WOOHOO! Rant: Food poisoning is TERRIBLE. Woke up at 2am on Monday morning and spent the next 5 hours with my face in the toilet bowl. I have no idea if it was from something wedding related (hoping NOT) or the bar food we had Sunday night after we finally got home. I was totally wiped out yesterday which I took off as a "recovery" day from the wedding and ended up just being sick. Big fat BOOO from me! 4.GTKY: What is the best thing that happened to you in the last week? My best friend got married! Her wedding was beautiful and a total blast. I stayed sober and took care of the bride (chased her down with water alllll day) and everyone else which sure kept me on my toes but did not stop me from kissing my husband on the dance floor! :-:smiley:
@char245 I'd have mixed feelings about living so close to either of our parents but it sounds really good for you - yay! @mack2432 HAHAHAHA out of the mouth of babes @prpl11butterfly That would be so frustrating and hard to learn about someone. Sometimes people surprise us with sides of themselves they don't show often - and sometimes really good people have really big issues we don't expect. I don't really have any advice, just compassion for the confusion you're probably feeling about this!! Glad to hear your hubby might be able to get out of the work trip. We are lucking out and it looks like our main window falls right at the end of the week/weekend this month. @KathrynShustek woohoo to the cycle return (and the nacho bar too actually) @mamakate1616 nice to meet you and so sorry to see all those losses :-( FX for you to see a BFP soon! Disney sounds wonderful!!
@bethica83 looks like we have the same FW! DHs boss was planning the travel and talking it over with him. He said something about flying home Friday and DH responded with "There's a very small window and the wife NEEDS me home Thursday" and his boss said "Okay.....ooohhhhhh I've been there. No problem" I don't know that I'll ever be able to face these guys again after this.....
@KathrynShustek glad AF has returned, hopefully thing move quickly for you now.
@mamakate1616 sorry for your losses, welcome to the group.
1. Introduce yourself (if new): not new. Ttc since 117. CP 3/17. NMC 9/17. 2. Status? WTO... And have been for a loooong time... 3. R/R: Rave: we are on a roll on getting our house looking great for this summer. We mulched, started our garden, ckeaned the garage and shed, and replaced a toilet this weekend. Busy, busy! Rave? Rant? Somewhere in between?: I finally got the results from my blood work. My testosterone was significantly low and progesterone was slightly low. We're continuing with our current plan. Which really just means waiting to see what happens this month. 4.GTKY: What is the best thing that happened to you in the last week? I had my mom and one of my sister's over Friday night to celebrate mothers day. It was really fun to have some time to hang out with my mom. She's the best person I know.
@char245 we live by my parents... It's wonderful! @bethica83 hope you're fully recovered from the food poisoning! @mamakate1616 so sorry for your losses. Welcome to the group.
Thanks for well wishes all - feeling MUCH better today. And @prpl11butterfly yes I think we do have the same FW this month! Interesting. I am glad your hubby spoke up, don't be shy about it now... you know people get it!
Things have been a little crazy here. We just went through shift change and it is kicking my butt! We just went to our second appointment. I just started Clomid last night and we go back next Friday. Not much else to update, just trying to jump in when I have a second. Thinking about you all!!!
Me: 34 - SO: 40 TTC #1 since 8/2016 FINALLY diagnosed with anovulatory PCOS 11/2016 (Insulin resistance and multiple cysts on both ovaries) Miscarriage on 7/19/17 at 7 weeks Miscarriage on 10/16/17 at 5 weeks
Hi everyone, I’m new here! I just had my first loss this week (5wk4d, second pregnancy, doctor initially feared ectopic so we ended up in the ER after pain increased dramatically, then went on to pass naturally so that was a plus). I’m here to try to focus on what is ahead and get some positivity back in my head. My son is 20mo. and we’ve been TTC for 9 months now. I know nothing about TTC after a loss, so hoping to learn a bit before my appt on Monday with my midwife.
3. Rave to my mil who just gets it. She’s a labor and delivery nurse and has been super helpful the past few days with all my questions and (crazy) concerns.
4. Finally got a building permit approved for our house addition/reno this week, so we’ll be busy, busy this summer! At least now I know I can help with packing more than I have been able to the past several weeks.
Re: TTCAL Week of 5/7/18
3. Don’t know why but really thought this would be our month. However, for some reason I’m not nearly as sad as I have been in the past. Maybe because we have a plan with our RE if it doesn’t happen soon.
4. My parents put a contract on a house and will be moving into my neighborhood!! I am very close with them so my husband and I are really looking forward to them moving here.
@char245 Sorry for the BFN, but it's great to feel like you are close to having a plan going forward!
2. Status? 7DPO and trying so hard not to SS. Timing was really good, but that doesn't really mean anything.
3. R/R: Rave: two more months until I'm off for a few weeks this summer! Rant: dealing with idiots at work until aforementioned time off.
4.GTKY: What is the best thing that happened to you in the last week? Hmm, will have to come back to this one; I'm either too grumpy or too tired to think of anything right now!
3. R/R: got flowers for yard this weekend but still need to plant them. DH finished half marathon yesterday and DS and I went to watch him which was fun
4.GTKY: What is the best thing that happened to you in the last week? I really can’t think of anything that happened last week. Yesterday after DS said a few things I decided to write down all the funny things he says. He is 2.5 and yesterday I was going to the bathroom and he came in and said mommy I see your bagina (vagina) I about lost it...it was so funny
R/R: I'm pretty angry/dissapointed in a long time family friend today. Just found out he has been arrested twice for assaulting his GF. They just had a baby 2m ago. He's really not a bad guy, just a bad drunk and apparently new baby stress is getting to him.
Rave- DH is looking into how to get out of (it come home early from his trip). I guess since the loss he's been very open with a few of the guys he works close with and he doesn't think any of them will blame him for missing it for this. It's odd because 3 of those guys I worked very closely with when I was there.
GTKY: What is the best thing that happened to you in the last week? Oh man. This shouldn't be a hard thing to figure out I really don't know. Last week was pretty dull. If I think of something I'll come back.
@char245 I think having a plan in place can really help ease frustration.
@bakerstreetboys idiots are tough. Luckily you get some time off to not deal with them.
@Mack2342 DS asked me why I had hair there a few weeks ago and more specifically "who put it there" I was dying. Yesterday he was sick and constipated and when he finally was able to go, he told us with such a sigh of relief that DH and I were both crying from laughing. He's almost 3. They come out with some really awesome comments at this age!
@Mack2342 The first obsessive thing that I Googled this morning was "how to tell the difference between progesterone suppositories and early pregnancy symptoms". Sadly, nothing new popped up since last month.
@prpl11butterfly That's great that H may be able to come home early from his trip. Impressive too that he is open with male co-workers and that they're understanding.
@bakerstreetboys I so want a few weeks off! Jealous lol
@prpl11butterfly that sucks about friend. Glad your DH might be able to work things out with trip. And yes those little peeps say the funniest things. Mine will be 3 in August.
3. Not looking forward to mothers day coming up. Last year I didn't think it would bother me and yet I ended up having a full blown panic attack and bawling my eyes out all day.
4. Went out on the boat for a sunset bbq last night to wrap up the weekend. As we were pulling out of the slip a lady told us to keep our eyes open as she just came back in and saw a pod of orcas just 2 minutes out. We called a friend that had just cone back in from stand up paddling there and he saw then as well, about 100ft from him. Sadly we didn't see them but just knowing they were there is pretty cool.
@char245 that's great news, I wish I had family close by.
@prpl11butterfly that would be awesome if he could get out of that trip!
@40momma that sounds like an amazing boat ride!!
3. Rant: Why are my rants always work related? Anyway, my office's A/C is busted. It needs to be replaced, but apparently we're waiting for permits to go through which can take weeks. It's getting hot and sunny outside, we have huge, south facing windows with view over a lake, and the windows don't open. It's like a greenhouse! Rave: I've started walking home from work lately! Not every day (it's 5 miles, yikes), but it's nice to finally be outside again after a loooong winter.
4. Hmmm. Last week was pretty normal, but I'd say going to a bbq yesterday and spending hours outside in the sun with friends I haven't seen in a while felt pretty good!
DD born 4/1/2023
Baby #3 EDD 11/21/2024
R/R: I have a new really excited part time gig that is a huge career move for me (RAVE) but the woman I am taking over for has been horrible just horrible (RANT)
Best thing last weekend was the nacho bar I hosted for Cinco de Mayo. It was delicious and so indulgent.
Best of luck to everyone this week!
Married 2010
TTC Sept 2012
Clomid with TI Jan, Feb Mar 2013 - All BFN
IUI #1-3, Aug, Sept, Oct 2014 - All BFN
IVF #1 ER 2/19/14, 34R, 33F, 21 on ice, Freeze All
FET #1 4/11/14, Beta on 4/22
Beta #1 1238, Beta #2 - 4000 - BFP
Twin Girls Born 11/25/14
Was hoping for a “surprise” (benched but not preventing) BFP last friday since I was a week late but it started on Sunday. Fingers crossed this is the month and DH’s work trip won’t overlap with the important days.
R/R: absolutely miserable in my current job but a lot of opportunities opening up so hopeful to make a switch soon
GTKY: spent last week at Disney World. It was amazing but went by way too fast. DD2 was a great traveler and had some fun character interactions despite painful shyness
@char245 we literally live next door to my in laws, it’s great
@Mack2342 my daughter went thru a penis phase. She just loved to say it in public, and loudly. She was a little confused for a while I guess, lol!!
@grebretso im loving the sunshine too. Went for a walk at work today because it was so lame being cooped up inside, and another nice one after dinner. Yay spring
edit because I don’t use “z”s as “s”s
Married: 2012
BFP #1 Sept 2014, MMC Dec 2014 | BFP #2 May 2015, DD Jan 2016 | BFP #3 May 2017, MC July 2017 | BFP #4 Jan 2018, MC Feb 2018 | BFP #5 July 2018, fingers crossed
3. R/R:
RAVE: It's like we skipped over spring and jumped right into summer. WOOHOO!
Rant: Food poisoning is TERRIBLE. Woke up at 2am on Monday morning and spent the next 5 hours with my face in the toilet bowl. I have no idea if it was from something wedding related (hoping NOT) or the bar food we had Sunday night after we finally got home. I was totally wiped out yesterday which I took off as a "recovery" day from the wedding and ended up just being sick. Big fat BOOO from me!
4.GTKY: What is the best thing that happened to you in the last week? My best friend got married! Her wedding was beautiful and a total blast. I stayed sober and took care of the bride (chased her down with water alllll day) and everyone else which sure kept me on my toes but did not stop me from kissing my husband on the dance floor! :-:smiley:
@char245 I'd have mixed feelings about living so close to either of our parents but it sounds really good for you - yay!
@mack2432 HAHAHAHA out of the mouth of babes
@prpl11butterfly That would be so frustrating and hard to learn about someone. Sometimes people surprise us with sides of themselves they don't show often - and sometimes really good people have really big issues we don't expect. I don't really have any advice, just compassion for the confusion you're probably feeling about this!! Glad to hear your hubby might be able to get out of the work trip. We are lucking out and it looks like our main window falls right at the end of the week/weekend this month.
@KathrynShustek woohoo to the cycle return (and the nacho bar too actually)
@mamakate1616 nice to meet you and so sorry to see all those losses :-( FX for you to see a BFP soon! Disney sounds wonderful!!
@mommakate1616 Sorry for your losses, but welcome to the board
@bethica83 Oh no, that sounds awful! Not exactly the day off you were hoping for. I hope you're feeling better and enjoying the nice weather
@kathrynshustek Welcome to the board. I hope your cycle regulates soon. Yum, nachos!
@KathrynShustek glad AF has returned, hopefully thing move quickly for you now.
@mamakate1616 sorry for your losses, welcome to the group.
2. Status? WTO... And have been for a loooong time...
3. R/R:
Rave: we are on a roll on getting our house looking great for this summer. We mulched, started our garden, ckeaned the garage and shed, and replaced a toilet this weekend. Busy, busy!
Rave? Rant? Somewhere in between?: I finally got the results from my blood work. My testosterone was significantly low and progesterone was slightly low. We're continuing with our current plan. Which really just means waiting to see what happens this month.
4.GTKY: What is the best thing that happened to you in the last week? I had my mom and one of my sister's over Friday night to celebrate mothers day. It was really fun to have some time to hang out with my mom. She's the best person I know.
@char245 we live by my parents... It's wonderful!
@bethica83 hope you're fully recovered from the food poisoning!
@mamakate1616 so sorry for your losses. Welcome to the group.
Me: 34 - SO: 40
TTC #1 since 8/2016
FINALLY diagnosed with anovulatory PCOS 11/2016 (Insulin resistance and multiple cysts on both ovaries)
Miscarriage on 7/19/17 at 7 weeks
Miscarriage on 10/16/17 at 5 weeks
3. Rave to my mil who just gets it. She’s a labor and delivery nurse and has been super helpful the past few days with all my questions and (crazy) concerns.
4. Finally got a building permit approved for our house addition/reno this week, so we’ll be busy, busy this summer! At least now I know I can help with packing more than I have been able to the past several weeks.
@eranvo27 ugh I do not miss shift changes AT ALL. Hopefully you settle in quick and GL with the Clomid!