Birthday Parties

1st birthday woops!!!

My hubby and I have a daughter, Graci,who is just about to turn 1 & he has 3 kids with his ex wife. I made these little invites for her 1st bday party very last minute (2 weeks prior to event) & was perfecting them to run by my husband as soon as he wakes up, to see if time is good and guest list looks good... etc. It’s 2 am and I thought I’d knock it out since I couldn’t get back to sleep after Graci woke up to nurse and already passed back out. Well I accidentally sent it out at 2am!!! I thought I was just saving the guest list. I have people from church on this list and his ex wife is on there too cause it’s her weekend with their youngest! We get along so I’m sure it would’ve been fine but I did plan on runnin this all by my husband before sending it out! So now here I am wide awake at 2:31 am feeling pressure to plan a very fast bday and worried people think I’m crazy. I’m slightly indecisive so guess this is one way to get the ball rollin! Anyone have any funny kid bday stories?!
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