July 2018 Moms

Weekend Randoms 4/21


Re: Weekend Randoms 4/21

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    I was sooo exhausted and sore yesterday after going to 2 consignment sales (honestly it wasn’t that much walking, idk why it knocked me out so much), I ended up doing basically nothing the rest of the day. Now I woke up today super anxious about getting the house organized and cleaned and in order, and I’m hoping the motivation sticks around. I think I’ll send my husband to the grocery store and do some organizing while my son naps. Then we need to clean the bathroom and some other areas of the house, and maybe hit up target for some organization stuff. We also talked about maybe Home Depot to pick out Paint for the nursery. Aaaaand it’s nice out and my son needs to run around, so I’d like to ssqueeze in a trip to the playground or park or maybe the local farm. Gahhhh so much to do and so little time. 
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    Where are you guys getting baby furniture at? I still have my daughter's crib, but I need to get dressers... I did BRU for my first set and loved it, but I am trying to keep costs down this time.

    I was going to go with ikea, but I am worried about the tipping issues (i plan to secure it of course, but I still worry)
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    No plans except working and fighting an awful cold I caught. It always rains on the weekends anyway so can't really enjoy beach or do anything want to outside.

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      @cseley321 we got ours from target and walmart. If you go with ikea maybe just have H reinforce it more? 
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      @wildtot psh, I am the builder of furniture in this household... he is IT ;) I will probably get my sister to come help when I do it.
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      @cseley321 we are probably going with IKEA. We picked up a free IKEA crib from someone on Facebook so I’d like to get the matching changing table and then a small dresser since the nursery is tiny. I also saw some dressers and dresser/changing table combos I really liked on wayfair for not too much money. We have the IKEA hemmes dresser for my son and love it. Perfect height for changing diapers on top. It doesn’t seem any more likely to tip than the others dressers in my house that aren’t IKEA brands, but they all come with anchoring Kits these days anyway. 
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      Anyone still find hemselves sleeping on their backs? It doesn’t bother me
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      @elizabethrn87 me! I wake up on my back sometimes. I don't feel big enough for it to be a huge issue but I try to stay on my side as much as possible.

      I get most furniture from Ikea because well, I like it! Also we rent and decided we won't splurge on furniture until we buy. Then we can really do a bit more designing and decorating with a specific styke.

      Had fun in San Diego but didn't sleep well probably because we were not in our bed. Had to sub prenatal yoga at 11 so we had to leave promptly but I got a delicious acai bowl before we left. Only problem is I obviously felt like pooping right as I got to the yoga studio, lol . thankfully I was there early. 

      Had lunch and now it's nap time before we pick up the house a bit. Weather is gorgeous but I'm too tired for a walk and we got some solid steps in this am. 
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      @zande2016 The Hemnes one was actually the one I was looking at! I saw it in store and liked it overall. I will probably go with that set, but I am just curious to see if I am missing out on something first.
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      I have Brimnes (I think it's how you spell it) but I used to have a Hemnes and it's actually pretty sturdy! 
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      Here’s our Hemmes, it has so much storage. We only use the two left side big drawers for my son’s clothes, and the rest of the drawers are filled with blankets, sheets, sleep sacks, towels, socks, diapers, and other miscellaneous baby supplies. It’s very sturdy. I wish they made a smaller one for our second nursery. 
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      zande2016zande2016 member
      edited April 2018
      My husband and I are having a serious debate. Our house has two bedrooms downstairs, and our upstairs consists of one small bedroom (not technically a bedroom because no closet), a big closet in the hallway, and the master bedroom. We basically haven’t used the upstairs at all since i was pregnant with my son and we decided to move our bedroom downstairs. My son’s nursery is right across the hall from our bedroom downstairs. Master bedroom upstairs is becoming the playroom, along with a futon for overnight guests and my desk for when I work from home. The smaller room upstairs is going to be either my son’s room or the new baby’s nursery. We can’t decide which is the better way to go. The baby will sleep in our room in a bassinet for around 6 months, but I still want to get everything set up and have a place for all baby’s clothes and other stuff. My main concern with putting baby’s room up there is if he needs to be rocked or if I want to nurse him in the rocker, bit my son is asleep in his room, I’d have to bring baby upstairs, use the rocker up there (we have one for each room), then go back downstairs with the sleeping baby, and put him into his bassinet. The stairs are kind of narrow/steep but we plan to put a runner on it (hardwood) and install a handrail. My other concern is middle of the night diaper changes if his changing table is upstairs. On the other hand, my husband thinks my son will feel jealous and resentful if we move him, while I think he’s too young (19 mos) to feel like that. Also it will be easier to leave my son where he is and make upstairs the nursery, as opposed to moving all my son’s stuff up there. Ahhh I’m just so torn!!! Feel free to share input or other pros/cons to either option that I might not have thought of. 

      ETA: ughhh I totally should have posted this in the nursery thread, I totally forgot we had one. I hope no one minds if I post this over there too! 
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      @zande2016 is your son's current room big enough for both of them? Can't remember if you liked that idea or not in an earlier conversation. If not, I might consider moving your older son upstairs (near the new playroom) and the baby downstairs to avoid MOTN trips up and down. Also, I wouldn't go all the way upstairs to a changing table just to change a diaper. MOTN changes while babies were still in our room were in our bed, and during the day if we were downstairs diaper changes happened on the floor. We still keep diapers and wipes and creams stored in the living room as well as upstairs.

      Isabella & Julian & and now #3!
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      @flockofmoosen3 I’m not opposed to them sharing, but it’s a small room and two cribs or a crib and a bed would be a squeeze. Also it wouldn’t solve the issue of when I need to rock the baby but my son is asleep in the downstairs room. I guess we could try To temporarily move the second rocking chair downstairs somewhere but our house is pretty filled to capacity down here. You’re right about the MOTN diaper changes, I was just thinking the downstairs nursery is literally steps from our bedroom, so it never bothered us to change my son MOTN in there when he was a baby. But if we didn’t have that option it wouldn’t be a huge deal. 
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      @zande2016 I would probably put baby in the upstairs room since you’re keeping baby in the bassist for 6mo. I had a good sleeper, but he was typically sleeping through the night by then. That way you could have baby nap in the crib while your son is in the playroom during the day and you wouldn’t need a separate sleeping surface upstairs. If you’re having a bad sleep night you could also sleep on the futon to save yourself the walks up and down the stairs. And like someone else said, you could change MOTN diapers downstairs, I did most changes right on my bed. Buuuutt after all of that, that still doesn’t solve the rocker dilemma... Hmm 
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      I guess I could just nurse the baby in bed or on the couch and skip rocking during the nighttime hours. I’m trying to remember what I did with my son. It’s all verrrrry fuzzy lol 
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      @zande2016 +1 to putting th3 baby upstairs, for all the reasons @acunamatada mention3d but also I think your son might notice being on a different floor and then you'd have another transition. We have a bedroom at the bottom of or stairs I'm the basement and we thought about using it for ds2 because we were worri3d about ds1 being scared/weird about the change and didn't want to deal. I also think you could change diapers and everything on the floor you are currently on for however many months new baby sleeps in your room. Someone else in the group moved a 6 ish month old baby in with their toddler last time around and I can't remember who...but maybe they will see this and speak to how they deal with motn rocking and such while their other kiddo sleeps, that's something I've wondered about too.
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      @elizabethrn87 yup I am still doing a lot of back sleeping but I am semi propped up with two pillows. 
      April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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