
Pineapple, Brazil Nuts, and Other Old Wives Tales when TTC! What have you heard/tried?

In my 4th round of IUI...had 1 yesterday and 1 today.  I just started my TWW so I'm feeling pretty powerless to the process.  All I can do is wait now! I'm curious about the random old wives tales that you've heard of and subscribed to while TTC which should supposedly aid in conception.  

I bought a pineapple this month, and am going to cut it into 5 parts and eat 1 per day!  Even if it doesn't help me conceive, I love pineapple!  So what else is out there? What has worked for you/people you know? What do you think is absolute hogwash?

My wife and I have conceived a babe with my body and frozen donor sperm through IUI, with medication support (clomid, ovidrel, and injections of progesterone)

IUI #1, #2, and #3: Dec 2017, Jan 2018, and Feb 2018 - all BFN
HSG Test: April 2018 - all clear!
IUI #4: April 15/16, 2018 - BFP!! EDD: Jan 7, 2019 

Re: Pineapple, Brazil Nuts, and Other Old Wives Tales when TTC! What have you heard/tried?

  • I do all the things... it just keeps me busy:
    pineapple core
    pomegranate juice
    brazil nuts
    bone broth
    warm feet
    I'm sure I do a bunch of other stuff, but I can almost feel this progesterone kicking in and I'm sooo sleepy I cant think :)

  • I've tried several things as well.  Nothing I've noticed particularly helps but it makes me feel like I can do something while waiting.  I'm mostly consistent with eating 3-5 Brazil nuts per day as well as increasing my intake of eggs, spinach/ kale, acupuncture, meditation especially during the tww.
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  • My IUI's unfortunately did not take for me, but IVF *tw* did. I made sure my feet were always toasty and warm, which I never did before and I also ate pineapple. Not the core really, just mainly pineapple. I also made sure to really relax for a couple days as well after the transfer which I didn't do with the IUI's and I really think that helped. Good luck to you. :)
    TTC 4 years. 7 failed IUI's with either Clomid, Femara and/or Trigger Shots. Started IVF journey in February 2017. Polyps removed in May. 1st IVF Transfer September 26th. BFP. Expected due date 6/14/18. Baby boy born 5/25/18 at 6 lb 9 oz. My bundle of joy. 
  • mayflower513mayflower513 member
    edited April 2018
    What’s the Brazil nut thing?

    my acupuncturist did recommend those and bone broth and eating lots of warm foods to just make the belly area more warm to increase blood flow to it.  But we didn’t talk much about the Brazil nuts.

    ETA: @ dragonette505  do you make your bone broth or buy it ?
    Pregnancy TickerAbout me: *TW*

    Me: 34, DH: 38                                                                                                                                                                                
    TTC #1 June of 2014  9/14 BFP, baby boy EDD 5/18/15. Elias (Eli) born 5/13/15 7lb0oz, 19 inches.                                      
    Surprise BFP 10/15, live ectopic, lost ruptured tube on 11/5/15 at 8 weeks                                                                              
    Started TTC #2 2/16                                                                                                                                                                   
    HSG 1/18 after no BFPs- diagnosed w/ tubal infertility and referred to RE                                                                     
    3/28/18 remaining tube removed                                                                                                                                              
    IVF 5/18: 15 retrieved, 11 fertilized, 8 blasts -- (3) 4aa, (2) 5aa (2) 4ba frozen -- fresh transfer of 1 day-5 4aa blast, BFP, EDD 2/4/19

  • Brazil nuts are high in Selenium (important for fertility) I both make and buy bone broth. The easiest way is either ask for bones at the butcher/meat section in the grocery store (beef/lamb) or I will roast a whole chicken then remove all the meat and but the bones in my crock pot with water and cook for 24 hrs. Its pretty low maintenance work.
  • Thanks @dragonette505!
    Pregnancy TickerAbout me: *TW*

    Me: 34, DH: 38                                                                                                                                                                                
    TTC #1 June of 2014  9/14 BFP, baby boy EDD 5/18/15. Elias (Eli) born 5/13/15 7lb0oz, 19 inches.                                      
    Surprise BFP 10/15, live ectopic, lost ruptured tube on 11/5/15 at 8 weeks                                                                              
    Started TTC #2 2/16                                                                                                                                                                   
    HSG 1/18 after no BFPs- diagnosed w/ tubal infertility and referred to RE                                                                     
    3/28/18 remaining tube removed                                                                                                                                              
    IVF 5/18: 15 retrieved, 11 fertilized, 8 blasts -- (3) 4aa, (2) 5aa (2) 4ba frozen -- fresh transfer of 1 day-5 4aa blast, BFP, EDD 2/4/19

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