I’m not sure if this is the right place since we technically aren’t TTC because I’m still not done miscarrying. But we do really want to try again and I figured we’d be trying by now.
Whole history:
I had an early MMC in December 2015 and needed 2 D&Cs to resolve it (second for retained products). My daughter was born in Feb 2016 and my placenta had to be manually removed—the pathology report indicated it was focal placenta accreta but my new doc at new hospital said that may not be right because I didn’t require surgery.
Current disaster: I’ll be 37 in August and I got my first positive 1/24, had my first appointment on 2/21 embryo had a heartbeat but was small for gestational age (about 2 weeks behind), a week later it had grown appropriately but the heart rate was 95bpm. Waited a week and a half and the heart stopped. Tried cytotec on 3/2 and 3/3 (doc concerned about uterine scarring) some bleeding/tissue passed. Had follow up ultrasound and then a d&c on 3/29. The doc noted that there was indeed a sticky area of my uterus (duh). Had my follow up on 4/12 she said my uterus was small and cervix was closed. I told her I’d take a pregnancy test at home to make sure it was negative (which I 100% believed it would be) and then promptly forgot until 3/14 at 1pm. And the FRER was SUPER positive—like popped up as soon as it hit the test line area and was about as dark as the control. I have to go get betas once someone writes the order tomorrow, but I’m worried I’ll need a 4th d&c because of it. I’m so frustrated and just want this to be over so we can try again. So. Any words of encouragement or thoughts about what is going to happen would be great...thanks!
Re: Intro *tw*