TTC after 35

TTC at 38 for the first time! Need your wishes & guidance

Hi Lovely Ladies,

I am 38 year old TTC . I am absolutely new to TTC and new to these forums as well. Trying to get pregnant at this age is seeming very lonely to me somehow. Feels like time is just running away.

After reading these forums, I got some encouragement. Looking forward for your support now as, I begin this journey. Wishing  you all  lots of good news and baby dust in your journey!




Re: TTC at 38 for the first time! Need your wishes & guidance

  • Best of luck to you!! Have you had any tests ran, etc to see if everything is ok? Being you're already 38, they maybe beneficial. I started TTC at 35, now 38 and still doing it. I wish I had started earlier and been more proactive seeking help.
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • Thanks a lot for your wishes and reply.
    Nah no tests done yet. Got married last year only, things have been very late in my life unfortunately.That makes me all the more nervous. We have been TTC since last 6 months with no luck. DH suffers from ED.
    We are going to see a Fertility Specialist soon. Which all test should I go for? I am sorry I am so ignorant in TTC  :(

    Sending lots of good wishes and baby dust your way!
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  • @peggy_gupta Your fertility specialist will probably want to do a blood test to see what your AMH(egg reserve) is, Vitamin D, Thyroid levels and see if chicken pox & rubella shot are still good. They'll also want to test your husband's sperm to make sure he's good . Then they will come up with a plan of action. We started out with medicated / IUI cycles. I'm sure you specialist will be great and guide you well :) They will probably also want to do an HSG where they make sure your tubes are open and a saline sonogram to look at your uterus. Both are done in office and doesn't take long. 
    TTC #1 since April 2015
    June 2016 - CP
    2017 - Medicated Cycles & IUI's
    IVF w/ PGS  - January 2018
    FET #1 - April 2018 - BFN
    ERA Cycle May / June 2018
    ERA Biopsy June 2018 ~ Results: receptive (no change)
    FET #2 - July 2018 - BFP <3 Beta #1 - 137 Beta #2 - 410
    U/S #1 7wk1d - HB 144 U/S #2 9w1d HB 166
    Anatomy Scan 1st 11/2/18 2nd AS 11/19
    EDD March 28, 2019
    Baby Girl born 3/26/19  <3

  • @kristmh80 - This is great information! Thanks a million! I will keep these in mind when I visit the doc.
  • @peggy_gupta Hi there & welcome! My H & I met/married later in life & so our TTC story began later too. I remember being 38 & TTC too-and felt the same way. Hell, I'm now 42.5 TTC #2 and still feel that way! PP already answered your question about what to expect from a RE. There is a wealth of info here so you should find this forum helpful. GL to you on your journey towards motherhood. (((hugs)))
    Me: 42, dx: DOR (AFC: 5), low AMH (0.163), blocked tube, fibroid
    DH: 44, dx: ED (uses Cialis), low count/motility (17 million/44%)
    ~Our History~
    2012: April married <3 , begin TTC
    2013: Jan: BFP #1, mc at 11 weeks (Trisomy 10), D&E :'( ; Nov: HSG=blocked right tube, SHG=polyp, fibroid
    2014: April: polypectomy; May-Nov: TTC, Dec.= BPF #2, DS born 8/28/15 via C-section <3
    2016: Oct.-Dec.: TTC 
    2017: Feb.-Aug: benched due to Zika virus threat (Feb.=trip to Philippines) :( , Sept.-Dec.: TTC
    2018: Jan.-Apr.: TTC
              May: IVF #1 w/ ICSI/AH: 6R, 3M, 2F; day 3 transfer of both embies; poor quality (E1=grade 3, E2=grade 4)

    May 2018 IVF Spreadsheet:

  • kristimh80  - Thanks a bunch for all the information and guiding me through :)!

  • mich_elle  - Thanks for the motivation & wishes! Stay positive and strong :) Sending lots of baby dust to you!
  • Hi there! I relate a lot to your story because my DH and I met later in life too and didn't start trying until I was 38-1/2. We now have a 4 year old and I'm 43! My doctors back when we had our first told me there was a real decline after 40 and we have seen that (as you can see in my signature) so I think it's great you're getting in for testing, etc. But I guess my point is, you're a lot younger than me, if you see an RE now you can get any help you might need. Sending you lots of wishes and support!!!
  • Momifbysea - Thank you for all your wishes and pepping me up! Lots of baby dust and good vibes to you!
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