November 2018 Moms

FTM check-in 4/10

This thread is for first time moms and anyone who has advice for us newbies!!!

How far along are you? How big is baby?

How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?

Rants? Raves? Questions

GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?

Two Furbabies: Mika (american eskimo) and Gypsy (wire-haired terrier, dachshund mix)

Twins: Kaiden and Zara born 10/2018 conceived after 6 years of infertility via a medicated IUI

Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

Re: FTM check-in 4/10

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    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    7w5d and the babies are the size of blueberries!

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    I had a scare today. I woke up with a lot of thick brown spotting and uterine/cervical cramps that didn’t let up (still haven’t). My RE had me swing by the office and an ultrasound showed my two little boos perfectly safe and sound with heart rates in the 160s. Such a relief! Now I get to graduate to an OB! My next appointment is 4/23.

    So the past week I was feeling really sad. Probably a combination of all of the hormones and side effects of the MS. Now I’m feeling better but I was seriously concerned o was developing depression. It was super weird but everyone I talked to said it was normal and thankfully it went away!

    Rants? Raves? Questions
    I can’t eat hardly anything. I was so hungry for seafood fettuccini Alfredo that I make from scratch. No this afternoon I went to the store to get all of the ingredients, came home and cooked for an hour, all to eat just three bites and started to feel nauseated. It’s sooooo frustrating. Thankfully my husband and sister enjoyed the meal lol.  The only thing I can reliably eat is crackers and cheese. Can’t wait for this the nausea to go away!

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    Hands down reality tv. My DH hates it but I just can’t get enough of Bravo tv.

    Two Furbabies: Mika (american eskimo) and Gypsy (wire-haired terrier, dachshund mix)

    Twins: Kaiden and Zara born 10/2018 conceived after 6 years of infertility via a medicated IUI

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker
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    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    9w2d There’s two little cherries growing and wiggling around in there!

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    Exhausted. Crabby. Annoyed by everyone and everything. Battling some nausea. 

    Rants? Raves? Questions
    I passed my first glucose test!!! Yippee! That’s one weight lifted off my shoulders. I’ve been feeling so thankful for my job lately. I work in labor and delivery and I’ve found so many perks! I literally can have an ultrasound whenever I want, I can Doppler heart tones whenever and I see my OB everyday. I feel like I would be so crazy with out all these things available to me! How do you other first time moms do it? 

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    The hubs and I looove to watch Cops. We will watch old reruns for hours sometimes. 

    Me: 28 DH: 29
    Married: August 2014
    TTC #1 Since March 2015
    Diagnosed with PCOS March 2016
    SA results normal April 2016
    3 rounds clomid + trigger + TI = BFN
    3 rounds clomid + trigger + IUI = BFN
    Uterine polyp removed July 2017
    Round 1 IVF January 2018

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    @linz36 you're giving me hope it gets better after reading your check in. That meal sounds delicious, I don't know how much of it I could eat but it sounds good. Do you have a recipe around somewhere? I'd love to give it a go.

    @MamaMunn congrats on the glucose test! Your job sounds awesome.

    How far along are you? How big is baby
    7w1d today. Baby is the size of a blueberry and growing. 

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    I had a scare on the weekend with some light spotting. Thankfully the midwife wasn't worried but it was the prompt I needed to actually get back to the doctor this week. My MS hit the Hyperemesis gravidarum level with the accompanying 'I need to lay on the floor and not move my head' feeling. I also lost 3kg/about 6 lbs so that wasn't so good. The doctor gave me some pills so I can now get my head up, eat some things and even got back to work (although on very light duties). Mentally both have thrown me and now I'm stressed and sad and worried. I'm hoping everything settles down and I can enjoy this pregnancy.

    Rants? Raves? Questions
    Just hoping for a better week this coming one. My next appointment on the 16th with my fabulous midwife so hoping for good things there.

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    Family sitcoms where everything is solved in a 30 minute slot and I don't have to think too much about it.
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    ginny_203ginny_203 member
    edited April 2018
    How far along are you? How big is baby7w1d, baby is the size of a blueberry 

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms? Nausea has kicked in more this week. All other symptoms are much the same.

    Rants? Raves? Questions? Last night I was bragging to my husband that I wasn't feeling very nauseous at night and could eat whatever I wanted for dinner. He made me finish the last 3 pieces of asparagus and as I stuck them into my mouth, I gagged. Womp womp. Anyone else feeling like when they feel like they're done eating they can't even have a single bite more or they'll explode?

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure? Since everyone's gone the TV route, I'll add that I'm an HGTV addict. We also love watching documentaries and Law & Order SVU :)  
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    @linz36, that recipe does sound delicious !! Hoping in the next few weeks you'll be able to enjoy it again. And I'm happy to here your emotions are straightening out, its giving me hope ha.

    @ginny_203 I'm the same way. I try to take advantage when my body let's me eat then BAM one bite too many sends me straight to the bathroom. Hoping it eases up soon. 

    How far along are you? How big is baby
    I'm 7w 3 days, baby is the size of a blueberry.

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    I'm so drained, physically and emotionally. I'm generally a good combo of healthy eating and balance ha but lately I'm living off waffles and cracker- oh and an occasional bean burrito, what? The nausea is real but this is the first week I'm able to keep food down so in trying to be positive. I'm exhausted and probably not eating enough so I'm just feeling really down, hoping this goes away.

    Rants? Raves? Questions
    I had a bad UTI/kidney thing about 2 weeks ago, its finally better but urgent care gave me a scare about ecopyic pregnancy and sent me to the ER, luckily everything was fine I was just needing IV fluids.... I'm just worried all the time and am not even able to keep down my prenatal vitamins or enough water. Worried about the nutrition and fluid intake the baby is getting during this crucial time. I have my OB today and am hoping to get some answers.

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    I too, am an HGTV addict and love the cooking channel ha.
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    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    10w5d, baby is the size of a prune. (Just thinking about prunes makes me gag)

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    I am beyond exhausted and can't seem to catch up. I'm also super cranky. Yesterday I had a weird episode. I was falling asleep at my desk so I got up to do something standing and felt like I was going to pass out. By the time I got out of work, I had awful cramps. I thought for sure they would be accompanied by blood but thankfully they weren't. I was able to nap at home and the cramps lightened up, but then when it was time for bed, I couldn't sleep. My dog also used my belly and boobs as a punching bag all night. Thankfully DH caught it too and held onto her feet so she would stop. 

    Rants? Raves? Questions
    I have an appt tomorrow and I am really hoping that I get to see baby again!! 

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    I'd say reality TV as well. That and kitchen dancing LOL. 

    @linz36 Alfredo sounds so good right about now!
    Me: 34  DH: 34
    Married 10/28/17
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1 February '18
    Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18

    TTC #2 January '21
    BFP June '21
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
    Jan '22 - started IF testing
    BFP Jan '22
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
    BFP May '22

  • Options
    edited April 2018
    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    8w3d - Raspberry/peanut M&M sized
    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    Mostly okayish.  Haven't puked yet today which is a HUGE accomplishment.  Dare I hope we're on the upside of MS?  
    Rants? Raves? Questions
    In a pretty darned good mood atm.  I got mostly caught up in my pregnancy journal this AM.  The set up is pretty silly in some aspects, but oh well.  From what I'd reviewed there are no "perfect" journals unless you make one yourself and I for one aint got time for that :tongue: Appointment on Friday so this week is CRAWLING by so slowly.
    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    True crime TV shows!  I also love cooking and home improvement shows.  The 30 minute sitcom where everything gets resolved do hold a special place in my heart too.  

    BFP 3/21/2020!  OMG We're having TWINS! 4/17/2020
    LO arrived 11/9/2018!  We have a baby!
    Me: 33 | DH: 41
    Married: March 2016
    TTC #1/IUD out January 2017
    PCOS dx January 2018
    Medicated cycle 2.5mg Letrozole CD3-7 February 2018
    BFP 3/10/2018! 

    TTGP December Siggy Co-Winner: Favorite Moments from Holiday Movies/TV 
    TTGP October Siggy Winner: Animals in Costume 

  • Options many people are here!!! I’m so excited!!!!

    And I ate leftovers of the pasta today and it was much better today.

    @mrsduddles I don’t gave a recipe just a technique that my mom taught me. I guess it’s not technically Alfredo since I use cream lol. Basically, I sauté seafood (shrimp, scallops etc) in a pan with olive oil and Cajun seasoning. Once cooked I pull it out, leave in all the drippings, add more olive oil and some garlic and cream (the amount depends on how much I’m cooking). I stir it until it cools down, adds Parmesan and then toss in cooked pasta and let it absorb the sauce. I serve it with the seafood on top with some green onions. Super yummy but definitely high in calories lol.

    Two Furbabies: Mika (american eskimo) and Gypsy (wire-haired terrier, dachshund mix)

    Twins: Kaiden and Zara born 10/2018 conceived after 6 years of infertility via a medicated IUI

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy  Baby Tracker
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    @jkmartin723 I've been on a waffle kick recently too...something about them just hits the spot!

    How far along are you? How big is baby
    9w 1d. Baby is the size of a cherry!

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms? 
    I've been consistently nauseous since about week 6 and this week it seems to be taking it up a notch. Hopefully it won't get much worse. 

    Rants? Raves? Questions
    The cravings are real. Most of the time I can barely eat but have still wanted random food items of which I'll end up eating just a bite of. The pregnant lady wanting pickles and ice cream stereotype is definitely me!

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    I'm on the HGTV bandwagon too. I also love movie and tv adaptations of Jane Austin novels. I was able to somehow convince DH to watch some Pride and Prejudice with me this weekend and it was amazing! (BBC version with Colin Firth).
  • Options
    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    8w2d baby is the sizeof a raspberry
    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    Im just drained. Nauseous on and off but tired CONSTANTLY. The fact that there reallyis a baby in there is getting more real!
    Rants? Raves? Questions
    Just cant wait to be able to hear/see my baby again. Any advice on home dopplers?
    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    Waxing my eyebrows... don't ask. Lol

  • Options
    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    8 weeks 3 days!  Baby is the size of a 2x2 lego brick!

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    Still insanely tired!  Also starting to have a little nausea throughout the day.

    Rants? Raves? Questions
    My next U/S isn't until 2 weeks from today!  It's so far away!

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    Yarn.  I LOVE buying yarn.  I have like 6 huge bins full of the stuff!
    Infertility Journey (in spoiler because it's way too long and child/loss mentioned)
    Married: 08/09/2013; TTC #2
    Me: 31, possible PCOS and Septate Uterus (Septum removed in November 2017)
    DH: 31, MFI (Low Count and Low Motility)
    July 2017 - IUI #1 - Letrozole 2.5 mg, no trigger, Prometrium 100 mg 2x a day - BFN
    August 2017 - IUI #2 - Letrozole 2.5 mg, no trigger, Prometrium 100 mg 2x a day - BFN
    September 2017 - IUI #3 - Letrozole 2.5 mg, no trigger, Prometrium 100 mg 2x a day - BFN
    November 2017 - Uterine Septum removed
    December 2017 - IVF Consultation
    January 2018 - IVF #1 - Retrieval 1/24 - 2 Day 3 embryos (1 transferred fresh, 1 frozen) and 2 Day 5 embryos frozen
    February 2018 - Fresh Transfer - Transfer 1/27 (1 day 3 embryo) - BFN
    March 2018 - FET #1 - Transfer 3/2 (1 day 5 embryo) - BFP!  1st beta (10dp5dt) - 101; 2nd beta (17dp5dt) - 3061! Due 11/18/2018
    March 2018 - Remaining embryos lost in malfunction.

    October 8, 2018 - Son born at 34 weeks and a day due to preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome.  Spent 13 days in the NICU.
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

    June 2019 - IVF #2 - Cancelled - Cyst on Ovary
    July 2019 - IVF #2 Take 2 - Retrieval 8/1 - 5 Day 5 embryos frozen
    August 2019 - FET #1 - Cancelled - No Trilaminar Lining
    September 2019 - FET #1 - Transfer 9/25 (1 day 5 embryo) - Chemical Pregnancy - 1st beta (9dp5dt): 110; 2nd beta (14dp5dt): 357; 3rd beta (16dp5dt): 188; 4th beta (23dp5dt): 7
    November 2019 - FET #2 - Transfer 11/6 (1 day 5 embryo) - BFN
    December 2019 - FET #3 - Transfer 12/11 (1 day 5 embryo) - BFP! - 1st beta (8dp5dt): 102; 2nd beta (15dp5dt): 2636! Due 08/28/2020

    August 13, 2020 - Son born at 37 weeks an 6 days due to failed BPP (Gestational Diabetes).
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    rmg85rmg85 member
    edited April 2018
    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    I am 10w2d and baby is the size of a Strawberry this week 

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    I am still pretty exhausted and finding the brain fog tough at work. Constipation isn't as bad this week. I haven't had much nausea at all but don't have a great appetite

    Rants? Raves? Questions
    One of my co-workers told our boss he suspected I was pregnant and it ended up forcing my hand to tell her before I was ready when she asked me outright last week. Was pretty choked it didn't get to be on my own terms

    I am reeeally hoping I have more energy in 2nd trimester. My husband and I work opposites during the week which means that by the time he gets home between 9:30 and 10:00 at night I am beat! So we are not seeing much of one another during the week right now.

    What is your guilty pleasure?
    I love reading online gossip blogs lol. I read them religiously everyday. And I rarely turn down watching a biographical documentary hehe
  • Options
    serabjornserabjorn member
    edited April 2018
    @rmg85 re: your work occurrence--that is terrible!  It is none of your co-workers' business nor should he/she have told anyone, let alone your boss, an assumption about you (or even the fact if they knew!).  Also, I am not even sure it's appropriate for your boss to then ask you about it.  How ridiculous, I am so sorry that happened.  Grrr.

    How far along are you? How big is baby
    9 weeks 3 days (baby is the size of a cherry!)

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    Nausea and fatigue still, but both have lessened since I have started driving less and walking more in the past two days.  I feel slightly more like myself, which is amazing.  I am hoping this lasts!  

    Rants? Raves? Questions? 
    Question:  I have a 2-year old chocolate Labrador retriever who has been our fur baby since he was 10 weeks old.  He will be about 2.5 years old when our little one is born.  @tessiesmom26 raised the excellent question of baby sleeping in the same room with you for the first months of his/her life.  My question is an extension of that--our dog sleeps in our bed/room with us every night.  How should we introduce baby to dog, both in general and so we can all sleep in the same room?

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    We're not current with TV shows, as we just have streaming subscriptions.  Lately though I have been binge watching Fear the Walking Dead.  :D   Also my hubby and I play video games every day.
          Nov. '18 September Siggy Challenge: Falling into Fall

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    @serabjorn Our lab sleeps in our bed too, which is another point to me asking. My cousin introduced their dog by bringing home baby's clothes/blankets from the hospital and letting the dog sniff/get use to the smell. Then they slowly put them together. We will most likely try the same. 
    Me: 34  DH: 34
    Married 10/28/17
    Our TTC Journey
    TTC #1 February '18
    Team Green turned Team Blue 10/15/18

    TTC #2 January '21
    BFP June '21
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C July '21
    Jan '22 - started IF testing
    BFP Jan '22
    MMC/Blighted Ovum that led to D&C Feb '22
    BFP May '22

  • Options
    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    8w6d.  Baby is size of a raspberry.

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    Tired, but mostly just impatient.  Even though I've had no spotting or real concerns, I'm still just so anxious to get into the second trimester.

    Rants? Raves? Questions? 
    Question: Anybody else have a decreased interest in sex?  Part of it is that I'm not in the mood, but I also just feel unattractive (my pants barely fit anymore!).  I'm trying not to turn DH down, but man, I am just not interested these days.   :/

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    Taylor Swift.  I am one of those people who has her coffee black, her whiskey neat, and her steaks rare.  I love Tom Waits and Elvis Costello and Bruce Springsteen...and Taylor Swift.  Even though she's switched to a more electronic sound (which I don't love), I still will listen to her albums on repeat.  I follow her on Instagram, I know her birthday, I've received multiple birthday cards from her greeting card line (bet you didn't know that existed!), and I know the names of both her cats.  #noshame #hatersgonnahate(hatehatehatehate)
    Married: Nov 2010
    TTC #1 since: Aug 2016
    Dx: Unexplained
    6 failed IUIs on Letrazole & Ovidrel
    Final (#7) IUI - BFP!
    EDD: Nov 2018
    Team Pink!
    Me: 31/DH: 30

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
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    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    10weeks 5 days, about the size of a kumquat

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    This week my morning sickness got worse. I have actually thrown up a few times and my level of tiredness increased dramatically. All I wanna do is sleep.

    Rants? Raves? Questions
    I know it's because they care but people in my office are starting to treat me with kid gloves. The team I work with knows since they see me taking my blood sugar so frequently (gestational diabetes) and I had a lot of appointments in the beginning. One guy keeps track of everything I am eating & drinking and the other guys won't let me carry anything. It's a good problem to have but I think I'm just cranky from being tired all the time and denied sweets.

    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    Food Network, I wish they put it on Netflix so I could binge watch shows.

    @soehlerk - I feel the same way you do. I have decreased interest and the last time we tried I started bleeding a lot. I freaked out and called the doctor's office but they believe it was just my cervix being irritated. 

  • Options
    How far along are you? How big is baby?
    7w/3D- Blueberry! 

    How are you feeling? Mentally/physically? Any new symptoms?
    I feel like time is crawling! Sore boobs and heartburn. I’ve been having morning sickness in the late afternoon/evening, but haven’t actually thrown up yet. I’m finding I hard to get through the teaching day!

    Rants? Raves? Questions
    Who has gone to a private ultrasound place? Anyone considering it? Seems like a long time before seeing baby again.
    GTKY: What is your guilty pleasure?
    trash TV- real housewives series!
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    rmg85rmg85 member
    @serabjorn - This particular co-worker always claims to have a 6th sense for pregnant women and makes it about him by priding being able to sniff pregnancy out. My boss later told me she was actually trying to put him in his place when she asked me in front of him. She felt super bad after when I told her later that I had felt pressured. I was still super choked about it.

     I plan to have a convo with said co worker at some point once it's all out in the open to reflect that it's actually not his story to tell and that he put me in a super awkward position
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