My LO is almost two months old and never lactched very well so I started just pumping when he was about three weeks old, but I feel like my supply is going up at all and I’m not pumping enough. Please help, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
My LO is almost two months old and never lactched very well so I started just pumping when he was about three weeks old, but I feel like my supply is going up at all and I’m not pumping enough. Please help, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
The more often you pump the more milk your body should make. Maybe try some power pumping sessions or speak to a LC or LLL group
DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
I would suggest pumping more. Compared to a baby, pumps are a very inefficient way of removing milk from the body, so you may need to do more sessions.
Are you eating any lactation-aiding supplements or foods? Look up lactation cookies or galactagogues. Oatmeal and fenugreek (a supplement) are two things that can help supply. Make sure you're eating enough in general as well. Also, and most importantly, drink LOTS AND LOTS of water. A good guideline for adults is half your body weight in ounces per day (so if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink 70 ounces of water per day). Consider upping even that. It may seem like a lot. I started drinking half my weight in ounces while I was pregnant, and it was hard! I at first felt like I was drowning and I'd get to the end of the day having only drunk less than half of that amount and couldn't imagine drinking that much! But, as I tried daily, my body got used to it. It took a couple weeks to work up to the full amount, but then it felt good to drink that much a day.
@lovesclimbing I was going to suggest water. I ep for 10 months with my first and could always tell when I wasn't getting enough water. Some times it would be 4 oz less per session if I wasn't drinking enough. Also if you recently went back to work it can take a few weeks for your body to get back to normal.
Re: Strictly pumping
Are you eating any lactation-aiding supplements or foods? Look up lactation cookies or galactagogues. Oatmeal and fenugreek (a supplement) are two things that can help supply. Make sure you're eating enough in general as well. Also, and most importantly, drink LOTS AND LOTS of water. A good guideline for adults is half your body weight in ounces per day (so if you weigh 140 pounds, you should drink 70 ounces of water per day). Consider upping even that. It may seem like a lot. I started drinking half my weight in ounces while I was pregnant, and it was hard! I at first felt like I was drowning and I'd get to the end of the day having only drunk less than half of that amount and couldn't imagine drinking that much! But, as I tried daily, my body got used to it. It took a couple weeks to work up to the full amount, but then it felt good to drink that much a day.
Also if you recently went back to work it can take a few weeks for your body to get back to normal.