Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Progesterone miscarriage

Last weekend was a nightmare for me...I went on a business trip alone at 8 weeks pregnant and came home after miscarrying. 
This is my first pregnancy and I thought things were meant to be. We found out on my birthday weekend, our due date was going to be Halloween (which is DH and I’s favorite holiday and it’s our anniversary month) and then of COURSE I had to miscarry while I was supposed to be on an amazing business trip, which ruined everything. I’m just really angry because I feel like I should have known something was wrong. I never had ANY symptoms from the start, other than missing my period. No cravings, no nausea, no sore breasts. I know they say it can happen that way, but something just felt weird the whole time. 
After I miscarried I researched a lot. I read about how if you low progesterone it can hinder your pregnancy and you don’t get symptoms. My mom said my aunt had the same issue and she miscarried TWICE before they put her on progesterone and she finally had a healthy pregnancy. When I went to the doctor, we brought it up and he said it was a “controversial issue” and that it was probably a chromosomal abnormality. Which I’m no doctor but another thing that is caused from low progesterone is miscarrying while there is still a heartbeat (which I did). I’m just so frustrated and I feel like the doctor won’t listen, but I also feel like I have to trust the doctor because obviously they know more than I do. Has anyone else questioned this? I just can’t help but feel sad and angry at this whole situation. 

Re: Progesterone miscarriage

  • I’m so sorry for your loss.  I have had 3 MCs and with all 3 I had all the normal pregnancy symptoms and MC happened. With my 2nd and 3rd, I was put on progesterone suppositories a couple days after I ovulated and continued on them until I MC so they didn’t help or prevent anything.  I know our last MC was chromosomal abnormality so it def would not have helped. I guess my point is that with MC there is no normal and it so hard to pinpoint exactly what was the cause or if something could have prevented it. If you are 2nd guessing your dr it might be worth speaking to another doctor for another opinion. Also it might be good to have some bloodwork and testing done. Again I’m sorry for your loss. Take time to heal physically and emotionally. This is tough process 
  • I am sorry for your loss. It's never easy but I am sorry you had to go through it while away from home.

    I will echo what @Mack2342 has said re your doc. You can definitely get a second opinion if it helps you put your mind at ease. But there are so many reasons and majority of them are not going to be "correctable".

    I hope that you and your H heal and go on to have a successful pregnancy when your ready.
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  • I am sorry this is happening to you, and your anger is both understandable and normal. 

    Since MC is so common, most doctors won't treat until you've had more than one, and honestly, it would be almost impossible to diagnose a single miscarriage at 8 weeks, family history or not.

    It took 15 losses for me to get a diagnosis, and even then, it's shaky at best. 

    The difficult part of trying to determine loss due to low progesterone is that the low progesterone could cause the miscarriage, or it could be because of the miscarriage, with the actual cause ranging from chromosomal abnormalities to implantation issues to blood clotting disorders.

    So I understand why you are frustrated, and it would be so much easier if we could immediately find a "why" to explain because it would help us to move forward with confidence, but unfortunately it isn't that simple, and progesterone, if not very carefully managed, can hinder ovulation.

    On the upside, however, recurrent loss is rare. The odds of your next pregnancy not resulting in loss are high and generally in your favor. I wish you luck, and the ladies on this page will be around if you need us. 
  • Thank you ladies ❤️
  • catmomma223 Sorry for your loss. It is so frustrating and upsetting to have a MC. The previous ladies are correct, MC is way more common than most realize. Also, doctor's won't test you until after you've had 2 or more MC. I've had 4 MC and all the tests, and nothing has shown up, and I've specifically had a progesterone test. 50-75% of recurrent pregnancy loss sufferers NEVER find out what causes their MCs. I know you're upset and you want answers because of all the pain you're in, and that's perfectly understandable. Honestly though, I've been here for over 2 1/2 years and the majority of women have their MC, and within 2-8 months most of them are gone with a healthy PG and rainbow baby. Some do have a CP before they get their sticky bean. But those of us who have been here long term with loss after loss, we're actually the exception and not the rule.

    MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
    MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
    MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
    RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
    MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
    RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
    MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)

    RE #3: More testing 2023. 
    Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
    Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
    Lupron Depo March 2024.  Benched 3 months.

    FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)

    Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.

    FET #2: September 2024 (failed)

    FET #3: December 2024 (failed)


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