I have no idea when my last period was so I’m wondering what my levels could mean... what was your hcg at first blood draw?
Me: 35, elevated FSH 10.9, DH: 32, low morph & motility
After 2 years and 29 cycles, success au natural!
Rylee Jane 9/8/07
TTC #2 since March 2008 Cycle #WHO KNOWS!!
April 2011 150mg Clomid + HCG + progesterone, 3 follies = BFN
May 2011 150mg Clomid + none of the fancy stuff, 3 follies = BFP 6/13/11!! Beta #1 @ 4wks,1day = 95.9 Beta #2 @ 4ks,3days = 298.7, progesterone 164.9 After 3 years & 3 months another answered prayer
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Re: What were your levels at first blood draw?
No Folic acid/pharmaceuticals/supplements (too many to list- private message me if interested), IVIL infusion